
"* Yo, Dalv is opening the door to#  Snowdin!"
"* It's been so long!"
"* I know what my first#  stop will be. "
"* Dump, here I come! "

"* Do you watch anime? "
"* I HIGHLY recommend it!"
"* I mean some of it is#  total garbage... "
"* But most of it is SOOO good!"

"* Maybe we could watch some#  together!"

"* This new \"not hiding\" thing#  will take some getting used#  to. "
"* I wonder what kind of#  adventures I can go on#  now."

"* I could go out and solve#  the secrets of the entire#  Underground!"
"* Meet every monster, brave#  every danger, see everything#  I can!"
"* Maybe I'll even find#  a way back to the Surface!#* You never know!"
"* Anyone can be a hero.#* Maybe you could be one#  too!"

"* You might wanna get a#  new hat. That one is#  looking a bit worn."

"* Oh hey! I was just thinking..."
"* I really have to show you#  this house I'm checking out!"
"* It's on a beach just#  outside of the Ruins. "
"* Hey, what's with that look?#* I'm following your advice#  and being myself. "
"* I'll just be myself in#  a really cool beach house! "

"* You gotta get out and#  live a little once in#  a while. "
"* If you stay in one place#  too long it feels like things#  start to loop. "
"* It can drive you a little#  crazy. "

"* I'm totally gonna learn all#  the hip dance moves out there!"

"* Now I can fulfill my dreams#  of opening a free hugs#  booth!"
"* I'll get to see everyone's#  smiling faces! "

"* Watch out Dalv! You're#  well overdue for a big#  hug! "
"* Everyone needs a good hug#  now and then! "
"* Especially big mopey mopes#  like Dalv! "

"* If you ever turn into a#  big mopey mope like Dalv#  call my new business!"
"* Sweet Corn's Perennial Hugs!"
"* No really! Give me your#  phone and I'll give#  you the number!"

"* Hugs make the world#  go 'round!"

"* Wow, I can go wherever I want#  now? I was tired of hiding#  from Dalv! "
"* You can only draw so many#  landscapes of tiny cracks and#  good hiding rocks! "

"* I finally got to see the big#  drawing of a sweet corn cob#  I made!"
"* I can't believe Dalv hung#  it up!"
"* I know he loves his corn#  but I can't believe he#  liked my art that much!"
"* I also can't believe we've been#  friends for so long and I only#  just got to see his house!"

"* I've always considered Dalv#  and me to be friends. "
"* He just likes to not#  be bothered sometimes. "
"* I get that. Sometimes I just#  want to be alone to do#  my art! "
"* I mean, if we weren't friends,#  I wouldn't go out of my way#  so much to give him his space! "

"* I just can't wait to sketch#  the outside!"

"* Oh, are you hiding from#  Dalv too?"
"* There isn't much room but#  you're welcome to join me!"
"* I know lots of games#  to kill time!"
"* How about we play count#  the dust!"
"* We see who can count#  the most dust before#  getting bored!"
"* Ready? Go!"
"* Thirty-three, thirty-four,#  thirty-five..."
"* Seventy-eight, seventy-nine..."
"* ACHOO!"
"* Oh dear... I lost#  count..."
"* I guess you win then!"

"* Is it dusty in here#  or is it just me?"

"* Are you ready to leave?"
"* Leave Dalv's house?"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* If that's what you want,#  I'll lead the way."
ch[2] = "No"
"* Alright, take as long as#  you like."

"* I hope I'm being a good#  host!"