

"* Hello? Clover? Are you okay?"
"* Ohno-ohno-ohno!"
"* You stay right there! I'll go#  get help!"

"* Howdy, Clover!"
"* What a day this has#  been."
"* Thanks to that guard,#  we're totally off#  course!"
"* It looks like she#  ditched you as well."
"* I guess it can't be#  helped now."
"* What's important is that#  you're alive!"
"* There's gotta be#  another route to#  ASGORE's Castle here."
"* Tough it out for now#  and we'll see where#  this new path takes us."
"* A little excitement#  never hurt anyone!"
"* Well... except you. Let#  me heal you up."

"* Howdy, Clover!"
"* Sorry about all this."
"* I'm usually pretty good#  at judging where to go#  next."
"* The raft must've been a#  trap set by that guard."
"* You outsmarted her,#  though! I'm impressed."
"* Even so, you look#  pretty beat up. Let me#  take care of that!"

"* Howdy, Clover!"
"* Sorry about all this."
"* I'm usually pretty good#  at judging where to go#  next."
"* The raft must've been a#  trap set by that guard."
"* Doesn't look like#  she'll be an issue#  anymore, though."
"* You're far away from#  Snowdin now. Out of#  sight, out of mind!"
"* Now we have to find a#  new way to ASGORE's#  Castle."
"* I'll leave you to it#  but before you go, let#  me patch you up."

"* Okay, what is going on?"
"* I've been trying to#  stay positive and#  supportive but..."
"* Seriously?"
"* Why won't you save?"
"* Does that word scare#  you?"
"* It can't hurt you, see?"
"* S - A - V - E. "
"* Hey, you're still#  alive! It's a miracle! "
"* ...No? Okay."
"* I just..."
"* I would hope I've#  proved my#  trustworthiness by now. "
"* But no, it's fine... "
"* Guess you don't#  appreciate me... "
"* Sigh..."
"* ... "
"* Nothing?  "
"* It was worth a shot. "
"* Just know, you're#  running a HUGE risk by#  not saving."

"* Bam!"
"* Guess who it is?"
"* That's right! It's Mo!"
"* Long time no see!"
"* How have ya been? Don't answer#  that, we don't have the time."
"* I'm here to make you a BRAND.#  NEW. OFFER!"
"* A hot climate calls for a hot#  item!"
"* Check it!"
"* Thaaat's right!"
"* I went all out this time. This#  is a real delicacy 'round here!"
"* It's called WATER. Catchy name,#  I know!"
"* Lucky for you, I'm giving out#  free samples!"
"* Want a glass?"
ch[1] = "Yes" ch[2] = "No" "* One moment."
"* If you know your boy Mo, you#  know I planned all of that."
"* Here's my REAL product:#  ICE TEA!"
"* It's like the sequel to water.#  Way better!"
"* Now, I'ma be real with you."
"* The tea doesn't have ice in it#  particularly."
"* It started as a glass of ice,#  but that melted."
"* All I had to do was throw a tea#  bag in there and WAM!"
"* Don't worry! It tastes better#  this way."

"* Bam! Wam! Shang-a-lang!"
"* It's Mo time!"
"* And you know what they say:"
"* There's no time like MO TIME!"
"* Wait..."
"* You're that uh... that human#  from Snowdin."
"* There's some pretty nasty#  rumors going on about you..."
"* But come on! We've all#  committed a few felonies in our#  time, right?"
"* For me, a pinch of petty#  theft, a sprinkle of tax#  fraud... Diet crime!"
"* For you, disturbing the peace,#  battery, several...#  homicides..."
"* Who's got proof, right?#  Gossip's gotta gossip!"
"* ..."
"* So, you're probably thinkin'#  “What's this handsome cat#  selling???”"
"* First of all, I ain't a cat#  but I do appreciate the#  compliment!"
"* I had this whole spiel about#  “Water” but, hey, for my best#  customer?"
"* I'll skip RIGHT to the premium#  inventory!"
"* Check it!"
"* Ice Tea, baby!"
"* It's like the sequel to water!"
"* So..."
"* This is the part where you#  spend the G that may or may not#  belong to you!"
"* Hey, I ain't here to judge,#  I'm here to live!"

"* That Mo is an odd one. "
"* I woulda talked to him#  but I don't know how...#  legal his business is."
"* Our conversation#  could've turned very#  awkward, very fast."

East Mines/Oasis Valley

"* Howdy!"
"* Gee, wouldja look at#  that... "
"* I can almost see the#  King's Castle from here!"
"* Heh, ASGORE..."
"* Monsters shower him#  with praise but it's#  totally overblown."
"* See, he's what they#  call a 'Boss Monster'."
"* Means he has special#  traits; more power than#  others..."
"* When you take him down,#  his SOUL will stay#  intact."
"* But only for a moment#  before... BOOM! You win."
"* I've heard the guy's#  immortal too. Can't age#  a second!"
"* At least, not anymore. "
"* Wild, huh?"
"* Boss Monsters know how#  to cling to life, that's#  for sure."
"* Hey, don't let all that#  info scare ya!"
"* Immortal doesn't mean#  invincible!"
"* And still, a human SOUL#  is more powerful than a#  Boss Monster SOUL."
"* ASGORE may seem#  intimidating but it's#  all show."
"* Deep down, he's afraid#  of you. A true pushover."
"* Anyway, just thought#  I'd prepare my pal for#  what's to come!"

"* Howdy!"
"* Gee, wouldja look at#  that... "
"* I can almost see the#  King's Castle from here!"
"* Heh, ASGORE..."
"* Monsters shower him#  with praise but it's#  totally overblown."
"* See, he's what they#  call a 'Boss Monster'."
"* Means he has special#  traits; more power than#  others..."
"* When you inevitably#  kill him, his SOUL will#  stay intact."
"* But only for a moment#  before... BOOM! It's#  gone forever."
"* I'll let you in on a#  little secret though..."
"* In that short window of#  time, you can reach out#  and take his SOUL."
"* With its power, you'll#  be able to cross the#  barrier and return home."
"* Your back turned on the#  Underground, your duty#  fulfilled."
"* Doesn't that sound#  nice?"
ch[1] = "..."
"* Yes? No?"
"* Come on, gimme#  something! "
"* ..."
"* Fine."
"* You're becoming harder#  and harder to read, you#  know that? "
"* A little too “broody”#  for my taste too."
"* Sigh..."
"* Just keep your eyes on#  the Castle, okay?"
"* Okay."

"* ..."

"* Halt!"
"* I, El Bailador, have tasked#  myself with confrontation!"
"* The air is much too quiet!#  Much too dreary!"
"* You make no noise when you#  move!"
"* If I did not know any better,#  I might have mistaken you for#  a Sentinel of Silence!"
"* No no... this will not do!"
"* You must prove to me that you#  have what it takes!"
"* What it takes to live a life#  of richness!"
"* I challenge you... to DANCE!"

"* Halt!"
"* I, El Bailador, have tasked#  myself with confrontation!"
"* The air is much too quiet!#  Much too dreary!"
"* You make no noise when you#  move!"
"* And your eyes - they tell a#  woeful tale!"
"* No no... this will not do!"
"* We must liven up this dismal#  atmosphere!"
"* It is time... to DANCE!"

"* To truly find oneself,#  they must ignite a#  passion within!"
"* Let us duel!"

"* Huff... huff..."
"* You have proven your passion,#  little one!"
"* I apologize if the dance was#  strenuous on your health!"
"* Sometimes having fun means a#  few doctor's visits!"
"* However, it seems that you do#  not love dance as much as I."
"* Perhaps you find happiness#  through other means?"
"* I have never considered that#  for quiet monsters such as#  you."
"* Ah, well, I at least hope#  your day has been brightened!"
"* I wish you a fulfilling#  journey!"
"* Farewell!"

"* ..."
"* Ahem."
"* This is rather awkward..."
"* ..."
"* I am inclined to make my exit."
"* Farewell."

"* Howdy!"
"* Gee, looks like we're#  getting close to an#  exit from this place."
"* Aside from those mines,#  time has been pretty#  friendly to us."
"* Should be a simple#  journey from here on#  ou-  "
"* Clover?"
"* Great."
"* Clover!"
"* You're alive! You're#  here!"
"* You're... here..."
"* They trust me to be a#  Royal Guard and I left#  a child for dead!!"
"* Like, what is wrong#  with me?????"
ch[1] = "It's OK" ch[2] = "Calm down" "* The crash just happened#  so fast."
"* When I saw what had#  happened to you, I#  panicked!"
"* I flew over the sandy#  landscape and found#  this town."
"* I soon realized that I#  couldn't risk getting#  other monsters involved."
"* They might've#  questioned me and I#  cannot keep secrets!"
"* They could've turned us#  in to the more sinister#  Royal Guards!"
"* So I uh..."
"* Sat by a cactus for an#  hour, thinking of what#  a piece of garbage I am."
"* I then got the courage#  to travel back to you#  and apologize but..."
"* Here you were."
"* So... I'm deeply sorry!"
ch[1] = "Forgive" ch[2] = "..." "* Anyway, we should move#  on."
"* I decided that I won't#  leave your side now!"
"* I'll follow wherever#  you lead!"
"* You just endured some#  crazy Underground#  shenanigans, though."
"* I'd understand if you#  need to rest for a bit."
"* If you wanna hang#  around, that's great!"
"* I didn't get to#  sightsee at all on the#  way over here."
"* Well then, friend.#  Shall we be off?"
"* Howdy! "
"* Gee, looks like we're#  getting close to an exit#  from this place. "
"* Aside from those mines,#  time has been pretty#  friendly to us. "
"* Should be a simple#  journey from here on ou-"
"* Hey! Human!"
"* Really?"
"* Don't attack me, I can#  explain why I'm here!"
"* I said I would find you#  again, didn't I?"
"* Well, after our#  encounter, I spotted you#  stealing Ava... My raft."
"* BUT, I won't hold it#  against you."
"* I'm sure you didn't#  mean to wreck her."
"* I attacked you, you#  destroyed something I#  love, even steven!"
"* Anyway, I followed the#  river and ended up here."
"* I know I came off as a#  murderous Royal Guard#  but I'm honestly not!"
"* I have to follow my#  guidebook when dealing#  with humans and stuff..."
"* Oh! Right! I really#  dislike calling you#  \"human\"."
"* What's your actual#  name?"
ch[1] = "It's Clover"
 "* What a unique name! I#  love it!"
"* So, Clover, this is a#  big favor, but I would#  like to help you."
"* I kinda let you escape#  in Snowdin so... I'm in#  too deep."
"* I'm sure I could pull#  my weight! I'll even let#  you lead! "
"* I won't leave your side#  to ensure your safety!"
"* Please?"
ch[1] = "Okay" ch[2] = "Uh..." "* This will be super fun!"
"* So... shall we be off?"
"* Howdy! "
"* Gee, looks like we're#  getting close to an exit#  from this place. "
"* Aside from those mines,#  time has been pretty#  friendly to us. "
"* Should be a simple#  journey from here on ou-"
"* There you are!"
"* You gotta be kidding#  me."
"* How are you holding#  up? "
"* ... "
"* Look, I can't forgive#  you for what you did.#  Not yet. "
"* I sense goodness in you#  though. A want to#  correct your mistakes. "
"* You were only defending#  yourself back there,#  right? "
"* ... "
"* Well, wallowing in the#  past won't do any good. "
"* I want to help you. I#  believe in you."
"* ...I also let you#  escape in Snowdin so...#  I'm in too deep."
"* What do you say?"
ch[1] = "Okay" ch[2] = "..." "* Let's turn over a new#  leaf, okay?"
"* Lead the way."
ch[1] = "Okay" (unused)
ch[2] = "Uh..." (unused)

"* There you are!"
"* I shouldn't have fled#  like I did... "
"* You kept going. Kept#  destroying lives. "
"* This isn't self defense#  like I once assumed. "
"* You're on a mission. "
"* But..."
"* This warped sense of#  justice... It won't#  bring them back. "
"* I have reservations#  about the King's#  business just like you. "
"* But you don't have the#  context of those#  actions. "
"* I know... You want to#  believe the best of#  others. "
"* That the fallen humans#  were fully pacifistic#  and didn't initiate       "
"* T-The Royal Guard are#  searching for you, let#  me make that clear."
"* You're lucky I'm the#  one who found you. So#  please listen!"
"* I've spent my life in#  skepticism."
"* Longing for eventual#  peace between our kinds."
"* If you can believe it,#  I see goodness in you. "
"* Somehow, I still have#  hope you can turn it#  around."
"* I can't apprehend you#  on my own, I already#  tried that..."
"* So please... stop this.#  Us monsters don't#  deserve      "
"* W-wait!"
"* Just listen! "
"* I-I didn't want it to#  come to this but... "
"* I have to go. "
"* You won't get away with#  this, Clover."


"SCORE: " + string(arcade_score)

"* It's awfully quiet...#  let's be cautious." (Martlet, unused)

Wild East

"* Huh? Hang on, I think#  someone's coming this#  way."
"* Guys! Looky here!"
"* Someone new has stumbled#  into our humble town."
"* This better not be#  another joke..."
"* For once, don't look#  like it is."
"* Hiya, strangers!"
"* Oh, hello!"
"* We're just passing#  through."
"* We mean no harm, I#  promise."
"* That's what the last#  guy said."
"* Let's just say he's one#  with the wind now..."
"* O-oh my gosh... You..."
"* I'm just kiddin' around."
"* You were shakin' in#  your boots for a second!"
"* Heheh... heh... you sure#  got me!"
"* That wasn't very funny,#  Edward."
"* I can assure you we are#  a delight to be around."
"* Nothing you can't#  handle I'm sure."
"* I..."
"* Ugh..."
"* Why do you two insist#  on scaring away every#  monster you meet?"
"* At least Mooch never#  oversteps her bounds."
"* Never!"
"* Um, well, it was a#  pleasure to meet you#  four but..."
"* We'll be going#  now-   "
"* Hold it right there, missy."
"* Are my pals givin' you#  trouble?"
"* Come now..."
"* That ain't a way to#  treat guests, now is it?"
"* The name's North Star.#  I run this town."
"* Not alone, of course."
"* These fine monsters are#  my posse."
"* Together, we are..."
"* Our name stands for:"
"* Fearlessness!"
"* Excellence!"
"* Intuition!"
"* Sneakiness!"
"* Toughness!"
"* Youthfulness!"
"* Justice!"
"* ..."
"* The J is silent."
"* Anyway,"
"* Now that we're#  introduced..."
"* I'd be glad to give you#  and yer buddy a tour-"
"* Hold on..."
"* Yer buddy..."
"* Are they a... HUMAN?"
"* Um..."
"* Well... I won't say no?"
"* I knew it!"
"* There ain't no doubt in#  my mind!"
"* That this kid is a real,#  living, authentic human!"
"* Sorry 'bout this."
"* I gotta seize this#  once-in-a-lifetime#  opportunity!"
"* Ed, fetch me that kid."
"* Sure thing."
"* Wait! What are you doing#  with Clover!"
"* Ah, Clover, is it?#  That's a mighty fine#  name!"
"* To answer yer question,#  Feathers, Clover and I#  got a town to run!"
"* Don't \"Feathers\" me!"
"* You're speaking to#  Martlet of the Royal#  Guard!"
"* I can and will report#  you to King ASGORE for#  this abrasive behavior!"
"* Ye're Royal Guard? "
"* That's funny, 'cuz I#  don't see anythin' to#  indicate that."
"* No armor? Weapon? Badge?"
"* I... left it all at#  my post in Snowdin!"
"* Please, don't bother#  trying to fool#  us."
"* He's right."
"* I am truly sorry 'bout#  this, I really am."
"* But business is#  business."
"* Together, we'll be the#  Feisty SIX!"
"* The alliteration..."
"* Shh."
"* Tsk!"
"* Clover! I can't go up#  against these guys."
"* Don't worry! I'll figure#  this out!"
"* Star, should we be doing#  this?"
"* Poor Martlet is upset."
"* Don't be a buzzkill,#  Moray."
"* When's the last time#  something exciting#  happened around here?"
"* You've got a point."
"* Ahem!"
"* This town's FULL of#  excitement. Especially#  now."
"* Let's go, bud!"
"* Oh, and Feathers..."
"* Welcome to The Wild#  East."

"* Barkeep! "
"* Growlers of icewater#  for the house on the#  Sheriff!"
"* I have an announcement#  to make!"
"* This 'lil' feller 'ere#  is Clover."
"* Hey, Star."
"* What the hell are you#  doing bringing a human#  in here?"
"* (Ceroba shush!)"
"* Now I know what ye're#  all thinkin'."
"* But trust me, Clover#  here ain't no greenhorn!"
"* They know what they're#  doin'. Just look at that#  hat!"
"* Actually, this could be#  fun."
"* Dina! Hit me!"
"* Alright, no more#  hecklin' from the crowd!"
"* Ahem."
"* Ladies and#  gentlemonsters, as#  Ceroba said..."
"* Clover is a HUMAN."
"* Ooooo!"
"* I know, excitin' stuff.#  A real honor!"
"* Now, I would let Clover#  tell y'all all about#  their life..."
"* But I've been#  studyin' up."
"* I'm a bit of a human#  expert if ya didn't#  know."
"* Oh great, here we go."
"* Here we go indeed!"
"* Did ya know that humans#  use monsters fer#  transportation?"
"* Ooooo!"
"* It's true!"
"* Large, four-legged#  monsters!"
"* They put a seat on the#  top of 'em and#  everythin'!"
"* They're called \"horses\",#  Star."
"* Ah, so you know one of#  'em personally? That's#  quite impressive!"
"* ..."
"* Did ya also know that#  humans are FIREPROOF?"
"* When they're feelin'#  accomplished,"
"* They ride monsters#  STRAIGHT into a huge,#  fiery sphere!"
"* So the \"monsters\" burn,#  right?"
"* Most monsters aren't#  fireproof."
"* Star, are you saying my#  friend Horses was killed#  by a fiery sphere?"
"* No! Um, well... I'm not#  quite sure."
"* I'll ask Clover!"
"* Do the monsters die?"
ch[1] = "Yes?" ch[2] = "No?" "* Anyways..."
"* Did ya know tha-"
"* Look, Star, you don't#  need to keep this up."
"* ...Because it's all#  true. Every word."
"* Ha! I knew it!"
"* I'm pretty darn good#  aren't I?"
"* You're the best!"
"* Yeah! The only sheriff fer me!"
"* Haha."
"* Well I reckon we're done#  here."
"* Y'all can go back to yer#  daily lives fer now!"
"* As for you, Clover, it's#  'bout time you see what#  this town has to offer!"
"* I would give ya a#  personal tour but..."
"* If there's one thing you#  have where you come#  from, it's freedom!"
"* Take yer time explorin',#  talk to the townsfolk,#  and enjoy yerself."
"* I'll be waitin' here#  for ya."
"* Give me a shout when#  ye're ready to start#  trainin'!"
"* You there. Human."
"* You okay?"
ch[1] = "Yeah" ch[2] = "Not\nreally"

"* I apologize for Star's#  antics."
"* He's really into human#  culture and whatnot."
"* You show up here and he#  flips out."
"* I mean, it is quite#  unbelievable."
"* A few humans have#  wandered into the#  Underground before but..."
"* They never set foot on#  these sands."
"* All that to say, I'm#  glad you did."
"* My name is Ceroba."
"* I'm a friend of Star's#  but not part of his#  posse."
"* They're a bit too...#  rowdy for my taste."
"* May I ask your name?"
ch[1] = "Clover"
"* Welcome to the#  Underground, Clover."
"* Your attire is#  surprising, I must say."
"* But um... I won't press#  you on the matter."
"* I'm afraid Star is going#  to drag you into his#  activities for a while."
"* You must have places to#  go, correct?"
"* The Castle... the#  barrier. You probably#  want to go home."
"* If I'm being honest, I#  haven't seen Star this#  ecstatic in some time."
"* Maybe you should#  entertain him a bit;#  roll with his punches."
"* I'll see what I can do#  about allowing you to#  leave."
"* I know of a safe path#  to Hotland through#  the..."
"* Ah, I'm getting ahead#  of myself."
"* Talk to you later,#  Clover."
"* It was nice to#  meet you."

"* I apologize for Star's#  antics."
"* He's really into human#  culture and whatnot."
"* You show up here and he#  flips out."
"* I mean, it is quite#  unbelievable."
"* A few humans have#  wandered into the#  Underground before but..."
"* They never set foot on#  these sands."
"* My name is Ceroba."
"* I'm a friend of Star's#  but not part of his#  posse."
"* They're a bit too...#  rowdy for my taste."
"* May I ask your name?"
ch[1] = "Clover"
"* Welcome to the#  Underground, Clover."
"* Your attire is#  surprising, I must say."
"* But um... I won't press#  you on the matter."
"* I'm afraid Star is going#  to drag you into his#  activities for a while."
"* You must have places to#  go, correct?"
"* The Castle... the#  barrier. You probably#  want to go home."
"* If I'm being honest, I#  haven't seen Star this#  ecstatic in some time."
"* Maybe you should#  entertain him a bit;#  roll with his punches."
"* He'll probably allow#  you to leave eventually."
"* Well..."
"* Good luck, Clover."

"* She told me to run."
"* She told me to hide."
"* But nah..."
"* That ain't what a#  dignified sheriff would#  do."
"* You see, I've heard#  you've been up to no#  good."
"* You've been mozyin'#  'round..."
"* ...Terrorizin' the nice#  folk of this underground#  settlement."
"* You're an outlaw."
"* My job..."
"* My job is to bring#  justice upon folks like#  you."
"* Folks who take pleasure#  in disturbin' the peace."
"* Now..."
"* You have a method to#  what yer doin'."
"* You coulda shot me by#  now but ya haven't."
"* Howabout we settle this#  fairly?"
"* A... dual."
"* Fastest to their weapon#  wins."
"* Ten paces."

"* Heh..."
"* I... can't do it."
"* Not for real."
"* I'm... I'm such a#  fraud..."
"* ..."
"* Thanks for letting me#  feel cool for a short#  moment."

"* Star! Everyone's#  evacuated!"
"* Why are you still here?#  I told you to-"
"* !"
"* STARLO!!!"
"* C-Ceroba I..."
"* Nonononono, why didn't#  you listen!?"
"* I almost w... won..."
"* Y-you... did your best."
"* You're the greatest#  s-sheriff in the#  Underground, Starlo."
"* You are."
"* Th... thanks... for#  playing a... along all#  these... years."
"* Now... d... do what's#  right."
"* Deliver... "
"* J-Justice."
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* ..."

string(floor(cardg_g_gained)) + "G won!"
"0G won. Better luck next time!"

"* Alright, everyone! Come# 'ere!"
"* Watcha want, boss?"
"* Oooh, are we going to#  begin training with#  Clover?"
"* Precisely, Moray!"
"* I thought we'd start#  with a classic game that#  involves pacin'."
"* You mean what I see#  you doin' every night#  outside the house?"
"* Back and forth,#  whispering to#  yourself..."
"* What? I don't do that!"
"* Some monsters have#  unique ways of gettin'#  their thoughts out."
"* Other... monsters."
"* ..."
"* Ahem."
"* Can anyone CORRECTLY#  guess what game I'm#  hintin' at?"
"* Oh! Oh! I know!"
"* Yes, Mooch."
"* A DUEL!"
"* Bingo!"
"* No, no. This is all#  wrong."
"* Oh? What's the matter?"
"* Clover doesn't... look#  right."
"* Look at their hat. It's#  tattered and practically#  decomposing."
"* And that iron in their#  holster. What kinda#  peashooter is that?"
"* Cool it, Ace. I'm sure#  they tried their best."
"* No, Ace has a point!"
"* What kinda host am I if#  I don't spoil you with#  gifts?"
"* To the weapon store!"

"* Hehe, of course."
"* Old Blackjack doesn't#  like doin' business#  with me."
"* I often \"borrow\" his#  wares and uh... break or#  lose them."
"* Open up, Blackjack!"
"* Don't make me use force!"
"* I make the law so I can#  legally shoot down your#  doors!"
"* Get off my property, North#  Star!"
"* I told you I wouldn't even sell#  you a gumball!"
"* Aw, come on, partner."
"* I don't even know what#  a \"gumball\" is!"
"* And those last#  transactions were ages#  ago!"
"* I'm a changed monster!"
"* You lost one of my premium#  revolvers last week!"
"* Frolicking in your sandstorm#  and whatnot."
"* Look, I promise this is#  a different scenario,#  Jack."
"* I won't even step#  inside. You can meet me#  out here."
"* ..."
"* Don't worry, Clover.#  He's comin'."
"* Make it speedy."
"* Of cooourse, sir!"
"* I was just gunna ask#  you to sell a gun to#  this child."
"* I worded that poorly,#  hold on!"
"* This ain't a child, you#  see. I was jokin'."
"* They're just a very#  small, but VERY tough#  monster."
"* ..."
"* Sigh..."
"* I'll give ya 400G."
"* Well why didn't you open with#  that, kind patron?"
"* Come inside with me and I'll#  fetch the paperwork."
"* See? I had it under#  control."
"* Wait out here, Clover."
"* Done and done."
"* Can I get a#  yeehaw?"
"* ..."
"* Right. Movin' along."
"* Let's see what you got!"
"* Take this trusty#  six-shooter as a gift#  from me."
"* (You got a Wild Revolver!)"

"* Ya definitely pass this#  part of trainin'!"
"* I gotta go tell Ceroba#  'bout this."
"* She's a big doubter when#  it comes to you."
"* Let's ride on!"

"* Ceroba!"
"* Guess what just#  happened?"
"* You locked up another#  Royal Guard against#  their will?"
"* Hey!"
"* Feathers was a serious#  roadblock to all of#  this."
"* It's only a temporary#  solution."
"* I don't feel right#  doin' it, I swear."
"* I'm just giving you a#  hard time."
"* What did you want to#  tell me?"
"* Oh, well, Clover just#  passed their first#  round o' trainin'."
"* They are quite the#  sharpshooter. Almost as#  good as me!"
"* Really? A child?"
"* Now, now, don't#  disrespect the kid."
"* Clover can hold their#  own and then some."
"* I know, I'm just... very#  impressed."
"* Oh, hey, I almost#  forgot about the hat!"
"* I have a spare#  somewhere in my house."
"* Clover, wait here while#  I fetch it."
"* Maybe while they wait,#  you should get to know#  them, Ceroba."
"* Should be fun, right?"
"* Sure."
"* Sounds good!"
"* Be right back, partner!"
"* ..."
"* Tell me, truly."
"* Are you into all of#  this?"
ch[1] = "Yeah" ch[2] = "Nah" "* This whole thing is#  like a dream to him."
"* It's kinda goofy but#  it is nice to see#  someone so passionate."
"* However, passion can go#  too far."
"* You wouldn't believe#  how much his parents#  talk to me about it."
"* Really kind folks who#  own a farm up north."
"* It's actually very lush#  there, if you can#  believe it."
"* And the corn they grow?#  So good."
"* They used to give my#  husband, Chujin, baskets#  full every other week."
"* ..."
"* Anyway, I trailed off."
"* Where was I?"
"* I'm back!"
"* Turns out I had one#  just your size AND in#  the same color."
"* It's like, destiny or#  somethin'."
"* Here!"
"* (You got a Nice Hat!)"
"* Wow..."
"* I couldn't even tell it#  changed if I were#  standin' from afar."
"* Looks great!"
"* What do you think,#  Ceroba?"
"* It's nice."
"* Isn't it?"
"* Well, I'd say this#  mission was a great#  success!"
"* Go on and take a break,#  Clover."
"* I'll be waitin' for ya!"

"* Group up, everyone!"
"* Gettin' a bit of deja#  vu here."
"* As ya should, buddy."
"* Thanks to Ace's keen#  eye for fashion, we#  took a lil detour."
"* Great job there."
"* Thank you, Star."
"* Clover looks much#  better now."
"* I agree! Clover's#  looking like a real#  wrangler!"
"* For sure!"
"* That new gun is...#  awfully shiny."
"* Had to shake Mr.#  Blackjack down for it."
"* I was real tough, too."
"* Put ol' Jack in his#  place, I did."
"* You coulda' sent me in#  to get it."
"* You know I'm the best#  negotiator."
"* We might bend the rules#  a bit but we ain't#  bandits."
"* Mhm, totally."
"* Let's get to the#  mission already."
"* Right ya are, Ed."
"* What other mission#  would it be than the#  one we skipped before?"
"* Get ready, Clover!"
"* It's time for us to#  dual!"
"* You mean \"duel.\""
"* That's what I said."
"* No, you pronounced it#  with a \"UA\" sound#  instead of a \"OO\" sound."
"* Boss, have you been#  skippin' Cowboy Grammar#  Class?"
"* Dual, duel, who cares?#  Tomato potato and all#  that."
"* Y'all need to quit#  interrupin' me so often."
"* Upsets my frontier zen."
"* Where was I?"
"* Oh yeah, it's time to#  d..."
"* Participate in a#  carefully timed#  shootin' competition."
"* Mooch! Provide Clover#  with the designated#  tool."
"* Here's a BB gun for the#  duel!"
"* I'll uh... take that#  sixshooter off your#  hands for now."
"* Mooooch? Bring the gun#  here."
"* That's what I was gonna#  do, Moray."
"* Get off my back, will#  ya?"
"* Alright. It's finally#  time to go head to hea-"
"* Wait."
"* What is it, Ace?"
"* What could possibly be#  so pressin' to interrupt#  the mission again?"
"* You forgot the safety#  glasses."
"* Gee, boss. You coulda#  hurt Clover."
"* Right..."
"* I take responsibility#  and apologize for the#  oversight."
"* Bring the glasses here."
"* (I want the pair with#  the blue flames.)"
"* (Red flames clash with#  my uniform.)"
"* Here."
"* Now we're in business!"
"* Alllrighty, Clover!"
"* We're gonna take ten#  paces and turn to face#  each other."
"* When you hear the#  \"draw\" sound..."
"* Grab yer gun and shoot#  me as fast as you can!"
"* Here we go!"

"* Whoa, whoa, whoa!"
"* You gotta wait for#  the signal, or it#  ain't fair!"
"* Let's try one more time!"

"* Awww, too bad!"
"* Let's try one more time!"

"* Ah... Clover got me..."
"* Star! Star! Are you#  okay?"
"* Pretty much... the#  opposite of that..."
"* Oh, Star... I'm so#  sorry..."
"* Who... who will you#  give your inheritance#  to?"
"* Not... you..."
"* Heck."
"* Clover... this was...#  your..."
"* Emotional trauma test!"
"* This job ain't all#  swealterstones and#  rainbows, ya understand?"
"* Ya might end up hurtin'#  someone and must carry#  that weight on yer back."
"* Hope I didn't scar ya!"
"* Anyway, you pass!"
"* I'll be waitin' in the#  Saloon again when ye're#  ready for mission three!"
"* I'm seein' good things#  in ya, kid!"
"* Here's your iron. Also,#  I'll be needing those#  glasses."

"* You know the drill,#  team!"
"* Ain't no time to be#  lazin' 'round."
"* Uh, hellooo?"
"* Where is everyone?"
"* Sorry 'bout this,#  Clover. They should be#  here any second no-   "
"* Star, what is happening#  on the west end of town?"
"* Would you care to#  explain?"
"* WHAT???"
"* Is anyone in danger???"
"* Well... no probably not-"
"* THEY ARE????"
"* By George! This must be#  an attack from Vengeful#  Virgil!"
"* Vengeful... Virgil?"
"* Who is that?"
"* Ceroba, come on!"
"* We drew his wanted#  poster last month!"
"* It's on the news#  board..."
"* You helped me find the#  thumb tacks and#  everythin'..."
"* Um..."
"* Oh yeah!"
"* Well, you better go#  stop him then!"
"* What are you waiting#  for?"
"* That's the spirit!"
"* Let's put a stop to#  this, Clover!"
"* Huh."
"* You sure you saw#  somethin' troublin'#  here?"
"* Look down."
"* GASP!"
"* Hey! I did not sign up#  for this!"
"* Get me out of here!"
"* Ed! Keep it down! I#  need to focus!"
"* How in the heck will I#  solve this colossal#  conundrum?"
"* Just untie them."
"* And risk being tricked#  into a booby trap?"
"* Touching those ropes is#  exactly what Virgil#  wants!"
"* ...What?"
"* This is scary, Star!"
"* I'm afraid you must#  choose which track the#  train travels on!"
"* Yeah! Choose Ed!"
"* Mooch, you are dead to#  me."
"* Unless Star chooses you#  instead."
"* ...That's cold."
"* This is all too#  overwhelmin'! I can't#  do it!"
"* Then have Clover choose."
"* Of course!"
"* Clover don't have no#  emotional attachment to#  y'all!"
"* Should be simple!"
"* Don't you think this is#  a bit much?"
"* Nah, it's easy!"
"* Choose to leave the#  track as is..."
"* It won't be yer fault#  but many monsters get#  hit."
"* Choose to change the#  track..."
"* It'll be by yer hand#  but only Ed gets hit."
"* Not as much of a#  sacrifice."
"* What did I do to#  deserve this?"
"* We're out of time!"
"* If only we coulda#  untied everyone!"
"* If only."
"* You gotta choose now,#  Clover!"

"* Ouch!"
"* You owe me for this."
"* Clover... I thought we#  were friends."
"* Eh, I'm okay with it."
"* Ha! Clover likes me#  more!"
"* Now, now."
"* This decision was a#  tough'n."
"* Having the casualty be#  on your hands is a lot#  to handle, mentally."
"* There's a lot more to#  it than that, Star."
"* This is a deep scenario#  that requires a lot of#  thinking."
"* We don't have time fer#  thinkin'!"
"* This was a test of#  judgment and Clover#  passed!"
"* Passed? How exactly?"
"* Aah, quit bein' so#  technical 'bout#  everythin', Moray."
"* Clover saved Ed.#  That's... pretty good."
"* I can't tell if that#  was an insult."
"* Anywho. I'll see ya at#  the usual spot, kid."
"* Come to me when ye're#  ready for the final#  mission!"

"* Oof!"
"* Clover! How could you!?"
"* Is this about me#  carrying ya earlier?#  Did I hurt ya?"
"* Now, now!"
"* In defense of Clover,#  they just saved many#  lives."
"* I guess that's true..."
"* Clover proved that they#  were willing to#  sacrifice to be a hero."
"* Quite noble, don'tcha#  think, Ceroba?"
"* There's a lot of layers#  to this scenario."
"* I believe it's more of#  a gray are-  "
"* Quite noble indeed."
"* This was a test of yer#  judgment."
"* I'd say you passed,#  buddy!"
"* I'll be in the usual#  spot for yer final task!"

"* Sigh..."
"* See you around."
"* Hey! Is anyone gonna#  untie us?"

"* Final call!"
"* Get on over here!"
"* Are y'all ready?"
"* Actually, there's#  something we wanted to#  talk about."
"* Yea. 'Bout the general#  work environment."
"* Maybe later. Let's keep#  movin'!"
"* ..."
"* So Clover! I actually#  tricked ya."
"* There is no fourth#  mission!"
"* Well, there used to be#  but we cut it out of#  the regiment."
"* You are now the proud#  deputy of this fine#  town!"
"* Wait! Deputy???"
"* I thought this was for#  a normal spot on the#  team!"
"* Clover is too special#  and skilled for a#  normal spot!"
"* Star, this is hardly#  fair."
"* Life ain't always fair#  in the Wild East, bucko!"
"* They passed their#  trainin' like anyone#  else."
"* That was trainin'?"
"* We barely did anything!"
"* That last mission#  especially was awful!"
"* Calm down, will ya?"
"* Ye're killin' my good#  mood!"
"* I have to run to the#  Mines to get Clover's#  badge made."
"* I was too busy with#  everythin' that it#  slipped my mind."
"* You five have fun!"
"* I'll be riiiight back!"
"* This is just peachy.#  You gettin' this#  attention n' all."
"* How come you waltz in#  here and Star instantly#  makes ya deputy?"
"* We didn't get this kind#  of treatment."
"* We had to go through#  weeks of lasso lessons.#  Lassons for short."
"* For me to become part#  of the team..."
"* Star made me walk#  around with a snake in#  my boot for a week!"
"* ...It was rubber but#  the rashes it gave me#  were unbearable!"
"* Yeah and he made me#  pickpocket monsters by#  the Oasis!"
"* Star didn't make you do#  that."
"* :)"
"* Ya know what? This#  ain't fair to any of us."
"* Clover needs a#  challenge."
"* We need to see if#  they're truly worthy of#  joining our squad!"
"* Finally, some REAL#  excitement!"
"* Feisty Four! Here we#  come!"

"* What in the actual#  goshdarn tarnation is#  happenin' here?"
"* We felt yer trainin'#  was lackluster..."
"* ...So we gave Clover#  a real challenge."
"* I'm disappointed in you#  four!"
"* Eight weeks of lassons#  for this?"
"* I oughta lock you away#  with Feathers!"
"* Star, what's going on?"
"* You've been... different."
"* A real meanie!"
"* It's true. This hasn't#  been any fun."
"* W-what are y'all#  blabbering about?"
"* This is the most alive#  this town has ever been!"
"* Why's everythin' hav'ta#  be a spectacle, huh?"
"* I miss the old North#  Star; the fearless#  leader!"
"* The monster who could#  make their own fun in#  the little things!"
"* This new Star is#  selfish and reckless."
"* Or should I call you by#  yer real name?"
"* Should I? Starlo?"
"* Why you..."
"* What's with all the#  shouting?"
"* What's happening?"
"* It seems my posse don't#  RESPECT me no more!"
"* It's not that."
"* We just want you to#  take it down a notch."
"* You can't just throw us#  around for this human#  business."
"* That isn't what friends#  do, Star."
"* ..."
"* I know what all this is#  about..."
"* Y'all are just FULL of#  envy! Overflowin' with#  it! "
"* Clover's shot circles#  'round you and you just#  can't accept it!"
"* Clover has nothing to#  do with this...#  It's you."
"* No, Star's totally#  right!"
"* Clover's \"super#  skilled\" at everythin'!"
"* In fact, I think they#  could carry the whole#  squad on their own!"
"* Who needs us when you#  got a powerhouse#  \"deputy\"?"
"* What'r you sayin'?"
"* I'm sayin' that I'm#  done."
"* I resign from the#  Feisty Five, okay?"
"* Really now?"
"* It'll still be the#  Feisty Five without ya#  so go ahead."
"* I-I'm leaving too."
"* I don't wanna work#  under a big-headed#  sheriff."
"* Seems like life dealt#  you a bad hand, Star."
"* I'm following them."
"* Sorry, Star..."
"* Please work on yourself."
"* Forgiveness is only one#  apology away."
"* Fine! I was considerin'#  firin' y'all anyway!"
"* Ceroba, you understand,#  right?"
"* They're bein'#  ridiculous!"
"* Starlo..."
"* They're right."
"* You HAVE changed a lot#  from the monster I once#  knew."
"* I tried to brush it off#  as you having fun at#  first but..."
"* This Wild East thing#  has damaged your#  personality."
"* I want to see the real#  Starlo."
"* ..."
"* That's North Star to#  you."
"* ..."
"* Well..."
"* Everyone is gone."
"* I got no posse... No#  friends..."
"* I..."
"* I need to think."
"* I can fix this."

"* Why did this happen?"
"* I did everything in my#  power to entertain..."
"* ...So monsters wouldn't#  have to worry about#  being stuck down here."
"* At every turn I tried to#  cheer Ceroba up..."
"* I just wanted Kanako off#  of her mind."
"* I'm trying my best to#  honor her memory."
"* ?"
"* You..."
"* Why'd you follow me?"
"* Are you still my friend?"
"* ..."
"* Hold on..."
"* This all happened after#  you showed up!"
"* Ed specifically#  mentioned YOU as the#  problem!"
"* That's right! I was just#  bein' a good friend."
"* I made you who you are#  yet this is what I get?"
"* ..."
"* Let's face facts. I#  couldn't keep you here#  forever, kid."
"* Word would've gotten out#  that Feathers hadn't#  clocked in, eventually."
"* Feathers...#  Wait a minute..."
"* Royal Guards like her#  have a ton of status."
"* They gain that status by#  doin' the King's work."
"* I'm sure... I'm sure#  everyone would come back#  if I did the same."
"* I'd be revered not only#  in the Wild East but the#  entire Underground!!"
"* I'd..."
"* ..."
"* Clover, you've been an#  excellent deputy but..."
"* As a lawman, what I'm#  about to do is embedded#  in my SOUL."
"* My true duty."
"* Don't... Don't make this#  difficult for me."
"* Just hold..."
"* STILL!"

"* Who have you become?"
"* Because this sure as#  hell isn't the Starlo#  I grew up with!"
"* Ceroba..."
"* Now's not a good time#  for this."
"* Don't kick me while#  I'm down, please."
"* I'm... I'm sorry, Star."
"* I know this is#  weighing heavily on you#  but listen..."
"* None of us hate you.#  The REAL you."
"* We adore you!"
"* What we hate is this#  false, reckless persona#  you've created."
"* ..."
"* I have my own baggage.#  We all do."
"* I don't even know if I#  have room to say this#  but..."
"* Bring him back."
"* Bring back the#  innocent farmer I once#  knew."
"* I just... wanted to be#  appreciated. Revered by#  all."
"* I was trying to provide#  a slice of the Surface#  where we have none."
"* There's nothing wrong#  with that."
"* I'm not even telling#  you to quit running the#  town."
"* Just don't let this#  identity consume you.#  It isn't healthy."
"* ..."
"* ...Very well."
"* Clover, I'm terribly#  sorry for attacking#  you."
"* I do value your#  friendship and the time#  we've spent together."
"* You have every right#  to make fun but..."
"* This is who I really#  am."
"* I'm not a real#  sheriff... just some#  nobody farmer."
"* Don't say that, Star."
"* You may not be a real#  sheriff but..."
"* You're the best#  sheriff I've ever#  known!"
"* Yeah..."
"* I suppose I am KINDA#  cool."
"* Darn right!"
"* But..."
"* This whole show wasn't#  only for some personal#  power trip."
"* Hm?"
"* I also did it to...#  cheer you up."
"* You might've wanted#  the old me but I also#  wanted the old you."
"* Because of..."
"* ...Kanako..."
"* ..."
"* I... Um... Appreciate#  that, Star."
"* I..."
"* I believe I have#  business to take care#  of relating to her..."
"* What do you mean?"
"* I must tell you#  something."
"* I suppose Clover#  should know as well."
"* As much fun it is to#  have duels and catch#  bandits..."
"* There's a pressing#  matter looming over#  me."
"* ..."
"* Let's go to the old#  Steamworks gate."
"* We'll speak there."
"* Ceroba..."
"* Come on."
"* I guess you're really#  part of the team now,#  Clover."
"* You heard her."
"* Clover! Clover!"
"* So I have good news#  and bad news."
"* I'll start with the#  good:"
"* Turns out, the wife of#  that old friend I told#  you about is here!"
"* Her name is Ceroba!"
"* You... probably met her#  already now that I#  think about it."
"* She broke my cell lock#  with a sick magic staff#  and let me go!"
"* I also made sure she#  knew I wouldn't tell#  ASGORE about this."
"* So now that that's#  taken care of... the bad#  news."
"* I'm about to go back#  on my word, sadly."
"* I know I JUST said I#  wouldn't leave your side#  but then... ya know... "
"* ...This crazy detour#  happened."
"* I also realize I threw#  my job to the wind to#  travel with you but..."
"* Since the imprisonment#  took up so much time, I#  have to go back."
"* If I don't at LEAST#  clock in..."
"* ...the Royal Guard#  will grow suspicious!"
"* Plus, Ava is totalled.#  It was their property."
"* I'll only be gone for#  a moment to fix my#  mistakes!"
"* Ceroba encouraged this#  decision, so don't#  worry. "
"* She told me she would#  accompany you on the#  journey to Hotland."
"* So hey, it all works#  out!"
"* Again, I'm so-so-so-SO#  sorry about this but#  I'll cya later!"

"* Who have you become?"
"* Because this sure as#  hell isn't the Starlo#  I grew up with!"
"* Ceroba..."
"* Now's not a good time#  for this."
"* Don't kick me while#  I'm down, please."
"* I'm... I'm sorry, Star."
"* I know this is#  weighing heavily on you#  but listen..."
"* None of us hate you.#  The REAL you."
"* We adore you!"
"* What we hate is this#  false, reckless persona#  you've created."
"* ..."
"* I have my own baggage.#  We all do."
"* I don't even know if I#  have room to say this#  but..."
"* Bring him back."
"* Bring back the#  innocent farmer I once#  knew."
"* I just... wanted to be#  appreciated. Revered by#  all."
"* I was trying to provide#  a slice of the Surface#  where we have none."
"* There's nothing wrong#  with that."
"* I'm not even telling#  you to quit running the#  town."
"* Just don't let this#  identity consume you.#  It isn't healthy."
"* ..."
"* ...Very well."
"* Clover, I'm terribly#  sorry for attacking#  you."
"* I do value your#  friendship and the time#  we've spent together."
"* You have every right#  to make fun but..."
"* This is who I really#  am."
"* I'm not a real#  sheriff... just some#  nobody farmer."
"* Don't say that, Star."
"* You may not be a real#  sheriff but..."
"* You're certainly the#  best sheriff I'VE ever#  known!"
"* Yeah..."
"* I suppose I am KINDA#  cool."
"* Darn right!"
"* But..."
"* Save it. We have a#  posse to reunite!"
"* Oh yeah! Ed and the#  others deserve an#  apology."
"* I feel really bad for#  hurting them..."
"* I'm sure they'll#  forgive you."
"* I hope so..."
"* ..."
"* Clover, I... wish you#  luck on your journey."
"* I can tell you've#  fought your fair share#  of battles."
"* Your skill is almost...#  intimidating."
"* I had a plan for us to#  travel together but you#  don't need me."
"* After all, I have a#  sheriff on my side."
"* Heh, that's right,#  missy!"
"* Don't push your luck,#  Star."
"* Anyway, just head north#  and you'll find a#  shortcut to Hotland."
"* I..."
"* ...Nevermind."
"* ...You okay?"
"* Me? I'm fine."
"* ..."
"* I uh... had something#  in Oasis Valley to#  attend. I gotta go."
"* Goodbye, Clover."
"* That was strange... but#  it's not your problem. "
"* You need to get a move#  on. "
"* Oh! I almost forgot#  something very#  important! "
"* Here!"
"* (You got the Deputy#  Badge!)"
"* Despite a few hiccups,#  our little adventure was#  a blast."
"* I'll be seein' ya#  around, partner!"
"* I'm so proud!"
"* Clover! Clover!"
"* I just passed Ceroba#  and that North Star#  fella."
"* Did you all patch#  everything up?"
"* -Oh yeah, hi!"
"* So I have good news and#  bad news."
"* I'll start with the#  good:"
"* Ceroba was kind enough#  to free me!"
"* She's an old#  acquaintance of mine so#  it was a nice surprise."
"* She knows I won't tell#  ASGORE about this, so no#  worries!"
"* Now that that's taken#  care of... the bad news."
"* I'm about to go back on#  my word, sadly."
"* I know I JUST said I#  wouldn't leave your side#  but then... ya know...  "
"* ...This crazy detour#  happened."
"* I also realize I threw#  my job to the wind to#  travel with you but..."
"* Since the imprisonment#  took up so much time, I#  have to go back."
"* If I don't at LEAST#  clock in,"
"* the Royal Guard#  will grow suspicious!"
"* Plus, Ava is totalled.#  It was their property."
"* I'll only be gone for a#  moment to fix my#  mistakes!"
"* Trust me, this will#  help you in the long#  run!"
"* And I know you're tough#  enough to handle#  yourself. "
"* I'll send ya a message#  where to meet back up,#  alright?"
"* Again, I'm so-so-SO#  sorry about this but#  I'll cya later!"

"* Hey! Clover!"
"* Have you seen Starlo?"
ch[1] = "No" ch[2] = "I'm sorry" "* I haven't seen him#  anywhere since the#  breakup."
"* That's the most upset#  he's been in quite some#  time. I'm worried."
"* ..."
"* I'll speak to his#  family up ahead, maybe#  they know something."
"* See you later."
"* Clover! Clover!"
"* Was that Ceroba?"
"* I wonder where she's#  off to in such a hurry?"
"* -Oh yeah, hi!"
"* So I have good news and#  bad news."
"* I'll start with the#  good:"
"* Ceroba, an old#  acquaintance of mine,#  freed me!"
"* I can see that you two#  have already met."
"* She knows I won't tell#  ASGORE about this, so no#  worries!"
"* Now that that's taken#  care of... the bad news."
"* I'm about to go back on#  my word, sadly."
"* I know I JUST said I#  wouldn't leave your side#  but then... ya know...  "
"* ...This crazy detour#  happened."
"* I also realize I threw#  my job to the wind to#  travel with you but..."
"* Since the imprisonment#  took up so much time, I#  have to go back."
"* If I don't at LEAST#  clock in,"
"* the Royal Guard#  will grow suspicious!"
"* Plus, Ava is totalled.#  It was their property."
"* I'll only be gone for a#  moment to fix my#  mistakes!"
"* Trust me, this will#  help you in the long#  run!"
"* And I know you're tough#  enough to handle#  yourself. "
"* I'll send ya a message#  where to meet back up,#  alright?"
"* Again, I'm#  so-so-so-SO sorry about#  this but I'll cya later!"


"* So you can't find Starlo#  anywhere?"
"* That isn't like him at all!"
"* I was hoping he was#  here, hiding in his room#  or something. "
"* Now... I have no idea."
"* Maybe he ran away? His empire#  did just crumble beneath him."
"* Where though? The path he took#  only leads to the Steamworks#  gate."
"* Do you think he... jumped the#  fence?"
"* There's no way! He can't do#  that! There's nothin' out#  there!"
"* Was he ever one to stick to#  the rules though? He#  might've..."
"* It's okay, stay calm. We#  haven't exhausted our#  options yet. "
"* I'm sure he'll return#  soon. He's too much of#  a softy at heart."
"* I hope you're right..."

"* Hello again! I have some news!"
"* You now can ship yourself, if#  you so choose!"
"* \"Ship myself? What could that#  mean?\""
"* Transportation, all for free!"
"* If you want to travel, give me#  a call!"
"* We will set to the skies#  without a care at all!"
"* Now I must go but don't be#  nervous..."
"* Just ring the bell for our#  service!"

"* There you are!"
"* I was about to come#  looking for you."
"* So... The Steamworks."
"* May I ask why we are#  here?"
"* Because of this."
"* The mask Kanako made#  for you..."
"* Yes."
"* You see, Clover, Kanako#  is me and Chujin's only#  child."
"* You haven't seen her#  around because she..."
"* Hey, everything will#  be okay."
"* I know how tough you#  are. You can move past#  this, I'm positive."
"* There's no need,#  because she's alive."
"* I feel her presence as#  we speak."
"* The Lab..."
"* Precisely."
"* Clover, you may not#  know this, but there is#  a Lab in Hotland."
"* An inquiry for the#  \"fallen down\" was sent#  out some time ago."
"* I didn't know what#  else to do..."
"* In my time of despair,#  I sent Kanako with them."
"* It's been far too#  long and I haven't#  heard anything."
"* I must travel to the#  Lab to find out where#  my daughter is."
"* I'm proud of you,#  Ceroba. Stepping out and#  taking charge."
"* You've been in a rut#  lately. It was tough#  to watch."
"* ..."
"* S-so, why travel#  through the Steamworks#  particularly?"
"* It's the quickest route#  to Hotland from here."
"* Nothing but abandoned#  rooms as far as I know."
"* I have Chujin's old#  passcodes for any#  locked doors as well."
"* Solid plan."
"* If you need me, I would#  be happy to accompany#  you!"
"* I don't know how ugly#  things at the Lab may#  get."
"* You need to stay here#  and take care of the#  town."
"* ...I believe you owe#  your posse an#  apology."
"* You're right..."
"* I'll take Clover with#  me."
"* They've proven to be#  skilled on several#  fronts."
"* An excellent choice. I#  trust Clover to deliver#  justice out there!"
"* Alright, we've#  discussed enough. Let's#  get moving."
"* I'll see you later,#  Starlo."
"* Whatever happens,#  remember that this is#  for Chujin's legacy."
"* Oh! Clover! Before you#  go, I forgot to give you#  this."
"* (You got the Deputy#  Badge!)"
"* Despite a few hiccups,#  our little adventure was#  a blast."
"* I'll be seein' ya#  around, partner!"
"* I'm so proud!"

"* Golly, ain't this#  dandy? "
"* Everyone you met just#  abandoned you for their#  own interests."
"* Those aren't real#  friends, no way."
"* I'm here for you#  though! Always will be!"
"* Now... let's get outta#  here."
"* ..."
"* I'm not too sure how to#  open this door."
"* Hold on."
"* That's one way of#  opening it!"
"* We can finally leave#  this wasteland behind!"
"* See ya later, Clover!"

"* Howdy!"
"* Regular monsters are#  one thing but..."
"* That fox lady you just#  killed was a piece of#  work, huh?"
"* If you bested her,#  ASGORE doesn't stand a#  chance!"
"* Now..."
"* ..."
"* I'm not too sure how to#  open this door."
"* Hmm..."
"* ..."
"* Uh, sure... That works."
"* See you up ahead,#  Clover!"

Pacifist Endgame

"* Ugh... I'm never#  travelin' via laundry#  chute again!"
"* Ed! You're back!"
"* And Clover too?"
"* I was worried sick#  about you!"
"* Where's Star?"
"* Ceroba ran away so he#  chased after her."
"* Alone!?"
"* Why did you let him do#  that!?"
"* Star knows Ceroba more#  than anyone, Moray."
"* Well... I'm not so sure#  of that anymore."
"* Clover!"
"* Moray messaged me about#  you being in danger..."
"* I dropped what I#  was doing and flew over#  here!"
"* Why'd you get Feathers#  involved, Moray!?"
"* I just thought she#  deserved to know... She#  can help."
"* Thank you for reaching#  out."
"* I heard that you found#  something in Ceroba's#  old house?"
"* What was it?"
"* We didn't have the time#  to look over everythin'#  closely but..."
"* It raised some serious#  concerns."
"* Papers... tapes...#  belonging to Chujin."
"* All way too scientific#  for me."
"* Clover and I can scope#  it out."
"* No way! I was told to#  keep Clover here."
"* There's a potential#  threat to their life!"
"* There's always a#  potential threat to#  their life."
"* If anyone can fix this,#  it's Clover."
"* Fine... Just stay on#  track."
"* I can't have them#  runnin' away or nothin'."
"* You know the way?"
"* I believe so."
"* Okay, we'll meet you#  there."
"* I still have to finish#  explainin' everythin' to#  the group."
"* Until then."
"* Come on, Clover."
"* Hey, before we go, I#  need to apologize."
"* I shouldn't have let#  Ceroba take you."
"* I just... I really#  thought I could trust#  her. We all did."
"* And what I had to take#  care of in Snowdin was#  far too impor..."
"* You know what? Doesn't#  matter anymore."
"* Let's focus on what Ed#  told us."
"* Concerns regarding#  Chujin he said?"
"* Surely it's nothing...#  right? "
"* Chujin was almost like#  a father to me."
"* I don't know where I'd#  be in life without him."
"* I'll... let you lead.#  Just head to Oasis#  Valley."
"* Nice to see you again,#  by the way."

"* Let's stay on track,#  okay?"

"* Wow... "
"* I wish Chujin invited#  me over back in the day."
"* This house is#  incredible... "
"* Uh-Yeah! Let's get#  inside and see what the#  fuss is about."

"* I should've asked where#  the \"papers and tapes\"#  are located, huh?"
"* Hmm... I guess we can#  take a look around."
"* Should be an office#  somewhere..."

"* We need to find the#  things Ed mentioned#  before we go."

"* This must be where they#  ate their meals..."
"* What do you see?"
"* Hey uh..."
"* ..."
ch[1] = "I need your help"
"* You think something's#  under there?"
"* Alright then..."
"* On \"three.\""
"* One..."
"* Two..."
"* Three!"
"* Whoa..."
"* Good eye, Clover."
"* Spooky..."
"* Well, uh... After you."

"* Oh my..."
"* What... What is all of#  this?"
"* Formulas... SOUL#  research..."
"* Hold on, look over#  here. "
"* Tapes..."
"* Each one has a date on#  it."
"* Y-You know..."
"* Maybe this is all a big#  misunderstanding!"
"* Yeah, that's probably#  it!"
"* We'll just watch these#  and clear the air."

"     Greetings, this is Chujin."
"   I don't have much time these#   days for a written journal so#   I opted for video."
"    I have no idea who will view#    these, if anyone, but I see it#    best to document my work."
" That is all for now. Signing off."

"         This is Chujin..."
"  Today I traveled to Snowdin with#  my daughter on casual business."
"  While I was busy, Kanako wandered#  off to play with a resident."
"     That's when it happened..."
"A few panicked townsfolk ran up to#me saying that a human had entered#the area."
"  This human... they attacked the#  monster Kanako was with. "
"  She was so close... She could've#  been next."
"  No one was there to protect her...#  Not even me..."
"  ..."
"  I don't understand... I just#  don't understand!"
" Humankind already won by trapping# us down here yet they keep twisting# the knife!"
"  This cannot continue any longer!"
"   As of today, I'm looking into#   stopping this perpetual injustice#   once and for all."

"  This is Chujin with unfortunate#  news..."
" I was... fired from my engineering# position."
"   I poured my all into my project#   but it wasn't enough!"
"  The programming was buggy but I#  know I could've ironed it out with#  a few more iterations!"
"   Why am I punished for trying to#   take our struggle seriously!? "
"  ...I feel as if I'm the only one#  who hasn't forgotten or chosen to  #  live in ignorance..."
"  ..."
"   I told Ceroba I was retiring.#   Can't let her think less of me."
"  But enough of that... it's in the#  past. "
"    I must live in the present#    and plan for the future."
"   Prove I can save monsterkind...#   another way."

"          This is Chujin."
" After years of research, I've made# a breakthrough!"
"  Boss Monsters... They may be the#  key to monsterkind's survival."
"I was able to reach this conclusion#because I... "
" ...I carry the Boss Monster gene."
"This means my SOUL is much stronger#than that of other monsters."
"  More importantly, Boss Monsters#  are immortal until they produce#  offspring."
" Right now, monsterkind is few in# numbers compared to humanity but... "
"  ...What if anyone could become#  a Boss Monster like me? Like...#  Kanako?"
"  As a nation, an army, we could#  finally possess enough power to#  take the Surface back!"
"  My theory for this involves the#  fusion of a human SOUL and a#  Boss Monster SOUL."
"   From that, a serum would be#   extracted which could transform#   any average monster."
"  ...Unfortunately, I have not#  garnered enough proof that said#  serum is possible."
"     I must conduct more tests."

"      This... This is Chujin."
"   I was worried this might happen.#   Science is a dangerous game."
"  Rather foolishly, I experimented#  on myself... several times."
"Over and over, the subject rejected#the fusion, and I think I know why."
"                ..."
"          I'll be direct... "
"  My SOUL has deteriorated and I#  don't know how much longer I have."
"   However... I believe my theory#   holds stronger than it ever did."
"   This is a message to my dear#   Ceroba:"
"   This research is up to you. No#   one else would listen."
"  After I'm gone... look for the#  next human who falls down here."
"       Someone pure of heart#       - uncorrupted."
"   I need you to obtain their SOUL#   but not just anywhere... "
"  You must have a Boss Monster SOUL#  nearby to fuse with."
"            You'll need..."
"          ...Damn it all."
"Search for a willing Boss Monster#in the Underground. Someone else...#please."
"   Our little girl... Kanako...#   She needs to live a happy life,#   unaffected by my endeavors."
"       That is my final wish."

"* ..."
"* Oh... Oh my gosh... "
"* I never knew... He#  never mentioned... "
"* Clover, we have to go.#  Right now."
"* Come on."

"* So, you figured it out?"
"* ...Yes."
"* Ceroba was trying to#  carry out a plan Chujin#  left for her."
"* Something involving#  Clover's SOUL and a Boss#  Monster SOUL..."
"* ...Which happens to#  reside in Kanako."
"* What the...#  So she lied to us?"
"* About the mission to#  retrieve Kanako?"
"* She wasn't lying about#  finding Kanako. "
"* ...That's the alarming#  part."
"* So Kanako is alive and#  well? Thank goodness..."
"* Alive? Am I missing#  something?"
"* It's a long story...#  She fell down some time#  ago."
"* Ceroba sent her to the#  Lab in hopes to remedy#  the situation."
"* I had no idea..."
"* ..."
"* Okay. Where was the#  last place you saw#  Ceroba go, Ed?"
"* You ain't takin' Clover#  straight to her, are ya?"
"* That's exactly what she#  wants, right?"
"* Yeah, Clover needs to#  stay safe with us! "
"* She can't accomplish#  her goal if Clover's#  nowhere to be found!"
"* We aren't going to let#  her accomplish her goal.#  And anyway..."
"* The Wild East is a#  tourist destination -#  a public place."
"* My colleagues probably#  know a human is in the#  Underground by now."
"* If Clover stayed here#  they would eventually#  tear the town up!"
"* Better to be on the#  move, yeah?"
"* I-"
"* Look, I need to fly#  ahead to scout out the#  situation."
"* So, again, where did#  the two go?"
"* I don't think"
"* Clover, you were there."
"* Where did they go?"
ch[1] = "The Lab,\nmost likely"
"* That lines up...#  Hotland it is."
"* Hey, I gave Star my#  word!"
"* Let them do it, Ed. "
"* Clover is the only one#  who can put this to#  rest."
"* ..."
"* ...Alright."
"* They took the westmost#  elevator in the#  Steamworks."
"* You can use a laundry#  chute to get there#  quicker."
"* That elevator's#  destination sits near#  the CORE..."
"* Ask around if someone#  spotted which direction#  they went from there."
"* Wait, we need to go#  too, right?"
"* You need all the help#  you can get!"
"* Appreciate the offer#  but please don't. This#  might get dangerous."
"* Stay here and keep the#  townsfolk happy like you#  always have."
"* ...Okay. But please be#  safe!"
"* I'll try. Thanks for#  all of your help."
"* ...Even if you locked#  me in a jail cell for#  hours on end."
"* Hey, what are friends#  for?"
"* I can think of a few#  things... I mean-yeah,#  no problem!"
"* Clover, meet me on the#  rooftop of UG Apartments#  asap."
"* We'll figure this out,#  I promise!"
"* I uh... wish you luck#  with this, seriously."
"* Yeah, I bet we'll all#  be catching bandits#  again shortly!"
"* I'll be sure to save#  you a spot at our next#  nap time!"
"* Just don't do anything#  stupid."
"* See ya later... Deputy."
"* Howdy!"
"* Long time no see,#  buddy!"
"* I've been wantin' to#  tell ya something."
"* It's been weighing on#  my mind so I truly mean#  it when I say..."
"* Told ya so!"
"* Haha, sorry! Couldn't#  pass that up!"
"* Now I know this is the#  part I tell you to#  ignore Ceroba but..."
"* I have a strong feeling#  that wouldn't sway you#  at this point."
"* Honestly, I'm starting#  to wanna see this play#  out!"
"* After all..."
"* That fox wants to waste#  your SOUL on a science#  fair project!"
"* No good!"
"* I'm in your corner like#  I've always been so#  don't worry!"
"* We'll get rid of her#  and continue down our#  path, easy peasy!"
"* It'll all work out in#  the end, pal! "

"          This is Chujin."
"    I messed up, miscalculated,#    something."
"     Axis... Axis is dangerous."
" I must have overshot the variables,# all I wanted was apprehension."
"                ..."
"    The human who almost hurt my#    child, I told Axis to track#    them down."
"I know I should've stayed to comfort#Kanako and tend to the resident who#was hurt but..."
"  ...I had a tool that could stop#  the human's crusade, so I tried."
"    ...In a flash, Axis left me.#    Bolted for Waterfall."
"  By the time I tracked him down...#  it was too late."
"  I'll never forget the scene laid#  before me. "
"  Part of me wanted to quit#  everything that instant but... "
"    ...This outcome was earned,#    was it not?"
"                ..."
"  Axis soon contained the subject#  and... hid the evidence."
"There was some property damage but#I'm sure it won't come back to me...#I hope."
"    In any case... I now have a#    human SOUL in my possession."
"I do not know exactly what I should#do with it but the power that rests#within it is..."
"   Well, let's just say I'm not#   donating it to Asgore like all#   the others. Not yet."
"  As for Axis, today's actions were#  excessive, but the potential#  is astounding."
"  With more work, Axis can be the#  future, I'm sure of it."
"     Anyway, I need to sleep."
"   Though something tells me that#   will be difficult to do for a#   while."