"* This cave is a little# claustrophobic for my# taste."
"* Get out there and see# what we're really# dealing with!"
"* I get that you may# wanna wait for your# friend,"
"* But she's long# gone."
"* She got you into this# situation."
"* But you're# gonna have to get# yourself out."
"* No more waiting around."
"* Go get 'em, Clover!"
"* This area seems...# different."
"* Let's hope there aren't# as many distractions# along the way."
"* I get that you might# wanna rest after the# wild ride back there..."
"* But we have no time to# waste!"
"* I get that you might# wanna rest after the# wild ride back there..."
"* But we have no time to# waste!"
"* I'll be waiting for ya# up ahead when you# decide to head out."
"* Howdy!"
"* Strange sight, huh?"
"* Who knew something# could actually grow# here?"
"* Anyway, great job so# far!"
"* This place is much more# treacherous than# Snowdin!"
"* Keep it up, Clover!"
"* Let's get moving!"
"* I'm gonna catch fire if# I stay out too long!"
"* Golly, the emblems on# these miner uniforms are# very interesting."
"* Guess I'm the boss# 'round here!"
"* Jokes aside, you got# some smarts!"
"* Fixed that elevator# with ease."
"* Proud of ya!"
"* I wonder what the goal# of this mine is? "
"* Whatever it is, no one# seems to know what# they're doing, haha."
"* Keep on, buddy!"
"* Howdy!"
"* This cave sure is# ginormous!"
"* I hope this rail leads# to an exit cause it's# getting stuffy in here."
"* Enjoy the ride, pal!"
"* Come on, just hop in# the cart!"
"* You've been through# much worse."
"* Gee, what a view."
"* Even though we aren't# very close to the# Castle..."
"* It feels like we've# accomplished so much as# a team."
"* Wasn't that long ago# that I was teachin' you# how to dodge attacks."
"* A lot can happen in a# short time."
"* As nice as this is, we# do have places to be."
"* Let's keep a move on,# Clover!"
"* Howdy!"
"* Looks like we're back# on solid ground!"
"* That mine sure was a# detour!"
"* What a buncha slackers!"
"* Anyway, let's keep up# the pace, buddy!"
"* It isn't exactly# flattering to live in a# sandbox, by the way."
"* Let's get going before# the local kids think# I'm some new toy!"
"* What's the holdup, pal?"
"* Howdy!"
"* Gee, seems like my# greeting has found its# home."
"* Like the hat? It's a# disguise."
"* This area is pretty# populated so I picked# this up to be safe!"
"* You being separated# from Martlet is pretty# lucky but..."
"* I hope this Star guy# doesn't hold you here# for long."
"* I may have to# intervene if he does!"
"* I wasn't lying about# being close to an exit# earlier."
"* I just didn't expect...# all of this."
"* On the bright side..."
"* You may be able to# obtain some gear# upgrades here."
"* This roadblock isn't# totally pointless,# haha."
"* Howdy!"
"* Howdy!"
"* ..."
"* Okay, my patience is# only so strong, Clover."
"* I hope you're not# planning to actually# stay here."
"* These bozos are below# you."
"* I highly suggest that# you make a run for it# when the time's right."
"* Try not to let yourself# get distracted from the# real mission."
"* Gidde up, \"partner\"!"
"* Howdy!"
"* I was afraid things# would escalate."
"* Nothing you're not# fully used to by now!"
"* This is probably a good# time to get outta here."
"* It's all gone way too# far, dont'cha think?"
"* Whatever happens, I# wish ya luck, Clover!"
"* Let's put this place# behind us, pal!"
"* Howdy!"
"* I was hoping Starlo ran# to his parents or# somethin'."
"* Looks like you'll have# to confront him."
"* Do what you do best!# I'm always rootin' for# ya!"
"* We're almost outta# here!"
"* Let's knock this Starlo# drama out!"
"* Howdy! "
"* You're becoming a pro# at this, buddy! "
"* At this rate, you'll be# able to confront ASGORE# himself!"
"* Let's put this place# behind us, pal!"
"* Always a treat to see# your gunslinging skills!"
"* Let's get you saved!"
"* Golly, monsters 'round# here sure have it out# for you!"
"* How could they keep# attacking a poor human# so willingly? "
"* We can't have that! Not# at all!"
"* I don't see many more# enemies roaming about."
"* Once you encounter the# rest, show 'em who's# boss!"
"* You are... whoa, haha.# Talented, for sure!"
"* You laid waste to this# wasteland!"
"* This place definitely# wasn't big enough for# the both of you!"
"* Keep on movin', buddy!"
"* We're getting ever so# closer to your REAL# target!"
"* ..."