

"* We should probably get#  going."

First Meetup

"* What a terrible#  sight..."
"* Ava was such a beauty#  and look at her now..."
"* A hundred smaller#  beauties."
"* ..."
"* I should... "
"* No, nevermind. We don't#  have time. Let's go."

"* Let's push ahead,#  Clover."

"* (Hey, Clover. I know#  this fella.)"
"* (He's set up shop#  around Snowdin quite a#  bit.)"
"* (Always seemed a little#  shady if you ask me...#  pun intended.)"

"* Looks like this is a#  dead end, huh."

"* Bet you had a few#  run-ins on your journey,#  right? "
"* An area like this... I#  wonder what kind of#  battle music they had? "
"* Oh, right. You may not#  know... "
"* There's this phenomenon#  with monsters. "
"* When we focus while in#  a battle, melodic#  vibrations echo from us."
"* It's almost like it's#  in our heads but...  "
"* It's possible the#  opponent hears it as#  well. "
"* I always hear super#  dramatic music when I#  fight! "
"* It may not fit me to be#  honest... but it's the#  feeling I strive for! "
"* I wonder... "
"* Could humans find their#  own melody if determined#  enough? "
"* An interesting thought!"

"* With me around, you#  shouldn't have to worry#  about fights anymore! "
"* It isn't because they#  don't like me... "
"* It's that monsters#  typically don't attack#  other monsters."
"* ‘Least I hope that's#  the reason..."
"* I'm personable...#  right? "
"* Let's just say \"yes\" to#  avoid being anxious the#  rest of today."

inside East Mines:
"* Oh my gosh! Look at all#  the gemstones in the#  walls!"
"* I might have to sneak a#  few outta here."
"* Don't rat me out!"

"* We should probably find#  a way to Hotland soon,#  yeah?"

above East Mines:
"* What a breathtaking#  view...    "
"* Isn't it fascinating#  how large the#  Underground is?    "
"* Feels almost too large#  sometimes.    "
"* I may seem audacious#  but I'm a little uneasy#  right now, heh.    "
"* Bit of a homebody...#  Like to stay where it's#  familiar.    "
"* Focus on my hobbies and#  job, ya know...    "
"* But I'm working on it! #    "
"* Not doing great but#  working on it!"

"* Just saying, last time#  I stepped out and took a#  risk...    "
"* I ended up regretting#  it SO MUCH you wouldn't#  believe!    "
"* But I guess it taught#  me that growth is#  possible.    "
"* Good growth, bad#  growth, don't know yet. #    "
"* I'm still not even used#  to normal adult#  responsibilities!    "
"* Cut me some slack,#  waking up before noon#  sucks!"

"* Guess I'm lucky my job#  involves something I#  like doing.    "
"* I could be working here#  at the Mines or even#  worse... retail!    "
"* Glass half full,#  Clover. Glass half full."

"* Aww, the playground is#  super cute!"
"* I should build one of#  these back home for the#  school!"

"* Phew, I'm getting#  thirsty."
"* I typically bring a#  canteen when I travel#  but..."
"* ...I kinda left all of#  my belongings at my#  station."

"* Excuse me, sir?     "
"* Shouldn't a gift shop#  have, ya know, gifts?"
"* I do."
"* ...What?"

"* Not exactly digging the#  vibe of this place.    "
"* I'm ready to leave when#  you are."

"* Can't say this is how I#  thought my day would end#  up. "
"* Meeting a human,#  visiting a new place... "
"* Couple checks off the#  bucket list for sure."

"* There's so much to see#  in this town! "
"* I'm getting some strong#  Honeydew Resort vibes. "
"* After I get tired of#  keeping the peace every#  day, I may move here. "
"* A mighty fine#  retirement plan, yeah?"

"* I apologize for not#  talking with the#  residents more."
"* With my bird brain, who#  knows what might slip#  out!"

"* Hey... I think I know#  who lives here."
"* Guess she doesn't want#  visitors."
"* Makes sense, poor#  thing."

"* Ooo! I bet I can tell#  your fortune, Clover!"
"* Yeess... Hmm..."
"* I see you with a brand#  new hat..."
"* One that just SCREAMS#  \"I'm a human.\""
"* Kidding, by the way.#  Your hat's plenty cool#  as is!"

"* Look at that little#  thing.    "
"* Trying its best to grow#  big and strong I bet!"

rm_dunes_35b (Café Dune)
"* Geez, I was hoping it'd#  be cooler in here but#  nope!"

rm_dunes_35 (unused)
"* I have no clue where#  we're headed."
"* I'm so unfamiliar with#  this place, it might as#  well be the Surface."
"* Doing a great job of#  helping you, I know."

"* The architecture here#  is fascinating!"
"* Back home, almost#  everything is made from#  wood."
"* Maybe I should start#  building with stone?"

"* Man, it is h-o-t HOT!#  I'm starting to miss#  Snowdin!"
"* You doin' okay in those#  heavy clothes? I'd pass#  out by now."

"* Hmm... there's gotta be#  a way to Hotland#  somewhere."

"* ..."

Second Meetup

"* This is going to be#  redundant, "
"* But I'm sorry for all#  of my apologies. "
"* It feels like all I've#  done since we met is#  screw up. "
"* I'm thankful that#  you're tough and aren't,#  ya know, dead. "
"* But I shouldn't have#  been so scatterbrained#  in the first place. "
"* That changes here! "
"* Whatever awaits us,#  I'll do my best to help!"

"* Trek on, Clover!"

"* I want you to know that#  you can trust me."
"* Some monster's haven't#  been incredibly#  accommodating to you. "
"* Me included... "
"* But please don't let#  those experiences warp#  your perception of us! "
"* Especially the#  potential backstabbing#  we're dealing with now. "
"* Our history with#  humanity is a harsh and#  complicated one. "
"* Not everyone takes it#  well."

"* ..."

"* Gosh..."
"* I don't know if I'm#  ready for this."
"* Way to get yourself#  into a mess, Martlet. "
"* Bang up job."

"* ..."

"* You doing alright? "
"* Sure look like you#  are. "
"* I can only hope your#  confidence rubs off on#  me."
"* Just a smidge."

"* ..."

"* Until now, I haven't#  done any real#  investigations. "
"* Though, one time I did#  have to look into a#  Snowdin gang. "
"* I heard reports they#  were harassing visitors#  so I checked it out. "
"* I didn't find a gang#  but a few cups did make#  me play a game. "
"* They moved so fast it#  made me dizzy! I#  couldn't beat ‘em! "
"* They had a name... What#  was it? \"The Scrufflers\"#  or something like that. "
"* Wait... Gangs have#  names! "
"* They were probably#  friends with the other#  gang! "
"* Gah-I should've pieced#  it together sooner!"

"* Almost there..."

"* Here we go... "
"* No turning back..."

"* ..."

"* ..."

"* Talk about#  extravagant! "
"* This must've taken#  years to build... "
"* Well, if it were done#  traditionally."
"* Maybe magic had#  something to do with it?"

"* Guess we should choose#  a direction."
"* East, west, up to you."
"* We'll find what we need#  eventually."

"* ..."

"* Keep an eye out for#  anything out of the#  ordinary."

"* Anything seem off to#  you yet?"
"* Yeah... me neither."

"* I'm a bit surprised#  Kanako wanted this#  room. "
"* It's pretty isolated#  from everything else. "
"* Must have some of her#  mother's independence,#  huh?"

"* Keep on looking,#  Clover."

"* This place is a little#  eerie when no one's#  around. "
"* Long, dim halls... dust#  filling each beam of#  light... "
"* Regular dust that is..."

"* Keep on looking,#  Clover."

"* ..."

"* I don't see anything#  concerning here. "
"* It's gotta be somewhere#  else."

"* We gotta be getting#  closer, right?"

"* Hopefully this place#  doesn't stay abandoned#  for too long."
"* It'd be a huge shame to#  let it waste away."

"* Keep on looking,#  Clover."

"* You still doing okay? "
"* I know this whole thing#  is a lot to process... "
"* Actually, me pointing#  that out doesn't help. "
"* I'm gonna stop talking."

"* ..."

"* What the..."

"* ..."