

"* You made it! Great!"
"* What a view..."
"* That large facility in#  front of us is the#  CORE..."
"* ...The main source of#  power for the#  Underground."
"* Behind that is New#  Home. The capital city."
"* I asked around and was#  told Ceroba and Starlo#  headed there."
"* Guess she ran the#  opposite way of the Lab#  to juke her pursuer?"
"* The two couldn't have#  gotten far, I'm positive#  we'll find them!"
"* We'll..."
"* Whew, it's all setting#  in now."
"* This is like... super#  intimidating, right? Not#  just me?"
"* ..."
"* I don't know when I'll#  get another chance so#  I'll say it now:"
"* You are a kind soul.#  One of the best I've#  met."
"* Left and right you've#  been beaten and bruised,#  but you stay vigilant."
"* You defuse situations#  and mend#  relationships..."
"* ...A far cry from what#  I was taught growing up."
"* Royal Guards are told#  ad nauseum that humans#  are the enemy."
"* I only ever heard#  stories of war and our#  Underground imprisonment."
"* But you're different."
"* If you could change my#  mind on humans, I know#  you can ASGORE's!"
"* After we diffuse the#  Ceroba situation,"
"* We'll march right up to#  that Castle, you and me!"
"* And then... Well,#  you'll be on your way."
"* But don't worry about#  me! "
"* When Monsterkind is#  freed, we'll meet again#  on the Surface!"
"* By then, you might be#  all grown up. Wouldn't#  that be funny?"
"* Heh..."
"* ..."
"* Point is, I'm glad you#  hopped on my raft."
"* ..."
"* Okay... We need to get#  moving."
"* That way. West New#  Home."
"* The elevator downstairs#  should take us straight#  there."
"* After that... I'm not#  sure."
"* I'd call for backup in#  a scenario like this but#  we're on our own. "
"* Outlaws."
"* So, \"partner in crime,\"#  you ready?"
"* Let's stop Ceroba!"
"* After you."

"* (I see them!)"
"* (This way!)"
"* (Ceroba looks#  distressed...)"
"* (I'm sure we can#  negotiate her down from#  this but...)"
"* (Worst comes to worst,#  we might have to#  retreat.)"
"* (Tactically, of#  course.)"
"* (Let's listen in...) "
"* Just leave me to my own#  devices, Star!"
"* Ceroba, I don't know#  what you're saying!"
"* Please calm down..."
"* I must go to the Lab!"
"* It's where Kanako is#  being kept!"
"* I have to get there by#  any means necessary!"
"* I'm not sure that's a#  good idea..."
"* Don't get in my way."
"* Or what? You'll kill#  me?"
"* I'll...                "
"* Hey!"
"* Clover and I - we#  watched the tapes. "
"* You need to let this#  go!"
"* If not..."
"* Why are you here,#  Clover!? "
"* You're supposed to be#  back home!"
"* No, thank you for#  finding me. Makes things#  easier.  "
"* If I were you two, I'd#  leave Clover here and#  forget about this."
"* It might not make sense#  to you, but it's for the#  best."
"* Cut the self-righteous#  act, will you?"
"* Just... stop it."
"* We can turn this#  around, Ceroba."
"* You said it yourself#  that Kanako is alive!"
"* Let's just find her and#  go back to our normal,#  happy life."
"* \"Happy life\"...#  That's rich."
"* I... lied about Kanako,#  Star. I had to."
"* ...What?"
"* Falling down is#  practically a death#  sentence."
"* Unless a miracle takes#  place at the lab,#  there's no... "
"* ...There's no hope for#  her."
"* You..."
"* I-I'm trying to make#  the best of what I can,#  okay!?"
"* This is all I know to#  do at this point!"
"* Kanako... "
"* Kanako is a Boss#  Monster. "
"* She is the key to#  finishing Chujin's work!"
"* This is his legacy! His#  plan for the future! "
"* Monsterkind's only hope#  for survival!"
"* Don't you speak for#  him!"
"* You've seen the tapes,#  right?"
"* Do you honestly think#  this is what he wanted?"
"* Kanako wasn't supposed#  to be a factor in this!"
"* If he were here, the#  Chujin I knew woul-"
"* The Chujin you knew... "
"* You knew nothing of#  him."
"* No, Martlet's right."
"* We might've had some#  differing views but..."
"* ...Chujin was kind. To#  everyone."
"* And I know you are as#  well!"
"* It's just that right#  now, I..."
"* I don't understand you."
"* When I fought Clover I#  was \"reckless.\""
"* But when YOU want their#  SOUL, it's \"for the#  best\"?"
"* Not only Clover's...#  but the SOUL of your own"
"* Shut up!"
"* You think I don't know#  how far gone I am!?"
"* And where's this high#  horse coming from???"
"* Sounds to me like we're#  in this pit together."
"* Ceroba, please..."
"* Just... get out of here#  and let me finish what I#  started. "
"* Y-You can't have#  Clover!"
"* We are going to ASGORE#  and that's that!"
"* Don't you dare."
"* Martlet, grab Clover!#  I'll keep Ceroba at bay!"
"* Go, now!"
"* Son of a!"
"* Clover... "
"* I... "
"* I'm sorry for what I've#  done."
"* I almost wish you never#  showed up in the Wild#  East."
"* Maybe then I could've#  continued to bury my#  sorrows in the Saloon."
"* But now... I must#  follow through with my#  mission."
"* I've somehow grown to#  respect the hell out of#  you but... "
"* At the end of the#  day... you're naive."
"* There is so much you#  don't understand about#  monsters."
"* What, did you think#  you'd jump down here and#  find them?"
"* Five humans, living out#  their lives, unharmed..."
"* That isn't how it#  works."
"* I'm guessing you#  discovered that truth,#  right? Then what?"
"* Was your and Martlet's#  plan to storm Asgore's#  Castle for revenge?"
"* Or was it simply to#  plead for a free ticket#  back to the Surface?"
"* He only needs two more#  SOULS to shatter the#  barrier."
"* Wouldn't hesitate for a#  SECOND to make that one."
"* But... who am I to#  criticize how he carries#  out business?"
"* Here I am about to do#  the very same thing..."
"* I am a hypocrite. A#  liar. Sure."
"* But at least I... "
"* ...with Chujin's#  guidance, can save#  countless monster lives."
"* These two couldn't#  understand that. And#  Asgore..."
"* Asgore is a coward."
"* Didn't believe in my#  husband at all."
"* He thinks problems will#  just disappear if he#  closes the curtains."
"* I long for freedom as#  much as anyone but he..."
"* He doesn't consider#  what will happen once he#  gets his SOULS."
"* Everyone else too."
"* They all believe victory#  will come easy but the#  humans I've heard of?"
"* They are powerful.#  Ruthless."
"* As soon as we try to#  leave..."
"* ...They will stuff us#  RIGHT back into this#  hellhole."
"* They want our misery to#  fester until we give up#  and die out."
"* ..."
"* I am no better than#  Asgore on a scale of#  morality, I'm sure of it."
"* But what I am, is#  proactive."
"* Monsterkind is worth#  protecting, so I will#  see that it is done. "
"* Truthfully..."
"* I have nothing left in#  life, so I've made peace#  with throwing it away."
"* ..."
"* You'll fight back, but#  you can't forever."
"* Goodbye."

"* You... beat me up#  pretty b-badly, huh?"
"* S-Star I..."
"* Don't sweat it too#  much..."
"* I reckon I deserved it#  for the Wild East#  fiasco."
"* ..."
"* Heck of a hit though."
"* I didn't know you had#  that in you."
"* I'm... I'm so sorry."
"* Wh..."
"* Where am I...?"
"* Clover! We gotta get#  out of here!"
"* No."
"* It's finished."
"* Clover... "
"* Clover won."
"* Y'all had a fight? And#  the deputy won?"
"* (My lessons worked...)"
"* Wait, how much did I#  miss?"
"* I..."
"* I don't know what to#  do."
"* Apologize, make#  excuses, nothing would#  change reality."
"* I've dug a hole far too#  deep to climb out of."
"* And for nothing..."
"* Hey..."
"* Where was I a few hours#  ago?"
"* In this same situation."
"* My judgment was clouded#  and I screwed up."
"* But you forgave me. The#  four others did as well."
"* We've both made poor#  choices, no#  sugar-coating that..."
"* But there is hope. At#  least... I believe there#  is."
"* I... can't begin to#  grasp what you've gone#  through..."
"* But this was an#  absolutely horrible way#  of dealing with it."
"* ..."
"* You can't change what#  has happened, you're#  right."
"* But you can control how#  you live from now on."
"* Your actions will mean#  everything."
"* But..."
"* Chujin. His legacy. His#  wish."
"* It will never be#  fulfilled."
"* Chujin might not have#  been the perfect monster#  I thought he was..."
"* But even his darkest#  secrets came from a#  caring place."
"* And that right there...#  is his legacy."
"* It isn't found in a#  serum to \"save the#  world.\""
"* Everyone he helped,#  everything he crafted..."
"* That's what matters."
"* Martlet's right."
"* He made life down here#  bearable for so many."
"* And for that, he has my#  respect."
"* I... never thought#  about it like that."
"* What the hell was I#  thinking?"
"* I was so#  tunnel-visioned. So#  lost..."
"* We can work through#  this."
"* We're here for you."
"* Now..."
"* You should take some#  time to heal. Recoup."
"* But... Kanako's#  wellbeing is still a#  valid concern."
"* I have connections to#  the Royal Scientist#  so..."
"* I'll begin an#  investigation. Try my#  best to help."
"* I don't know what to#  say..."
"* Thank you, Martlet."
"* Clover."
"* I owe an apology to#  you, most of all."
"* Our time in the#  Steamworks and what I#  said... It wasn't fake."
"* It did allow me to#  briefly forget my#  troubles and have fun."
"* But my reasoning for#  being there..."
"* I can't begin to "
"* W-Why?"
"* I mean..."
"* ...Thank you."
"* I'm gonna cry."
"* I... can't believe it's#  come to this but..."
"* Clover, I think your#  journey is at its end."
"* ASGORE and the barrier#  await us."
"* No! Already???"
"* As sad as it is, Clover#  needs to go home."
"* That won't work."
"* What?"
"* Sure, we know Clover#  for who they are but#  Asgore..."
"* He won't see Clover as#  we do. And he doesn't#  care to learn."
"* But this is a unique#  situation!"
"* The King has always#  been kind and#  understanding!"
"* Yeah, Clover wouldn't#  hurt anyone!"
"* You think that's ever#  mattered in the past?"
"* ..."
"* The truth stings, but#  it is what it is."
"* ..."
"* So, what?"
"* Should I take Clover#  back to Snowdin?"
"* Hide out for the rest#  of our lives?"
"* Yeah, why couldn't#  Clover stay with us?"
"* I mean, it's plausible#  but won't the Royal#  Guard be on the hunt?"
"* After so many#  encounters Clover just#  disappears?"
"* It wouldn't be the#  first time."
"* Ohh yeah! They would#  probably think the same#  thing happened again!"
"* ..."
"* But... What about the#  others?"
"* You know, the next#  humans."
"* Clover gets to live#  happily but they have to#  die?"
"* Oh."
"* ...We don't know their#  hearts."
"* Maybe they"
"* What? Deserve it?"
"* Have you learned#  anything?"
"* I'm just weighing our#  options!"
"* We're backed into a#  corner here, alright?"
"* Hey, calm down, guys."
"* You know I really#  thought tonight's fiasco#  was enough!"
"* We all talked it#  through and things were#  going well."
"* But you immediately#  suggest giving the#  future children up to"
"* I didn't mean it like#  that! Get off my case!"
"* I'm sorry but I don't#  think you exactly have#  room to talk right now." (unused)
"* Come on you two! Cut it#  out!" (unused)
"You probably want to go home dontcha?"
"Humanity already won by trapping us#down here, yet they keep twisting#the knife."
"This cannot continue any longer!"
"You must have#places to go,#correct?"
"The Castle...#The barrier."
"I did everything#in my power to#entertain..."
" monsters#wouldn't have to#worry about being#stuck down here."
"Anyway, we'll bypass the Royal Guard#and plead your case to ASGORE!"
"Remember your REAL mission, Clover."
"Asgore only needs#two more SOULS to#shatter the barrier."
"What a world it#would be if I had#two whole friends."
"Most might act cheerful,#but life down here..."
"...It's hopeless."
"...The five children#you set out to find#in the first place."
"Despite its ups and#downs, our little#adventure was a blast."
"ASGORE's still out there#threatening human lives!"
"Keep your head in the game!"
"Turns out you're a pretty#damn good leader, Clover!"
"Come on, Clover!"
"You are a kind soul.#One of the best I've met."
"* Clover!"
"* Clover, what are you doing!?"
"* Hey, uh..."
"* Clover? What's going#  on?"
"* You're scaring us here."
ch[1] = "It's time"
"* Wh-What does that mean?"
ch[1] = "It's time to go"
"* No... "
"* No no no no no-we'll#  think of a plan!"
"* We have options!"
"* Y-Yeah, don't do#  something you'll regret!"
"* If it's Snowdin you#  don't like, you can live#  with me."
"* My house has the space.#  A-And the posse loves#  you!"
"* Please, you gotta#  listen to us, Clover!"
"* You deserve better."
"* You're..."
"* You're serious."
"* ..."
"* ...I understand."
"* Ceroba..."
"* This whole time, what#  have we been doing?"
"* Dragging Clover around...#  pulling at a leash."
"* Selfish."
"* ..."
"* Clover came here by#  their own volition."
"* ...They deserve to#  leave by it too."
"* But you don't want this#  outcome, right?"
"* Surely..."
"* If there was another#  way..."
"* But let's face it.#  There isn't."
"* I believe Clover#  realized that a long#  time ago."
"* ..."
"* I don't know what to#  say..."
"* As much as I want to#  stop you..."
"* I see it. In your eyes."
"* This is about our#  freedom... isn't it?"
"* ..."
"* Clover."
"* You are the bravest,#  most selfless human I've#  met."
"* Of course, I've only#  met one..."
"* But if I ever meet#  another, I hope they're#  just like you."
"* I'd promote you to#  sheriff 'cause lord#  knows you've earned it,"
"* But you aren't sheriff#  material. "
"* You're much more."
"* I... already made my#  feelings known in#  Hotland."
"* So..."
"* Psst."
"* ..."
"* This means more to us#  than you know."
"* To everyone."
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* Well... "
"* I understand if you two#  don't want to be here#  for..."
"* You know."
"* Do you have what you#  need?"
"* I do."
"* Guess the suns getting#  low."
"* I'll... see you around,#  partner."
"* ..."
"* You got a receipt for#  that?"
"* Thanks, kid."
"* Goodbye, Clover."
"* You've changed my life.#  Truly."
"* Heh..."
"* How will I know you're#  a human now, huh?"
"* This means a lot."
"* I'm sorry the world is#  like this..."
"* But people like you#  make it better."
"* Thank you."
"* We'll... "
"* We'll be outside."
"* You've gained my#  respect."
"* I mean it."
"* Do you..."
"* ...want me to stay?"
ch[1] = "..."
ch[1] = "Go on"
ch[1] = "I'll... be okay"
"* ..."
"* Very well."
"* This won't be#  forgotten."
"* Goodbye, Clover."
"  So, this is it?"
"  All that work just to become#  another cog in the machine?"
"  Heh, you've grown so#  predictable!"
"  I could undo all of this right#  now but... Maybe you've earned#  your rest."
"  After all, there's always#  another."
"  ..."
"  Can't say it's been fun so...#  I suppose this is where we part#  ways."
"  Oh, who am I kidding?"
"  Until we meet again... friend."

"* Ugh..."
"* Ceroba..."
"* Where is Ceroba!?"
"* Clover?"
"* Clover, where did she#  go?"
ch[1] = "..."ch[2] = "I'm sorry""* ..."
"* No..."
"* You didn't."
"* You couldn't."
"* She just ran away."
"* She ran to the lab,#  right?"
"* Wh..."
"* Where am I...?"
"* Clover!"
"* Are you..."
"* ..."
"* I'm so sorry."
"* We should've been here#  to help."
"* Help...?"
"* ..."
"* No one wanted it to end#  this way but..."
"* But what!?"
"* What the hell did#  Ceroba do to deserve#  this!?"
"* I didn't say she#  \"deserved\" anything but#  come on!"
"* Look what she did to#  us, and more#  importantly,"
"* What she was planning#  to do to Clover and#  Kanako!"
"* She was clearly"
"* She was lost!"
"* In her mind there was#  no other choice!"
"* ..."
"* All anyone ever sees is#  what they want to see."
"* They never stop to#  consider the \"why.\""
"* Maybe to you, she was#  only some violent threat#  but..."
"* Beneath the crisis, I#  saw her for who she#  truly was."
"* A compassionate,#  hardworking mother who#  lost everything."
"* Her hopes, her dreams..."
"* ..."
"* I knew her."
"* I knew her more than#  anyone."
"* She could've been#  talked down. Forgiven#  even. "
"* But she wasn't given#  the chance."
"* ..."
"* We tried. For a long#  time. "
"* We wanted peace."
"* You saw it."
"* Even when things#  escalated, we attempted#  to flee."
"* But she wanted us dead."
"* Going as far to back#  Clover into a corner,#  forcing them to..."
"* ..."
"* You're a lawman, right?"
"* I'm sorry but..."
"* Under these#  circumstances... Clover#  was just."
"* I don't know what#  \"just\" means anymore."
"* What's right, what's#  wrong..."
"* Who cares..."
"* All I know is that I...#  I lost my best friend#  tonight."
"* And the wind..."
"* It blew the dust away."
"* Like she didn't even#  matter..."
"* To the law, maybe you#  are justified in what#  you've done."
"* But to me... you're#  lower than dirt."
"* ..."
"* I could report your#  location..."
"* Or try to get#  revenge..."
"* But I know that would#  only spell more trouble#  for me."
"* ..."
"* All I can do now is ask#  myself why."
"* Why did I hesitate to#  fire that last bullet?"
"* ..."
"* I'm... sorry you had to#  go through all of this."
"* Maybe if we took a#  different route in#  Waterfall..."
"* Made different#  choices..."
"* You wouldn't have been#  put in this situation."
"* ..."
"* This spiraled way out#  of control but..."
"* There's no changing it#  now."
"* Only thing left to do#  is get you home."
"* You deserve it."
"* Let's go to the Castle."

"* No use in backtracking."
"* We need to look ahead."

"* I think the throne room#  is the other way."
"* Let's go back."

"* Wait."
"* Before we enter, I just#  wanna say..."
"* Thanks for today."
"* For putting up with me."
"* I guess..."
"* In the big picture of#  my life, you're only#  gonna be a blip."
"* But oftentimes..."
"* Those \"blips\" make the#  biggest impacts, you#  know?"
"* Oh, what am I saying?"
"* I'll see you again once#  monsterkind is free,#  remember?"
"* Wherever you are when#  that time comes,"
"* I will search you out!#  Guaranteed!"
"* Well..."
"* Guess it's time."
"* Just follow my lead."

"* Dum dee dum..."
"* Um... Excuse me?"
"* King?"
"* Oh?"
"* A visitor? At this#  hour?"
"* H-Hello Mr. King, sir."
"* It is an honor to be   "
"* No need to be so#  formal."
"* You can just call me#  \"Asgore\" if you like."
"* Right!"
"* Asgore, King, sir."
"* I am Martlet of the#  Royal Guard Snowdin#  Division."
"* Ah yes! One of our#  courageous guards."
"* Thank you for your#  service to the#  Underground!"
"* What brings you to the#  Castle so late?"
"* W-Well..."
"* This human brings me to#  the Castle."
"* Their name is#  Clover."
"* Clover..."
"* What a lovely name..."
"* I apologize for the#  lack of notice!"
"* I know this may be a#  shock but..."
"* Were you, by chance,#  not given a Royal Guard#  handbook?"
"* A handbook?"
"* Sure, I was given a#  handbook."
"* Not sure I'm following."
"* Ah..."
"* Hmm... "
"* So you are familiar#  with the protocol..."
"* Yet... here you are."
"* I know how it looks."
"* But you see..."
"* Clover is not a bad#  person."
"* I-In fact, they are one#  of the kindest souls#  around!"
"* So many have attacked#  them with ill intent... "
"* But Clover is peaceful."
"* ...As much as one can#  be in such situations."
"* What I'm trying to say#  is... "
"* Clover believes in#  what's best for others.#  Even monsters."
"* And... "
"* They need to go home.#  Back to the#  Surface."
"* Back to the Surface..."
"* ..."
"* If only such a thing#  were so easy."
"* But you of all monsters#  must know the reality."
"* Clover is different!"
"* This is different!"
"* No..."
"* Regrettably..."
"* The one thing these#  encounters never are is#  \"different.\""
"* Not in the end."
"* Wh... What are you#  saying?"
"* You aren't going to#  kill Clover are you!?"
"* . . ."
"* If that is the result#  of our battle..."
"* It must be."
"* NO!!"
"* You can't do that!!"
"* Clover!"
"* Plead your case! Come#  on!!"
"* What are you doing??"
"* Say something!"
ch[1] = "..."
ch[2] = "You\nshould go"
"* Clover..."
"* You're..."
"* You can't..."
"* The human has spoken."
"* I am sorry."
"* N-No..."
"* This isn't how this..."
"* L-Let's go back."
"* Back to Snowdin."
"* You can live w-with me."
"* Like nothing ever#  happened..."
ch[1] = "..."
"* I..."
"* I......"
"* . . ."
"* Hm."
"* You are a decisive one."
"* . . ."
"* Then you know what we#  must do."
"* Please... follow me#  into the next room."

"* Through this door."
"* . . ."

"* This is the barrier."
"* This is what keeps us trapped#  underground."
"* . . ."
"* I feel it is important#  I show you something."
"* How tense..."
"* . . ."
"* The feeling you are#  experiencing at this#  moment."
"* I know it well."
"* The world can be a#  cruel place."
"* It takes and gives as#  it chooses."
"* But..."
"* I suppose I have talked#  long enough."
"* . . ."
"* I will make this quick."
"* No need to worry."


"* Hey, pal."
"* Heh, what are you doing#  in this cramped alley?"
"* I think we both know#  this isn't the way to#  the Castle."
"* You do know that, right?#  "
"* Yeah, so let's turn#  around and get on with#  the plan."

"* Clover, come on."
"* Is this about that#  letter you received in#  the Steamworks?"
"* It's gotta be a trap. "
"* You're seriously gonna#  fall for something so#  obvious?"
"* That bird never got you#  anywhere."
"* You know who did? Me!#  Your best friend!"
"* How many times have I#  saved your life? Huh?"
"* All Martlet's done is#  put it in danger!"
"* Alright, fine!"
"* If this is what you#  think is worth your time#  then I... trust you."
"* What else would a friend#  do, after all?"
"* Just don't say I didn't#  warn you..."

"* Ah, you got my message!#  Great!"
"* What a view..."
"* That large facility in#  front of us is the#  CORE..."
"* ...The main source of#  power for the#  Underground."
"* Behind that is New Home.#  The capital city."
"* ...King ASGORE's Castle."
"* Look, I haven't been#  100% honest with you..."
"* My whole life, I was#  taught that humans are#  the enemy."
"* But you... you never#  really came across as#  such. "
"* Though..."
"* During our journey, I#  did sense a faint,#  alarming aura in you."
"* I had this backup plan#  in case you started a#  rampage but..."
"* never did."
"* Phew... that feels#  liberating."
"* I'm so sorry for keeping#  that from you. You're a#  good kid."
"* Even so, there's another#  problem..."
"* I don't think ASGORE#  would agree."
"* You see, he needs seven#  human SOULs to destroy#  the barrier."
"* So far he's collected#  five and he might try#  for another..."
"* Now that we're this#  close..."
"* I'm afraid there isn't a#  peaceful way of#  confronting him."
"* I'm sorry."
"* ..."
"* I know this isn't the#  path you intended but..."
"* Let's... put all this#  behind us."
"* You can come stay with#  me. Live out a happy,#  violence-free childhood!"
"* I'll teach you#  craftsmanship..."
"* And you can teach me#  marksmanship!"
"* You don't deserve to die#  this young."
"* ..."
"* What do you say?"
ch[1] = "Sounds good"
ch[2] = "...Okay"
"* Really???"
"* Wow! We are going to#  have so much fun!"
"* I promise this is the#  best outcome for both of#  us."
"* Well, \"roommate,\" let's#  go to Snowdin!"
"  W-What is this?"
"  Clover...?"
"  W-Why would you..."

"* Ah, you got my message."
"* ..."
"* That large facility in#  front of us is the#  CORE..."
"* ...The main source of#  power for the#  Underground."
"* Behind that is New Home.#  The capital city."
"* ...King ASGORE's#  Castle."
"* Look, I haven't been#  100% honest with you..."
"* My whole life, I was#  taught that humans are#  the enemy."
"* And I'll admit, you're#  not shy about defending#  yourself."
"* During our journey, I#  sensed an alarming aura#  in you."
"* I had this backup plan#  in case you started a#  rampage but..."
"* ...thankfully, you#  never did."
"* Phew... that feels#  liberating."
"* I'm sorry for keeping#  that from you but you#  know how things are..."
"* Even so, there's#  another problem..."
"* ASGORE needs seven#  human SOULs to destroy#  the barrier."
"* So far he's collected#  five and I fear he'd try#  for another..."
"* You might fight back#  and well..."
"* ..."
"* I know this isn't the#  path you intended but..."
"* Let's... put all this#  behind us. End the#  conflict."
"* You can come stay with#  me. Live out a happy,#  violence-free childhood."
"* You don't deserve to#  die this young."
"* ..."
"* What do you say?"
ch[1] = "Wouldn't\nhurt"
ch[2] = "...Okay"
"* Thanks a bunch, Clover!"
"* ..."
"* Hey, smile a little!#  This is a new beginning!"
"* C'mon, \"roommate\",#  let's go to Snowdin!"
"  W-What is this?"
"  Clover...?"
"  W-Why would you..."

"* Ah, you got my message."
"* ..."
"* That large facility in#  front of us is the#  CORE..."
"* ...The main source of#  power for the#  Underground."
"* Behind that is New Home.#  The capital city."
"* ...King ASGORE's#  Castle."
"* Look, I haven't been#  100% honest with you..."
"* My whole life, I was#  taught that humans are#  the enemy."
"* And... maybe they were#  right."
"* I've been trying my#  best to act nice but..."
"* ...for a while now I've#  sensed an alarming aura#  in you."
"* I had this plan to stop#  your violence if needed.#  "
"* I'm..."
"* ...I'm not sure if I#  should..."
"* ..."
"* I just... can't do it."
"* You're a good kid deep#  down, I'm sure of it..."
"* But truthfully, I can't#  allow you to visit#  ASGORE."
"* He only needs seven#  human SOULs to destroy#  the barrier."
"* So far he's collected#  five and I know he'd try#  for another."
"* You would fight back#  and well..."
"* ..."
"* I'm not certain this is#  the right decision#  but..."
"* Let's... put all this#  behind us. End the#  conflict."
"* You can come stay with#  me. Live out a happy,#  violence-free childhood."
"* You've gone through so#  much. More than any#  child should."
"* I believe you can#  change for the better."
"* ..."
"* What do you say?"
ch[1] = "..."ch[2] = "...Okay""* This is the best#  outcome for everyone."
"* ..."
"* Well, \"roommate\", let's#  go to Snowdin."
"  W-What is this?"
"  Clover...?"
"  I should've k-known..."
"* You gotta be kidding me!"
"* I just knew something#  like this would happen!" "* I tried for so long."
"* I tried to uphold a#  friendly persona but#  wow..."
"* You really brought me to#  my limit!"
"* Though, I gotta say, it#  did feel good to finally#  SNAP, ya know?"
"* She never saw it coming!"
"* Best of all, she thought#  YOU betrayed her in the#  end!"
"* What an IDIOT!"
"* I bet she even-   "
"File 1 Loaded"
"* Nuh-uh-uh!"
"* Trigger-happy are we?"
"* I think you forgot who's#  in charge here."
"* We had a nice run,#  didn't we?"
"* Too bad I won't#  miss it."
"* So you found me..."
"* ..."
"* My whole life..."
"* My whole life I was#  taught that humans are#  the enemy."
"* And... it looks like#  they were right."
"* But even with that#  prejudice drilled into#  my mind..."
"* I think I... I sense#  better in you."
"* I had this plan to stop#  your rampage but..."
"* ...I'm not sure if I#  should..."
"* ..."
"* I just... can't do it."
"* Gosh, I must be crazy!"
"* ..."
"* If you're going to#  shoot me, do it now."
"* You'll never get past#  ASGORE."
"* He's our only guiding#  light and not one to be#  snuffed out."
"* So go ahead... Mark#  your tally."
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* You're... not attacking#  me...?"
"* Okay..."
"* ..."
"* I'm not certain this is#  the right decision#  but..."
"* Let's... put all this#  behind us. End the#  conflict."
"* You can come stay with#  me. Live out a happy,#  violence-free childhood."
"* You've gone through so#  much. More than any#  child should."
"* I think... I hope...#  you can change for the#  better."
"* ..."
"* ...What do you say?"
ch[1] = "..."ch[2] = "...Okay""* This is the best#  outcome for everyone."
"* ..."
"* Well... let's go to#  Snowdin."
"  W-What is this?"
"  Clover...?"
"  I should've k-known..."

"* Oops! Got to her first!"
"* Though I must say..."
"* The whole “false sense#  of security” bit? Very#  clever."
"* ..."
"* No way..."
"* Don't tell me you were#  ACTUALLY trying to turn#  this around."
"* After what you did to#  all those poor monsters?"
"* Hahahaha!!!"
"* That's just too funny!"
"* I don't care how#  mind-numbingly#  sympathetic she was..."
"* There is no ticket to#  redemption for your#  actions."
"* ...Oh, right!"
"* Surprise! I betrayed#  you!"
"* Real sorry, but hey,#  thanks for abandoning#  your rampage!"
"* You were gettin' pretty#  strong for a second#  there."
"* I'm not usually the#  worrying type but whew!"
"* Dodged a bullet! Haha!"
"File 1 Loaded"
"* Whoa! Make that two!"
"* Trigger-happy are we?"
"* I think you forgot#  who's in charge here."
"* We had a nice run,#  didn't we?"
"* Too bad I won't#  miss it."

"* MMMmm I shoulda done this#  earlier, huh!"
"* Oh?"
"* You're still holding on? So#  stubborn!"
"* Lighten up a little, pal!"
"* You do know this didn't have to#  happen, right?"
"* We had a plan. A simple one."
"* Go. To. ASGORE."
"* But I guess you're too stupid#  to follow directions."
"* Don't know why I thought this#  would end any differently..."

"* You see, I've been#  watching you for a#  while."
"* Gosh, what run is it?#  Gotta be in the hundreds."
"* I've almost lost count!#  Haha..."
"* Ah! Hello!"
"* Are you all right?"
"* You must be wondering#  what is going on..."
"* I am TORIEL, caretaker#  of the RUINS."
"* I let you carry on#  your merry way so#  many times."

"* Go on, press the#  switch on the left."

"* You do know which#  way left is, do#  you not?"
"* Press the switch that#  I labelled for you."

"Please press this switch#  too.#     -Toriel" (unused)

"* Oh no, my child! That#  is the wrong switch. "
"* I have labelled the one#  you need to flip."

(the following interaction is unused)
"* Splendid!"
"* I am proud of you,#  little one."

"* Go ahead and#  push the rock!"

"* You are learning#  so much, my child!"

"* I watched the same#  childish behavior play#  out over..."
"* And over..."
"* And over."
"* Sure, small decisions#  here and there would#  vary but..."
"* The journey would always#  end with you ignorantly#  living with Toriel."
"* I had to interfere."
"* At first, my efforts#  seemed to work."
"* Tensions rose and you#  left the Ruins."
"* But then, other#  issues crept up..."
"* No matter how many#  times you journeyed on..."
"* You always died."
"* I had to steer you#  off the path of failure#  as early as possible."
"* So I tampered with#  a little switch and..."
"* Well, the rest#  is history!"

"* ..."
"* Oh come on! You're still here?"
"* I thought at least my story#  might bore you so much that#  you'd give in!"
"* You really wanna do this the#  hard way? "
"* Haha, alright then!"
"* Let's have a little fun before#  I absorb your SOUL for good!"


"* ..."
"* So you found me..."
"* Pretty easy when#  there's so few left."

"* . . ."
"* The Underground is full#  of beauty."
"* Friends... Families..."
"* Hopes... Dreams..."
"* Or at least... it was."
"* . . ."
"* Though valiantly they#  fought..."
"* Nobody could stop you,#  could they?"
"* I had hoped this day#  wouldn't come."
"* Retaliation was#  inevitable but..."
"* I believed we could#  handle it as we always#  have."
"* My dear friends... "
"* I am sorry."
"* I know why you are here#  but... I'm afraid it's#  too late."
"* Your goal is out of#  reach."
"* Monsterkind's plight is#  not something I take#  pride in..."
"* But it is a conflict#  not of our making."
"* ..."
"* One thing is certain,#  however."
"* Your violence has#  ensured this war never#  to end."
"* Many more, of both our#  kinds, will perish#  because of this day."
"* Such is the path you#  chose."
"* But..."
"* Even if you chose#  differently..."
"* The unfortunate truth#  of the matter is..."
"* Your fate was sealed#  the moment you entered#  my kingdom."
"* We will rebuild."
"* And with the help of#  your SOUL, we will be#  free."
"* Goodbye."
"* !"