"For years, monsters have#been sealed away by#a powerful spell."
"A spell that could only be#broken with seven human#SOULs."
"Their king was peaceful#and wished to avoid any#more conflict..."
"But eventually declared that#any human who fell..."
"Would die..."
"Mt. Ebott..."
"Few humans have braved#this mountain."
"Those who did... were#never seen again."
"[ Press Z or ENTER ]"
"LV" + (string(ini_read_real("Save1", "LV", 1)))
string_minutes + ":" + string_seconds
ini_read_string("Save1", "rmName", "Room Name")
"LV" + (string(ini_read_real("Save1", "LV", 1)))
string_minutes + ":" + string_seconds
string_hash_to_newline(ini_read_string("Save1", "rmName", "Room Name")))
"Begin Game"
"Shake on hurt:
"Always allow retry:"
"AUTO-FIRE toggle ({0}):"
"MENU - [C, CTRL] ::"
"DEADZONE :: " + (string(round(global.gamepad_deadzone * 100))) + "%"
(string(global.buttonText1)) + ", RB"
(string(global.buttonText2)) + ", LB"
"* Froggit hopped close!"
"* FROGGIT -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Life is difficult for this# enemy."
"* Froggit didn't understand what# you said, but was flattered# anyway."
"* Froggit didn't understand what# you said, but was scared# anyway."
"* (The mysterious goat lady# scared the Froggit away.)"
"* Ah! Hello."
"* Are you all right?"
"* You must be wondering# what is going on..."
"* I am TORIEL, caretaker# of the RUINS."
"* I pass through here# every day to see if# anyone has fallen down."
"* It does not happen# often."
"* You are the first to# come here in a long# time."
"* Do not be afraid,# little one."
"* I will do my best to# protect you here."
"* Come! I shall guide you# through your new home."
"* The RUINS are full of# puzzles."
"* Ancient fusions between# diversions and doorkeys."
"* They must be solved in# order to move from room# to room."
"* Allow me to demonstrate."
"* We are free to proceed # now. "
"* Follow me, my child.#* There are more puzzles# ahead."
"* Only the fearless may proceed.#* Brave ones, foolish ones.#* Both walk not the middle road."
"* In this room, you will# need to trigger several# switches."
"* Do not worry, I have# labelled the ones that# you need to flip."
"* Do not wander off."
"* It's dangerous in here."
"* \"Press [" + global.action_key + "] to read signs!\""
"* Stay on the road."
"Press this switch,#please! # -Toriel"
"* Oh, do you need some# help?"
"* Please flip the switch# on the north wall."
"* Splendid! I am proud# of you my child. "
"Also press this switch,#please! # -Toriel"
"* Go on, I believe in# you!"
"* Only one more switch# remains."
"* Oh no, my child! That# is the wrong switch."
"* I have labelled the one# you need to flip."
"* That switch has already# been flipped."
"* Why don't you come back# across the bridge?"
"* ...It should have opened# by now..."
"* I am sure I labelled the# correct lever..."
"* Ah, do not worry, little# one! Try flipping the# other switch."
"* I am unsure as to why# this switch is not# working..."
"* Please, try flipping# the other switch."
"* I must have labelled the# wrong switch."
"* I apologize if I have# confused you, my child."
"* Please flip the switch# that is not labelled."
"* Um..."
"* That is not what I# meant."
"* You need to flip the# switch you have not# flipped yet."
"* !..."
"* My child!"
"* Are you all right?"
"* ..."
"* Oh dear... I am afraid I cannot# reach you..."
"* I must leave for a moment. You# will stay there, will you not?"
"* Do not wander, many monsters# are unfriendly towards humans."
"* Fret not, my child, I will# protect you!"
"* Please... wait there."
"See that heart? That#is your SOUL. The#very culmination of#your being!"
"Your LV represents#your LOVE... it's..."
"Heh... I'm sure you#won't have to worry#about that."
"In the Underground,#monsters may try#to attack you!"
"If you see bullets#like these..."
"You need to avoid#them at all costs!"
"Try dodging my#bullets now! Here#they come!"
"Nice job there,#buddy! In case you#do get hit, I can#SAVE your progress!"
"That means if#something bad#happens, I can make#it unhappen for you."
"Sorry about that."
"Let's try again!"
"Here they come!#Dodge them all!"
"What are you doing?#Dodge. The. Bullets."
"Don't mess it up#this time."
"You sicko! Are you#doing this on#purpose?!"
"Fine! I'll just stop#sending them then."
"Since you're so bad#at dodging bullets,#I can SAVE your#progress for you."
"That means if#something bad#happens, I can make#it unhappen for you."
"Since you're so bad#at dodging bullets,#I can SAVE your#progress for you."
"That means if#something bad#happens, I can make#it unhappen for you."
"* Flier is giving fighting a try!"
"* You are overwhelmed by# depressing vibes."
"* Penilla seems to be dreading# this battle."
"* FLIER -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Flier feels nothing."
"* Everything has that new car# smell with a faint whiff of# bodyspray."
"* Flier uses hip slang like the# kids."
"* Flier doesn't think the# position of \"enemy\" fits him."
"* Flier is caught up in old# memories."
"* Flier is telling the other# monsters about his cool new# ride."
"* Two of the Fliers are thinking# about getting girlfriends."
"* The Fliers start talking about# politics."
"* The Fliers are trading tips on# how to be \"hip\"."
"* Penilla rolls her eyes."
"* Flier is ready to return to his# regular life."
"* The Fliers aren't having a# mid-life crisis, they're having# an end-life crisis."
"* Flier is desperately looking# for a new friend."
"* Penilla frantically scraps her# flier sketch."
"* Flier is reconsidering his life# choices."
"* Flier seems to have several# regrets."
"* You inform Flier that you# understand his struggle."
"* You inform Flier that his life# isn't half over, he has a whole# half left to go!"
"* You compliment Flier's choice# of outfits."
"* You tell Flier he looks proud."
"* You tell Flier that he is# depressing."
"* Flier is reconsidering his# reconsiderations."
"* You insult Flier's choice of# outfits."
"I'm looking to#buy a boat! Know#anyone selling?"
"I've been working#out! No big deal#; )"
"I found this#great new band#the other day!"
"Who wants to have#a cookout?"
"Hey guys, check#out my new ride#B)"
"Finally! Monsters#that get me!"
"Is art what the kids#are into these days?"
"That was my bro!"
"He had goals in#life!"
"She was my friend#(I think)."
"Just gotta keep#it... cool."
"So this is how it#ends?"
"I... This isn't#really me..."
"You're right.#Something needs#to change."
"Don't come near#me!"
"That's right! I#knew you noticed!"
"Yeah, I totally#agree."
"I don't accept."
"You just have no#sense of modern#fashion trends!"
"That hurts me on#a personal level."
"Right back at#you."
"* Penilla draws near!"
"* Penilla seems to be dreading# this battle."
"* Penilla encounters you.#* Sweet Corn comes out of nowhere# acting excited."
"* PENILLA -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* A sketchy character."
"* Penilla is drawing a practice# sketch of you."
"* Penilla scraps her drawing and# starts over."
"* The battlefield is covered in# eraser shavings."
"* Penilla signs her sketch and# starts a new one."
"* Penilla seems busy drawing."
"* Penilla rolls her eyes."
"* Penilla is packing up her art# supplies for the day."
"* Penilla is overwhelmed with cutscenes."
"* Penilla frantically scraps her# flier sketch."
"* Flier is desperately looking# for a new friend."
"* The sweet vibes vanish."
"* Sweet Corn didn't notice your# action."
"* Penilla looks like she might# crack under the pressure."
"* Penilla tries to bite the# bullet."
"* You compliment Penilla's# shading skills.#* She is displeased."
"* You compliment Penilla's work.#* She looks a little# uncomfortable."
"* You tell Penilla that she's# wasting her time."
"* You put yourself in between# Penilla and her work."
"* A powerful lone warrior and his# pencil companion encounter you!" (unused)
"* Penilla tries to draw in an anime artstyle to make Crispy Scroll calm down." (unused)
"* Crispy Scroll is talking# Penilla's ears off." (unused)
"* Crispy Scroll attempts to speak another language.#* Penilla winces." (unused)
"* Penilla finishes her anime# drawing in honor of Crispy." (unused)
"2B or not 2B?"
"Gotta keep my#skills sharp!"
"The artist's#life is one of#solitude."
"So all my hand#work leads to#this?"
"My motivation is#really dying#here."
"Aww! How#adorable!"
"Finally, someone#to get along with!"
"I wanted him#gone but not#that way!"
"But she was so#sweet!"
"I'll just...#tape it back#together."
"A sharpener#would come in#handy right#about now..."
"You're just#saying that#because you feel#obligated."
"I don't really#think it's ready#for people yet."
"You got some#nerve."
"I suppose I#could use a#break."
"I have been at#this for a#while..."
"Maybe art isn't#the right path#for me."
"Sorry, I don't#draw requests." (unused)
"Can we talk#about something#else?" (unused)
"He didn't#deserve to die!" (unused)
"* Sweet Corn hops up excitedly."
"* Penilla encounters you.#* Sweet Corn comes out of nowhere# acting excited."
"* You can already feel the# cavities."
"* SWEET CORN -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Constantly on a sugar rush."
"* It smells like burning candle# wax."
"* It seems that Sweet Corn can't# stop twitching."
"* Sweet Corn tries to encourage# you to smile."
"* Sweet Corn makes her signature# squeaky toy noise."
"* Sweet Corn jumps up and down in# celebration."
"* Penilla is overwhelmed with cutscenes."
"* The Sweet Corns hop to the# rhythm."
"* Your ears are ringing from the# chatter."
"* Sweet Corn is smiling# contentedly."
"* Sweet Corn is oblivious to her# surroundings."
"* Sweet Corn didn't notice your# action."
"* The sweet vibes vanish."
"* Sweet Corn's smile looks forced."
"* Sweet Corn is trying to stay# positive."
"* All you can taste is sugar."
"* You walk up and lick Sweet Corn.#* She is creeped out."
"* You give Sweet Corn a big hug.#* She briefly gets stuck to your# shirt."
"* You give Sweet Corn a long,# awkward hug.#* She doesn't like it."
"* You offer Sweet Corn a gift."
"* You give Sweet Corn your# Candy Corn."
"* You give Sweet Corn your Corn# Dog."
"* You can't think of a suitable# gift."
"You can#do this!"
"Remember,#I always#love you!#<3"
"I love#you so#much <3"
"You're so#sweet <3"
"A hug is#the best#medicine!"
"*hums#along#with the#music*"
"What was#that#sound?"
"I feel...#hurt."
"Whatever#makes you#happy!"
"Whatever#makes you#happy! I#suppose..."
"Now#you're#just#invading#my space."
"W-whatever#makes you#happy."
"I love#hugs! <3"
"I'm#feelin'#the love~"
"I can't#feel your#love."
"It's the#thought#that#counts!"
"I don't#want#anything#but a#smile."
"* Crispy Scroll is looking for# someone to talk to."
"* CRISPY SCROLL -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Looking for someone who can# match his enthusiasm."
"* Crispy Scroll is asking if he# can get a picture with you."
"* Crispy Scroll makes an obscure# reference."
"* Crispy Scroll is trying to be# cute."
"* Crispy Scroll is talking in# circles."
"* Crispy Scroll can't decide what# genre to role play."
"* Crispy Scroll can't believe# that just happened."
"* You have made Crispy Scroll's# day."
"* Crispy Scroll is 50% powered up."
"* Crispy Scroll hit 100%! He has# reached Super Crispy Mode 2K!!"
"* Crispy Scroll's power is# staggering!"
"* Crispy Scroll is relying on his# self-imposed plot armor."
"* Crispy Scroll is trying to# teleport away."
"* You and Crispy Scroll perform a# magical transformation sequence."
"* Crispy Scroll can't handle the# excitement and rolls away in a# daze."
"* You haphazardly jump around# while waving your arms."
"* You join Crispy Scroll in his# excited yelling."
"* You yell at Crispy Scroll."
"* You mock Crispy's interests.#* He seems very offended."
"* You give Crispy Scroll a# judgmental look.#* He seems offended."
"* A powerful lone warrior and his# pencil companion encounter you!" (unused)
"* Crispy Scroll is talking# Penilla's ears off." (unused)
"* Crispy Scroll attempts to speak another language.#* Penilla winces." (unused)
"* Penilla tries to draw in an anime artstyle to make Crispy Scroll calm down." (unused)
"* Crispy Mode 2k!!" (unused)
"* Crispy Scroll now has a tragic# backstory." (unused)
"This isn't even#my final form!"
"It isn't easy#being this#bishie!"
"Don't go#tsundere on me#now!"
"You must be the#antagonist!"
"I'm not giving#up!"
"Live a hero, die#a hero."
"Do you even#watch anime?!"
"Wait! Do you#speak fluent#reference?"
"I can feel the#power coursing#through my#ribbons!"
"You aren't even#doing it right!"
"Hey! I don't#judge your#headcanons!"
"You have no#respect for the#artform."
"Can you draw#manga?" (unused)
"You remind me of#this one anime I#saw." (unused)
"I can't do it with monsters watching... (unused)
"YOU BAKA~" (unused)
"* Rorrim encounters you!"
"* RORRIM -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Rorrim's expression is blank."
"* You are momentarily blinded by# Rorrim's dazzling shine."
"* Rorrim reflects on his current# circumstances."
"* Rorrim mimics your movements."
"* Rorrim is looking around."
"* Rorrim is looking for his next# big project."
"* Your reflection is skewed."
"* Rorrim regrets approaching you."
"* You adjust your hat.#* Rorrim seems pleased."
"* You slowly adjust your hat.#* Rorrim seems distraught."
"* You critique your appearance.#* Rorrim is very pleased."
"* You critique your outfit.#* Rorrim seems annoyed."
"* You critique your appearance.#* Rorrim seems disgusted."
"* You give a slight smile.#* Rorrim smiles back."
"* You smile bigger."
"* You give Rorrim a forced smile."
"Better check for#food in your#teeth."
"Yellow is the#new black."
"Who's the#fairest of them#all?"
"Like what you#see?"
"Not scared of#bad luck?"
"This isn't#good..."
"Lookin' good."
"Not bad, not bad."
"Everything seems#wrong."
"It's missing#something."
"You look perfect."
"You look#horrible."
"Smiles are never#out of style."
"You can't phase#me."
"Well... That was#something."
"You're a lot stronger#than I gave you#credit for!"
"Those monsters never#stood a chance#against your skill."
"What's with that#face?"
"Don't even think#about killing me too."
"Remember, I'm the#one keeping you#alive."
"Your life is in my#hands."
"Don't worry, I won't#judge you for your#actions."
"Friends don't judge#each other, right?"
"I have your back and#you've got mine."
"So let's get out of#here, okay pal?"
"* Decibat makes his presence# known."
"* DECIBAT -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Missing his quiet solitude."
"* Decibat is not enjoying the# music."
"* Decibat is whispering something# too quiet to hear."
"* Decibat twitches his large ears."
"* Decibat is losing his patience# with you."
"* Decibat can't hear himself# think."
"* Decibat grinds his teeth# angrily and flinches at the# ruckus he caused."
"* Decibat is shaking with anger."
"* Decibat looks slightly more at# ease."
"* Decibat gives you a nod of# approval."
"* Decibat is enjoying the silence."
"* Decibat is being lulled to# sleep."
"* Decibat is ready to return to# sleep."
"* Decibat hushes you furiously."
"* You open your mouth to speak.#* Decibat covers your mouth."
"* Decibat seems to have given up# hope."
"* Decibat is in too much pain to# care."
"* You watch Decibat in silence.#* He seems to appreciate it."
"* Decibat is making too much# noise to notice your silence."
"* You shout and jump around# trying to scare Decibat away.#* He isn't pleased."
"* You move towards Decibat#* He lands happily on your# shoulder."
"* Decibat seems to have given up# hope."
"* Decibat is in too much pain to# care."
"* Sweet silence..."
"* Sweet silence...#* You earned " + string(global.enemy_exp) + " XP and " + string(global.enemy_gold) + " gold."
"* Decibat flaps away to find# someplace quieter." (unused)
"Don't move.#Don't make a#sound.#Hush hushh!"
"Move in silence.#Hushh hushh!"
"Don't shhy away.#Hushh hushh!"
"Whhispers only#please. Hushh#hushh!"
"Hushh puppy!"
"More quiet#please..."
"You hhear that?#No? Good..."
"Sweet silence..."
"Getting too loud#here! HUSHH#HUSHH!"
"Ow ow ow! Hushh#hushh HUSHH!"
"* Heh, I sure heard#that!"
"* But I don't wanna#hear it again, okay?"
"This thing hates#noise, right?"
"Use that fact to#your advantage!"
"Quite the permanent#solution, eh?"
"Too bad I can#undo it, haha!"
"* Dalv musters his fighting# spirit."
"* DALV -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Wants to be left alone."
"* DALV -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Acting somber."
"* DALV -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Finally alone."
"* Dalv seems to be dreading his# next attack."
"* Dalv takes a break to brush off# his cloak."
"* Dalv assumes an intimidating# facade."
"* Dalv seems to be in conflict# with his more humane side."
"* Electricity crackles and# whirrs around you."
"* Echoes of conflict ring# throughout Dalv's desolate# estate." (unused)
"* Dalv looks unsure of what to do."
"* Dalv has lost all hope."
"* Dalv does not seem to value# communication."
"* It appears Dalv is too focused# to hear you."
"* Dalv doesn't want to hear you."
"* Dalv doesn't notice your offer# of goodwill."
"* Dalv accepts your offer of# goodwill."
"* Dalv rejects your offer of# goodwill."
"* Dalv doesn't want to."
"I don't suppose you#can leave the way you#entered, could you?"
"That would be easier#for both of us."
"Where did you#come from anyway?"
"There aren't any#accessible#entrances..."
"All I know is that#somehow...#you found me.#"
"Sorry to make things#difficult but I'm not#cowering away this#time."
"The other monsters...#Did you pester#them as well? "
"Not that I care#much to keep up#with their activity..."
"This region of the#Ruins is my home."
"And my home has#rules. The residents#understand that."
"But it seems as#if you never got#the memo."
"That, or you're#purposely ignoring#my wishes."
"W-What's with that#sad face?"
"Don't you understand?#Don't you remember me?"
"I know you aren't#a phantom but..."
"Could it be that...#No, it isn't#possible."
"You look so#helpless. Different."
"But is it a front?"
"No... You aren't#trying to hurt me..."
"You... You aren't#who I believed you#to be, are you?"
"...How could I be#so foolish?"
"I apologize.#I truly do."
"This got out of#hand..."
"I... I don't know#how I can make#things right now..."
"You want me... to...#shake your hand?"
"Even after I#wrongfully attacked#you?"
"But that is... a sign#of friendship... "
"You're a human, right?#Is it the same where#you come from?"
"I'm not sure... I#didn't ever expect to#meet another human."
"Let alone befriend#them..."
"Don't get me wrong!#I'd love to have a#friend!"
"...I mean, I think. I#don't really remember#what that entails..."
"I guess I'll give it#a shot if you will."
"Last time I#checked..."
"Friends didn't#do that."
"Looks like my#assumption was...#correct."
"This was all an#act to finish me#off."
"I should've kept#my guard up but..."
"I guess in the#back of my mind#I was hoping..."
"...Wishing, that#finally..."
"Someone came along#to pull me out#of my sorrow."
"But... "
"Happiness has always#been wishful thinking#down here."
"I would've been#a good friend."
"I would've."
"I feared this would#happen. What poor#luck."
"You know, despite your#beliefs..."
"Monsters aren't evil."
"Monsterkind stands for#hope, for good."
"Everyone here is only#trying to find a#little joy."
"But... I guess you#aren't one for joy."
"Who am I kidding? You#won't believe me."
"I'm the one who got#hostile first."
"This isn't some#mistake though..."
"You're fighting on#purpose."
"If you refuse to be#peaceful..."
"I won't be peaceful#either."
"Despite what I said,#us monsters aren't#pushovers."
"I'm losing at this,#aren't I...?"
"Why am I even wasting#my breath?"
"You aren't worth#talking to..."
"So... I'm gonna...#stop talking... to#you..."
"This isn't fair..."
"I'm supposed to#get to say my#last goodbyes..."
"But... I don't#have anyone to#say goodbye to..."
"It's hard to#admit, but I..."
"...I guess I've#been lying to#myself for a#while."
"It did get#lonely down here."
"I've never been#good with words..."
"So I'll just#say this:"
"To everyone."
"I don't suppose you#can leave the way you#entered, could you?"
"That would be easier#for both of us."
"How did you get in#here?"
"There aren't any#accessible entrances..."
"* I..."
"I think I know what#you've done..."
"You hurt a lot of the#monsters out there,#didn't you?"
"Decibat told me that#you went on a#rampage..."
"I... I don't know what#to think of you..."
"I should call you evil#but... you spared#Decibat."
"Why is that?"
"I... always wanted to#be alone. I was sure#of it..."
"But now that I'm so#close to being so..."
"I don't want that#anymore."
"I know I should hate#you but..."
"I don't have much left#now."
"I have Decibat..."
"And you too."
"I don't want to#be alone."
"And I'm not a#malicious monster,#I promise!"
"I probably scared#you."
"And you being so#young, the others..."
"Why don't you come#to my house?"
"We can make amends#there, like...#friends."
"What do you say?"
"You know, it's been#quieter since you#showed up..."
"I suppose I should#thank you."
"I finally got my wish."
"Or maybe it was just a#happenstance."
"Everywhere I go dust#keeps clinging to my#cape..."
"I'm sorry to assume#but..."
"They're all gone,#aren't they?"
"I know I should thank#you, and it is what I#asked for..."
"But I never wanted to#hurt anybody!"
"I can't help but think#it's my fault!"
"Maybe my wish brought#you here?"
"Maybe I just need to#take a nap."
"When I wake up, you'll#be gone, won't you?"
"Yeah, you're just a#ghost of my memories..."
"If you aren't real..."
"Then is all this#actually my fault?"
"I miss them all now!"
"Penilla once drew me#a sketch of a sweet#corn cob."
"I never thanked her..."
"One time, Sweet Corn#gave me a hug for no#reason."
"I told her to never do#it again..."
"They were the closest#things I ever had to#friends..."
"And now..."
"I think I believe#you're real now."
"I have grown awfully#tired but..."
"If I sleep, then wake#up... this won't be#undone."
"So maybe..."
"Maybe I..."
"...Just won't wake up."
"This loner packs#a punch!"
"Nothing you can't#handle, though!"
"Last time I checked,#no one likes a fried#human."
"Get back out there!"
"Blah blah blah,#what a whiner!"
"Let's hurry up and#deal with this recluse!"
"* You notice Micro Froggit# attacking you!"
"* MICRO FROGGIT -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Often falls through the cracks."
"* A gentle breeze causes# Micro Froggit to lose its# balance."
"* You catch a faint whiff of# mustard seed."
"* You momentarily lose track of# Micro Froggit."
"* If you squint, Micro Froggit# looks happy."
"* Micro Froggit ran away. Wait.# Nope, there it is."
"* Micro Froggit is trying to make# itself look bigger."
"* Micro Froggit is waving goodbye."
"* Micro Froggit is trying to hop# away."
"* Micro Froggit is shocked you# managed to land a hit."
"* Micro Froggit doesn't seem# convinced. You may have been# looking in the wrong direction."
"* You can't tell how# Micro Froggit is reacting.#* You think it looks flattered."
"* Micro Froggit is shaking, but# you might just be straining# your eyes."
"* You lift your leg up and stomp# with all your might."
"* You check the sole of your boot# for signs of squished Froggit.#* You only find your dusty boot."
"* Hello?"
"* Are you still present,# little one?"
"* I am going to rescue# you! Come!"
"File 1 Loaded" (unused)
"* Howdy!#* I'm FLOWEY. #* FLOWEY the FLOWER!"
"* Hmm... #* You look confused!"
"* Toriel ought to have # taught you how things # work around here!"
"* She didn't?"
"* I guess little old me # will have to do then.#* Ready? Here we go!"
"* You probably want to go# home, don'tcha?#"
"* Well you've got a long # journey ahead!"
"* If you ever need to save,# come look for me!"
"* I'll leave these little # things around for you."
"* That way it's easy to # find me!"
"* If you see one don't # hesitate to call me! "
"* And then I'll save # for you. Like I just # saved for you now!"
"* ..."
"* There's one more# thing..."
"* The king of all the# monsters, ASGORE..."
"* He's been killing# humans."
"* The only way out is# killing him and... # well..."
"* You're pretty small..."
"* That doesn't matter too# much though."
"* What matters is you've# got me on your# side!"
"* I'll let you get going,# but please be careful."
"* There's all sortsa # dangerous traps down# here."
"* And some of the # monsters in this# place..."
"* I hear they don't # like visitors.# So good luck!"
"* Howdy!"
"* I'm FLOWEY. "
"* Hmm..."
"* You look like a pretty# confident person."
"* I shouldn't hold you# here all day should I?"
"* Wouldn't want to be a# hindrance!"
"* I'll letcha go, but you# should know this at# least:"
"* King ASGORE is# responsible for# everything."
"* Seek him out and do# what you must."
"* Also..."
"* If you ever run into# trouble, I can SAVE for# you!"
"* Just come look for# these things and I'll be# there!"
"* Well, I suppose that's# that."
"* Go get 'em, buddy!"
"* Hello..."
"* I'm happy to finally meet you# face to face."
"* How long has it been?"
"* I was wondering if you'd ever# come back..."
"* ..."
"* No... too forward."
"* Who am I kidding? I'll never# be able to meet you in this# state."
"* I just hope you know... I had# no choice. It must be this way."
"* ..."
"* Huh?"
"* Who...?"
"* I-I must be seeing things..."
"* Is it wrong to hold doubt in# my actions?"
"* I enjoyed life before... I# did... But I can't go back."
"* What happened that day would# only repeat."
"* ..."
"* !"
"* What is this?"
"* Why do they appear every time# I start monologuing? "
"* I need more rest."
"* I declare you an honorary# sentinel of silence."
"* I trust you to keep peace# and order hhear."
"* I shall go conquer new lands# in the name of quiet."
"* This is a very hhigh# honor so keep it# hhush hhush."
"* Ah!"
"* Umm..."
"* I don't know who you are but I# ask you..."
"* Please leave!"
"* You hear movement in the# distance..."
"* The Micro Froggits are waving# goodbye."
"* You're... still following me?"
"* I thought I made it clear that# I want to be left alone."
"* I don't understand... You...# you look just like them."
"* Is this some sort of haunting?# Or have you come to finish the# job?"
"* Retreating here wasn't enough# so you hunted me down..."
"* Right?"
ch[1] = "What?"
ch[2] = "..."
"* And I was just starting to# accept my reality.# The cruelty..."
"* ..."
"* Whatever I did to you that day# was not my intention, I was# only..."
"* Nevermind. Words aren't# enough."
"* I... I don't want to fight# anybody, but you've invaded# my home."
"* The exit is blocked and you# can't stay here. I will not# allow it."
"* Only one thing to# do..."
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* What do friends do# actually?"
"* Do you want to, um,# see my house?# Or something?"
"* I have to go there# anyway so I guess stop# by if you have time. "
"You're... sparing me?"
"But... what about them?"
"Why only me?"
"What makes me so#special!"
"Or is this how you#plan to hurt me?"
"By taking them all#away..."
"...I don't need them.#I'll be fine on my own."
"I've been doing it#long enough..."
"I think you should leave."
"You've already done#enough damage here."
"* ..."
"* I guess... I truly am# alone now..."
"* This was all a# misunderstanding, right?"
"* ..."
"* I'll be waiting in my# house."
"* Come whenever you feel# like it."
"* I have to um...# fix something in the# other room."
"* Sit down,# get comfortable,# take your shoes off."
"* ..."
"* Actually please leave# them on, the floors are# a bit dirty."
"* I haven't swept since # this morning."
"* It seems like you# took your time."
"* Oh, but don't worry, I'm# used to standing around# by my lonesome."
"* I keep myself occupied# by cleaning around# the house."
"* It's my hourly routine!"
"* ..."
"* I have to um...# fix something..."
"* Welcome..."
"* Make yourself at home."
"* I'm going to my room to# rest."
"* I feel a bit ill."
"* We're... friends now# so..."
"* Look at whatever you# like."
"* See you... later."
"* Alright, I know you're# probably eager to get# going."
"* But feel free to# stay as long as# you like."
"* Welcome back."
"* Um... I'm not sure what# to say..."
"* I had some cards made# for emergency friend# situations...#"
"* ...but I've misplaced# them."
"* Make yourself at home...# again."
"* Well, here we are."
"* Thank you..."
"* For everything."
"* You have really helped# me out."
"* Because of this..."
"* I'm leaving this place."
"* I'm tired of being# alone."
"* It'll take a few days to# pack up..."
"* But I think I'm ready to# give the Underground# another shot."
"* I have so much# creativity I've been# storing up."
"* I'm finally ready to let# my talents show."
"* I can publish my novel,# have an organ concert,"
"* I might even make# another friend!"
"* What a world it would be# if I had two whole# friends."
"* I'll go around and place# corn on every doorstep."
"* Everyone needs a little# corn in their life."
"* I've eaten corn every# day for a year and I'm# doing moderately OK."
"* So much to learn, so# much to teach. I'm very# excited!"
"* Oops. There I go again# with my rambling."
"* Let's get you out of# here."
"* Oh..."
"* It seems the exit is# blocked off..."
"* Let's see."
"* There we go. You're all# set."
"* Oh, before I forget,# I never asked for# your name!"
"* Mind informing me?"
ch[1] = "Clover"
"* Clover? What a nice name."
"* Well, Clover, thank you# so much."
"* See you later..."
"* Friend."
(the following interaction is unused)
"* Well, here we are."
"* I should thank you..."
"* For helping me out# so much."
"* Because of this..."
"* I'm leaving this place."
"* I'm tired of being# alone."
"* It'll take a few days to# pack up..."
"* But I think I'm ready to# give the Underground# another shot."
"* I suppose I should get# you out of here but..."
"* Honestly, you confuse me."
"* You hurt me but yet, you# gave me freedom."
"* Is that what real# friends do?"
"* If so I don't know if I# really want to leave."
"* If everyone will hurt me# then help me..."
"* Is that a place I want# to be?"
"* Well... I can't let this# opportunity pass."
"* It's ok, I forgive you."
"* You probably were scared# by me..."
"* Most monsters are..."
"* ..."
"* It seems the exit is# blocked off..."
"* I'll deal with it."
"* There we go. You're all# set."
"* Oh, before I forget,# I never asked for# your name."
"* Mind informing me?"
ch[1] = "Clover"
"* Clover? What a nice name."
"* Well, Clover, you should# get going."
"* See you later..."
"* Friend."
"* Well, here we are."
"* Thank you..."
"* For everything."
"* You have really helped# me out."
"* Because of this..."
"* I'm going to be more# friendly."
"* I'm gonna be the mentor# I always should have# been."
"* Penilla and I will draw# together,"
"* Rorrim could spice up my# wardrobe,"
"* And Crispy Scroll can# show me that \"anime\"# thing."
"* I thought of leaving..."
"* But why leave when I# have a great family# right here?"
"* Plus I've really let the# place go."
"* A week of non-stop# cleaning is in order!"
"* ..."
"* Well... I should get you# out of here."
"* Oh..."
"* It seems the exit is# blocked off..."
"* Let's see."
"* There we go. You're all# set."
"* Oh, before I forget,# I never asked for# your name."
"* Mind informing me?"
ch[1] = "Clover"
"* Clover? What a nice name."
"* Well, Clover, you should# get going."
"* Goodbye..."
"* Friend."
(the following interaction is unused)
"* Well, here we are."
"* I should thank you..."
"* You have really helped# me out."
"* Because of this..."
"* I'm going to be friendly# to everyone."
"* ..."
"* I suppose I should get# you out of here but..."
"* Honestly, you confuse me."
"* You hurt me but yet, you# opened my eyes."
"* Is that what real# friends do?"
"* I would leave but..."
"* If everyone outside will# hurt me then help me..."
"* Is that a place I want# to be?"
"* No."
"* I've lived here for a# long time."
"* It's comfortable and I# know the residents."
"* The unknown is a scary# place..."
"* I'm not ready for it..."
"* Not yet at least."
"* The monsters here need# someone to look up to."
"* I could make them happy."
"* ..."
"* Well, anyway. It seems# the exit is blocked# off..."
"* I'll deal with it."
"* There we go. You're all# set."
"* Oh, before I forget,# I never asked for# your name."
"* Mind informing me?"
ch[1] = "Clover"
"* Clover? What a nice name."
"* Well, Clover, you should# get going."
"* Goodbye..."
"* Friend."
"* Howdy!"
"* Were you expecting that?"
"* I'm a little more# helpful than you may# have thought."
"* Anything you can't do by# yourself is my job."
"* Anyway..."
"* Great job getting# through here!"
"* Boy, am I glad to be on# your side."
"* Get ready because we# have a long journey# ahead."
"* This is gonna be so much# fun!"
"* I'll see you on the# other side, pal!"
"* Howdy! "
"* I... get the impression# you like to roll solo."
"* Ya know, with you never# taking me up on my# \"save\" offer."
"* But look, you see those# shattered planks on the# ground? "
"* I can be a great help# to you in times of# trouble! "
"* Maybe you have some# trust issues but..."
"* You need to get over# that if you want a# fighting chance, okay?"
"* See you up ahead,# buddy."
"* Howdy! "
"* I'm sure you could've# smashed those yourself# but..."
"* I can be a help to you# sometimes."
"* Like with... saving.# Remember that?"
"* Maybe you forgot. "
"* Wait... "
"* Is this about my vague# threat earlier?"
"* I was only kiddin'# around! You know me! "
"* Oh, well, I suppose you# don't yet."
"* Heh, what a pickle... "
"* All you need to know is# I have your best# interest in mind."
"* You're heading down a# dangerous path so... "
"* Don't forget to save,# alright?"
"* Alright."
"* (Climb the rope?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (The sign is obscured by# leaves.)"
"* (Only a few words are visible.)"
"* Caution... " + global.cancel_key + "... Run..."
"* Caution... " + global.cancel_key + "... Walk..."
"* (You hear movement in the# distance...)"
"* (An intimidating presence fills# the Ruins.)"
"* (It's a sign.)#* (It says EXPOSITION in large# friendly letters.)"
"* (Intimidating spikes block your# path.)"
"* (You shouldn't risk jumping# over them.)"
"* Make what is dim, bright."
"* Make what is dark, light."
"* Stuck? Press this for a do-over."
"* Or don't."
"* Private property.#* No trespassing."
"* (A bed of well-attended# flowers.)"
"* (They smell nice.)"
"* (Some flowers.)"
"* (A bed of well-attended# flowers.)"
"* (They smell nice.)"
"* (Some flowers.)"
"* (There's no lemonade left.)"
"* (It's a rejected piece of corn.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (Obtained Candy Corn!)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (It's probably not good# enough for you.)"
"* Friend:#* I planted these for you."
"* It isn't much but I hope it# brightens your day."
"* It always brightened mine."
"* (A little pile of conveniently# bullet shaped pebbles.)"
"* (Take them?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (Obtained Pebbles!)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Pebbles are too dangerous.)"
"* Friend:#* Do not fear the unknown.#* Sometimes they're nice."
"* (Intimidating spikes block your# path.)"
"* (A familiar figure.)"
"* (An unknown entity.)"
"* (Somebody's... SOUL?)"
"* (There appears to be a drawing# of a cat scribbled on it.)"
"* (Does this make it a# caterpillar?)"
"* (Scribblings.)"
"* (...)"
"* (You jostle the gate.)"
"* (It doesn't budge.)"
"* I seem to recall# what I once saw so often..."
"* What I remembered...#* It seems is now forgotten..."
"* So then nevermind I guess."
"* (It's a stray feather.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got a Stray Feather!)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (You ignore it.#* Strays are nothing but# trouble.)"
"* (You notice a dark path beyond# the rocks but you can't squeeze# past them.)"
"* (Rocks block this path.)"
"* (He is sound asleep. #* Maybe you shouldn't disturb# him.)"
"* (It's a wooden torch with a# great flame resting on top.)"
"* (A torch.)"
"* (The water looks refreshingly# unclean.)"
"* (Water.)"
"* Property of Dalv# (That monster in the cloak.)#* NO TRESPASSING!"
"* (There's corn on the# cobweb.)"
"* (A corn cob.)"
"* (There's a Corn Dog hiding# amongst the corn cobs.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* Obtained Corn Dog!"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (It could bite you.)"
"* (It's a crate with \"special# corn\" written on it in pink# crayon.)"
"* (Nothing useful left.)"
"* (A pile of crates, all# containing corn.)"
"* (You're getting tired of the# stuff.)"
"* (Some crates.)"
"* Don't step on the flowers."
"* (It's a chair.)"
"* (Perfect for exciting# activities like sitting.)"
"* (A small table for one sits in# the corner.)"
"* (You can't help but notice its# fine craftsmanship.)"
"* (A table.)"
"* ..."
"* (It's a mini fridge.)"
"* (It's mostly empty.)"
"* (A cheap mini fridge.)"
"* (Nothing inside looks remotely# edible.)"
"* ..."
"* (It's a tacky looking black# wardrobe.)"
"* (You open it.)"
"* (There is a balloon floating# slowly inside.)"
"* (You untie it and inhale some# of the contents.)"
"* (You now sound funny.)"
"* ..."
"* (You no longer sound funny.)"
"* (You should respect the dead.)"
"* (It's a flower pot full of# dirt.)"
"* That's my turnip plant!"
"* He should be sprouting# up any day now!"
"* ... He's really taking# his time..."
"* But I don't rush him."
"* ..."
"* (It's a flower pot full of# dirt.)"
"* (Dirt.)"
"* (It's a little table with a# built-in drawer.)"
"* (It seems to be locked.)"
"* (A little table with a drawer.)"
"* (This chair is just like the# other one... but better.)"
"* (It's a chair.)"
"* You like those?"
"* Those are my projects."
"* I sometimes try to write# books. Like for kids and# stuff..."
"* (The table is covered in# colorful pencils and pages# strewn with cute pictures.)"
"* I sometimes kinda forget# what colors things are# outside this place..."
"* So I just make them up!"
"* I think the kids will# find it more interesting# like that anyway!"
"* ..."
"* It might not be as# educational though..."
"* ..."
"* (The table is covered in# colorful pencils and pages# strewn with cute pictures.)"
"* (Childish pictures scattered on# the table.)"
"* Are you ready to leave?"
"* Leave Dalv's house?"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* If that's what you want,# I'll lead the way."
ch[2] = "No"
"* Alright, take as long as# you like."
"* Someone made that for me# a while back."
"* It's a single corn from# the corn field out in# the Ruins."
"* I started that field# from one piece of corn."
"* Before I closed off the# door to Snowdin,# something happened."
"* I kept finding corn# sitting on my doorstep."
"* Every morning it was# just, there."
"* I didn't know who was# leaving it but..."
"* Somehow I thought they# were my friend."
"* I always wanted to repay# their kind deeds but..."
"* I never could think of# anything to leave in# return."
"* And one day they just# stopped showing up."
"* That's when I decided to# hide away."
"* But I planted the last# cob of corn I had down# here."
"* It's taken to the# environment surprisingly# well."
"* I always found it rather# inspiring."
"* ..."
"* (It's a nice painting of a# small, lonely cob.)"
"* (A signature that reads# \"Penilla\", is written in the# corner.)"
"* (A painting.)"
"* (It's lacking corn realism.)"
"* ..."
"* Let's look at something# else, okay?"
"* ..."
"* (No answer...)"
"* (You hear an organ faintly# playing on the other side.)"
"* (It's a little table with a# built-in drawer.)"
"* (It seems to be locked.)"
"* (A little table with a drawer.)"
"* Be careful with that."
"* That broom has been like# my best friend."
"* I never thought he'd be# replaced by a real# friend!"
"* ..."
"* (It's a well worn broom.)"
"* (A broom.)"
"* (The wood is splintered.)"
"* (It's a gramophone.)"
"* (It looks pretty old.)"
"* (Maybe it's a grandmaphone.)"
"* (A record labeled \"Dalv Organ# Demo\" is queued up to play.)"
"* (Play it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (The record must be damaged or# broken.)"
"* (Stop this wretched music?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You turn off the gramophone.)"
"* (Maybe it's a work in# progress.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (An old gramophone.)"
"* (You spare yourself by not# playing the record on it.)"
"* (It's an organ.)"
"* (The musical kind.)"
"* (An organ.)"
"* (It seems horribly out of# tune.)"
"* (A comfy-looking bed.)"
"* (A bed.)"
"* (It's very squeaky.)"
"* (It looks like Dalv's diary.)"
"* (This could contain private# information.)"
"* (Read it?)"
"* (It's Dalv's diary.)"
"* (Read it?)"
"* (There is a book of neatly# written paragraphs on the# desk.)"
"* (They all appear to be very# similar.)"
"* (It's a chair.)"
"* (The non-musical kind.)"
"* (A fine oak chest.)"
"* (Open it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (Wow! It's lined with high# quality satin!)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (You check again.)"
"* (It's still a cool chest.)"
"* (A fine oak chest.)"
"* (A beautiful, delicious-looking# Golden Pear catches your eye.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got the Golden Pear!)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Beauty is in the eye# of the beholder anyway.)"
"* Yo, Dalv is opening the door to# Snowdin!"
"* It's been so long!"
"* I know what my first# stop will be. "
"* Dump, here I come! "
"* Do you watch anime? "
"* I HIGHLY recommend it!"
"* I mean some of it is# total garbage... "
"* But most of it is SOOO good!"
"* Maybe we could watch some# together!"
"* This new \"not hiding\" thing# will take some getting used# to. "
"* I wonder what kind of# adventures I can go on# now."
"* I could go out and solve# the secrets of the entire# Underground!"
"* Meet every monster, brave# every danger, see everything# I can!"
"* Maybe I'll even find# a way back to the Surface!#* You never know!"
"* Anyone can be a hero.#* Maybe you could be one# too!"
"* You might wanna get a# new hat. That one is# looking a bit worn."
"* Oh hey! I was just thinking..."
"* I really have to show you# this house I'm checking out!"
"* It's on a beach just# outside of the Ruins. "
"* Hey, what's with that look?#* I'm following your advice# and being myself. "
"* I'll just be myself in# a really cool beach house! "
"* You gotta get out and# live a little once in# a while. "
"* If you stay in one place# too long it feels like things# start to loop. "
"* It can drive you a little# crazy. "
"* I'm totally gonna learn all# the hip dance moves out there!"
"* Now I can fulfill my dreams# of opening a free hugs# booth!"
"* I'll get to see everyone's# smiling faces! "
"* Watch out Dalv! You're# well overdue for a big# hug! "
"* Everyone needs a good hug# now and then! "
"* Especially big mopey mopes# like Dalv! "
"* If you ever turn into a# big mopey mope like Dalv# call my new business!"
"* Sweet Corn's Perennial Hugs!"
"* No really! Give me your# phone and I'll give# you the number!"
"* Hugs make the world# go 'round!"
"* Wow, I can go wherever I want# now? I was tired of hiding# from Dalv! "
"* You can only draw so many# landscapes of tiny cracks and# good hiding rocks! "
"* I finally got to see the big# drawing of a sweet corn cob# I made!"
"* I can't believe Dalv hung# it up!"
"* I know he loves his corn# but I can't believe he# liked my art that much!"
"* I also can't believe we've been# friends for so long and I only# just got to see his house!"
"* I've always considered Dalv# and me to be friends. "
"* He just likes to not# be bothered sometimes. "
"* I get that. Sometimes I just# want to be alone to do# my art! "
"* I mean, if we weren't friends,# I wouldn't go out of my way# so much to give him his space! "
"* I just can't wait to sketch# the outside!"
"* Oh, are you hiding from# Dalv too?"
"* There isn't much room but# you're welcome to join me!"
"* I know lots of games# to kill time!"
"* How about we play count# the dust!"
"* We see who can count# the most dust before# getting bored!"
"* Ready? Go!"
"* Thirty-three, thirty-four,# thirty-five..."
"* Seventy-eight, seventy-nine..."
"* ACHOO!"
"* Oh dear... I lost# count..."
"* I guess you win then!"
"* Is it dusty in here# or is it just me?"
"* Are you ready to leave?"
"* Leave Dalv's house?"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* If that's what you want,# I'll lead the way."
ch[2] = "No"
"* Alright, take as long as# you like."
"* I hope I'm being a good# host!"
"* Howdy!#* Looks like you got# it then! "
"* Why the long face, pal?"
"* Don't worry, this place# is way better than up# there!"
"* That old lady would've# just spoiled all of# our fun!"
"* Come on, let's not stand# around here all day!"
"* You... really only need# one save..."
"* Do you not trust me or# something?"
"* Come on!#* I'm your pal!"
"* I got your back!"
"* You should get going..."
"* Really?#* What is this about?"
"* I told you already, you# don't need that stupid# goat lady!"
"* She couldn't have# protected you anyway!"
"* You have me! #* I'm way better!"
"* I'm your pal Flowey!"
"* I'm the only friend # you'll ever need!"
"* Can Toriel save for you?#* NO!"
"* So let's get out of# here while we're# still young!"
"* Howdy!"
"* I see you're still in# one piece!"
"* You saw that weirdo# right?"
"* If you want to get out# of here you'll have to# go through him."
"* He shouldn't be a# problem though."
"* And if he is, that's why# I'm here!"
"* Again?"
"* Okay, you're double# saved now!"
"* Again?" (unused)
"* Really?"
"* How many saves do you # need?"
"* Howdy!"
"* Golly, this place sure# is dead!"
"* All the monsters are# all quiet and lurking."
"* That's not like monsters# at all!"
"* Don't let this ruin# your impression of# the Underground!"
"* We'll leave this# dump behind soon# enough!"
"* You're already saved,# let's get a move# on!"
"* What? Not happy with# your death tally?"
"* Haven't you ever heard# the phrase: Don't shoot # the messenger?"
"* Come on, buddy!"
"* You can save more# later!"
"* Howdy!"
"* Not too far now!"
"* Just gotta deal with# that downer!"
"* Then you're out of# the Ruins!"
"* See you on the other# side, pal!"
"* What?"
"* You scared of that# doom and gloom guy?"
"* Look, you just gotta# fight your way through# him!"
"* He'll go down easy!"
"* And in case you# haven't noticed..."
"* He really won't be# missed!"
"* So go get him!"
"* Come on, kid!#* Show him who's boss!"
"* Well that's that."
"* Gee, what a start to our# journey."
"* I can't say I expected# this but it's your# choice."
"* Anyway..."
"* If you want to explore# more before we leave# you should know this."
"* I've removed all my save# points besides this one# from here."
"* No use in going back# there."
"* I'll be at this one and# this one only until# you wanna leave."
"* See you later!"
"* Nice job, kid!"
"* I bet your conscience# feels light as a# feather."
"* Making friends is a good# way of getting through# here."
"* Avoiding conflict,# keeping yourself# safe..."
"* I get that."
"* We just started and# you've already# befriended me, and him."
"* Aren't you the popular# one!"
"* By the way..."
"* If you want to explore# more before we leave# you should know this."
"* I've removed all my save# points besides this one# from here."
"* No use in going back# there."
"* I'll be at this one and# this one only until# you wanna leave."
"* See you later!"
"* Well done!"
"* That was almost too easy."
"* He sure put up a fight# but you handled it with# skill."
"* It's not like anyone# will miss that downer# anyway."
"* By the way..."
"* If you want to explore# more before we leave# you should know this."
"* I've removed all my save# points besides this one# from here."
"* No use in going back# there."
"* I'll be at this one and# this one only until# you wanna leave."
"* See you later!"
"* The exit is through# his house."
"* Go on."
"* Gee, it's getting a# little dusty around here,# huh?"
"* Not too fond of that# whole mercy thing?"
"* That's alright, whatever# gets you to ASGORE# friend!"
"* You've really got some# passion there."
"* There's only " + string(global.kill_number[scr_determine_world_value_yellow()]) + " of the# monsters left not# counting the weirdo."
"* Good luck, pal!"
"* Wow, it sure is quiet# around here."
"* I gotta say, it's# a bit nice with no# disturbances."
"* Well, nothing left to# do here I guess. Let's# keep going!"
"* Let's keep moving!"
"* There is an igloo here."
"* Know Cone encounters you, and# an igloo."
"* FROSTERMIT -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* A suspicious igloo."
"* You think you see the igloo# move a bit."
"* The igloo towers over you# menacingly.#* Kidding. It's just an igloo."
"* There is an igloo here."
"* Something smells fishy."
"* Know Cone punches the igloo to# test its durability."
"* Know Cone wonders if fire would help him."
"* Know Cone doesn't speak igloo.#* Know Cone is upset."
"* Know Cone tries hugging the igloo, hoping it will spring to life."
"* The igloo does not appear to be# structurally sound anymore."
"* The igloo is making distressed# noises."
"* FROSTERMIT -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Always right at home."
"* Frostermit seems to be# contemplating hiding again."
"* Frostermit is coming out of its# shell a bit."
"* Frostermit is tapping out a# rhythm with his pincers."
"* Frostermit is doing a# crusta-shuffle."
"* Frostermit is considering a# renovation."
"* Know Cone knew someone was# there!"
"* Know Cone wants to show Frostermit his favorite element."
"* Know Cone is dancing, hoping to befriend Frostermit."
"* Frostermit is contemplating a return into his fortress."
"* Frostermit has never been in the situation before."
"* Frostermit is ready to scuttle# on its way."
"* Frostermit doesn't know what to do."
"* Know Cone face-plants into# the ground and yells."
"* Frostermit is looking a bit# crabby with you."
"* Frostermit retreats inside for a# moment to address a possible# cave in."
"* It's just an igloo."
"* You begin giving Frostermit a# discerning once-over.#* It looks uncomfortable."
"* You look over the damaged igloo."
"* You stare at Frostermit."
"* You do a little dance.#* Someone has come out to# investigate."
"* You start doing a crab walk# dance.#* Frostermit jumps in."
"* You try to do the worm.#* You fall flat on the snow, but# Frostermit is impressed anyway."
"* You wiggle around in front of# the igloo.#* Nothing happens."
"* You mimic Frostermit's crab# moves.#* It isn't pleased."
"* You comment on the igloo's fine# craftsmanship.#* It's an igloo."
"* You compliment Frostermit's# hiding skills."
"* You marvel at how it hasn't# crumbled."
"* You commend Frostermit's sharp# skill."
"Igloo igloo."
"Igloo noises."
"Repelling#igloo sounds!"
"*tap tap*"
"*pinch pinch*"
"*snap snap*"
"You like to#groove?"
"I know some#sick scuttles."
"*shudder shudder*"
"I was not#prepared for this."
"H-he wasn't#that annoying..."
"Ow... I mean- #IGLOO NOISES ! !"
"Looks like I'm#in a bit of a#pinch..."
"My home..."
"It's just an#igloo! Wait,#did you say#that already?"
"Yep, nothing to#see here!"
"There's nothing#to stare at...#is there?"
"That's a little#rude ya know..."
"You better watch#out. My pinchers#are fierce."
"You don't mean#tha- IGLOO IGLOO ! !"
"Appreciative#igloo noise!"
"Thanks- I mean#igloO !"
"Um, hi... Can I#join?"
"Next time I'll#lead!"
"Can you come#dance with me#more often?"
"What even is#that? I mean- IGLOO ! !"
"* Insomnitot staggers forward."
"* You suddenly feel like taking a# nap."
"* INSOMNITOT -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Up past its bedtime."
"* The air is crisp."
"* The smell of french fries wafts# past you."
"* Insomnitot catches itself# nodding off."
"* Insomnitot is trying to shake# the sleepiness away."
"* One Insomnitot starts to drift# off but the other pokes its# friend awake again."
"* The Insomnitots brag to each# other about how long they've# been awake."
"* The Insomnitots have# a conversation exclusively# through yawns."
"* The Insomnitots share a cup of# coffee."
"* Insomnitot struggles to# maintain consciousness."
"* Insomnitot is smiling at its# dream."
"* Insomnitot is in its happy# place."
"* Insomnitot is too tired to find# the right words to honor its# fallen friend."
"* Insomnitot thinks it was a# dream."
"* Insomnitot is hoping it'll feel# better in the morning."
"* Insomnitot is drifting in and# out of consciousness."
"* You attempt to sing a quiet# lullaby.#* Insomnitot looks bored."
"* You attempt to sing a quiet# lullaby.#* Insomnitot drifts off to sleep."
"* You attempt to sing a quiet# lullaby, but it seems your# services are no longer required."
"* You hum a little ditty.#* Insomnitot seems too distracted# to appreciate it."
"* You inform Insomnitot of the# dangers of sleep deprivation.#* It ignores you."
"* You inform Insomnitot of the# benefits of a good night's sleep.#* It ignores you."
"* You list the health benefits of# brushing your teeth.#* Insomnitot can't hear you."
"* You inform Insomnitot that it's# time for bed."
"* You swing Insomnitot's tassel# in front of its face."
"* You reach for Insomnitot's# tassle, but think better of# disturbing its slumber."
"* You wave your hand slowly in# front of Insomnitot's face.#* It doesn't react."
"* Insomnitot appears!#* Know Cone wanders in, chasing a# butterfly." (unused)
"* Insomnitot kicks a rock.#* Know Cone retrieves it with his mouth." (unused)
"* Know Cone is chasing Insomintot's sheep." (unused)
"* Know Cone showcases his stick# collection to Insomnitot." (unused)
"* Know Cone raves about his passion for fire to Insomnitot." (unused)
"* Insomnitot wants to leave, but doesn't want to move." (unused)
"I outgrew my#bedtime, so no#rules for me."
"Sleep is for#the weak!"
"Cool things#happen 24 hours#a day!"
"I'm not tired,#you are!"
"Don't know what#time it is and#I don't care."
"When you have#friends, you#don't need sleep!"
"We're gonna stay#up all night#chatting!"
"We're starting a#night owl club."
"Together we fight#the oppressive#construct of#bedtimes!"
"Zzzzz... noodles... zzz"
"Huh? What? I#think I nodded#off..."
"Ow... now I have#a headache."
"No need to be so#crass."
"Know anything#more upbeat?"
"I see what#you're doing.#It's not gonna#work!"
"You're a *YAWN*#good"
"I like that#song..."
"Pretty song...#zzzz..."
"You need vocal#lessons."
"Yeah, yeah,#don't talk to#strangers."
"You sound like#my parents!"
"You're not the#boss of me."
"Nice try."
"So much for all night." (unused)
"I can't sleep#even if I wanted#to." (unused)
"*YAWN*" (unused)
"Huh. The noise#stopped." (unused)
"* Know Cone comes to see if you# are made of fire.#* You aren't."
"* Know Cone encounters you, and# an igloo."
"* KNOW CONE -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* One ski short of a snowmobile."
"* KNOW CONE -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* An eager mind filled with a# burning passion."
"* Know Cone is pointing excitedly# at something in the distance.#* It looks to be a tree."
"* Know Cone starts doing a# primitive dance."
"* Know Cone is yelling random# noises that sound like they# could be a made-up language."
"* Know Cone is banging a rock# against a fallen branch.#* The branch breaks."
"* Know Cone takes a break from# hunting for fire to gather some# berries."
"* Know Cone punches the igloo to# test its durability."
"* Know Cone wonders if fire would help him."
"* Know Cone doesn't speak igloo.#* Know Cone is upset."
"* Know Cone tries hugging the igloo, hoping it will spring to life."
"* Know Cone knew someone was# there!"
"* Know Cone wants to show Frostermit his favorite element."
"* Know Cone is dancing, hoping to befriend Frostermit."
"* Frostermit is contemplating a return into his fortress."
"* Frostermit has never been in the situation before."
"* Know Cone has been enlightened."
"* Know Cone face-plants into# the ground and yells."
"* Frostermit doesn't know what to do."
"* Know Cone is quite enraged."
"* Know Cone stomps his feet in a# huff."
"* You encourage Know Cone to# follow his dreams."
"* You advocate Know Cone's search# for fire."
"* You patiently explain the# dangers of an open flame.#* Know Cone seems receptive."
"* You inform Know Cone that fire# will kill him."
"* You berate Know Cone's# ignorance and terrible grammar."
"* Insomnitot appears!#* Know Cone wanders in, chasing a# butterfly." (unused)
"* Insomnitot kicks a rock.#* Know Cone retrieves it with his mouth." (unused)
"* Know Cone is chasing Insomintot's sheep." (unused)
"* Know Cone showcases his stick# collection to Insomnitot." (unused)
"* Know Cone raves about his passion for fire to Insomnitot." (unused)
"* Know Cone stomps the ground in# a fit of rage." (unused)
"OH WELL..."
"WHERE TOT GO!?#THEY FUN!!" (unused)
"Whoa whoa whoa!"
"No need to start a#fight! Let's be#civil 'ere."
"Do you attempt to#attack everyone you#encounter?"
"Calm down, will ya?"
"* Trihecta wobbles forward!"
"* TRIHECTA -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Intimidatingly tall."
"* Trihecta bickers amongst itself."
"* Trihecta seem to be pushing# each other's buttons."
"* A gust of wind threatens to# topple Trihecta's pile."
"* Trihecta is considering# purchasing a long trench coat."
"* Trihecta begins to sway back# and forth."
"* Trihecta balances out."
"* Trihecta is teetering this way# and that."
"* Hec is blaming their# situation on Tri."
"* Ta is tearing up."
"* You push Trihecta away."
"* Trihecta topples over!"
"* You attempt to push Trihecta# over.#* They stand firm."
"* You pull Trihecta towards you."
"* Trihecta topples over!"
"* You try to pull Trihecta toward# you, but they won't budge."
"* You attempt to climb Trihecta.#* Tri pushes you away for# stepping on them."
"* You attempt to climb Trihecta,# but Tri snaps at your foot."
"* Trihecta regroups, then bickers."
"* TRI -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Taking things one step at a# time."
"* TRI -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* No longer intimidating."
"* HEC -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Day is getting better."
"* HEC -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* No longer intimidating."
"* TA -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Hopping with excitement!!"
"* TA -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* No longer intimidating."
"* Tri is exploring their newfound# freedom."
"* Tri is fretting over the others'# bumps and bruises."
"* Tri, Hec, and Ta are friendly# and free."
"* Hec is happy to be on their own."
"* Hec seems slightly relieved# that the others are on the# ground."
"* Ta is bouncing around exploring# their new world."
"* Ta is finding new ways to cause# trouble."
"* They're scrambling frantically."
"* Now they are truly split apart."
"* They don't know what to do."
"* You burst out into laughter# over their topple."
"* You laugh at Tri."
"* You laugh at Hec."
"* You laugh at Ta."
"* You attempt to climb Tri, but# get scolded for plagiarism." (unused)
"* You attempt to climb Tri, but# they push you away." (unused)
"* You attempt to climb Hec, but# they push you back." (unused)
"* You attempt to climb Hec, but# they snap at you." (unused)
"* You attempt to climb Ta... and# you succeed!#* Ta is very happy." (unused)
"* You attempt to climb Ta, but# they run from you." (unused)
"* You tell Tri, Hec and Ta to# settle their differences and# hug it out." (unused)
"* You tell Tri, Hec and Ta to# settle their differences# and hug it out." (unused)
"* You tell them to hug it out,# but they aren't listening." (unused)
"Be careful up#there, okay?"
"You guys are#clinging on#tight, right?"
"I'm tired of#being overlooked."
"These two clowns#get all the#attention."
"Does anyone hear#me? It's like#I'm not even#talking."
"I'm on top of#the WORLD!!!"
"Look ma! No#hands!"
"I'm the king of#the castle! WOOT!"
"I won't let us#fall."
"As if this day#couldn't get#worse."
"P-please let me#down now."
"Everyone okay?"
"I told you this#would happen!"
"Any injuries?#Trauma?#Maladies?"
"I finally feel#like my own#monster. It's#liberating."
"It's nice to not#be stepped on for#once."
"I've never felt#so free."
"This is even#BETTER!"
"There's so much#to explore!"
"I can run for#MILES!"
"Please, no!"
"That was my#sibling!"
"I need to run#away."
"This wasn't#supposed to#happen..."
"Now I know why#we shouldn't#separate..."
"What's so funny?"
"Cut it out, will#ya?"
"*Giggles back*"
"We have our#disagreements,#but you are my#pals." (unused)
"You both are#cool, I guess." (unused)
"I love you guys#sooo much!" (unused)
"* Martlet of the Royal Guard is# waiting for your turn."
"* MARTLET -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* A little scatterbrained."
"* Martlet is blinking a lot.#* Maybe it's a code.#* It probably isn't."
"* Everything smells like# bird-seed with a tasteful hint# of vanilla and orange blossom."
"* A gust of wind blows a little# blue feather in your face.#* Martlet looks embarrassed."
"* Martlet is trying to strike a# pose that looks professional# and imposing."
"* Martlet catches herself getting# lost in the music."
"* Martlet is nervously consulting# her Royal Guard guide book."
"* All this lack of movement makes# you realize how cold it is."
"* Martlet is flipping through her# guide book again."
"* Martlet has dropped her# fighting stance."
"* A couple feathers litter the# ground."
"* Martlet is searching for her# guide book for first-aid# procedures."
"* Martlet is nursing her wounds."
"* You tap your foot on the ground.#* Martlet tries talking even# faster."
"* You fake a yawn.#* Martlet starts talking faster# still."
"* You tap your wrist impatiently.#* Martlet looks apologetic and# tries to talk a little faster."
"* You ignore Martlet's rambling.#* It doesn't look like she's# noticed."
"* You call Martlet a weenie."
"* You forcibly tell Martlet you# don't like her clothes."
"* You insult Martlet's job# performance."
"Martlet of the Royal#Guard has encountered#a human!"
"Prepare to apprehend!"
"Protocol one, be#courteous and allow#your opponent the#first attack!"
"Umm... I don't think#I'm supposed to be#helping you, but...#that was supposed to#be your turn..."
"It's okay, I space#out and miss stuff#like that all the#time! I'll let you go#again!"
"Uh... I - h-hold on,#I have the guide book#on me."
"I'll check what to do#when someone doesn't#actually attack."
"You can just...#uhhhh..."
"Take another turn! Go#for it! Hit me as#hard as you can!"
"Uh-okay, I'm really#sorry for the wait.#I'm looking."
"I'm not the best Royal#Guard ya know, but#I'm really trying to#be better!"
"Last week I#apprehended this girl:"
"Total human!"
"Oh, I think it's your#turn."
"Aha! Royal Guards are#to proceed to the next#step without#hesitation!"
"Oh... does that count#as hesitation?"
"What? Protocol two!#My attack!"
"That was only a#warmup."
"Prepare for the Royal#Guard Gauntlet!"
"Take this, intruder!"
"This is a real#workout."
"Keep it up, Martlet!"
"Umm... Hold on, I'm#checking this one more#time."
"That can't be right!#You're not fighting#back!"
"I don't want to hurt#you! You're all cute#and stuff!"
"You go on and have#your turn, I'm gonna#check that handbook#again."
"See, when I#apprehended that girl,#I didn't have this#problem."
"Well... I guess she#didn't attack me per#se..."
"But she scolded me and#got real aggressive,#like:"
"\"What are you on#about?! I'm not human!#Clear the feathers out#of your head!\""
"Would you mind being#aggressive like her?"
"Come on! Get#aggressive!"
"I can take it, I#swear!"
"Sticks and stones may#break my bones, but#words can only make#me sad!"
"Aww! That was#adorable! "
"I don't even feel#insulted!"
"I feel like I've been#honored! You put so#much work into that!"
"You aren't making#this easy here!"
"Here I go... protocol#and all that... for#the Royal Guard!"
"Give it another try!"
"I believe in you!"
"That's more like it!"
"What kind of Royal#Guard wears rags like#these, right?"
"It's not like I stayed#up all night#sewing them or#anything, haha..."
"Oh, right, it's my#turn."
"Come on, dig into#some deep aggression!"
"Break down my self#esteem until it is#a pile of#metaphorical rubble!"
"Crush my mental health#like a bug under#your shoe!"
"Wait... do you crush#bugs?"
"I have to say, you're#not wrong about that#one."
"I've kinda been on#probation for...#a while."
"One more misstep and#I can say goodbye to#Royal Guard-dom."
"And all the nice perks#that come with it..."
"My cozy uniforms, my#Royal Guard discount#at the movies, my nice#insurance rates!"
"When they find out how#much I hesitated here,#I'm doomed!"
"I mean, they#specifically said#don't hesitate!"
"Aww, you missed!#That's not fair!"
"You could've had this#great attack and -#ZOOM!"
"Just goes right by#without even leaving#a mark."
"Tell ya what, I'll#give you a chance to#try again!"
"Take your best shot!"
"But that was so close!"
"One more try!"
"Take your time with#aiming this one, I'm#in no rush!"
"Uh... you don't mind#if I take my turn,#right?"
"I mean, I want you to#get to hit me, I#really do!"
"But I think this is#starting to break#protocol, and, well..."
"I'm on thin ice as it#is with that, ya know?"
"Okay, one more shot!#But make it count!"
"Alright, intruder!"
"Prepare for the Royal#Guard Gauntlet!"
"There you go! Just#like that!"
"Oh, it's my turn!#Sorry!"
"See, the guidebook#didn't say it would#hurt really..."
"Well, whatever, back#to protocol! Now it's#my turn!"
"Okay, finally, now for#protocol two:#attack back!"
"Good, now for protocol#two: attack back!"
"It is time to show you#the true strength of a#Royal Guard!"
"Ow! That kinda#hurt..."
"Uh-I'm sorry, it's#just, see, my#guidebook..."
"It didn't really say#being attacked would#hurt this much..."
"I guess it makes#sense, but still..."
"Does it hurt this#much when I attack#you?"
"'Cause I'm scared I'm#gonna break a wing#here!"
"I don't want you to#feel like this!"
"I wouldn't want anyone#to feel like this!"
"...For the Royal#Guard I guess..."
"Okay, okay, ow, this#cannot be right!"
"I mean - OW - I'm#gonna be all black#and blue tomorrow!"
"It hurts you too,#right?"
"Like, it's impressive#you don't show it,#but..."
"Alright, uhhh..."
"Martlet of the#Underground Royal#Guard is hereby#retreating."
"I mean, there's gotta#be a better way,#right?"
"I'll uhhh... I'll come#up with something!"
"I'll find you again,#small human!"
"With a new and#improved plan of#action!"
"Okay, what is going#on?!"
"I mean, don't get#me wrong, being#attacked hurts!"
"And you had a good#thing going there with#the not hurting#me thing, but..."
"I just can't follow#your logic!"
"Like, did I have a#bad first impression#with you?"
"Did I mess something#up? Did I say#something wrong here?"
"If I did, I'm sorry,#but violence really#isn't the answer to#your problems, you#know."
"It's important to be#able to talk through#our issues with words."
"Don't call in the#cavalry for the small#stuff."
"Okay, wait, I'm really#confused!"
"First of all: Ow! Why? #Why do you keep#hitting me?!"
"I mean, yes, I am#attacking you, but-OW!"
"At least be consistent#please!"
"Like, if you attack me#a bunch and then it's#your turn again..."
"Well, then I expect#you to attack,#and I can ready#myself, you know?"
"But when you keep#going back and forth#like this..."
"You're giving me#whiplash!"
"Plus, I don't know#how to feel right#now!"
"You attacked me, so#I should have no#qualms with#apprehending you!"
"...but then you#stopped attacking me,#so I thought:"
"\"Hey, maybe you#overreacted, Martlet!\""
"\"Being a human isn't#such a serious crime!\""
"\"Maybe just let the#kid off with a#warning this time!\""
"\"If you catch them#being human again,#that's when you#arrest them!\""
"But then you hit me#again, and now#everything is all#muddled!"
"And now all I#know is OWWW it#hurt."
"Wait, wait, before you#hit me again...#or don't hit me#again..."
"Actually, what are you#trying to do here?"
"Nevermind that,#answers to serious#questions are above#my pay grade."
"The other guards said#no interrogating#or getting emotionally#invested."
"And I think I know#what that means!#Maybe!"
"Either way you seem#like a good kid."
"Well, some of the time#at least."
"And some of the time#is good enough for#me!"
"Oh, I have a great#idea!"
"What if I help you get#through Snowdin before#you become an adorable#popsicle?!"
"And, along the way,#I can teach you#to be a better citizen#of the Underground!"
"It'll be fun! It#happens in movies all#the time!"
"A grumpy little human#enters and then two#or three montages#later..."
"Okay, I'll be right#back! I need to#go figure how#to trigger a montage!"
"I'm not sure she even#meant to kill you there."
"Come on, you lost#to this rookie?"
"Step it up, pal!"
"Talk about \"freezing#up\" haha!"
"...Oh right, you can't#laugh because... Yeah."
"* Martlet seems puzzled."
"* MARTLET -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Scatterbrained."
"* MARTLET -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Standing firm."
"* Martlet paranoidly glances# around."
"* Martlet looks disheveled."
"* The sound of the chilled wind# surrounds you."
"* Martlet is deep in thought."
"* Martlet is pacing."
"* Feathers litter the ground."
"* Martlet is searching for her# guide book for first-aid# procedures."
"* Martlet is nursing her wounds."
"* Martlet is holding back tears."
"* Martlet prepares her next# attack."
"* Martlet is nursing her wounds."
"* You say you're sorry for# everything."
"* You say you're sorry again."
"* Sorry."
"* You block out Martlet's rambling.#* She continues anyway."
"* You try not to hear Martlet out."
"* You ignore Martlet's pleas."
"Hey, what are you#doing?"
"There's no need for#fighting now!"
"We have to get going#if we wanna catch up!#Come on!"
"We gotta stop wasting#time!"
"It's not safe here!"
"This is serious! Let's#get you out of here!"
"I don't know how long#we have before...#let's hurry okay?"
"I'm sorry to rush you#like this but..."
"We really gotta get#going!"
"Wha-what are you#saying?"
"This isn't your fault.#It-it can't be."
"There's no way you..."
"You're just a child."
"You're just#apologizing?"
"Is it that simple?"
"You destroyed lives!"
"The monsters of#Snowdin are terrified!"
"And you're just...#apologizing?"
"Is, well, what else#can you do, I suppose?"
"I mean, everyone is#allowed to make#mistakes but..."
"This is a little more#than a mistake."
"You're really sorry,#aren't you?"
"You're scared..."
"This was probably self#defense."
"I understand. No need#to keep apologizing." (unused)
"Of course. I see how#it is."
"Ow! What are you#doing?!"
"I understand if you're#scared, but you have#to trust me!"
"I'm with the Royal#Guard! It's my job to#make sure you're safe!"
"Ow ow ow! Look, I get#it!"
"You're scared and#don't know what to do,#everyone is!"
"But you can't take#that out on me!"
"If you go around#hurting everyone all#the time, well..."
"No one will ever#help you!"
"Hey! Snap out of it!"
"Do you do this to#everyone who tries to#be nice to you?!"
"You... you do, don't#you."
"You're the one they're#all running from,#aren't you?"
"I-I don't know what to#do... I've been so...#naive."
"You're just a kid."
"Well, I'll be honest#with you."
"My handbook says#nothing about this#specific situation."
"I do know that#something similar has#happened before."
"They put a stop to#that so..."
"It's up to me to put#a stop to this!"
"So you can take a hit."
"I'm sorry to hear#that."
"That means I'll just#have to hit harder!"
"You know, I'm almost#glad you attacked#me when you did."
"If you had waited,#I might have told you#where the others went."
"But now you'll never#find them."
"This whole thing is a#tragedy."
"And the saddest part#is that there was no#need for it."
"They say monsters are#made of love, hope,#and compassion."
"We would have agreed#to help you in a#heartbeat!"
"But you wouldn't#understand that."
"You're no monster."
"I know what you are..."
"...and it's something#I fear is much#worse."
"It's that hat of#yours that gives#you away."
"You're a human through#and through."
"I want you to know,#I don't hate your#kind."
"There's gotta be#nice humans out#there."
"Or at least#somewhat reasonable#humans."
"I hoped that was#you..."
"You're still trying?"
"Pretty... determined#there, aren't you."
"Luckily, so am I."
"Why... won't you back#down?"
"*huff* *huff*"
"You win..."
"I'm done attacking,#so please..."
"Lower your weapon."
"...Thank you..."
"*huff* *huff*"
"My handbook says#this thing..."
"\"There's no shame#in a tactical#retreat.\""
"I've never... been#sure what that applied#to but..."
"I think... huff#...that time is# now."
"Oh! Ow! How are you#so strong?!"
"Why did I let my#guard down?..."
"I-I can't do this#alone!"
"I need to alert#the other Guards..."
"Please stay right#here!"
"She's tougher than#she looks, huh?"
"Luckily, so are you!"
"Don't let this guard's#flashy front get to you."
"I know a weak-willed#monster when I see one."
"Gee, these monsters#sure are cruel!"
"And who is their main#influence? The King."
"* Howdy!"
"* Enjoying the scenery?"
"* Before you continue, I# just wanted to let you# know."
"* No one from out here# really goes in the# Ruins."
"* Now that we're out here,# well, how should I put# it?"
"* No one will ever notice# a few missing monsters# and a little extra dust."
"* All your actions up# 'til now, they're as# good as sealed away."
"* Our little secret."
"* So, if you want, you# could change everything# right now."
"* Run around the rest of# the Underground like# nothing happened."
"* Just remember, killing# some lonely ruins# residents was one thing."
"* But you're outside now# pal."
"* There's no erasing# anymore, so think# carefully."
"* Or don't, 'cause that# sounds boring."
"* Whatever you pick, I'm# rootin' for ya, pal!"
"* Recalibrate the lava# rock puzzle... Check!"
"* ..."
"* Well, it should hold# together for a few uses# at least."
"* And that's good enough# for me!"
"* Next stop, Honeydew# Resort!"
"* Oh boy, oh gee, a customer!#* I'm nervous!"
"* I'm a Mail Whale from the# Underground Postal Service!"
"* Haven't heard of us? We're the# best!"
"* For short, just call us UGPS!"
"* So I hear you're new to the# Underground!"
"* How you ask? Well, word sure# gets around!"
"* The Underground is great and it# keeps getting better."
"* 'Cause I brought for you your# very first letter!"
"* That was a special letter, from# us to you!"
"* Do you feel welcome now? I hope# you do!"
"* Isn't the mail system a# wonderful innovation?"
"* If you ever want to use it,# just come to a station!"
"* They look just like this and# they're scattered all about!"
"* If you want to receive some# mail, find one, and give a# shout!"
"* We assure you, they are# conveniently situated!"
"* Here at UGPS, we're anything# but dated!"
"* Talking and sharing, all using# mail!"
"* From your Underground friends,# but that's all for this whale!"
"* Now, I must be off! The mail# mustn't be late!"
"* See you later on in your# journey, mate!"
"* Hm? Oh, uh, hello!"
"* Sorry, I don't know# where my head was right# there."
"* It seems I have# a summer home in lala# land these days!"
"* You look a bit lost,# are you looking for# directions?"
"* I'll let you in on a# little secret,"
"* I'm not actually an# information kiosk!"
"* I know this place like# the back of my wing# though!"
"* I don't get# lost much at all# anymore!"
"* I can get you# wherever you want to go!"
"* Wait..."
"* I'm gonna take a shot# in the dark here, but..."
"* You're human! Right?"
"* I knew it! I knew I'd# find a human! You must# be human! Right? Right? "
"* You look just like this# guy on this poster I# saw once!"
"* He had a hat# just like you!"
"* And he was totally human,# so, like,"
"* transitive property or# something like that?"
"* Actually, I think he# was from space... are# there space humans?"
"* You know what, I'll# have plenty of time to# ask you questions later."
"* Are you ready for some# Royal Guard protocol?"
"* I hope you are, 'cause# I memorized it!"
"* If the Royal Guard# doesn't know you're# here..."
"* ...they won't know I# broke protocol!"
"* Instead, we'll just get# you home before any of# them see you!"
"* You'll be home in time# for dinner!"
"* ..."
"* I mean... maybe not# TODAY'S dinner, but for# sure A dinner!"
"* Anyway, we'll bypass the# Royal Guard and plead# your case to ASGORE!"
"* There's no way he can# say no to a cute little# face like yours!"
"* Meet me up ahead and# I'll show you my plan# to get you home!"
"* Oh my goodness! Did you# get left behind?"
"* Might I ask your name?"
ch[1] = "Clover"
"* Hmm... not on the# resident list..."
"* Ummm... see, this is# tough. I can't leave my# post."
"* I'm supposed to wait# here until this bad# person comes."
"* The troublemaker who# caused all this, ya# know?"
"* But I can't just leave# you to find the others# alone!"
"* You're a child! I could# never do that!"
"* Okay, how 'bout we# hurry and catch up# with the others..."
"* Then I come back and# no one will ever# know!"
"* Ready?"
"* I... I have no idea how# to handle this."
"* ..."
"* ASGORE would know what# to do."
"* You should go talk to# him."
"* There's a river up# ahead. A raft is docked# there."
"* The current should lead# to Hotland."
"* I'll meet up with you# once you get there."
"* In the meantime...# I have work to# attend to."
"* See you later."
"* You're not off the# hook, Clover."
"* Unless you decide right# now to change your# ways..."
"* The Royal Guard will# find you. "
"* It could be me or# someone much, much# worse."
"* How your life plays out# from this moment is up# to you."
"* I don't know what the# humans taught you but..."
"* A child your age# shouldn't be corrupted# by violence."
"* Please... Please choose# wisely..."
"* Hey there, so here's# the plan!"
"* I'm sorry, I think that# I went a little# overboard but..."
"* I can't help it! This# is all too exciting!"
"* So, I've been saving# this for a rainy day."
"* Ya know, figuratively...# We don't really have# those..."
"* Either way! Behold! The# UG Aviator!"
"* (In the water sits an# old-looking raft with just# enough room for two passengers.)"
"* Isn't she a beauty?#* Boats are shes, ya know."
"* I call her Ava for# short! Isn't that cute?"
"* (The original text of this sign# was crossed out.)"
"* (Now it reads \"Entry Forbidden\"# in blue crayon.)"
"* (A large rock with a symbol# carved into it.)"
"* (The back is far more# interesting than the front.)"
"* (It's a big and imposing rock.)"
"* (It seems to be perfectly# blocking the cave entrance.)"
"* (Passing looks impossible for# the time being.)"
"* (An annoying boulder blocks the# cave.)"
"* (You feel heat coming from the# pile of stones.)"
"* This is a box."
"* It is a stupid box."
"* You can put items in it and# they'll stay there."
"* Until you take it out that is,# then it's not there."
"* And then there are more of# these boxes later."
"* You can use them to retrieve# the stuff you put it this box."
"* It's super dumb."
"* Sincerely, a box hater."
"* (There's a fishing hole cut# into the ice.)"
"* (A fishing hole.)"
"* (You look at the glistening# crystals.)"
"* (Your skewed reflection stares# back.)"
"* (You glare at the crystals.)"
"* (Your skewed reflection glares# back.)""
"* (You look at the glistening# crystals.)"
"* (Your skewed reflection stares# back.)"
"* (You glare at the crystals.)"
"* (Your skewed reflection glares# back.)"
"* To whom it may concern:"
"* In accordance with Royal Guard# guide book section four,# paragraph two,"
"* This puzzle is intended to# impede the progress of an# intruder (probably you),"
"* Entertain the residents of the# surrounding area (Snowdin),"
"* And appear intimidating to# would-be intruders or# wrong-doers,"
"* (I'm unclear on what they mean# by that, just go with it.)"
"* To pass by this challenge, you# must melt the icecube."
"* Make sure the ball-thing gets# to the bottom without breaking# though."
"* Signed: Martlet of the# Underground Royal Guard"
"* P.S."
"* If one of the logs gets stuck,# just jiggle it a little."
"* I noticed it was sticking the# other day, but you know how it# is with D.I.Y. projects."
"* Always something has to go# wrong!"
"* So yeah, just a quick jiggle# will do!"
"* P.P.S."
"* I just realized that you might# not be able to reach the log to# jiggle it!"
"* I mean, not everyone can fly,# or is freakishly tall!"
"* Especially if you're a human or# something!"
"* So just hope it doesn't get# stuck!"
"* P.P.P.S."
"* I figured it out!"
"* If it gets stuck, just wait!"
"* I come around to inspect the# puzzle quality every third day!"
"* Just hang out right where you# are for a day or two!"
"* Oh, and hope it doesn't get# stuck!"
"* P.P.P.P.S."
"* I have been informed that the# amount of P.S.'s on this sign# is \"unseemly.\""
"* I am very sorry for any trouble# they've caused."
"* (Read the instructions again?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* The water-meter is full of# liquid ice."
"* A tube full of water."
"* The switch won't budge anymore."
"* (It's an out-of-place# lamppost.)"
"* (There is a patch of partially# melted ice at tongue level.)"
"* (A dim lamppost.)"
"* Dear owners of dilapidated# cabin:"
"* First, I am very sorry that# your cabin is so dilapidated."
"* Like, I don't know what# happened to it, but I'm sure it# was unfortunate."
"* Second, I am sorry that some of# your wood has gone missing."
"* According to the Royal Guard# guide book section forty-two,# paragraph one,"
"* So long as notice is given to# the original owner at least two# business days prior,"
"* Any and all eyesores can be# repurposed for puzzles or other# diversions."
"* Well, I didn't know how to# contact you, but consider this# notice!"
"* ...Unfortunately not of the# prior variety, but you know...# notice."
"* (Some wood; presumably taken# off of the dilapidated# shack.)"
"* (You notice a blue feather# hidden behind it.)"
"* (Remains of the tattered shack.)" (unused)
"* (It's a snowcastle! How cute!)"
"* (Snowcastle.)"
"* (A collection of luggage,# protecting all of Dalv's fancy# outfits.)"
"* (A collection of luggage,# protecting all of Dalv's fancy# outfits.)"
"* (Moving boxes containing odds# and ends from Dalv's old living# quarters.)"
"* (Probably shouldn't disturb# his business.)"
"* (Take the Ice Pellets?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (Obtained Ice Pellets!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (An old and fragile tree.)"
"* (It's a tree. Nothing special.)" (unused)
"* (It's a snowcastle!#* How... cute?)"
"* (You open the doors.)"
"* (You open the drawbridge.)"
"* (Your head hurts too much to# keep going.)"
"* (It's a snowcastles.)"
"* (No matter how much they throw# this ice into the river, the# pile never lessens.)"
"* (The remnants of a snowman.)"
"* (Once full of life.)"
"* (Now full of potential for new# life.)"
"* (The remnants of a snowman.)"
"* Welcome to the Honeydew Resort!"
"* North: The Honeydew Lodge"
"* Northwest: The Honeydew# Hotspring"
"* East: Exit to Snowdin"
"* (A cozy-looking campfire.)"
"* (The sweet scent of honeysuckle# is wafting from the flames.)"
"* (A campfire.)"
"* (Looks like the fire was# snuffed out.)"
"* This way to the hot spring!"
"* (Nice and cozy!)"
"* (You notice a sticker on the# heater.)"
"* Crafted with love by# Chujin & Martlet!"
"* (A space heater.)"
"* A cooler full of honey, ready# for drinking. "
"* ...Yum?"
"* You hear sounds coming from the# plant."
"* (There's a single mitten on# the ground.)"
"* (It seems as if it was recently# discarded.)"
"* (The water is blocked by# stairs.)"
"* (The water is blocked by# stairs.)"
"* It's a regular torch."
"* (How quaint!"
"* (Several Micro Froggits are# enjoying themselves at their# very own hot spring.)"
"* (One of them even brought# micro-floaties!)"
"* (Another sips its micro-coffee# then waves at you.)"
"* (Looks like the Honeydew Resort# thought of everyone!)"
"* You watch as one Micro Froggit# swims back and forth."
"* It's swimming at an incredible# speed of 140,000 centimeters# per hour!"
"* The Micro Froggits would like# some privacy now."
"* A small hot spring."
"* The water is getting cold."
"* (A beautiful, delicious-looking# Golden Coffee catches your eye.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (Obtained Golden Coffee!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* Beauty is in the eye# of the beholder anyway."
"* (It's a cup of coffee.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (Obtained Golden Coffee!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* It doesn't seem appetizing."
"* Honeydew Resort: Family owned# and operated"
"* All travelers are welcome!"
"* Bridge slippery during# snowfall - NO RUNNING."
"* (Help, I can't melt!)"
"* (The ground is slightly damp.)"
"* 10 steps to the East - 2nd Sign"
"* 10 steps to the East - 3rd Sign#* 10 steps to the West - 1st Sign"
"* 10 steps to the West - 2nd Sign"
"* You take a look inside the# barrel and find some Coffee# Beans."
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got the Coffee Bean# Ammo!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (An empty barrel.)"
gml_RoomCC_rm_snowdin_19_yellow_3_Create, gml_RoomCC_rm_snowdin_19_yellow_4_Create, gml_RoomCC_rm_snowdin_19_yellow_5_Create:
"* (Some leftovers from this# puzzle's construction.)"
"* (Just some junk.)"
"* To whom it may concern:"
"* After building the first ball# puzzle, I realized a fatal flaw# in its design."
"* How was an intruder supposed to# like, see it?"
"* The puzzle was on a higher# plain, out of your average# monster's eyesight."
"* If someone solved that puzzle,# they must be very good at# guessing."
"* In any case, I have created an# improved version!"
"* With a new vertical design, you# can see what you're controlling!"
"* The parts may still get stuck# though."
"* Please refer to my instructions# back at the first puzzle if# that happens."
"* Signed: Martlet of the# Underground Royal Guard"
"* The switch won't budge anymore."
"* (A wooden bench.)"
"* (A wooden bench.)"
"* (You notice a fresh pancake# lying under the bench.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (Obtained Honeydew Pancake!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (A wooden bench.)"
"* (A note is nailed to the kiosk# post. It says,)"
"* \"Hello, traveler! Due to# infrequent breaks, I am prone# to snoozing on the job.\""
"* If you're reading this and I'm# asleep, pleeease don't just# walk past this checkpoint!"
"* That would dock my pay for sure!#* Ring the bell to wake me up# instead, thank you.\""
"* - Martlet of the Underground# Royal Guard Snowdin Division"
"* (There's a notebook on the# counter, titled, 'My Puzzle# Blueprints'.)"
"* (This must be where Martlet# sketches her puzzle ideas.)"
(the following interaction is unused)
"* (An abandoned kiosk with snow# slowly gathering inside.)"
"* (You watch as the bitter,# whistling breeze rustles the# notebook lying on the counter.)"
"* Get on the boat?"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (The remains of your recent# chaotic escapade.)"
"* (You hope Ava gets well soon,# poor thing.)"
"* (A well-used tool bench.)"
"* (You can smell the sawdust# that covers the surface.)"
"* Brrr! Sure is chilly out here!"
"* Nothing a smile can't# persevere through, though!"
"* I'm waiting for my siblings to# find their way out!"
"* We're all going to migrate to# a warmer environment!"
"* Somewhere we can really plant# some roots!"
"* Before you leave us, you# should try hugging someone!"
"* You never know how effective# it may be!"
"* Call it a \"Sweet Corn# Challenge!\""
"* So cold! So cold!"
"* Hello friend!"
"* My husband and I have been# exploring the Underground."
"* Many secrets lie throughout# these lands."
"* It makes for a great and exotic# honeymoon."
"* ..."
"* Unfortunately, we're a bit lost# at the moment."
"* He says he knows where we are,# but I think he's just# embarrassed."
"* Any idea where we could# get a map?"
"* Next stop on our trip is# supposed to be Waterfall."
"* I hear there are glittering# stones in the ceiling."
"* It should be breath-taking# and romantic."
"* ...If we ever find it, that# is..."
"* (You take out the map.)"
"* A map? Splendid! "
"* Did you make this just# for us?"
"* I wish I had something# as heartfelt to give# in return..."
"* Would you like some# extra matches?"
"* I've been holding onto them in# case we needed a fire."
"* We won't need one anymore."
"* Our love will keep us warm!"
"* Sorry, that's a little# cliche, isn't it."
"* Well, I wish you the best.# Don't use all those# matches in one place. "
"* (Received some Matches!)"
"* This blocked off cave looks# absolutely stunning."
"* I hope they clear the# way soon. I can't wait# to get moving again."
"* The atmosphere seems colder# than expected around here."
"* Maybe this trip wasn't a good# idea..."
"* We're not lost."
"* I know exactly where we# are."
"* We're not lost."
"* We're in Snowdin."
"* Snowdin isn't that big."
"* We're not lost."
"* We can't be lost."
"* It's our honeymoon."
"* It's gotta be perfect, right?"
"* We can't be lost."
"* That would be a terrible# honeymoon."
"* A bad honeymoon means a bad# marriage."
"* That can't happen. I can't be# a bad husband."
"* I won't let that happen."
"* I won't let my new wife have# a bad honeymoon."
"* We can't be lost"
"* We can't be lost."
"* She can't know we're# lost, okay?"
"* Thank you for the map!"
"* We didn't need it though."
"* I had everything under control,# I swear."
"* Staying here a little longer# won't hurt."
"* It's quite beautiful."
"* I'm starting to have second# thoughts about this as a# honeymoon spot."
"* It doesn't really feel safe."
"* I can't tell my wife though. It# would just upset her."
"* You stayed behind too?"
"* I lost my wife in the# commotion."
"* This was the last place I saw# her."
"* I hope she's doing alright."
"* I was called over to break# down this large boulder but..."
"* Man, it looks real tiring."
"* It'll probably be a while# before anyone can enter."
"* ...Mostly because I don't# wanna start."
"* As I said, this could take a# while."
"* Just the journey to get here# took all my energy."
"* Patience, buddy."
"* Oh, didn't see you there!"
"* I'm just staring at this pond# for my next landscape study."
"* It reminds me of us.# Individuals, I mean."
"* Most of it is beautiful.# Perfection at a glance."
"* But then you look closer and# see a hole cut right through."
"* Jagged, invasive... defacing# and weakening what should be a# masterpiece."
"* Sure, you could fill it in,# but it would only be a faux# correction to the whole."
"* It may look stronger than# before, but the wound will# always be present."
"* ..."
"* Then again, maybe it's just a# pond with a hole in it."
"* I thought starting small would# be best after leaving the# Ruins."
"* It's a little overwhelming,# thinking of how much art I can# make now."
"* Drawing in increments for# sanity's sake, heh!"
"* When I feel like branching# out, I might try my hand at ice# sculpting!"
"* I would definitely need a# teacher, though."
"* There is this one monster who# is highly proficient at ice# magic."
"* They roam the higher# elevations south of here last I# heard."
"* Probably too busy for silly# art projects, unfortunately."
"* Sorry, but I have work to do!"
"* Catch you later, yeah?"
"* Pinch pinch!"
"* Just kidding!"
"* I'm so glad the Royal Guard# protects our home."
"* Well, not my home really."
"* My home is on my back and I# protect it at all costs!"
"* Or... it protects me?"
"* It's a mutually beneficial# relationship!"
"* I've been thinking of moving# soon actually."
"* There are so many cool places# out there!"
"* I took a vacation to the Wild# East a while back."
"* Maybe I'll move there, it# seemed really cool."
"* At least based on my experience# as a tourist."
"* Pinch pinch!"
"* Hehe!"
"* Hey! You!"
"* Can you hep ne ofth thith pole?"
"* I'ff been hewe fo two howas now."
"* Thwee dogs came up and# dauwd me to lick it."
"* Due to the cold weatha,# I'm now thtuck!"
"* Ny nom told me to be back# in dime for lunth too."
"* Pweasth hep."
"* Naybe thome waum cawfee will# fwee ny poor tongue."
"* (You take out the cup of# coffee.)"
"* Hey, hwat er you, crathy?"
"* Thath thin iv thteaming!"
"* I need thomething hot, but not# THAT hot!"
"* (You pour the warm coffee# onto the pole. The ice starts# to melt.)"
"* At last! I am liberated!"
"* I cannot thank you enough!# You are a wonderful samaritan!"
"* Here, a token of my gratitude."
"* (You got a Silver Scarf.)"
"* Knitted by my auntie with# abundant passion!"
"* May it warm your skin, and# your SOUL good fellow!"
"* Now, I must get home post-haste!# Mother is bound to be# perturbed already!"
"* Farewell!"
"* I thaw ethweone dwunning away# throm thomething."
"* I thwant to thollow them...# but I can't."
"* I'm scayed..."
"* I basically helped Dalv move# out all by myself."
"* Soon as the exit to Snowdin# was open, the others bolted."
"* But not me. Nope."
"* I'm loyal like that."
"* Don't mean to bring the mood# down but uh..."
"* The beach house I was eyeing?"
"* Down payment alone is like,# 100 G's."
"* Not one-hundred G,# one-hundred-GRAND."
"* But yeah, no, I'm chill about# it."
"* Everyone knows the housing# bubble is gonna burst."
"* As soon as that happens, I am# cleaning UP!"
"* Heh, I do dabble in economics# if you were wondering."
"* Been hitting the market HARD# lately."
"* I got the sickest portfolio -# you would believe it."
"* Every stock I own is in rapid# decline."
"* Life is genuinely good right# now."
"* Nowhere to go but up!"
"* I hadn't thought of it# until now but..."
"* We might have a crisis# on our hands."
"* Half of my luggage here# is stocked with corn."
"* Enough to last a week# at most, but what then?"
"* I suppose I could trek# back to my field..."
"* But still, that will# only get me so far."
"* I don't want to deal# with corn withdrawals!"
"* Hmm... "
"* I will be mulling over# this for some time."
"* Don't mind me."
"* So, have you been# journeying through the# Underground?"
"* Your bravery is# inspiring!"
"* The Ruins were only the# beginning of your# obstacles, I'm sure."
"* I... do regret troubling# you. Very much so."
"* But, with a# glass-half-full# mindset..."
"* Fighting a low-level# monster first was good# training, right?"
"* There are some pretty# scary encounters to be# had out there."
"* I'm nothing compared to# them..."
"* So please stay safe!"
"* You know, I find it# strange."
"* We only met mere hours# ago but for some# reason..."
"* It feels like I've# known you for years."
"* Time is truly the# puzzle we will never# solve."
"* Well, I better get back# to it."
"* I wish you all the luck# in the world, Clover!"
"* Go do for others what# you did for me!"
"* I read something in a book once."
"* It said, \"If life comes at you# too fast, press " + global.cancel_key + " and take it# slow.\""
"* Whatever that means."
"* You know, I read something else# in that same book."
"* It said, \"Eat food to stay# strong and healthy!\""
"* That one is plain obvious."
"* Wanna know another excerpt from# that book?"
"* It said, \"Please stop talking# to me, I've exhausted my book# quotes.\""
"* A very wise book, indeed."
"* Please leave me alone."
"* Whoa!!"
"* Finally! Another monster!!"
"* Are you lost as well?"
"* Seems to be happening more and# more."
"* Jane is the name!"
"* I'm on a case, you see."
"* A few days ago, a resident went# missing in these woods."
"* Not the first time either."
"* Throughout history, a few# strange stories have popped up."
"* Doors appearing out of# nowhere..."
"* Impossible geography..."
"* Monsters straying from a set# path and losing their sense of# direction..."
"* Wild stuff."
"* I'm the type that needs hard# evidence to believe something."
"* But that doesn't mean it didn't# pique my curiosity."
"* So when I heard about this# missing monster, I had to# investigate!"
"* Wasn't a few minutes before my# compass stopped working and..."
"* Well... I became a believer,# heh!"
"* What to do, what to do..."
"* There's gotta be something or# someone behind all this, no?"
"* Even though monsterkind has# lived in the Underground for# decades,"
"* There's still so much mystery# to it all."
"* Hmm..."
"* I know what you're thinking,# and it was my first hypothesis# as well."
"* It's just magic, right?"
"* The Underground is full of the# stuff!"
"* Well, obviously it's gotta be."
"* But I don't know..."
"* Some of these sightings seem# intentional."
"* I have got to solve this as# soon as I'm out of these woods."
"* Don't worry about sticking# around if you got places# to be - I'll be fine!"
"* Still have plenty of snacks in# my bag."
"* When it's time to go, I'll just# start walking in one direction."
"* Should make my way out, easy# peasy!"
"* Really wanna find who I'm# looking for first, though."
"* Sorry, I'm mulling over the# case."
"* Deep in thought."
"* Yep."
"* Not losing it."
"* Not yet."
"* Hehe, haaaiii!!!"
"* Are you here to bring me home??"
"* Did Mikey send you??"
"* Huh?? Huh???"
"* Doesn't matter because I won't# go!"
"* This is just like Mikey!"
"* Instead of talking face to face# he sends a little weird guy to# stare at me!"
"* Hehe omg!!"
"* Sorry for calling you weirdddd!"
"* I tend to bully small children# when I get moody!"
"* My b!!"
"* Mikey never paid any attention# to me, you know??"
"* I wanted to teach him a big ol'# lesson!"
"* So I'm playing hard to get by# wandering into the woods and# maybe dying???"
"* I think he'd care a lot if that# happened!!"
"* Standing out here in this# fridigy climate starts to get # to you!"
"* Starts to make you question# things!!"
"* Like.. who's Mikey???"
"* I've never met a Mikey in my# life!"
"* Wouldn't it be funny if I did# tho???"
"* I'd like, be his gf and he'd# like, ignore me and I'd like,# wander into the woods!"
"* I'm so lost, hehe!"
"* Woopsyyy!!!"
"* You think there's a search# squad looking for me??"
"* Omg that would make me feel so# special!!"
"* What if they send out a# helicopter??"
"* Ah!! You prooobably don't know# what a helicopter is!!"
"* It's okay!! I won't bore you# with that forbidden knowledge!"
"* This is the ninth time you've# talked to me!"
"* Fun!!!"
"* I think we've made fast# friends, don't you???"
"* Wait! How fast can you run??"
"* Because I am a speed demon!!!"
"* Aww, you know what??"
"* I'd race you, but I kiiiinda# stopped believing in myself# recently!"
"* Fun Wanda fact!!"
"* They don't let me in most# restaurants anymore."
"* Oh shoot!!!"
"* Did I just name drop??"
"* Omgggg that's so like me!!"
"* Hm! Hm!!"
"* I'm getting a Wanda Signal!!"
"* ..."
"* GASP!!!"
"* I only have one more thing I# can say to you after this!!"
"* Noooooo!!!!"
"* Well, better make it count!"
"* One..."
"* Two..."
"* Three..."
"* Four..."
"* RATS!!!"
"* No one EVER TOLD ME what comes# after four!!!"
"* Lemme start over!!"
"* Here's what I got. (15 G)"
"* Couldn't stay away?"
"* Well-BAM-Take your pick."
"* Here's what I got. (15 G)"
ch[1] = "Hot Pop"
ch[2] = "Lukewarm Pop"
ch[3] = "Cold Pop"
ch[4] = "Cancel"
ch[1] = "-SOLD OUT-"
ch[2] = "-SOLD OUT-"
ch[3] = "-SOLD OUT-"
"* Great choice."
"* You enjoy that Pop, buddy."
"* Sorry, buddy. I'm gonna# need more G than that."
"* Uh-oh, looks like you've got no# space for this item."
"* Come back when you've made some# more room."
"* What a popular item! I wish I# could sell you more, but I'm# fresh out."
"* Hey, what are ya doing there!"
"* That ain't no Pop!"
"* You leavin' me? Not interested# in my wares?"
"* Do I not have your favorite# temperature?"
"* Oh, I see. You need some time# to think about it."
"* Well, I'll always be here for# your gol-"
"* ...Business."
"* I said business."
"* Much as I'd love to keep# sellin' pops, I'm all out!"
"* Until next time!"
"* Mo out!"
"* I'm so relieved now."
"* Everyone's on the ground safe."
"* I love the ground here,"
"* Lotsa soft snow for a safe# landing."
"* I wonder if only children have# to deal with this."
"* Monsters climbing all over your# head, I mean."
"* Got any good tips on getting# footprints out of fur?"
"* Hey, where you going to next?"
"* Anywhere exciting?"
"* Can I come?"
"* I can be helpful if you let me# come!"
"* I can be, um, uh-a hat!"
"* I'll be a great hat! Keep your# head nice an' toasty!"
"* You want a nice snuggly hat?"
"* I can keep your ears warm!"
"* Huumpf! 238..."
"* Huumpf! 239..."
"* At this pace, Ice Wolf# is ready for new job# in no time!"
"* New job is very important# for Ice Wolf."
"* Ice Wolf needs money for# new pants."
"* Huumpf!"
"* Well, ain't that a pity."
"* Why don't you take a while an'# come back when you're ready to# try again?"
"* Take some time to practice by# yourself if ya can."
"* Maybe then you'll be a bit more# of a challenge."
"* Until then, we ain't movin'.# Right boys?"
"* Yeah boss, we'll stay right# 'ere."
"* Yeah. We ain't got anywhere# better to go."
"* Think you can pass this time?# Let's find out!"
"* Nice eye, kid."
"* Keep it up."
"* You're doin' good, kid."
"* Now don't let it go to# ya head."
"* Boss, I think the little punk# beat us."
"* That must've been a lucky# guess!"
"* There's no way a glass of# spoiled milk like you could# beat us!"
"* Now, now, Toast. Let's simmer# down."
"* There ain't nothing to get# heated over."
"* The kid beat us fair n' square."
"* The Shufflers ain't nothing if# not true to their word."
"* Ain't that right?"
"* Yeah boss, a Shuffler always# keeps their word."
"* Yeah, always."
"* Now, kid, we'll let you pass on# through."
"* You've earned ya self a# powerful friend in the# Shufflers today."
"* All ya gotta do is remember the# name,"
"* An' we'll be on ya side if ya# ever need us."
"* The Shufflers always protect a# friend, right boys?"
"* Yeah, you got a problem, we can# handle it."
"* Yeah, handle."
"* Uhh, hey there, kid."
"* We've been at this a while, ya# know?"
"* Ain't you gettin' tired of this?"
"* Even we're gettin' pretty tired."
"* We don't usually have this much# exercise."
"* See, we don't get many# customers tryin' to come# through."
"* They must have heard how# intimidatin' we can be, right# boys?"
"* Yeah, boss!"
"* Ain't nobody messin' with us!"
"* Yeah, boss!"
"* Mess!"
"* Tell ya what, kid."
"* Challengin' us again an' again,"
"* Failin' over an' over,"
"* 'Specially when you're so# clearly outmatched,"
"* Takes a lot outta ya."
"* You gotta have a ton of# perseverance to pull that off."
"* That, or you're one of the# stupidest monsters I ever met."
"* Either way, I think you've# earned your way through."
"* Come on, boys."
"* You spreadin' the word of the# Shufflers reign yet?"
"* It's pretty nice knowin' we got# someone out there, ya know?"
"* It's stressful, havin' to run# the gang an' run our publicity# too."
"* An' remember, you ever need# anything, we'll be here."
"* There's always more monsters# that need an inconveniencing,# ya get me?"
"* Ya best be behavin' out there,# kid."
"* Do the Shufflers proud."
"* If ya don't, you might wind up# an old, discarded tea bag."
"* Ya catch my drift?"
"* You're in the Shufflers# neighborhood now."
"* Ya wanna pass through here, ya# gonna have to get through us."
"* We got a real hard game for you."
"* Only one monster eva got past# us."
"* ..."
"* Oh, that was you, wasn't it."
"* Sorry 'bout that..."
"* Man, I don't know what's goin'# on these days."
"* Debt... Drama..."
"* When did this gang get so# serious?"
"* Frankly..."
"* I liked it when we just played# shuffle games with the# residents."
"* You wanna know my real dream?"
"* Bein' a bodyguard!"
"* For someone of status, of# course."
"* Keepin' watch while they carry# out business... That sounds fun."
"* I know I'd be a pro at it# since I've been practicin' my# pivot."
"* No one could ever sneak by# without my blinkers catchin'# 'em!"
"* Don't worry about us."
"* Best to leave this type-a# business to the Shufflers."
"* Yeah, Shufflers."
"* ..."
"* Wait..."
"* Look who it is!"
"* Didn't think I'd see you back# here before the boss."
"* He left on business..."
"* That's all..."
"* Yeah..."
"* Aight, I'll spill, you've# convinced me."
"* There's a fella who likes to# loiter ‘round here. You# might've seen ‘em."
"* Yeeaah well, we got history."
"* While back, he set up a shop.# On OUR turf."
"* The boss was STEAMIN'. Real# peeved off, ya know?"
"* But Rephil, bein' the upsittin'# citizen he is, thought# it best to strike a deal."
"* If the fella were to pay us a# mortgage, we wouldn't kick him# to the cold."
"* Sounds fair, right?"
"* Well, his little venture# didn't go so well."
"* His end of the deal wasn't# exactly kept up, so Rephil did# what had to be done."
"* ...What? You don't like our# methods?"
"* Hey, don't spend money you# don't have. All's I'm sayin'."
"* Yeah yeah, there's more to the# story."
"* So the guy still owes us big# time, right?"
"* Well we kept an eye on him for# a while as he tried these# “pop-up shop” things."
"* It was quiet. Peaceful, even.# Until recently..."
"* He seemed to be in a hurry.# Briefcase all packed and such."
"* The boss was MIGHTY# suspicious, so we set a game up# for him."
"* The ball was summoned and the# stakes were high."
"* Suddenly he shouts “LOOK! IT'S# A BIRD!” and we turn around# QUICK."
"* Turns out there actually was a# bird and it was sick."
"* BUT! "
"* In that moment, he STOLE our# Orange Ball (limited edition)# and ran!"
"* By the time Rephil noticed,# the fella was long gone."
"* Ohhh Rephil was PIPIN' mad!# Understandably."
"* So that's about where we are# now."
"* The whole thing has been a# frickin' pain."
"* I'd be off searchin' with the# boss but Swig gets lonely# easily."
"* What's that classic saying? Oh# yeah:"
"* \"A Shuffler never leaves a# Shuffler behind.\""
"* That's like, rule 5."
"* Wait... "
"* The boss broke rule 5!"
"* What the hell!"
"* (Looks like this bear fell# asleep on its way to the# resort.)"
"* (It has jars of honey tied to# its back.)"
"* (They're getting cold.)"
"* Is that a new hat?"
"* Love it!"
"* Average eyes probably couldn't# tell it changed but my eyes are# anything but!"
"* For starters, I can't blink!"
"* I think I settled on a goal# for my journey."
"* I wish to become the King's# tailor!"
"* Yes, you heard that right!"
"* His look, his whole presence,# it's nothing short of iconic!"
"* Oh the cloaks I could craft..."
"* He's already a ten out of ten# but hey, we can shoot for# eleven, baby!"
"* I find this resort so quant,# don't you agree?"
"* Tying the wooden aesthetic# together with bears and honey?"
"* Splendid!"
"* The whole place really says# \"We love you and would never# maul you.\""
"* A real victory over bear# prejudice."
"* Oh, right! My complexion."
"* What can I say?"
"* I'm not a fan of baby blue."
"* Knock 'em dead out there!"
"* Figuratively."
"* Nothing like avoiding life's# responsibilities by lounging# all day."
"* Been here for two weeks, hit# this same spot everyday."
"* It's so easy to lose yourself# out here."
"* I don't even know if I have a# job to go back to."
"* It's pretty great."
"* Maybe it would be nice if I was# fired."
"* I'll just go live in the wild# and find my own food."
"* That should be everyone's goal# in life."
"* I'm gonna be here a while."
"* Know any good campfire songs?"
"* (You stare at the log.)"
"* (Nothing happens.)"
"* (You stare at the log.)"
"* ..."
"* I saw everything."
"* Hey, have you seen those# loiterers outside?"
"* They keep telling me they're a# well-renowned gang."
"* But I've never heard of them# before."
"* Maybe I really am getting to be# out of the loop."
"* Maybe I'll check out the band# inside."
"* I hear they're pretty kickin'."
"* I hope I'm hip enough to# appreciate them at least."
"* You know why they told me to go# on this vacation:"
"* Well, 'cause I come off as# stressed, but you know why that# is:"
"* I have a theory see:"
"* 'Cause there are just so many# things in life to worry about:"
"* Work, an' laundry, an-an'# imminent starvation, an' so on:"
"* Those are important back home,# but here:"
"* Still important!"
"* Monsters pretend they're not# though, an' you know what that# is:"
"* Despicable, irresponsible,# shameful behavior!"
"* You know how much part I'll# have in it:"
"* None. Zip, zero, zilch:"
"* An' that's how much you should# have too!"
"* I just realized something:"
"* This, this anti-stress thing,# you know what this is:"
"* The downfall of the Underground,# that's what it is, see:"
"* Soon Monsters will stop doing# the important things:"
"* The work, an' laundry, an'# such:"
"* Completely undone, an' you know# why:"
"* Too much to worry about, that's# what they'll say!"
"* Toxic, toxic behavior!"
"* Can't wait until this vacation# is over, you see:"
"* At this altitude:"
"* So much to worry about,# like-like:"
"* Dehydration, you know what that# causes:"
"* Altitude sickness!"
"* Now don't you go drinking that# coffee:"
"* Dries you right out!"
"* How's it hangin'?"
"* The name's Rodney. I'm the# leader of our little band here."
"* We travel all around the# Underground performing for the# monsters."
"* This resort is a regular gig."
"* Care to hear a tune?"
"* We were in the middle of our# set when everyone started# leaving."
"* At first I thought our music# was that bad, but then they# said there was danger."
"* Surely it's not what I think# it is... "
"* Not again..."
"* Uh... yeah, sorry we had to# cancel the show."
"* We have a gig in Waterfall# next week. Catch us later."
"* Even though I'm alone in this# debate, I can tell you have# good taste in music."
"* Maybe one day you'll grow to# love minor scales like me."
"* You're pretty cool."
"* We should jam sometime."
"* This is a strange turn of# events."
"* I wonder where everyone ran off# to?"
"* I don't suppose you know."
"* I hope this evacuation doesn't# last too long."
"* I wanna get back up there and# jam."
"* Confession time:"
"* I claim to be a musician,"
"* but I know nothing about# reading sheet music, scales,# intervals, or any of that."
"* That's why I just hit things# with sticks rhythmically for a# living."
"* Just goes to show, you don't# need smarts to be a Cool Dude"
"* Drums give me a rhythmic# purpose in life."
"* This whole situation is# terrible."
"* It's too depressing to play# music now."
"* I hope everyone's okay."
"* We probably should've left# with the others but Rodney# insisted we stay."
"* Think he's in denial or# something..."
"* Are you enjoying the tunes as# much as I am?"
"* Actually. Don't answer that.# You're not."
"* I used to be one of those# superfans you hear about."
"* Followed the band around from# place to place,"
"* Learned all the aliases they# used in hotels,"
"* Watched them buy their favorite# brands of cereal."
"* I'm reformed now though."
"* Now I'm content to sit and# listen."
"* Nothing could beat this..."
"* Actually. That's a lie."
"* If they were playing my# favorite song,"
"* That would beat this easy."
"* Mind asking them to play it for# me?"
"* I'll make it worth your while."
"* Hmm, nice tune."
"* Boy, do I remember the first# time I heard this song."
"* Not my favorite though."
"* This day is the best."
"* I wish I could go to their next# concert too..."
"* Actually. No. That's how you# get addicted."
"* Guess I'll just have to be# content here."
"* 'Ay kid. The getup."
"* I'm guessin' you're from the# Dunes eh?"
"* Wacky place that is."
"* I'm probably the only other one# 'ere that's been around those# parts."
"* Some monsters avoid it due to# the dryness and high# temperature."
"* What's a kid like you doin'# hangin' with those wild guys,# eh?"
"* Don't look so confused, I'm# just messin' with ya, heh heh."
"* You've gotta try the pancakes# 'ere."
"* They're the main reason I# traveled all this way."
"* I wish my left hand was as cozy# as my right."
"* Normally I have two mittens so# my warmth is symmetrical."
"* But I think my left mitten took# a vacation or something."
"* It just left me."
"* (You take out the soggy mitten.)"
"* That's my missing mitten!"
"* Just in time too!"
"* My left hand was getting so# jealous! I just can't live with# that much civil unrest!"
"* I should really pay you back..."
"* But I don't think I have# anything worth as much as my# mitten..."
"* I know! Take this. It's a map# of Snowdin!"
"* (You got a Snowdin map. It's# drawn in crayon.)"
"* My left mitten is more damp# than I remembered..."
"* It's okay."
"* I'll just leave my right mitten# in the snow until it's just as# soggy!"
"* I'm missing a mitten."
"* You would expect my right hand# would feel more cozy than my# left, but..."
"* I don't feel cozy at all."
"* Swimming is a great full-body# workout."
"* Are you seeing these limbs?# I've never been so toned!"
"* On top of that, I've dropped a# whole goggle size!"
"* Sorry, can't talk anymore."
"* I've got swimming to do."
"* Those pounds don't drop# themselves."
"* Hello!"
"* Are you enjoying the warm# atmosphere that can only be# brought by a torch?"
"* Is it pleasant?"
"* Is it sentimental?"
"* Is it... attractive?"
"* Man, I love being a torch!"
"* You know this job has a high# turnover rate?"
"* Crazy, right?"
"* Apparently most monsters don't# like having their head lit on# fire."
"* But, you see my head? That's# natural flame, baby!"
"* Best. Job. Ever!!!"
"* I love being a torch!"
"* There is a torch on one side..."
"* But not on the other..."
"* The feng shui of this place is# terrible."
"* Wait..."
"* What's out there? What's out# there??"
"* No! Follow the path. FOLLOW# THE PATH."
"* This is the hottest spot in# Snowdin. Quite literally."
"* I've wanted to come here for# forever and this is finally my# chance."
"* It was worth the wait. This is# complete bliss."
"* You know what the best part of# this place is?"
"* No one knows why the water is# so hot here!"
"* It's a mystery! Not a monster# alive could tell you!"
"* There are all sorts of theories# of course."
"* Some say it's heated by hot# rocks deep underground."
"* Some say it's caused by# volcanic activity."
"* Some say it's heated by runoff# from the Core in Hotland."
"* Whatever it is, the water is so# relaxing that folks don't seem# to care."
"* At least I know I don't.# Everything just melts away."
"* Ahhhh."
"* So nice and warm."
"* Wow. It's colder today than# usual, huh?"
"* If I wasn't extremely lazy, I'd# go to the Honeydew Resort and# get some hot coffee."
"* (You take out the cup of# coffee.)"
"* For me? How can I ever thank# you!"
"* Here, I found this in the snow.# It was probably out there for# ages."
"* (You got a Soggy Mitten.)"
"* The coffee is a little hot."
"* I'm going to let it cool down.# I'm not crazy, ya know."
"* In the meantime, I'll get to# making a campfire so I don't# freeze."
"* Why am I still standing here,# idle?"
"* I've frozen. I cannot move my# body anymore."
"* Don't worry, this is nature's# way of letting me be lazy."
"* Royal Guards. Thinking they're# all special."
"* They don't have screening# processes like they used to."
"* How do they interview these# bozos?"
"* \"Do you want to be a member of# the Royal Guard? Yes?\""
"* \"Here's a uniform, you start# Monday.\""
"* Just look at this puzzle! It# was a perfectly nice bridge# once!"
"* I remember what it looked like# as a bridge."
"* I would have called it a pretty# handsome bridge."
"* Now, you can say homemade is# \"charming\" or whatever,"
"* But you can't call it handsome.# No way, no way."
"* You can't just hire anyone for# a position like this."
"* What do they do? Advertise for# free Royal Guard posts in the# mail?"
"* Despicable."
"* Strange."
"* That wasn't a handsome bridge# last I looked."
"* Was it always that way?"
"* ..."
"* Where am I?"
"* Zzz ... zzz"
"* ... ngh uh... mmm..."
"* ... no I don't know where the...# pudding..."
"* The pudding... is... zzz"
"* I-I, I'm up! Yeah -uh- up! "
"* Is-is there school today?"
"* Am I late? Did I miss it?"
"* What time is it?"
"* Aw, I'm never gonna be able to# fall back to sleep now."
"* I was having this great dream# about clementine pudding."
"* It was delicious and now I'll# YAWN* never be..."
"* Never... be able to... go back# to... zzz."
"* I got to go back."
"* I want to go back to the# Ruins."
"* The dump was a total bust!"
"* No anime to be found at ALL!"
"* Just like, eight identical# piles of trash. It sucked!"
"* In the Ruins, I could power up# freely."
"* No one minded me screaming# down those purple halls."
"* Out here, there's all these# monsters just waiting to JUDGE# me."
"* Like, come on."
"* I'm not \"disturbing the# peace\", I'm becoming god."
"* Sorry for the attitude."
"* The main character trait of my# current power tier is \"easily# pissed.\""
"* Out of my control."
"* I bet some anime would help me# unwind."
"* There's this one show you# should totally check out."
"* It's over 1,000 episodes but# I'm sure you could catch up# within a few weeks."
"* Just let me know and we'll# begin the marathon!"
"* We can talk more later."
"* Right now, I gotta figure out# where to begin my next arc."
"* Hey, pal!"
"* What are you wasting# time here for?"
"* New area a little scary# for ya?"
"* Come on, you can do it!# I doubt you'll even# need a save!"
"* It's just snow, ice,# monsters, and possible# risk of frostbite."
"* Nothin' to it, pal! Now# get out there!"
"* The longer you stand# around talking to me,"
"* The higher that risk of# frostbite gets."
"* Now move it!"
"* You been thinking over# what I said?"
"* Due respect to your# decision making# process..."
"* But would you mind# hurrying it up?"
"* It's cold out here and# I don't fancy freezing."
(the following interaction is unused)
"* Let's move it, kid."
"* There'll be more time# to think later."
"* Howdy!"
"* How are you holding up?"
"* Things aren't gettin'# any easier, huh."
"* It would be nice to# walk through here# without a hassle."
"* I guess that's not how# the world works."
"* That's monsters for ya,# can never mind their# own business."
"* In any case, you're# doing great!"
"* Keep it up, buddy!"
"* Still doing great, pal."
"* I guess you needed# extra confirmation?"
"* Don't worry, I meant it# the first time just as# much as the second."
"* I appreciate you# wanting me to compliment# you a third time."
"* But you don't have to# lean on me so much for# emotional support."
"* You can believe in# yourself a little too,# pal."
"* Howdy!"
"* Must say, I didn't# remember this place# being so..."
"* You know..."
"* Colorful."
"* Really can't go two# seconds without getting# harrassed around here."
"* Hasn't anyone heard of# personal space?"
"* Unless someone can mail# you to ASGORE, I don't# see why we need 'em."
"* Anyway, let's get a# move on. Time's a# wastin'."
"* Whatcha waitin' around# for?"
"* You have a job to do."
"* Look, I get it, you# wanna be thorough."
"* Two saves is no better# than one, kid!"
"* We got places to see,# warm places most of# 'em."
"* Let's get going!"
"* Now THIS is what I'm# talkin' about!"
"* A perfect place to# relax and destress."
"* Well, not perfect, a# bit crowded for my# taste."
"* At least that keeps# things interesting."
"* Feel free to slack off# for a while, kid."
"* I'll be here checking# out the hot springs."
"* Howdy!"
"* We're almost out of# here."
"* I'm surprised that# guard never saw you# nearby, ya know?"
"* Their puzzles sure# weren't impressive,# that's for certain."
"* Knowing that, I# wouldn't worry if you# run into them."
"* Whatever happens, I# wish you luck!"
"* Don't tell me you're# scared of the Royal# Guard now."
"* You saw that lady,# right? You'll be fine."
"* Trust me a little, will# ya?"
"* Let's do this already!"
"* Howdy!"
"* Great job, once again!"
"* I hate that so many# monsters are ruthlessly# attacking you,"
"* But you're handling it# with grace!"
"* I'm not sure I trust# this one."
"* Lucky for us, she# doesn't seem too put# together."
"* We can ditch her as# soon as she messes# something up."
"* I'm sure it won't take# long, haha!"
"* Come on, Clover,# Martlet's waiting for# us."
"* Gee, you sure are# livin' on the edge."
"* I guess they did attack# you first."
"* Can't get in trouble# for self defense."
"* Thought I saw some dust# lyin' around."
"* Might've just been snow."
"* At least, that's what# everyone else would# think."
"* Wow, kid! You mean# business!"
"* What's that: Fifteen?# Sixteen?"
"* Very impressive."
"* Wow."
"* Same effect."
"* This place went from# pleasant to eerie real# quick."
"* That must've been a new# record or something."
"* On the bright side, you# won't have to pay for# coffee anymore!"
"* Can't tell if it's the# temperature or the# atmosphere but wow."
"* Sure is cold."
"* You should get a move# on."
"* Howdy!"
"* ..."
"* Let's head to the river# up ahead."
"* We'll soon be outta# here."
"* ..."
"* Howdy!"
"* Let's head to the river# up ahead."
"* We'll soon be outta# here!"
"* Howdy!"
"* Let's get going."
"* W-welcome to the# Honeydew Resort!# Please, look around.# (was that the line?)"
"Anything#look good?"
"Sorry, you#need more#money..."
"Looks like#you're full..."
"Does it#look bad?"
"Heals 14HP#It'll warm you#right up!"
"Heals 14HP"
"Heals 16HP#Comes with#honey-syrup!"
"Heals 16HP"
"Heals 20HP#It's shaped#like my face!"
"Heals 20HP"
"Acce: 4DF#That would go#g-great on#your hat!"
"Acce: 4DF"
"* I appreciate the offer, but..."
"* My dad would ground me if I# bought items off strangers."
"* That's what he always told me."
"* \"Don't buy items off strangers.\""
"* Heh heh... heh..."
"* I already declined..."
"* Was... was I not nice enough?"
"* Over a year of working here and# I still screw everything up."
"* (You took 60G from# the shelf.)"
"* (There's nothing# left.)"
"You w-want#to talk?"
"This resort"
"* Um..."
"* Well..."
"* This resort has been a family# business for years."
"* We use local honey in all of our# goodies while providing a warm# place to visit."
"* It was started by my# great-great-uncle back in..."
"* Or was it my# great-great-grandfather..."
"* I..."
"* I can't answer this customer's# simple question!"
"* I'm not cut out for this job."
"This resort (NEW)"
"* So uhh, more about this# place..."
"* Our amenities are neat!"
"* The honey cooler, our coveted# latte machine... Oh, and the# space heater! That's a special# one!"
"* It was donated to us by a real# nice engineer by the name of# Chujin! His apprentice helped# as well."
"* He worked in the Steamworks# ages ago when it was, ya# know... operational."
"* Of course, everyone around# here knew him for his# generosity and soft smile."
"* Always wanted to make people# feel welcome!"
"* The heat from that machine# often reminds me of those days..."
"* I hope it does you too! If...# you were there, which you# weren't... "
"* I'll shut up now."
"How's business?"
"* It's better than ever."
"* This is the place to be in# Snowdin!"
"* Some come for the band, some for# the hotspring..."
"* But the monsters love our coffee# the most."
"* I don't blame them one bit."
"* It's a sweet blend of coffee# beans, hazelnut creamer, and# honey, straight from the forest."
"* I've already had thirteen cups# this morning!"
"The band"
"* The band?"
"* Let's see..."
"* We have a few acts that come# here to play."
"* The band is a very popular one# from Hotland."
"* Oh! You should TOTALLY hear# their new single."
"* I especially love the chorus!"
"* It's so good and-"
"* and..."
"* Oh no."
"* I've just been talking about# what I like."
"* You must be so bored..."
"* This is why I don't like# conversations."
"* That name rings a bell."
"* Hmm..."
"* Oh, I remember!"
"* Strange little guy."
"* He would often visit here, sit# down, and watch the band."
"* It looked like he was in a# trance every time he watched# them."
"* I always wanted to talk to him,# but..."
"* The thought of socializing that# much always scared me..."
"* Before I could muster the# courage, he suddenly# stopped visiting."
"* I wonder where he went?"
"* If you see him, be sure to tell# him he's always welcome here!"
"Royal Guard"
"* You don't know what the Royal# Guard is?#"
"* Why they're the peacekeepers# of the Underground!#"
"* They set up stations all# around and keep watch for# wrongdoers.#"
"* Typically, they handle small# stuff. Schemers and scammers,# you know.#"
"* But then there are the big# jobs. Jobs that don't come# around very often.#"
"* I... don't think you've# learned about that particular# subject in school yet, by the# looks of you.#"
"* You gotta be REALLY mature# before that enters the# curriculum. Like... a# highschooler.#"
"* Sooo... sorry! I wouldn't want# to spoil your homework!"
"* \"Mo?\""
"* Ohhh! \"More!\", You want more of# something?#"
"* Coffee? Live music? Let me# know and I'll see what I can# do!"
"No, Mo"
"* No more? Um, alright then...#"
"* ...What? #"
"* Something wrong? You look# annoyed...#"
"* I-I didn't mean to upset you# if I did!#"
"* (How in the world do I# communicate with children???)#"
"* Uhhh - do you like video# games? There's an arcade# located in the Dunes!#"
"* You should ask your parents to# take you there!#"
"* (Did that work?)"
"* The snow should stop falling# soon. Usually lasts a day at a# time.#"
"* It's all super interesting!#"
"* The Underground is large# enough to house its own# ecosystem, did you know that?#"
"* That's why snow covers the# ground and plant life surrounds# us despite the obvious lack of# sunlight.#"
"* There's also these gemstone# things but that's a whole other# can of snails...#"
"* Oh, s-sorry for the lecture!#"
"* I kind of want to be a teacher# when I get older... It's not# important......"
"* You want to h-hear a joke???#"
"* (The things I do for# customers...)#"
"* Alright, uh... Let me think...#"
"* Okay, here's one:#"
"* Why did the dishonest monster# get fired from his job?#"
"* ...#"
"* He was caught lying around!# Heh...#"
"* ...#"
"* ...Not even a chuckle? Man...#"
"* Definitely keeping this off# the daily report."
"* See ya! Thanks for being so# kind!"
"* Dunebud popped out of the sand!"
"* Double trouble!"
"* DUNEBUD -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Looking for some fun."
"* DUNEBUD -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Wondering."
"* Dunebud shifts this way and# that."
"* Dunebud is getting antsy."
"* Dunebud begins to gargle a song."
"* Smells like sandpaper."
"* Dunebud is giggling."
"* The remaining Dunebud glances# around, looking for their# partner."
"* Dunebud is dazed."
"* Sand is spilling everywhere."
"* You cautiously pat the top of# Dunebud.#* They seem confused."
"* You give Dunebud a few loving# pats.#* They nuzzle your hand."
"* You attempt to pat Dunebud.#* They slink away."
"* You shake Dunebud back and# forth.#* They giggle at you."
"* You reach out to Dunebud but# they back up."
"* You wave your hand dismissively# at Dunebud.#* They don't understand."
"* You make an angry face at Dunebud.#* They get scared."
"* You take a step at Dunebud to# intimidate them.#* They flinch a little."
"* The Dunebud's are spilling# over each other." (unused)
"* One Dunebud pats the other's# head. They both lovingly grin." (unused)
"* One Dunebud shapes the other# into a pyramid." (unused)
"* You begin to grow thirsty at# the sight of the Dunebud's." (unused)
"* Sir Slither has a proposition!# (real)"
"* Cactony wandered in, Sir# Slither closely following."
"* SLITHER -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Trying to get a leg up in the# world."
"* Sir Slither does his iconic# side-eyed smirk."
"* Sir Slither lost access to his# bank account. He wonders if he# could borrow yours."
"* Sir Slither looks you up and# down."
"* You hear some jingling as Sir# Slither rattles inside his pot.# "
"* Sir Slither is trying to# butter Cactony up."
"* Sir Slither is going through a# divorce."
"* Sir Slither can't convince# you."
"* Sir Slither compliments# Cactony's bullet patterns."
"* Sir Slither can't convince# you."
"* Sir Slither pivots their full# attention to you."
"* Cactony is lost in a sea of# mixed emotions."
"* Sir Slither tries to keep# whatever's in his pot from# spilling."
"* Sir Slither can't slither away# from this."
"* You ask Sir Slither just what# he can help you with."
"* You ask if Sir Slither can# keep up his attacks."
"* You buy into Sir Slither's# fancy words. Something feels# off."
"* You believe that Sir Slither# wants to stay alive."
"* You step away from Sir# Slither. His pursuit falters."
"* You refuse to let Sir Slither# become a main character."
"* You tell Sir Slither you don't# think he can hold on much# longer."
"Adventure?#That's my#maiden name!"
"Why are you#avoiding my#greetings? Come#on!"
"What's your story?#Scandals?#Sssecrets...?"
"I can help ya#climb out of your#rut, I can!"
"You can trussst#me! Swear on#me mum!"
"I know just#what you need!"
"You, me,#perfect match#eh?"
"I can cheer#you right up!#Easy!"
"To be honest?#Not surprised."
"H-Help a friend#patch themselves#up, eh?"
"Calm down, mate.#We can work#something out..."
"Oh, this and#that. Odds and#ends. Ya know..."
"I'm an#excccellent#travel companion,#I am!"
"I'm an#excccellent#travel companion!"
"They were only#greetings!I#ssswear!"
"Yesss, we're#gonna go far,#you and me!"
"I knew you'd#see things my#way, human!"
"It's true, I#do. Run along#now!"
"Come on mate,#don't leave me#out to dry!"
"Fine! But you're#missing out#BIG!"
"Enjoy the#snake-sized#hole in your#heart!"
"Ding ding ding!#Got a genius#over here!"
"* Cactony comes to share his pain."
"* Cactony wandered in, Sir# Slither closely following."
"* CACTONY -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Lacks physical affection."
"* Cactony would like to cry, but# it's too hot."
"* Cactony stares into your soul."
"* You're unsure if this# situation is healthy. For# anyone."
"* Cactony tries to gather some# needles he dropped."
"* Cactony gives you an empty look."
"* Cactony feels love for the# first time."
"* Cactony is lost in a sea of# mixed emotions."
"* Sir Slither pivots their full# attention to you."
"* Cactony would rather be alone# right now."
"* Cactony is swaying back and# forth."
"* Cactony sheds a tear and a few# needles."
"* You give Cactony a careful pat# in between two spines."
"* You prick your finger on# Cactony's bristles."
"* You keep a safe distance# between you Cactony."
"* You ignore Cactony."
"No one loves#me..."
"I'm burning up."
"These needles#are such a#curse..."
"I'm just a#burden to#everyone..."
"You... think#so?"
"I'm not so#sure about#that...."
"Wait, don't go..."
"Could this day#get any worse?"
"It's so warm...#Is this what#love feels like?"
"Does this mean#you... care about#me?"
"That's what you#get."
"Why does#everyone do this#to me?"
"What else is#new..."
"At least have the#decency to look#at me!"
"* Bowll charges near you!"
"* BOWLL -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* A fragile facade."
"* Bowll is applying super glue to# his head."
"* Bowll notices a red object but# fights against the temptation# to run at it."
"* Huffs and puffs and other# stuffs."
"* Sounds like a hundred toasts."
"* Bowll is beginning to put the# pieces together."
"* Bowll is ready to discover his# true self."
"* A few new ravines have surfaced."
"* Bowll may break into tears soon."
"* You step towards Bowll but he# backs up and huffs at you."
"* You use your bandana to wipe# away some mud on Bowll.#* He sparkles."
"* You reach out toward Bowll but# he takes a step back."
"* You point out the fragility of# Bowll's body.#* He looks distressed."
"* You snicker to yourself.#* Bowll doesn't appreciate it."
"* You ask Bowll to open up and be# genuine with you."
"* You tell Bowll he's cool the# way he is."
"* You tell Bowll to be careful.#* He doesn't listen."
"You better watch#out!"
"You're gonna get#the horns, buddy!"
"These cracks are#my battle scars.#Beware!"
"I'm waaay#stronger than#you think!"
"I wouldn't mess#with me if I# were you!"
"This... just#makes me#stronger!"
"It'll t-take#more than that#to take me#down!"
"I'm only keeping#my distance so#I can charge at#you later!"
"You're not tough#enough to lay a#hand on me!"
"I didn't know I#could reflect so#much. Thank you!"
"Take it easy, pal!"
"N-no! I'm#practically made#of steel!"
"Y-you watch your#mouth!"
"What's so funny,#huh?"
"But I... I am#tough."
"Really? You mean#it?"
"You're the one#that should be#careful!"
"* It's time to dance!"
"* EL BAILADOR -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* The definition of passion!"
"* El Bailador glides around the# dancefloor with ease."
"* El Bailador strikes a# motivating pose!"
"* Smells like disco."
"* El Bailador flexes his huge# muscles!"
"* All the flashing lights make# you dizzy."
"* You feel the rhythm in your# soul!"
"* El Bailador throws sand in the# air like confetti."
"* The sounds of a thousand# trumpets echo around you."
"* You clumsily spin around.#* El Bailador appreciates the# effort."
"* You begin to enjoy yourself and# let out a grin.#* El Bailador smiles back."
"* You stop dancing and look at# El Bailador.#* This upsets him."
"I want to see your#spirit of fire!"
"One and two and-"
"Ah, that was much too#simple!"
"Let us try this!"
"Heating up!"
"The passion! IT GROWS!"
"Aha! Yes!"
"This is what I live#for!"
"A life without dance#is empty, I say!"
"Others say that dance#can also take life#away!"
"I do not see what they#mean!"
"A world of solitude#and silence? That is#not for me!"
"The Underground is#much too depressing,#you see!"
"We are trapped within#a barrier with no hope#for freedom!"
"A sad, sad situation!"
"But it is not sad for#I!"
"We must make do#with what we have!"
"Find time for#activities that#make us happy!"
"I am outgoing because#happiness is not a#quiet virtue!"
"I often encourage#monsters in hope that#it is contagious!"
"Even if monsterkind is#cursed to this grim#state, we must stick#it out to the end!"
"All the way up to the#FINALE!"
"Error: Variable Out Of#Range" (unused)
"Huff... huff..."
"I truly did not notice#you were fighting me#until this moment."
"Perhaps... I upset#you?"
"I deeply apologize if#so..."
"I am beaten up pretty#badly, huh?"
"I suppose it is my#time to go."
"This is quite sudden,#but..."
"At least I was able to#dance for the world#one last time."
"I did have fun..."
"The power of dance is#a wonderful thing..."
"* Another roadblock."
"* EL BAILADOR -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Another roadblock."
"* The enemy seems puzzled."
"* You're getting annoyed by the# music."
"* ..."
"* Get this over with."
"* The enemy glances around# awkwardly."
"* You stare at the enemy with# irritation."
"* He tries to act like he# doesn't notice."
"I want to see your#spirit of fire!"
"One and two and-"
"Ah, that was much too#simple!"
"Let us try this!"
"Come on, dance#with me!"
"I am only trying#to teach!"
"Follow my lead!"
"Ha ha!"
"This is fun,#right?"
"I am sorry for#inconveniencing#you."
"I was only trying#to bring joy."
"Your attitude towards#the art of dance#is clear."
"Come on, buddy!"
"Surely you can dance#better than THAT!"
"Do you have good#rhythm?"
"'Cause it kinda seems#like you need it."
"Talk about over the#top..."
"Let's show this#showoff who's boss!"
"* Petals fall around your feet."
"* The pleasant scent of flowers# fills the air."
"* ..." (unused)
"* Violetta passively approaches# from the flowerbed."
"* Violetta -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Not one for conversation."
"* Violetta nervously shuffles# her feet."
"* Violetta takes her time."
"* Violetta blushes."
"* Violetta is looking everywhere# else but at you."
"* Violetta tries not to cry."
"* You compliment the rich color# of Violetta's flowers."
"* You tell Violetta her attacks# are impressive."
"* You tell Violetta she has# nothing to fear."
"* You tell Violetta to get lost."
"* You tell Violetta she's weird."
"* You tell Violetta she's weak."
"D-Don't mind me."
"I can do this..."
"S-Sorry human."
"I deserve this..."
"(Visual embarrassment)"
"Eh... what?"
"Alright, h-here goes#nothing."
"I know... sorry..."
"* Pedla approaches from the# flowerbed, offering you a# flower."
"* Pedla -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Loves to give away flowers."
"* Pedla twirls around the sand."
"* Pedla wants you to know that# you are loved!"
"* Pedla starts humming a song# you recognize."
"* Pedla lets out a warm smile."
"* Pedla tries to stay positive."
"* You reach for Pedla's# offering."
"* You tell Pedla she's the# sweetest Flower Girl in the# Underground!"
"* You tell Pedla her attacks are# impressive."
"* You tell Pedla you aren't# interested in any flowers."
"* You tell Pedla you don't want# her flowers."
"I spend every#day to its#fullest!"
"Would you like#any flowers my#dear? "
"Sharing with others#is a great way#to show friendship!"
"Aren't flowers just#magnificent?"
"It's never too late#to accept a sign#of friendship, you#know."
"I...I'm okay. "
"Here you go!"
"Do you really mean#that hun? "
"Gosh, you've made me#the happiest florist#around town!"
"Gosh, hun.#What are you on#about?"
"Oh, come now,#deary."
"I bet my flowers#would look very#pretty on your hat!"
"About what I#expected..."
"* Rosa approaches from the# flowerbed, twisting a flower in# her hand."
"* Rosa -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Likes a good challenge."
"* Rosa dances through life's# dangers with stunning# confidence!"
"* Rosa bursts into laughter but# you have no idea why."
"* Rosa sways back and forth# cheerfully."
"* Rosa gives you a thumbs up."
"* Rosa tries to stay strong."
"* You tell Rosa her flowers are# stunning."
"* You tell Rosa her attacks are# impressive."
"* You ask if you can have one of# Rosa's flowers."
"* You ask Rosa to give you a# real challenge."
"* You tell Rosa she's too loud."
"* You tell Rosa she's weak."
"Flowers make a#monster stronger! "
"If you want a flower#from me, you gotta#prove yourself!"
"Flowers are great!#Orange, blue, yellow...#gotta love 'em!"
"My flowers are top#of the line!"
"You're kind of#a jerk, you know# that?"
"Just gotta hold#on."
"Pah! Don't I know#it!"
"Better than yours."
"I don't know,#CAN YOU?"
"Ooo, edgy."
"Come on, where'd#you learn to#insult?"
"* DUMMY -- ATK ? DEF ?#* Just a dummy."
"* Sand covers the dummy."
"* The dummy does nothing."
"* Smells like lead and burlap."
"* You attempt to speak to the# dummy.#* North Star is confused."
"* You intimidate the dummy more.#* It does nothing."
"* Carefully aim at the# dummy and take yer shot."
"* Don't worry, it ain't# alive or nothin'."
"* Mighty fine job!"
"* Give it another go!"
"* There ya go!"
"* One more!"
"* Nice shootin'!"
"* I'd say ye're a natural."
"* I'm impressed, kid!"
"* It's alright, partner."
"* Try again!"
"* Uh... actually that's# good!"
"* Intimidation of yer# opponent can decrease# their focus!"
"* Good thinkin', Clover!"
"* Let's practice yer# shootin' now."
"* Time to get feisty!"
"* ED -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* The dream team!"
"* MORAY -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* The dream team!"
"* ACE -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* The dream team!"
"* MOOCH -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* The dream team!"
"* Ed pounds his fists together# triumphantly!"
"* Moray sharpens their blade."
"* Ace is practicing sleight of# hand."
"* Mooch looks around suspiciously."
"* The four are bickering."
"* Mooch and Ace are playing 52# card pickup."
"* Moray leans on Ed to rest up."
"* Smells like teamwork."
"* The four are deciding who# attacks next."
"* You hold your ground while# the chaos unfolds around you."
"* You point at the# Hospital frantically.#* They don't notice."
"* You throw sand into the air.#* Your clothes are dirty."
"* You fire your gun at the bell.#* You hear a nice ring."
"* You smirk at the four's antics.#* They're trying."
"So ye're the#new deputy, eh?"
"Then you shouldn't#have a problem#dodgin'THIS!"
"Hello, Clover!"
"I'm very sorry about#this, but I've been#bored all day!"
"Hmph. Good luck."
"Quit hogging Clover!"
"It's my time to shine!"
"That's fer the train#insults, Mooch!"
"Let's see if ya can#pass round two, kid!"
"Nice attack, Edward!"
"You're doing a#good job as well,#Clover!"
"Ready for this?"
"Now, now.#Quit holding#back, everyone."
"Use your trump#cards!"
"My turn! My turn!"
"Moray, let's team#up for an attack!"
"Aww, I would#be honored!"
"Sigh... Mooch?"
"Of course I'll#help you, Ace!"
"Don't be so#kind next time."
"We ain't done yet!"
"Get ready for my#strongest atta-"
" Hey!"
"Aw man..."
"I can't say I blame#you for dying, honestly."
"It's four v one out#there! Buncha cheaters..."
"Heh, how are they#gonna explain THIS to#the Sheriff?"
"I'd love to stick#around for that mess,#but oh well!"
"I dunno if you can take#on this posse all at once."
"Just stay alive as#long as you can,#alright?"
"* Showdown!"
"* STARLO -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* The almighty Sheriff."
"* Starlo keeps a steady eye on# you."
"* Starlo's fingers itch for his# six-shooter."
"* Starlo grinds his teeth# together in frustration."
"* Smells like leather boots and# dashing looks."
"* A tumbleweed rolls by. It says# hello."
"* A tension in the air grows."
"* Starlo's lasso grips you# tightly."
"* Starlo's left hand is# shaking."
"* You squirm inside your leather# cage to no avail."
"* You narrow your eyes and# everything becomes letterboxed."
"* Starlo doesn't know how this# is possible." (unused)
"* You chomp and pull at the# lasso but it only gets tighter."
"* Duel!"
"* STARLO -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* The not-so-almighty Sheriff."
"* Starlo keeps two steady eyes# on you."
"* Smells like leather boots and# broken dreams."
"* Starlo tries to tape his lasso# back but can't find the end of# the tape on his roll."
"* You spin your six-shooter# several times to intimidate# Starlo."
"* He instead seems impressed." (unused)
"* You shoot a nasty look at# Starlo..."
"* He gives a worried face before# forcefully glaring back." (unused)
"* You take a deep breath to# prepare for the next attack."
"* You lower your weapon and# raise your hands."
"* You hear nothing but gunshots,# whip cracks, and a mighty# acoustic guitar." (unused)
"* You begin to sweat under the# immense heat." (unused)
"* A gust of sand momentarily# blinds you." (unused)
"* You hear Starlo talking to# himself under his breath." (unused)
"* Starlo digs his spurs into the# sand, standing strong." (unused)
"* You drop your weapon and# raise your hands." (unused)
"I know I'm better#than this."
"A dignified sheriff#would face their#opponent fairly."
"However, you're no#everyday bandit,#so get ready!"
"Huh. Even tied up,#you're skilled."
"I sure have an eye#for talent."
"Part of me wishes#things coulda stayed#the way they were."
"Why'd you have to step#foot in my town?"
"Just a few hours ago#everyone was gettin'#along."
"Now... well...#we're here."
"This is the only#way to fix things."
"The only way#I know..."
"Quit squirmin' so#much!"
"Clover, you gotta#understand!"
"Come on!!"
"Give it up already!!"
"Fine. I didn't wanna#use this but I got#no choice."
"Goodbye, partner. "
"Stay still!"
"I don't wanna#hit my lasso!"
"Look what you made#me do!"
"That lasso is made#from premium#materials!"
"No... no way!"
"Outsmarted by a#deputy?? Tsk."
"At least it's a#fair showdown now."
"Time for a real#dual!"
"I'm gonna miss our#time together."
"I mean that."
"At first, I was truly#happy."
"I thought you were the#real deal."
"All my sacrifices, all#the naysayers..."
"Those didn't matter#anymore 'cause what I#had was#special."
"But now I've realized#the truth..."
"This sheriff stuff?#It's worthless."
"We all tout \"justice\"#but..."
"True Underground#status is only#secured through pain."
"\"Monsterkind's Hero\"#is a title soaked#in blood."
"In the end...#we're nothin' but#bandits."
"One... "
"I have one left#in my#chamber..."
"I'll make this count."
"What...#What are you doing?"
"This isn't fair..."
"Stop this right#now!"
"Guess I had#this coming."
"If only I wore#my safety goggles,#heh..."
"I can't lie..."
"I'm not ready..."
"Let my parents#know..."
"...I'll be away for#a while."
"See you around,#kid."
"The mentor vs apprentice#thing is fun and all,#but..."
"You do know the mentor#isn't supposed to win,#right?"
"This human-wannabe is#a total pushover!"
"Bet he'll crack if you#survive long enough, haha."
"There's no way this#fraud bested you!"
"Come on, show him who#the real gunslinger is!"
"* CEROBA -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Nothing left."
"* There is no hope."
"* She wipes sweat from# her brow."
"* The sand swirls around you."
"* She stares into your SOUL."
"* The fight rages."
"* You hold your ground against# the magic."
"* You take a moment to breathe,# preparing for what's to come."
"* You attempt to belittle your# opponent but she's in another# world."
"* No mercy." (unused)
"* The atmosphere chills with ire." (unused)
"Why have you#done this?"
"Is it because#of some personal#crusade?"
"Your species already#imprisoned us here.#You won."
"I don't understand..."
"Chujin was right#all along."
"Humans want to rule#over us;#control our lives..."
"Even if we freed#ourselves, they would#only wage war again."
"If only I stayed#here and didn't#run off, I could've#protected St-"
"Enough talk."
"Starlo was the...#the only friend#I had left."
"What you've done#is unforgivable."
"... "
"You WILL know the#pain you have caused."
"Look at me, coward!"
"The fruits of your#labor."
"Does this make#you happy?"
"Maybe if I were to#beg for mercy."
"Make you feel bad#about your actions?"
"Once you wipe#us out..."
"...I hope you choke on#the dust that will#fill the air."
"...In the meantime..."
"Go to Hell."
"Has the almighty Clover#met their match?"
"Surely not!"
"Aww, come on!"
"Things were just getting#good!"
"This lady's totally#predictable!"
"Memorize the patterns#and she's done for!"
"Don't tell me this is#your limit!"
"'Cause there is more#where that came from,#buddy!"
"Oh, just kill her#already!"
"If you want to,#that is..."
"* Hello? Clover? Are you okay?"
"* Ohno-ohno-ohno!"
"* You stay right there! I'll go# get help!"
"* Howdy, Clover!"
"* What a day this has# been."
"* Thanks to that guard,# we're totally off# course!"
"* It looks like she# ditched you as well."
"* I guess it can't be# helped now."
"* What's important is that# you're alive!"
"* There's gotta be# another route to# ASGORE's Castle here."
"* Tough it out for now# and we'll see where# this new path takes us."
"* A little excitement# never hurt anyone!"
"* Well... except you. Let# me heal you up."
"* Howdy, Clover!"
"* Sorry about all this."
"* I'm usually pretty good# at judging where to go# next."
"* The raft must've been a# trap set by that guard."
"* You outsmarted her,# though! I'm impressed."
"* Even so, you look# pretty beat up. Let me# take care of that!"
"* Howdy, Clover!"
"* Sorry about all this."
"* I'm usually pretty good# at judging where to go# next."
"* The raft must've been a# trap set by that guard."
"* Doesn't look like# she'll be an issue# anymore, though."
"* You're far away from# Snowdin now. Out of# sight, out of mind!"
"* Now we have to find a# new way to ASGORE's# Castle."
"* I'll leave you to it# but before you go, let# me patch you up."
"* Okay, what is going on?"
"* I've been trying to# stay positive and# supportive but..."
"* Seriously?"
"* Why won't you save?"
"* Does that word scare# you?"
"* It can't hurt you, see?"
"* S - A - V - E. "
"* Hey, you're still# alive! It's a miracle! "
"* ...No? Okay."
"* I just..."
"* I would hope I've# proved my# trustworthiness by now. "
"* But no, it's fine... "
"* Guess you don't# appreciate me... "
"* Sigh..."
"* ... "
"* Nothing? "
"* It was worth a shot. "
"* Just know, you're# running a HUGE risk by# not saving."
"* Bam! Wam! Shang-a-lang!"
"* It's Mo time!"
"* And you know what they say:"
"* There's no time like MO TIME!"
"* Wait..."
"* You're that uh... that human# from Snowdin."
"* There's some pretty nasty# rumors going on about you..."
"* But come on! We've all# committed a few felonies in our# time, right?"
"* For me, a pinch of petty# theft, a sprinkle of tax# fraud... Diet crime!"
"* For you, disturbing the peace,# battery, several...# homicides..."
"* Who's got proof, right?# Gossip's gotta gossip!"
"* ..."
"* So, you're probably thinkin'# “What's this handsome cat# selling???”"
"* First of all, I ain't a cat# but I do appreciate the# compliment!"
"* I had this whole spiel about# “Water” but, hey, for my best# customer?"
"* I'll skip RIGHT to the premium# inventory!"
"* Check it!"
"* Ice Tea, baby!"
"* It's like the sequel to water!"
"* So..."
"* This is the part where you# spend the G that may or may not# belong to you!"
"* Hey, I ain't here to judge,# I'm here to live!"
"* That Mo is an odd one. "
"* I woulda talked to him# but I don't know how...# legal his business is."
"* Our conversation# could've turned very# awkward, very fast."
"* Howdy!"
"* Gee, wouldja look at# that... "
"* I can almost see the# King's Castle from here!"
"* Heh, ASGORE..."
"* Monsters shower him# with praise but it's# totally overblown."
"* See, he's what they# call a 'Boss Monster'."
"* Means he has special# traits; more power than# others..."
"* When you take him down,# his SOUL will stay# intact."
"* But only for a moment# before... BOOM! You win."
"* I've heard the guy's# immortal too. Can't age# a second!"
"* At least, not anymore. "
"* Wild, huh?"
"* Boss Monsters know how# to cling to life, that's# for sure."
"* Hey, don't let all that# info scare ya!"
"* Immortal doesn't mean# invincible!"
"* And still, a human SOUL# is more powerful than a# Boss Monster SOUL."
"* ASGORE may seem# intimidating but it's# all show."
"* Deep down, he's afraid# of you. A true pushover."
"* Anyway, just thought# I'd prepare my pal for# what's to come!"
"* Howdy!"
"* Gee, wouldja look at# that... "
"* I can almost see the# King's Castle from here!"
"* Heh, ASGORE..."
"* Monsters shower him# with praise but it's# totally overblown."
"* See, he's what they# call a 'Boss Monster'."
"* Means he has special# traits; more power than# others..."
"* When you inevitably# kill him, his SOUL will# stay intact."
"* But only for a moment# before... BOOM! It's# gone forever."
"* I'll let you in on a# little secret though..."
"* In that short window of# time, you can reach out# and take his SOUL."
"* With its power, you'll# be able to cross the# barrier and return home."
"* Your back turned on the# Underground, your duty# fulfilled."
"* Doesn't that sound# nice?"
ch[1] = "..."
"* Yes? No?"
"* Come on, gimme# something! "
"* ..."
"* Fine."
"* You're becoming harder# and harder to read, you# know that? "
"* A little too “broody”# for my taste too."
"* Sigh..."
"* Just keep your eyes on# the Castle, okay?"
"* Okay."
"* ..."
"* Halt!"
"* I, El Bailador, have tasked# myself with confrontation!"
"* The air is much too quiet!# Much too dreary!"
"* You make no noise when you# move!"
"* If I did not know any better,# I might have mistaken you for# a Sentinel of Silence!"
"* No no... this will not do!"
"* You must prove to me that you# have what it takes!"
"* What it takes to live a life# of richness!"
"* I challenge you... to DANCE!"
"* Halt!"
"* I, El Bailador, have tasked# myself with confrontation!"
"* The air is much too quiet!# Much too dreary!"
"* You make no noise when you# move!"
"* And your eyes - they tell a# woeful tale!"
"* No no... this will not do!"
"* We must liven up this dismal# atmosphere!"
"* It is time... to DANCE!"
"* To truly find oneself,# they must ignite a# passion within!"
"* Let us duel!"
"* Huff... huff..."
"* You have proven your passion,# little one!"
"* I apologize if the dance was# strenuous on your health!"
"* Sometimes having fun means a# few doctor's visits!"
"* However, it seems that you do# not love dance as much as I."
"* Perhaps you find happiness# through other means?"
"* I have never considered that# for quiet monsters such as# you."
"* Ah, well, I at least hope# your day has been brightened!"
"* I wish you a fulfilling# journey!"
"* Farewell!"
"* ..."
"* Ahem."
"* This is rather awkward..."
"* ..."
"* I am inclined to make my exit."
"* Farewell."
"* There you are!"
"* I shouldn't have fled# like I did... "
"* You kept going. Kept# destroying lives. "
"* This isn't self defense# like I once assumed. "
"* You're on a mission. "
"* But..."
"* This warped sense of# justice... It won't# bring them back. "
"* I have reservations# about the King's# business just like you. "
"* But you don't have the# context of those# actions. "
"* I know... You want to# believe the best of# others. "
"* That the fallen humans# were fully pacifistic# and didn't initiate "
"* T-The Royal Guard are# searching for you, let# me make that clear."
"* You're lucky I'm the# one who found you. So# please listen!"
"* I've spent my life in# skepticism."
"* Longing for eventual# peace between our kinds."
"* If you can believe it,# I see goodness in you. "
"* Somehow, I still have# hope you can turn it# around."
"* I can't apprehend you# on my own, I already# tried that..."
"* So please... stop this.# Us monsters don't# deserve "
"* W-wait!"
"* Just listen! "
"* I-I didn't want it to# come to this but... "
"* I have to go. "
"* You won't get away with# this, Clover."
"SCORE: " + string(arcade_score)
"* It's awfully quiet...# let's be cautious." (Martlet, unused)
"* Huh? Hang on, I think# someone's coming this# way."
"* Guys! Looky here!"
"* Someone new has stumbled# into our humble town."
"* This better not be# another joke..."
"* For once, don't look# like it is."
"* Hiya, strangers!"
"* Oh, hello!"
"* We're just passing# through."
"* We mean no harm, I# promise."
"* That's what the last# guy said."
"* Let's just say he's one# with the wind now..."
"* O-oh my gosh... You..."
"* I'm just kiddin' around."
"* You were shakin' in# your boots for a second!"
"* Heheh... heh... you sure# got me!"
"* That wasn't very funny,# Edward."
"* I can assure you we are# a delight to be around."
"* Nothing you can't# handle I'm sure."
"* I..."
"* Ugh..."
"* Why do you two insist# on scaring away every# monster you meet?"
"* At least Mooch never# oversteps her bounds."
"* Never!"
"* Um, well, it was a# pleasure to meet you# four but..."
"* We'll be going# now- "
"* Hold it right there, missy."
"* Are my pals givin' you# trouble?"
"* Come now..."
"* That ain't a way to# treat guests, now is it?"
"* The name's North Star.# I run this town."
"* Not alone, of course."
"* These fine monsters are# my posse."
"* Together, we are..."
"* Our name stands for:"
"* Fearlessness!"
"* Excellence!"
"* Intuition!"
"* Sneakiness!"
"* Toughness!"
"* Youthfulness!"
"* Justice!"
"* ..."
"* The J is silent."
"* Anyway,"
"* Now that we're# introduced..."
"* I'd be glad to give you# and yer buddy a tour-"
"* Hold on..."
"* Yer buddy..."
"* Are they a... HUMAN?"
"* Um..."
"* Well... I won't say no?"
"* I knew it!"
"* There ain't no doubt in# my mind!"
"* That this kid is a real,# living, authentic human!"
"* Sorry 'bout this."
"* I gotta seize this# once-in-a-lifetime# opportunity!"
"* Ed, fetch me that kid."
"* Sure thing."
"* Wait! What are you doing# with Clover!"
"* Ah, Clover, is it?# That's a mighty fine# name!"
"* To answer yer question,# Feathers, Clover and I# got a town to run!"
"* Don't \"Feathers\" me!"
"* You're speaking to# Martlet of the Royal# Guard!"
"* I can and will report# you to King ASGORE for# this abrasive behavior!"
"* Ye're Royal Guard? "
"* That's funny, 'cuz I# don't see anythin' to# indicate that."
"* No armor? Weapon? Badge?"
"* I... left it all at# my post in Snowdin!"
"* Please, don't bother# trying to fool# us."
"* He's right."
"* I am truly sorry 'bout# this, I really am."
"* But business is# business."
"* Together, we'll be the# Feisty SIX!"
"* The alliteration..."
"* Shh."
"* Tsk!"
"* Clover! I can't go up# against these guys."
"* Don't worry! I'll figure# this out!"
"* Star, should we be doing# this?"
"* Poor Martlet is upset."
"* Don't be a buzzkill,# Moray."
"* When's the last time# something exciting# happened around here?"
"* You've got a point."
"* Ahem!"
"* This town's FULL of# excitement. Especially# now."
"* Let's go, bud!"
"* Oh, and Feathers..."
"* Welcome to The Wild# East."
"* I apologize for Star's# antics."
"* He's really into human# culture and whatnot."
"* You show up here and he# flips out."
"* I mean, it is quite# unbelievable."
"* A few humans have# wandered into the# Underground before but..."
"* They never set foot on# these sands."
"* All that to say, I'm# glad you did."
"* My name is Ceroba."
"* I'm a friend of Star's# but not part of his# posse."
"* They're a bit too...# rowdy for my taste."
"* May I ask your name?"
ch[1] = "Clover"
"* Welcome to the# Underground, Clover."
"* Your attire is# surprising, I must say."
"* But um... I won't press# you on the matter."
"* I'm afraid Star is going# to drag you into his# activities for a while."
"* You must have places to# go, correct?"
"* The Castle... the# barrier. You probably# want to go home."
"* If I'm being honest, I# haven't seen Star this# ecstatic in some time."
"* Maybe you should# entertain him a bit;# roll with his punches."
"* I'll see what I can do# about allowing you to# leave."
"* I know of a safe path# to Hotland through# the..."
"* Ah, I'm getting ahead# of myself."
"* Talk to you later,# Clover."
"* It was nice to# meet you."
"* I apologize for Star's# antics."
"* He's really into human# culture and whatnot."
"* You show up here and he# flips out."
"* I mean, it is quite# unbelievable."
"* A few humans have# wandered into the# Underground before but..."
"* They never set foot on# these sands."
"* My name is Ceroba."
"* I'm a friend of Star's# but not part of his# posse."
"* They're a bit too...# rowdy for my taste."
"* May I ask your name?"
ch[1] = "Clover"
"* Welcome to the# Underground, Clover."
"* Your attire is# surprising, I must say."
"* But um... I won't press# you on the matter."
"* I'm afraid Star is going# to drag you into his# activities for a while."
"* You must have places to# go, correct?"
"* The Castle... the# barrier. You probably# want to go home."
"* If I'm being honest, I# haven't seen Star this# ecstatic in some time."
"* Maybe you should# entertain him a bit;# roll with his punches."
"* He'll probably allow# you to leave eventually."
"* Well..."
"* Good luck, Clover."
"* She told me to run."
"* She told me to hide."
"* But nah..."
"* That ain't what a# dignified sheriff would# do."
"* You see, I've heard# you've been up to no# good."
"* You've been mozyin'# 'round..."
"* ...Terrorizin' the nice# folk of this underground# settlement."
"* You're an outlaw."
"* My job..."
"* My job is to bring# justice upon folks like# you."
"* Folks who take pleasure# in disturbin' the peace."
"* Now..."
"* You have a method to# what yer doin'."
"* You coulda shot me by# now but ya haven't."
"* Howabout we settle this# fairly?"
"* A... dual."
"* Fastest to their weapon# wins."
"* Ten paces."
"* Heh..."
"* I... can't do it."
"* Not for real."
"* I'm... I'm such a# fraud..."
"* ..."
"* Thanks for letting me# feel cool for a short# moment."
"* Star! Everyone's# evacuated!"
"* Why are you still here?# I told you to-"
"* !"
"* STARLO!!!"
"* C-Ceroba I..."
"* Nonononono, why didn't# you listen!?"
"* I almost w... won..."
"* Y-you... did your best."
"* You're the greatest# s-sheriff in the# Underground, Starlo."
"* You are."
"* Th... thanks... for# playing a... along all# these... years."
"* Now... d... do what's# right."
"* Deliver... "
"* J-Justice."
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* ..."
string(floor(cardg_g_gained)) + "G won!"
"0G won. Better luck next time!"
"* Alright, everyone! Come# 'ere!"
"* Watcha want, boss?"
"* Oooh, are we going to# begin training with# Clover?"
"* Precisely, Moray!"
"* I thought we'd start# with a classic game that# involves pacin'."
"* You mean what I see# you doin' every night# outside the house?"
"* Back and forth,# whispering to# yourself..."
"* What? I don't do that!"
"* Some monsters have# unique ways of gettin'# their thoughts out."
"* Other... monsters."
"* ..."
"* Ahem."
"* Can anyone CORRECTLY# guess what game I'm# hintin' at?"
"* Oh! Oh! I know!"
"* Yes, Mooch."
"* A DUEL!"
"* Bingo!"
"* No, no. This is all# wrong."
"* Oh? What's the matter?"
"* Clover doesn't... look# right."
"* Look at their hat. It's# tattered and practically# decomposing."
"* And that iron in their# holster. What kinda# peashooter is that?"
"* Cool it, Ace. I'm sure# they tried their best."
"* No, Ace has a point!"
"* What kinda host am I if# I don't spoil you with# gifts?"
"* To the weapon store!"
"* Hehe, of course."
"* Old Blackjack doesn't# like doin' business# with me."
"* I often \"borrow\" his# wares and uh... break or# lose them."
"* Open up, Blackjack!"
"* Don't make me use force!"
"* I make the law so I can# legally shoot down your# doors!"
"* Get off my property, North# Star!"
"* I told you I wouldn't even sell# you a gumball!"
"* Aw, come on, partner."
"* I don't even know what# a \"gumball\" is!"
"* And those last# transactions were ages# ago!"
"* I'm a changed monster!"
"* You lost one of my premium# revolvers last week!"
"* Frolicking in your sandstorm# and whatnot."
"* Look, I promise this is# a different scenario,# Jack."
"* I won't even step# inside. You can meet me# out here."
"* ..."
"* Don't worry, Clover.# He's comin'."
"* Make it speedy."
"* Of cooourse, sir!"
"* I was just gunna ask# you to sell a gun to# this child."
"* I worded that poorly,# hold on!"
"* This ain't a child, you# see. I was jokin'."
"* They're just a very# small, but VERY tough# monster."
"* ..."
"* Sigh..."
"* I'll give ya 400G."
"* Well why didn't you open with# that, kind patron?"
"* Come inside with me and I'll# fetch the paperwork."
"* See? I had it under# control."
"* Wait out here, Clover."
"* Done and done."
"* Can I get a# yeehaw?"
"* ..."
"* Right. Movin' along."
"* Let's see what you got!"
"* Take this trusty# six-shooter as a gift# from me."
"* (You got a Wild Revolver!)"
"* Ya definitely pass this# part of trainin'!"
"* I gotta go tell Ceroba# 'bout this."
"* She's a big doubter when# it comes to you."
"* Let's ride on!"
"* Group up, everyone!"
"* Gettin' a bit of deja# vu here."
"* As ya should, buddy."
"* Thanks to Ace's keen# eye for fashion, we# took a lil detour."
"* Great job there."
"* Thank you, Star."
"* Clover looks much# better now."
"* I agree! Clover's# looking like a real# wrangler!"
"* For sure!"
"* That new gun is...# awfully shiny."
"* Had to shake Mr.# Blackjack down for it."
"* I was real tough, too."
"* Put ol' Jack in his# place, I did."
"* You coulda' sent me in# to get it."
"* You know I'm the best# negotiator."
"* We might bend the rules# a bit but we ain't# bandits."
"* Mhm, totally."
"* Let's get to the# mission already."
"* Right ya are, Ed."
"* What other mission# would it be than the# one we skipped before?"
"* Get ready, Clover!"
"* It's time for us to# dual!"
"* You mean \"duel.\""
"* That's what I said."
"* No, you pronounced it# with a \"UA\" sound# instead of a \"OO\" sound."
"* Boss, have you been# skippin' Cowboy Grammar# Class?"
"* Dual, duel, who cares?# Tomato potato and all# that."
"* Y'all need to quit# interrupin' me so often."
"* Upsets my frontier zen."
"* Where was I?"
"* Oh yeah, it's time to# d..."
"* Participate in a# carefully timed# shootin' competition."
"* Mooch! Provide Clover# with the designated# tool."
"* Here's a BB gun for the# duel!"
"* I'll uh... take that# sixshooter off your# hands for now."
"* Mooooch? Bring the gun# here."
"* That's what I was gonna# do, Moray."
"* Get off my back, will# ya?"
"* Alright. It's finally# time to go head to hea-"
"* Wait."
"* What is it, Ace?"
"* What could possibly be# so pressin' to interrupt# the mission again?"
"* You forgot the safety# glasses."
"* Gee, boss. You coulda# hurt Clover."
"* Right..."
"* I take responsibility# and apologize for the# oversight."
"* Bring the glasses here."
"* (I want the pair with# the blue flames.)"
"* (Red flames clash with# my uniform.)"
"* Here."
"* Now we're in business!"
"* Alllrighty, Clover!"
"* We're gonna take ten# paces and turn to face# each other."
"* When you hear the# \"draw\" sound..."
"* Grab yer gun and shoot# me as fast as you can!"
"* Here we go!"
"* Whoa, whoa, whoa!"
"* You gotta wait for# the signal, or it# ain't fair!"
"* Let's try one more time!"
"* Awww, too bad!"
"* Let's try one more time!"
"* Ah... Clover got me..."
"* Star! Star! Are you# okay?"
"* Pretty much... the# opposite of that..."
"* Oh, Star... I'm so# sorry..."
"* Who... who will you# give your inheritance# to?"
"* Not... you..."
"* Heck."
"* Clover... this was...# your..."
"* Emotional trauma test!"
"* This job ain't all# swealterstones and# rainbows, ya understand?"
"* Ya might end up hurtin'# someone and must carry# that weight on yer back."
"* Hope I didn't scar ya!"
"* Anyway, you pass!"
"* I'll be waitin' in the# Saloon again when ye're# ready for mission three!"
"* I'm seein' good things# in ya, kid!"
"* Here's your iron. Also,# I'll be needing those# glasses."
"* You know the drill,# team!"
"* Ain't no time to be# lazin' 'round."
"* Uh, hellooo?"
"* Where is everyone?"
"* Sorry 'bout this,# Clover. They should be# here any second no- "
"* Star, what is happening# on the west end of town?"
"* Would you care to# explain?"
"* WHAT???"
"* Is anyone in danger???"
"* Well... no probably not-"
"* THEY ARE????"
"* By George! This must be# an attack from Vengeful# Virgil!"
"* Vengeful... Virgil?"
"* Who is that?"
"* Ceroba, come on!"
"* We drew his wanted# poster last month!"
"* It's on the news# board..."
"* You helped me find the# thumb tacks and# everythin'..."
"* Um..."
"* Oh yeah!"
"* Well, you better go# stop him then!"
"* What are you waiting# for?"
"* That's the spirit!"
"* Let's put a stop to# this, Clover!"
"* Huh."
"* You sure you saw# somethin' troublin'# here?"
"* Look down."
"* GASP!"
"* Hey! I did not sign up# for this!"
"* Get me out of here!"
"* Ed! Keep it down! I# need to focus!"
"* How in the heck will I# solve this colossal# conundrum?"
"* Just untie them."
"* And risk being tricked# into a booby trap?"
"* Touching those ropes is# exactly what Virgil# wants!"
"* ...What?"
"* This is scary, Star!"
"* I'm afraid you must# choose which track the# train travels on!"
"* Yeah! Choose Ed!"
"* Mooch, you are dead to# me."
"* Unless Star chooses you# instead."
"* ...That's cold."
"* This is all too# overwhelmin'! I can't# do it!"
"* Then have Clover choose."
"* Of course!"
"* Clover don't have no# emotional attachment to# y'all!"
"* Should be simple!"
"* Don't you think this is# a bit much?"
"* Nah, it's easy!"
"* Choose to leave the# track as is..."
"* It won't be yer fault# but many monsters get# hit."
"* Choose to change the# track..."
"* It'll be by yer hand# but only Ed gets hit."
"* Not as much of a# sacrifice."
"* What did I do to# deserve this?"
"* We're out of time!"
"* If only we coulda# untied everyone!"
"* If only."
"* You gotta choose now,# Clover!"
"* Ouch!"
"* You owe me for this."
"* Clover... I thought we# were friends."
"* Eh, I'm okay with it."
"* Ha! Clover likes me# more!"
"* Now, now."
"* This decision was a# tough'n."
"* Having the casualty be# on your hands is a lot# to handle, mentally."
"* There's a lot more to# it than that, Star."
"* This is a deep scenario# that requires a lot of# thinking."
"* We don't have time fer# thinkin'!"
"* This was a test of# judgment and Clover# passed!"
"* Passed? How exactly?"
"* Aah, quit bein' so# technical 'bout# everythin', Moray."
"* Clover saved Ed.# That's... pretty good."
"* I can't tell if that# was an insult."
"* Anywho. I'll see ya at# the usual spot, kid."
"* Come to me when ye're# ready for the final# mission!"
"* Oof!"
"* Clover! How could you!?"
"* Is this about me# carrying ya earlier?# Did I hurt ya?"
"* Now, now!"
"* In defense of Clover,# they just saved many# lives."
"* I guess that's true..."
"* Clover proved that they# were willing to# sacrifice to be a hero."
"* Quite noble, don'tcha# think, Ceroba?"
"* There's a lot of layers# to this scenario."
"* I believe it's more of# a gray are- "
"* Quite noble indeed."
"* This was a test of yer# judgment."
"* I'd say you passed,# buddy!"
"* I'll be in the usual# spot for yer final task!"
"* Sigh..."
"* See you around."
"* Hey! Is anyone gonna# untie us?"
"* Final call!"
"* Get on over here!"
"* Are y'all ready?"
"* Actually, there's# something we wanted to# talk about."
"* Yea. 'Bout the general# work environment."
"* Maybe later. Let's keep# movin'!"
"* ..."
"* So Clover! I actually# tricked ya."
"* There is no fourth# mission!"
"* Well, there used to be# but we cut it out of# the regiment."
"* You are now the proud# deputy of this fine# town!"
"* Wait! Deputy???"
"* I thought this was for# a normal spot on the# team!"
"* Clover is too special# and skilled for a# normal spot!"
"* Star, this is hardly# fair."
"* Life ain't always fair# in the Wild East, bucko!"
"* They passed their# trainin' like anyone# else."
"* That was trainin'?"
"* We barely did anything!"
"* That last mission# especially was awful!"
"* Calm down, will ya?"
"* Ye're killin' my good# mood!"
"* I have to run to the# Mines to get Clover's# badge made."
"* I was too busy with# everythin' that it# slipped my mind."
"* You five have fun!"
"* I'll be riiiight back!"
"* This is just peachy.# You gettin' this# attention n' all."
"* How come you waltz in# here and Star instantly# makes ya deputy?"
"* We didn't get this kind# of treatment."
"* We had to go through# weeks of lasso lessons.# Lassons for short."
"* For me to become part# of the team..."
"* Star made me walk# around with a snake in# my boot for a week!"
"* ...It was rubber but# the rashes it gave me# were unbearable!"
"* Yeah and he made me# pickpocket monsters by# the Oasis!"
"* Star didn't make you do# that."
"* :)"
"* Ya know what? This# ain't fair to any of us."
"* Clover needs a# challenge."
"* We need to see if# they're truly worthy of# joining our squad!"
"* Finally, some REAL# excitement!"
"* Feisty Four! Here we# come!"
"* What in the actual# goshdarn tarnation is# happenin' here?"
"* We felt yer trainin'# was lackluster..."
"* ...So we gave Clover# a real challenge."
"* I'm disappointed in you# four!"
"* Eight weeks of lassons# for this?"
"* I oughta lock you away# with Feathers!"
"* Star, what's going on?"
"* You've been... different."
"* A real meanie!"
"* It's true. This hasn't# been any fun."
"* W-what are y'all# blabbering about?"
"* This is the most alive# this town has ever been!"
"* Why's everythin' hav'ta# be a spectacle, huh?"
"* I miss the old North# Star; the fearless# leader!"
"* The monster who could# make their own fun in# the little things!"
"* This new Star is# selfish and reckless."
"* Or should I call you by# yer real name?"
"* Should I? Starlo?"
"* Why you..."
"* What's with all the# shouting?"
"* What's happening?"
"* It seems my posse don't# RESPECT me no more!"
"* It's not that."
"* We just want you to# take it down a notch."
"* You can't just throw us# around for this human# business."
"* That isn't what friends# do, Star."
"* ..."
"* I know what all this is# about..."
"* Y'all are just FULL of# envy! Overflowin' with# it! "
"* Clover's shot circles# 'round you and you just# can't accept it!"
"* Clover has nothing to# do with this...# It's you."
"* No, Star's totally# right!"
"* Clover's \"super# skilled\" at everythin'!"
"* In fact, I think they# could carry the whole# squad on their own!"
"* Who needs us when you# got a powerhouse# \"deputy\"?"
"* What'r you sayin'?"
"* I'm sayin' that I'm# done."
"* I resign from the# Feisty Five, okay?"
"* Really now?"
"* It'll still be the# Feisty Five without ya# so go ahead."
"* I-I'm leaving too."
"* I don't wanna work# under a big-headed# sheriff."
"* Seems like life dealt# you a bad hand, Star."
"* I'm following them."
"* Sorry, Star..."
"* Please work on yourself."
"* Forgiveness is only one# apology away."
"* Fine! I was considerin'# firin' y'all anyway!"
"* Ceroba, you understand,# right?"
"* They're bein'# ridiculous!"
"* Starlo..."
"* They're right."
"* You HAVE changed a lot# from the monster I once# knew."
"* I tried to brush it off# as you having fun at# first but..."
"* This Wild East thing# has damaged your# personality."
"* I want to see the real# Starlo."
"* ..."
"* That's North Star to# you."
"* ..."
"* Well..."
"* Everyone is gone."
"* I got no posse... No# friends..."
"* I..."
"* I need to think."
"* I can fix this."
"* Why did this happen?"
"* I did everything in my# power to entertain..."
"* ...So monsters wouldn't# have to worry about# being stuck down here."
"* At every turn I tried to# cheer Ceroba up..."
"* I just wanted Kanako off# of her mind."
"* I'm trying my best to# honor her memory."
"* ?"
"* You..."
"* Why'd you follow me?"
"* Are you still my friend?"
"* ..."
"* Hold on..."
"* This all happened after# you showed up!"
"* Ed specifically# mentioned YOU as the# problem!"
"* That's right! I was just# bein' a good friend."
"* I made you who you are# yet this is what I get?"
"* ..."
"* Let's face facts. I# couldn't keep you here# forever, kid."
"* Word would've gotten out# that Feathers hadn't# clocked in, eventually."
"* Feathers...# Wait a minute..."
"* Royal Guards like her# have a ton of status."
"* They gain that status by# doin' the King's work."
"* I'm sure... I'm sure# everyone would come back# if I did the same."
"* I'd be revered not only# in the Wild East but the# entire Underground!!"
"* I'd..."
"* ..."
"* Clover, you've been an# excellent deputy but..."
"* As a lawman, what I'm# about to do is embedded# in my SOUL."
"* My true duty."
"* Don't... Don't make this# difficult for me."
"* Just hold..."
"* STILL!"
"* Who have you become?"
"* Because this sure as# hell isn't the Starlo# I grew up with!"
"* Ceroba..."
"* Now's not a good time# for this."
"* Don't kick me while# I'm down, please."
"* I'm... I'm sorry, Star."
"* I know this is# weighing heavily on you# but listen..."
"* None of us hate you.# The REAL you."
"* We adore you!"
"* What we hate is this# false, reckless persona# you've created."
"* ..."
"* I have my own baggage.# We all do."
"* I don't even know if I# have room to say this# but..."
"* Bring him back."
"* Bring back the# innocent farmer I once# knew."
"* I just... wanted to be# appreciated. Revered by# all."
"* I was trying to provide# a slice of the Surface# where we have none."
"* There's nothing wrong# with that."
"* I'm not even telling# you to quit running the# town."
"* Just don't let this# identity consume you.# It isn't healthy."
"* ..."
"* ...Very well."
"* Clover, I'm terribly# sorry for attacking# you."
"* I do value your# friendship and the time# we've spent together."
"* You have every right# to make fun but..."
"* This is who I really# am."
"* I'm not a real# sheriff... just some# nobody farmer."
"* Don't say that, Star."
"* You may not be a real# sheriff but..."
"* You're the best# sheriff I've ever# known!"
"* Yeah..."
"* I suppose I am KINDA# cool."
"* Darn right!"
"* But..."
"* This whole show wasn't# only for some personal# power trip."
"* Hm?"
"* I also did it to...# cheer you up."
"* You might've wanted# the old me but I also# wanted the old you."
"* Because of..."
"* ...Kanako..."
"* ..."
"* I... Um... Appreciate# that, Star."
"* I..."
"* I believe I have# business to take care# of relating to her..."
"* What do you mean?"
"* I must tell you# something."
"* I suppose Clover# should know as well."
"* As much fun it is to# have duels and catch# bandits..."
"* There's a pressing# matter looming over# me."
"* ..."
"* Let's go to the old# Steamworks gate."
"* We'll speak there."
"* Ceroba..."
"* Come on."
"* I guess you're really# part of the team now,# Clover."
"* You heard her."
"* Clover! Clover!"
"* So I have good news# and bad news."
"* I'll start with the# good:"
"* Turns out, the wife of# that old friend I told# you about is here!"
"* Her name is Ceroba!"
"* You... probably met her# already now that I# think about it."
"* She broke my cell lock# with a sick magic staff# and let me go!"
"* I also made sure she# knew I wouldn't tell# ASGORE about this."
"* So now that that's# taken care of... the bad# news."
"* I'm about to go back# on my word, sadly."
"* I know I JUST said I# wouldn't leave your side# but then... ya know... "
"* ...This crazy detour# happened."
"* I also realize I threw# my job to the wind to# travel with you but..."
"* Since the imprisonment# took up so much time, I# have to go back."
"* If I don't at LEAST# clock in..."
"* ...the Royal Guard# will grow suspicious!"
"* Plus, Ava is totalled.# It was their property."
"* I'll only be gone for# a moment to fix my# mistakes!"
"* Ceroba encouraged this# decision, so don't# worry. "
"* She told me she would# accompany you on the# journey to Hotland."
"* So hey, it all works# out!"
"* Again, I'm so-so-so-SO# sorry about this but# I'll cya later!"
"* Who have you become?"
"* Because this sure as# hell isn't the Starlo# I grew up with!"
"* Ceroba..."
"* Now's not a good time# for this."
"* Don't kick me while# I'm down, please."
"* I'm... I'm sorry, Star."
"* I know this is# weighing heavily on you# but listen..."
"* None of us hate you.# The REAL you."
"* We adore you!"
"* What we hate is this# false, reckless persona# you've created."
"* ..."
"* I have my own baggage.# We all do."
"* I don't even know if I# have room to say this# but..."
"* Bring him back."
"* Bring back the# innocent farmer I once# knew."
"* I just... wanted to be# appreciated. Revered by# all."
"* I was trying to provide# a slice of the Surface# where we have none."
"* There's nothing wrong# with that."
"* I'm not even telling# you to quit running the# town."
"* Just don't let this# identity consume you.# It isn't healthy."
"* ..."
"* ...Very well."
"* Clover, I'm terribly# sorry for attacking# you."
"* I do value your# friendship and the time# we've spent together."
"* You have every right# to make fun but..."
"* This is who I really# am."
"* I'm not a real# sheriff... just some# nobody farmer."
"* Don't say that, Star."
"* You may not be a real# sheriff but..."
"* You're certainly the# best sheriff I'VE ever# known!"
"* Yeah..."
"* I suppose I am KINDA# cool."
"* Darn right!"
"* But..."
"* Save it. We have a# posse to reunite!"
"* Oh yeah! Ed and the# others deserve an# apology."
"* I feel really bad for# hurting them..."
"* I'm sure they'll# forgive you."
"* I hope so..."
"* ..."
"* Clover, I... wish you# luck on your journey."
"* I can tell you've# fought your fair share# of battles."
"* Your skill is almost...# intimidating."
"* I had a plan for us to# travel together but you# don't need me."
"* After all, I have a# sheriff on my side."
"* Heh, that's right,# missy!"
"* Don't push your luck,# Star."
"* Anyway, just head north# and you'll find a# shortcut to Hotland."
"* I..."
"* ...Nevermind."
"* ...You okay?"
"* Me? I'm fine."
"* ..."
"* I uh... had something# in Oasis Valley to# attend. I gotta go."
"* Goodbye, Clover."
"* That was strange... but# it's not your problem. "
"* You need to get a move# on. "
"* Oh! I almost forgot# something very# important! "
"* Here!"
"* (You got the Deputy# Badge!)"
"* Despite a few hiccups,# our little adventure was# a blast."
"* I'll be seein' ya# around, partner!"
"* I'm so proud!"
"* Clover! Clover!"
"* I just passed Ceroba# and that North Star# fella."
"* Did you all patch# everything up?"
"* -Oh yeah, hi!"
"* So I have good news and# bad news."
"* I'll start with the# good:"
"* Ceroba was kind enough# to free me!"
"* She's an old# acquaintance of mine so# it was a nice surprise."
"* She knows I won't tell# ASGORE about this, so no# worries!"
"* Now that that's taken# care of... the bad news."
"* I'm about to go back on# my word, sadly."
"* I know I JUST said I# wouldn't leave your side# but then... ya know... "
"* ...This crazy detour# happened."
"* I also realize I threw# my job to the wind to# travel with you but..."
"* Since the imprisonment# took up so much time, I# have to go back."
"* If I don't at LEAST# clock in,"
"* the Royal Guard# will grow suspicious!"
"* Plus, Ava is totalled.# It was their property."
"* I'll only be gone for a# moment to fix my# mistakes!"
"* Trust me, this will# help you in the long# run!"
"* And I know you're tough# enough to handle# yourself. "
"* I'll send ya a message# where to meet back up,# alright?"
"* Again, I'm so-so-SO# sorry about this but# I'll cya later!"
"* So you can't find Starlo# anywhere?"
"* That isn't like him at all!"
"* I was hoping he was# here, hiding in his room# or something. "
"* Now... I have no idea."
"* Maybe he ran away? His empire# did just crumble beneath him."
"* Where though? The path he took# only leads to the Steamworks# gate."
"* Do you think he... jumped the# fence?"
"* There's no way! He can't do# that! There's nothin' out# there!"
"* Was he ever one to stick to# the rules though? He# might've..."
"* It's okay, stay calm. We# haven't exhausted our# options yet. "
"* I'm sure he'll return# soon. He's too much of# a softy at heart."
"* I hope you're right..."
"* Hello again! I have some news!"
"* You now can ship yourself, if# you so choose!"
"* \"Ship myself? What could that# mean?\""
"* Transportation, all for free!"
"* If you want to travel, give me# a call!"
"* We will set to the skies# without a care at all!"
"* Now I must go but don't be# nervous..."
"* Just ring the bell for our# service!"
"* There you are!"
"* I was about to come# looking for you."
"* So... The Steamworks."
"* May I ask why we are# here?"
"* Because of this."
"* The mask Kanako made# for you..."
"* Yes."
"* You see, Clover, Kanako# is me and Chujin's only# child."
"* You haven't seen her# around because she..."
"* Hey, everything will# be okay."
"* I know how tough you# are. You can move past# this, I'm positive."
"* There's no need,# because she's alive."
"* I feel her presence as# we speak."
"* The Lab..."
"* Precisely."
"* Clover, you may not# know this, but there is# a Lab in Hotland."
"* An inquiry for the# \"fallen down\" was sent# out some time ago."
"* I didn't know what# else to do..."
"* In my time of despair,# I sent Kanako with them."
"* It's been far too# long and I haven't# heard anything."
"* I must travel to the# Lab to find out where# my daughter is."
"* I'm proud of you,# Ceroba. Stepping out and# taking charge."
"* You've been in a rut# lately. It was tough# to watch."
"* ..."
"* S-so, why travel# through the Steamworks# particularly?"
"* It's the quickest route# to Hotland from here."
"* Nothing but abandoned# rooms as far as I know."
"* I have Chujin's old# passcodes for any# locked doors as well."
"* Solid plan."
"* If you need me, I would# be happy to accompany# you!"
"* I don't know how ugly# things at the Lab may# get."
"* You need to stay here# and take care of the# town."
"* ...I believe you owe# your posse an# apology."
"* You're right..."
"* I'll take Clover with# me."
"* They've proven to be# skilled on several# fronts."
"* An excellent choice. I# trust Clover to deliver# justice out there!"
"* Alright, we've# discussed enough. Let's# get moving."
"* I'll see you later,# Starlo."
"* Whatever happens,# remember that this is# for Chujin's legacy."
"* Oh! Clover! Before you# go, I forgot to give you# this."
"* (You got the Deputy# Badge!)"
"* Despite a few hiccups,# our little adventure was# a blast."
"* I'll be seein' ya# around, partner!"
"* I'm so proud!"
"* Golly, ain't this# dandy? "
"* Everyone you met just# abandoned you for their# own interests."
"* Those aren't real# friends, no way."
"* I'm here for you# though! Always will be!"
"* Now... let's get outta# here."
"* ..."
"* I'm not too sure how to# open this door."
"* Hold on."
"* That's one way of# opening it!"
"* We can finally leave# this wasteland behind!"
"* See ya later, Clover!"
"* Howdy!"
"* Regular monsters are# one thing but..."
"* That fox lady you just# killed was a piece of# work, huh?"
"* If you bested her,# ASGORE doesn't stand a# chance!"
"* Now..."
"* ..."
"* I'm not too sure how to# open this door."
"* Hmm..."
"* ..."
"* Uh, sure... That works."
"* See you up ahead,# Clover!"
"* Ugh... I'm never# travelin' via laundry# chute again!"
"* Ed! You're back!"
"* And Clover too?"
"* I was worried sick# about you!"
"* Where's Star?"
"* Ceroba ran away so he# chased after her."
"* Alone!?"
"* Why did you let him do# that!?"
"* Star knows Ceroba more# than anyone, Moray."
"* Well... I'm not so sure# of that anymore."
"* Clover!"
"* Moray messaged me about# you being in danger..."
"* I dropped what I# was doing and flew over# here!"
"* Why'd you get Feathers# involved, Moray!?"
"* I just thought she# deserved to know... She# can help."
"* Thank you for reaching# out."
"* I heard that you found# something in Ceroba's# old house?"
"* What was it?"
"* We didn't have the time# to look over everythin'# closely but..."
"* It raised some serious# concerns."
"* Papers... tapes...# belonging to Chujin."
"* All way too scientific# for me."
"* Clover and I can scope# it out."
"* No way! I was told to# keep Clover here."
"* There's a potential# threat to their life!"
"* There's always a# potential threat to# their life."
"* If anyone can fix this,# it's Clover."
"* Fine... Just stay on# track."
"* I can't have them# runnin' away or nothin'."
"* You know the way?"
"* I believe so."
"* Okay, we'll meet you# there."
"* I still have to finish# explainin' everythin' to# the group."
"* Until then."
"* Come on, Clover."
"* Hey, before we go, I# need to apologize."
"* I shouldn't have let# Ceroba take you."
"* I just... I really# thought I could trust# her. We all did."
"* And what I had to take# care of in Snowdin was# far too impor..."
"* You know what? Doesn't# matter anymore."
"* Let's focus on what Ed# told us."
"* Concerns regarding# Chujin he said?"
"* Surely it's nothing...# right? "
"* Chujin was almost like# a father to me."
"* I don't know where I'd# be in life without him."
"* I'll... let you lead.# Just head to Oasis# Valley."
"* Nice to see you again,# by the way."
"* Let's stay on track,# okay?"
"* Wow... "
"* I wish Chujin invited# me over back in the day."
"* This house is# incredible... "
"* Uh-Yeah! Let's get# inside and see what the# fuss is about."
"* I should've asked where# the \"papers and tapes\"# are located, huh?"
"* Hmm... I guess we can# take a look around."
"* Should be an office# somewhere..."
"* We need to find the# things Ed mentioned# before we go."
"* This must be where they# ate their meals..."
"* What do you see?"
"* Hey uh..."
"* ..."
ch[1] = "I need your help"
"* You think something's# under there?"
"* Alright then..."
"* On \"three.\""
"* One..."
"* Two..."
"* Three!"
"* Whoa..."
"* Good eye, Clover."
"* Spooky..."
"* Well, uh... After you."
"* Oh my..."
"* What... What is all of# this?"
"* Formulas... SOUL# research..."
"* Hold on, look over# here. "
"* Tapes..."
"* Each one has a date on# it."
"* Y-You know..."
"* Maybe this is all a big# misunderstanding!"
"* Yeah, that's probably# it!"
"* We'll just watch these# and clear the air."
" Greetings, this is Chujin."
" I don't have much time these# days for a written journal so# I opted for video."
" I have no idea who will view# these, if anyone, but I see it# best to document my work."
" That is all for now. Signing off."
" This is Chujin..."
" Today I traveled to Snowdin with# my daughter on casual business."
" While I was busy, Kanako wandered# off to play with a resident."
" That's when it happened..."
"A few panicked townsfolk ran up to#me saying that a human had entered#the area."
" This human... they attacked the# monster Kanako was with. "
" She was so close... She could've# been next."
" No one was there to protect her...# Not even me..."
" ..."
" I don't understand... I just# don't understand!"
" Humankind already won by trapping# us down here yet they keep twisting# the knife!"
" This cannot continue any longer!"
" As of today, I'm looking into# stopping this perpetual injustice# once and for all."
" This is Chujin with unfortunate# news..."
" I was... fired from my engineering# position."
" I poured my all into my project# but it wasn't enough!"
" The programming was buggy but I# know I could've ironed it out with# a few more iterations!"
" Why am I punished for trying to# take our struggle seriously!? "
" ...I feel as if I'm the only one# who hasn't forgotten or chosen to # live in ignorance..."
" ..."
" I told Ceroba I was retiring.# Can't let her think less of me."
" But enough of that... it's in the# past. "
" I must live in the present# and plan for the future."
" Prove I can save monsterkind...# another way."
" This is Chujin."
" After years of research, I've made# a breakthrough!"
" Boss Monsters... They may be the# key to monsterkind's survival."
"I was able to reach this conclusion#because I... "
" ...I carry the Boss Monster gene."
"This means my SOUL is much stronger#than that of other monsters."
" More importantly, Boss Monsters# are immortal until they produce# offspring."
" Right now, monsterkind is few in# numbers compared to humanity but... "
" ...What if anyone could become# a Boss Monster like me? Like...# Kanako?"
" As a nation, an army, we could# finally possess enough power to# take the Surface back!"
" My theory for this involves the# fusion of a human SOUL and a# Boss Monster SOUL."
" From that, a serum would be# extracted which could transform# any average monster."
" ...Unfortunately, I have not# garnered enough proof that said# serum is possible."
" I must conduct more tests."
" This... This is Chujin."
" I was worried this might happen.# Science is a dangerous game."
" Rather foolishly, I experimented# on myself... several times."
"Over and over, the subject rejected#the fusion, and I think I know why."
" ..."
" I'll be direct... "
" My SOUL has deteriorated and I# don't know how much longer I have."
" However... I believe my theory# holds stronger than it ever did."
" This is a message to my dear# Ceroba:"
" This research is up to you. No# one else would listen."
" After I'm gone... look for the# next human who falls down here."
" Someone pure of heart# - uncorrupted."
" I need you to obtain their SOUL# but not just anywhere... "
" You must have a Boss Monster SOUL# nearby to fuse with."
" You'll need..."
" ...Damn it all."
"Search for a willing Boss Monster#in the Underground. Someone else...#please."
" Our little girl... Kanako...# She needs to live a happy life,# unaffected by my endeavors."
" That is my final wish."
"* ..."
"* Oh... Oh my gosh... "
"* I never knew... He# never mentioned... "
"* Clover, we have to go.# Right now."
"* Come on."
"* So, you figured it out?"
"* ...Yes."
"* Ceroba was trying to# carry out a plan Chujin# left for her."
"* Something involving# Clover's SOUL and a Boss# Monster SOUL..."
"* ...Which happens to# reside in Kanako."
"* What the...# So she lied to us?"
"* About the mission to# retrieve Kanako?"
"* She wasn't lying about# finding Kanako. "
"* ...That's the alarming# part."
"* So Kanako is alive and# well? Thank goodness..."
"* Alive? Am I missing# something?"
"* It's a long story...# She fell down some time# ago."
"* Ceroba sent her to the# Lab in hopes to remedy# the situation."
"* I had no idea..."
"* ..."
"* Okay. Where was the# last place you saw# Ceroba go, Ed?"
"* You ain't takin' Clover# straight to her, are ya?"
"* That's exactly what she# wants, right?"
"* Yeah, Clover needs to# stay safe with us! "
"* She can't accomplish# her goal if Clover's# nowhere to be found!"
"* We aren't going to let# her accomplish her goal.# And anyway..."
"* The Wild East is a# tourist destination -# a public place."
"* My colleagues probably# know a human is in the# Underground by now."
"* If Clover stayed here# they would eventually# tear the town up!"
"* Better to be on the# move, yeah?"
"* I-"
"* Look, I need to fly# ahead to scout out the# situation."
"* So, again, where did# the two go?"
"* I don't think"
"* Clover, you were there."
"* Where did they go?"
ch[1] = "The Lab,\nmost likely"
"* That lines up...# Hotland it is."
"* Hey, I gave Star my# word!"
"* Let them do it, Ed. "
"* Clover is the only one# who can put this to# rest."
"* ..."
"* ...Alright."
"* They took the westmost# elevator in the# Steamworks."
"* You can use a laundry# chute to get there# quicker."
"* That elevator's# destination sits near# the CORE..."
"* Ask around if someone# spotted which direction# they went from there."
"* Wait, we need to go# too, right?"
"* You need all the help# you can get!"
"* Appreciate the offer# but please don't. This# might get dangerous."
"* Stay here and keep the# townsfolk happy like you# always have."
"* ...Okay. But please be# safe!"
"* I'll try. Thanks for# all of your help."
"* ...Even if you locked# me in a jail cell for# hours on end."
"* Hey, what are friends# for?"
"* I can think of a few# things... I mean-yeah,# no problem!"
"* Clover, meet me on the# rooftop of UG Apartments# asap."
"* We'll figure this out,# I promise!"
"* I uh... wish you luck# with this, seriously."
"* Yeah, I bet we'll all# be catching bandits# again shortly!"
"* I'll be sure to save# you a spot at our next# nap time!"
"* Just don't do anything# stupid."
"* See ya later... Deputy."
"* Howdy!"
"* Long time no see,# buddy!"
"* I've been wantin' to# tell ya something."
"* It's been weighing on# my mind so I truly mean# it when I say..."
"* Told ya so!"
"* Haha, sorry! Couldn't# pass that up!"
"* Now I know this is the# part I tell you to# ignore Ceroba but..."
"* I have a strong feeling# that wouldn't sway you# at this point."
"* Honestly, I'm starting# to wanna see this play# out!"
"* After all..."
"* That fox wants to waste# your SOUL on a science# fair project!"
"* No good!"
"* I'm in your corner like# I've always been so# don't worry!"
"* We'll get rid of her# and continue down our# path, easy peasy!"
"* It'll all work out in# the end, pal! "
" This is Chujin."
" I messed up, miscalculated,# something."
" Axis... Axis is dangerous."
" I must have overshot the variables,# all I wanted was apprehension."
" ..."
" The human who almost hurt my# child, I told Axis to track# them down."
"I know I should've stayed to comfort#Kanako and tend to the resident who#was hurt but..."
" ...I had a tool that could stop# the human's crusade, so I tried."
" ...In a flash, Axis left me.# Bolted for Waterfall."
" By the time I tracked him down...# it was too late."
" I'll never forget the scene laid# before me. "
" Part of me wanted to quit# everything that instant but... "
" ...This outcome was earned,# was it not?"
" ..."
" Axis soon contained the subject# and... hid the evidence."
"There was some property damage but#I'm sure it won't come back to me...#I hope."
" In any case... I now have a# human SOUL in my possession."
"I do not know exactly what I should#do with it but the power that rests#within it is..."
" Well, let's just say I'm not# donating it to Asgore like all# the others. Not yet."
" As for Axis, today's actions were# excessive, but the potential# is astounding."
" With more work, Axis can be the# future, I'm sure of it."
" Anyway, I need to sleep."
" Though something tells me that# will be difficult to do for a# while."
"* (The waterlogged remains of an# old chest.)"
"* (You spy a small, dry, paper# bag cradled in the interior of# the lid."
"* (Will you take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got some trail# mix!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (An old chest.)"
"* (A container bearing a strange# symbol.)"
"* (The lid is bolted shut. It's# impossible to open.)"
"* (A container bearing a strange# symbol.)"
"* (A mine cart sits lodged into# the ground.)"
"* (You have no idea how this came# to be.)"
"* (A minecart.)"
"* (Some hefty boxes lie in the# dirt.) "
"* (They seem to have been here# for a long time.)"
"* (Some boxes.)"
"* Northern Caverns up ahead."
"* The West Mines."
"* Property of Mining Co."
"* (There is nothing here of# conceivable use to you.)"
"* (The paint is still wet.)"
"* (A beautiful, delicious-looking# Golden Cactus catches your eye.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got the Golden# Cactus!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Beauty is in the eye# of the beholder anyway.)"
"* (Doggy.....)"
"* (Turn it off?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (It's probably better to# leave it turned off.)"
"* Built to order by Hotland# Mechanics."
"* Super Seal of Hotland Quality:"
"* (The seal is drawn in permanent# marker.)"
"* (You spot a dark, dislodged# stone among this pile of# rocks.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got some flint!)"
"* (Not enough inventory space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (It's just a rock now.)"
"* East Mines."
"* (A heap of fallen rocks block# your path.)"
"* (What an inconvenience.)"
"* (Taking anything else would# definitely be theft.)"
"* (A bunch of junk sits in some# cubbies.)"
"* (A set of cubbies dividing the# miners' personal belongings.)"
"* (A bowtie, a snowglobe, trivia# books, cobwebs... all very# useful.)"
"* (A bunch of junk sits in some# cubbies.)"
"* (Several racks line the wall,# ready to bear various pickaxes# and hardhats.)"
"* (Nothing useful here.)"
"* In case the conveyor belt# ceases to work, fix it."
"* (A conveyor belt sending# several rocks and gems to a# sorting machine.)"
"* (A large, dirty sticker can be# seen on the side.)"
"* Assembled by Steamworks# Engineers - 20XX"
"* (An abandoned pickaxe.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got a pickaxe!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* In case of fire, use# stairs."
"* (A piece of wood is lodged# in-between the elevator doors.)"
"* (What could fix this poor# elevator?)"
"* (You can't think of a way to# make this work.)"
"* (You use the pickaxe to hack# away at the wood.)"
"* (You start rubbing the steel# buckle against the flint.)"
"* (You strike a match on the# piece of wood.)"
"* In case of water, swim."
"* (The path has been opened.)"
"* (A set of mostly empty# cubbies.)"
"* (Nothing too interesting.)"
"* (A lonesome Safety Jacket# hangs on the wall.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got the Safety Jacket!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (A well-crafted, steel mine# cart.)"
"* (A minecart.)"
"* (You notice the UGPS logo on# the crates.)"
"* (It appears they can handle# more than letters.)"
"* (A crate.)"
"* It has been - 002 - days# without a workplace accident!"
"* It has been - 000 - days# without a workplace accident."
"* (This cactus does not need# love.)"
"* (A plain cactus.)"
"* (A rusty conveyor belt carrying# various gems and stones.)"
"* (Nothing useful here.)"
"* (A well-crafted, steel mine# cart.)"
"* (A minecart.)"
"* Heyo!"
"* (The crate only contains a few# peanuts.)"
"* (Nothing useful.)"
"* (The second ground-encased mine# cart you've seen today.)"
"* (What luck!)"
"* (You hear gooey noises coming# from the crates.)"
"* (A crate.)"
"* (The path has been opened.)"
"* (Some stale fruitcake sits in a# bucket, leftover from a Mining# Co. holiday party.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got fruitcake!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Just a bucket of trash.# Fascinating.)"
"* To the mountaintop."
"* (Cool shades recommended.)"
"* (A classic Rock-Dropper 900.)"
"* (Technology is amazing...)"
"* (A large boulder machine.)"
"* (You wonder how you turn it# back on.)"
"* (A classic Rock-Dropper 900.)"
"* (Technology is amazing...)"
"* (A classic Rock-Dropper 900.)"
"* (A large boulder machine.)"
"* (You wonder how you turn it# back on.)"
"* (A piece of paper is stapled# to the machine.)"
"* \"Built to order by Hotland# Mechanics.\""
"* \"Signature of Ownership:# \"North Star.\""
"* (Pick up the Dimensional# Satchel?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got the Dimensional# Satchel!)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (It's an empty swing.)"
"* (Hop on?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* ATTENTION!# Gift shop ahead!"
"* (There's a note attached# to the cactus.)"
"* (The \"s\" in \"products\" is# crudely scribbled out.)"
"* LUNCH BREAK# 12:00AM - 12:15PM"
"* (Take the mug shards?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (Obtained Glass Ammo!)"
"* (Not enough inventory space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (There are still enemies to# bring justice on.)"
ch[1] = "Turn back"
ch[2] = "Continue"
"* Welcome to Oasis Valley!"
"* Home to the largest body of# water in the Dunes!"
"* (Your reflection sparkles and# distorts in the pool of water.)"
"* (You notice a high-tech# filtration system keeping it# drinkable.)"
"* (You stare into the water and# see someone.)"
"* (Some kind of ancient# inscription.)"
"* You can mess with that# later."
"* We need to go to# Ceroba's house."
"* (Triplets.)"
"* (Barrels.)"
"* (Above the table is a painting# of a large swelterstone.)"
"* (It's almost as if the heat# leaps right off of the canvas.)"
"* (A painting of a location# you've already seen.)"
"* (You found 30G in one of the# pants' pockets!)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got 30G!)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Neon green pants. Your# favorite!)"
"* (A tacky pair of pants.)"
"* (A large, ornate gate.) "
"* (Unfortunately, it's locked.)"
"* (Locked.)"
"* (A child's drawing depicting# three happy monsters.) "
"* My precious family - by me :)"
"* (It's grounded. How# disappointing.)"
"* Out of order - Please stop# feeding it money."
"* (Spend 3G to play?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (Not enough G.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (A sapling sits within the# ground, new to life and unsure# of itself.)"
"* (It is full of potential but# has yet to reach it. One day,# it might.)"
"* (The little sapling has# garnered some experience in the# world.) "
"* (Crafting its own identity# through perseverance.) "
"* (However, it still has room to# expand into something greater.)"
"* (Through thick and thin and# over time, the sapling is ready# to blossom!)"
"* (What once was an idea within# someone's mind is now a# reality.)"
"* (A little hard work and# dedication is all it took to# make something special.)"
"* (Withered away...)"
"* (A wishing well with a large# amount of G inside.)"
"* (A wishing well with a large# amount of G inside.)"
"* (Take the G?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got 5G!)"
"* (You also retracted many# monster wishes.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (There is only water.)"
"* The Dunes wishing well."
"* Hold a G close to your chest,# think of what you want most,# and toss it in!"
"* You never know. If enough# monsters wish for something, it# may come true!"
"* Ah... I see...."
"* An oak base with iron# nails holding it# together..."
"* Oh, sorry. I was# nerding out for a# second."
"* Sure is a cool wagon!"
"* We can move on, I've# seen enough."
"* (An old, abandoned wagon.)"
"* (It's a gun.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (Got the Wild Revolver!)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (The window is much too dusty# to see through.)"
"* (A dirty window.)"
"* (You peer through the# window...)"
"* (You see a monster putting# random liquids in several# syringes.)"
"* (You peer through the window...)"
"* (You see the doctor using a# defibrillator to wake a monster# up.)"
"* (You peer through the window...)"
"* (You see a monster# color-coordinating their# pills.)"
"* (You peer through the# window...)"
"* (You see the doctor cowering# in a corner as another monster# eats an apple.)"
"* (You peer through the window...)"
"* (You see the doctor holding a# buzzsaw... He's making a new# bed.)"
(the following interaction is unused)
"* (You peer through the window...)"
"* (You see several monsters on# their way to full health.)"
"* (There is nothing of note# inside.)"
"* (A tall structure carrying# mostly purified water.)"
"* (It's good to stay hydrated!)"
"* (Water.)"
"* (There's a discarded burger at# the bottom of the barrel.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got a Feisty Slider!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (It's empty now.)"
"* (Discarded food lies in the# barrel.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got a Feisty Slider!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Empty.)"
"* (There's a hole in the floor.# How comfy!)"
"* (A place to sleep.)"
"* (A firm sleeping bag sits# in the corner, threatening# to restrict free sleepers.)"
"* (A place to sleep.)"
"* (Some kind of berry-plant. You# notice a few berries are# missing.)"
"* (A place to sleep.)"
"* (You press on the mattress and# watch your hand get swallowed# by the memory foam.)"
"* (So soft!)"
"* (A place to sleep.)"
"* (A target with darts of# various shapes and sizes suck# into it.)"
"* (Bullseye.)"
"* (You push the hammock.# Its sway is hypnotizing.)"
"* (A place to sleep.)"
"* (A surprisingly clean# kitchen. Impressive.)"
"* (This house is a wreck.)"
"* (Weird... You haven't seen# any cats around.)"
"* (Mooch's throne.)"
"* (A place to sleep.)"
"* (A couch not unfit for a# thrift store.)"
"* (These cramped living# conditions are bringing back# unpleasant memories.)"
"* (A place to sleep.)"
"* (A couch not unfit for a# thrift store.)"
"* (These cramped living# conditions are bringing back# unpleasant memories.)"
"* (Hop on?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (A few videotapes with custom# labels stuck on them.)"
"* \"My favorite movie :)\""
"* \"My second favorite movie :)\""
"* \"Don't watch this one 0/10 :(\""
"* (A couple black rectangles.)"
"* (You turn the TV on.)"
"* (This is your favorite# channel!)"
"* (You turn the TV on.)"
"* (Nothing.)"
"* (A closet with some cleaning# supplies inside.)"
"* (They all look brand new.)"
"* (A closet.)"
"* (A nap sounds nice...# taken anywhere but here.)"
"* (A rickety bed.)"
"* (Several odd smells seep# from the dresser.)"
"* (You decide not to inspect# it further.)"
"* (A grimey dresser.)"
"* (The drawers are filled with# clean...ish sheets and# pillowcases.)"
"* (A dresser.)"
"* (You don't know what you're# looking at, but it's probably# dangerous.)"
"* (A table.)"
"* (Dozens of unopened bottles# sit within the boxes.) "
"* (You can't take one without# making a ruckus.)"
"* (A box of bottles.)"
"* (A stage ready for# performance.)"
"* (Too bad there aren't any gigs# today.)"
"* (The stage.)"
"* (What a lonely box.)"
"* (A box.)"
(the following interaction is unused)
"* (A table for three with a few# empty glasses.)"
"* (A few G's from a past tip# catch your eye.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got 10G! Happy?)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (It doesn't belong to you# anyway.)"
"* (An abandoned table.)"
"* (The gate is locked.)"
"* (There are no hay puns# to be made here.)"
"* (Hay.)"
"* (The boxes seem to# be full of oats and# carrots.)"
"* (It all looks highly inedible.)"
"* (A couple boxes.)"
"* (Two boxes of rubber pellets# sit on the desk.) "
"* (Best leave them for someone# who needs them.)"
"* (Just some rubber pellets.)"
"* Got junk?"
"* Sell it right here at# Blackjack's!"
"* Today's Special: Fancy Holster# (great for defense!)"
"* (A fancy but dilapidated# building.)"
"* (This confuses you.)"
"* (A dilapidated building.)"
"* (An unfinished game of# \"Go Fish\" lies on the table.)"
"* (Guess they followed through.)"
"* (A table.)"
"* (An old necklace, discarded in# the sand.)"
"* (Looks expensive.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got the necklace!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (A broken necklace.)"
"* (Useless.)"
"* (A giant lock prevents# your exit.)"
"* (Kind of overkill.)"
"* (Take the Friendliness# Pellets?)"
"* (You got the Friendliness# Pellets!)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (The cellar is locked. Must be# where the harvest is stored.)"
"* (You hear whispering coming# from the cellar.)"
"* (You attempt to turn the pump# on but the handle won't budge.)"
"* (A water pump.)"
"* (A dirty hat similar to# Starlo's rests on the rack.) "
"* (Always good to have a# backup!)"
"* (A dusty coat rack.)"
"* (You check in-between the# cushions for loose change.) "
"* (All you find are crumbs and# corn kernels.)"
"* (An old couch.)"
"* (The fireplace is riddled with# cobwebs. Regular cobwebs.)"
"* (An unused fireplace.)"
"* (A painting of a lush valley# surrounded by mountains.)"
"* (A painting of an unfamiliar# place.)"
"* (The stove is oddly# high-tech.)"
"* (You feel a slight heat over# its surface.)"
"* (The stove is still warm.)"
"* (A picture of Starlo and# Ceroba as teenagers.)"
"* (A picture of two monsters# you've met.)"
"* (Nothing special. Just a# lamp.)"
"* (A lamp.)"
"* (Just some floor corn. You# know how it is.)"
"* (It's a mess in here.)"
"* (A doubledecker rocketship,# ready to blast off into# pleasant dreams.)"
"* (See you space cowboy.)"
"* (A tacky homemade bed.)"
"* (A thick farmer's almanac# written by \"Solomon\" sits on# the dresser.)"
"* (It has several sticky notes# poking out of its pages.)"
"* (Nothing of use here.)"
"* (A desk displaying western# memorabilia and a sewing# machine.)"
"* (The piece of fabric under the# machine has been left# unfinished.)"
"* (Unfinished business.)"
"* (The door is locked from the# other side.)"
"* Locked, huh? Strange..."
"* Guess Ed and Star took# another route."
"* (Freshly trimmed bamboo# plants.)"
"* (You open the drawer...)"
"* (Nothing but old pens and# pencils.)"
"* (You search the drawers...)"
"* (Just some knickknacks of# various shapes and sizes.)"
"* (The cabinet contains# thesis papers on many# different subjects.)"
"* Whoa..."
"* These are all typed on# cardstock..."
"* How wealthy was# Chujin...?"
"* (Dozens of books line the# shelves.)"
"* (A thick, degraded book sticks# out from the others.)"
"* \"Home: Blueprints and# Annotations - Ketsukane\""
"* (A few unfinished# robots poke out from the# box.)"
"* Huh..."
"* I heard about Chujin's# interest in robotics# once."
"* Guess this is as far as# he ever got?"
"* (Gizmos and gadgets# fill the deskspace.)"
"* (Looming over it all...# a map)"
"* (On the map are several# pinned locations of...)"
"* (...)"
"* This isn't what Ed was# talking about, right?"
"* I mean, this is clearly# Chujin's office but..."
"* I wouldn't say it's# strange to keep track of# where humans..."
"* Sorry... I'm sure this# is upsetting to look at."
"* Still, many monsters do# keep up with it."
"* Those events are a big# deal down here."
"* (A drawer full of# videotapes.)"
"* (A label on the front# reads: \"Home movies.\")"
"* While I'm sure these# are adorable..."
"* We don't have time to# watch them."
"* Gotta keep looking for# whatever spooked Ed and# Star."
"* (Dozens of books line the# shelves.)"
"* (History, engineering,# chemistry... All too advanced# for you.)"
"* (Expertly organized# files, labeled with# numerous monster names.)"
"* Did he keep records of# everyone he befriended?"
"* Sandra, Luis, Dr. Fish,# Rosa, Martlet..."
"* Wait, Martlet???"
"* He found another# monster with my name???"
"* I can't believe that# never came up!#"
"* (An old TV and game console# gathering dust.)"
"* The game case has a# hand-made cover slip. # "
"* \"Surface Tycoon\" it# says. "
"* Chujin programmed a# video game for Kanako? # "
"* Wow... Must've been# awesome to have him as a# dad."
"* (The sturdy bed sits# bathing in the warm glow# of the Dunes.)"
"* What a masterwork.# Hand-carved and# everything..."
"* It's hard to believe# Chujin had the time to# craft all of this."
"* (You open a dresser# drawer and see many# neatly folded shirts.)"
"* I don't think we need# to look in there."
"* (Books of a novice# reading level lie in the# basket.)"
"* (They carry# similarities to books# you've recently read.)"
"* Aww, I remember reading# those as a birdling."
"* Not to brag, but I# finished them all in one# day. "
"* I may have exceeded my# classmates by several# grades..."
"* (Several building bricks are# scattered around a stuffed# animal.)"
"* ...Almost looks like# it's watching me."
"* Not sure I like this# room..."
"* The Founder's Crest"
"* \"Decisive. Devoted.# Determined.\""
"* (You open the drawer...)"
"* (It's empty.)"
"* I can't stand looking# at that..."
"* It's..."
"* ...Let's just move on."
"* (The bed is tidily made.)"
"* (Doesn't look like it's been# used in a long time.)"
"* (You search the nightstand...)"
"* (You find a folded-up PSA# which you stash in your mail# bag.)"
"* (Nothing but an empty eyeglass# case sits in the drawer.)"
"* (Ceroba's many outfits hang in# the closet.)"
"* (You can see someone else's# clothes hidden behind the front# row.)"
"* Ceroba knows what she# likes, huh?"
"* Usually I'd be envious# of such intense resolve# but... "
"* ...I'm not so sure it's# a good trait anymore."
"* (Nothing inside the# refrigerator seems useful.)"
"* (You reach for the# knife on the counter.)"
"* Nuh-uh!"
"* Kids shouldn't mess# with knives."
"* ...Kids shouldn't mess# with guns either."
"* ..."
"* I think I might be# guilty of child# endangerment."
"* (You decide to keep a safe# distance between you and the# knife.)"
"* (You stare at your reflection# in the sink water...)"
"* (The many trials you've# endured have taken their toll# on your appearance.)"
"* (A reminder of your duties# back home.)"
"* (Part of you wonders how# everyone is doing, but the# other part has moved on.)"
"* (An old-fashioned gas oven,# best kept turned off.)"
"* (Wouldn't want a house fire.)"
"* (The fireplace is# making the already-warm# house warmer.)"
"* Pretty# counterproductive in a# climate like this."
"* Still, it looks# beautiful."
"* (A cobweb-ridden box of# scraps.)"
"* (Dozens of crumpled up# formulas lie in the bin.)"
"* (A prototype of a familiar# face rests on the shelf.)"
"* (A drawer full of# videotapes.) "
"* (A label on the front reads:# \"Legacy.\""
"* (An old, dusty monitor with# nothing but static hissing at# you.) "
"* (This only brings you unease.)"
"* (You load the mysterious tape# into the slot underneath the# screen...)"
"* (Forgotten fragments of# various robots.) "
"* (All of their soulless eyes# stare through you.)"
"* (On the shelf sits many books,# theses, and illustrations of# science...) "
"* (...Most on the subject of# humans and their SOULs.)"
"* Chujin Ketsukane "
"* The best of us."
"* Say, another explorer in this# neck of the caves?"
"* Pleased to meet ya!"
"* You wouldn't be in the# stone-moving business, would# you?"
"* Ha! Only kidding around!"
"* This morning, I set out on an# expedition to find new wares# for my shop."
"* Right as I passed through that# door there, it caved in!"
"* Close one, huh?"
"* Sorry universe, but you won't# do me in that easily!"
"* Wa ha ha!"
"* If you're ever in Waterfall,# be sure to stop by my shop!"
"* Got plenty o'wares to sell ya!"
"* No better place your allowance# could go!"
"* Oh, do you want me to say my# catchphrase as a farewell?"
"* Alright then! Ready?"
"* Let justice prevail!!!"
"* ..."
"* Or was it \"Let justice be# done\"?"
"* Could've also been \"Here comes# the hammer.\""
"* ..."
"* What can I say? I never could# decide on my catchphrase!"
"* Wa ha ha!"
"* Be careful out there, kid!"
"* Gwah gwah goggle wibble woo~"
"* (You smile and nod like you# understood Dunebud.)"
"* Blep blep boop wub weeeee~"
"* (Hold on...)"
"* Pleep plop doop de do~"
"* (Could it be?)"
"* Wuwuwu aaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA# hehe~"
"* (Uh, nevermind.)"
"* Wiggle woggle~"
"* I'm not up to anything# suspicious, okay?"
"* There is no treasure behind# this wall, okay?"
"* Don't rat me out, okay?"
"* This is my TNT, okay?"
"* I didn't steal it from my# brother at the mines, okay?"
"* This X was here before I# arrived, okay?"
"* I'm just waiting out the storm,# okay?"
"* Get off my case......"
"* please."
"* I entered this cave to find# treasure but I found these# fellas instead. "
"* They hopped up to me and# now... I guess we're buddies? "
"* Is that how that works??? "
"* In any case, nice."
"* If there's any treasure# around, you can have it. "
"* I think these funky frogs are# all I need now. "
"* Oh, and my brother, I guess.# He's okay."
"* Sometimes, happiness is just a# couple of pals chilling in a# cave. "
"* Other times, it's more# complicated. "
"* Mine is definitely the former# cause I can't even spell the# word complicated! "
"* On your way out, say hi to my# brother for me, eh?"
"* I can't standstorm this# sandstorm."
"* I couldn't standstorm that# sandstorm."
"* So... hot..."
"* Aa-aa-aa-hh-hh-hh!" (unused)
"* Bro, what's your damage?"
"* Can't a monster cool off every# now and then?"
"* You're such a killjoy, bro."
"* Sorry, I guess."
"* I get cranky when I don't get# my fan time."
"* I like, found it here so I# decided to put it to use."
"* I should move to Waterfall,# bro."
"* Much cooler."
"* BAM!"
"* Welcome back!"
"* Here's what I got. (20 G)"
ch[1] = "Ice Tea"
ch[2] = "Green Tea"
ch[3] = "Sea Tea"
ch[4] = "Cancel"
ch[1] = "-SOLD OUT-"
ch[2] = "-SOLD OUT-"
ch[3] = "-SOLD OUT-"
"* Uh-oh, looks like you've got no# space for this item."
"* Come back when you've made some# more room."
"* Sorry, buddy. I'm gonna# need more G than that."
"* Great choice."
"* Drink up!"
"* What a popular item! I wish I# could sell you more, but I'm# fresh out."
"* Come on, pal."
"* I know my pitch was a little# sloppy but I'm really tryin'."
"* If you change your mind, I'll# be here."
"* The alphabet must have# 25 letters now, cause I'm# fresh outta T!"
"* I'm sure we'll meet# again! Thanks for believin'# in me!"
"* MO, OUT!"
"* Watch it!"
"* I have places to be!"
"* Got a call about a job in# Snowdin."
"* I was supposed to be there# yesterday, but the walk is# really far."
"* Wasn't feeling up to it."
"* Oh well. On I go!"
"* Can't talk right now."
"* Watch i- "
"* Um..."
"* Sorry, didn't mean to block# the path."
"* You... take care, I guess."
"* (Yeesh...)"
"* I uh... gotta go."
(the following interaction is unused)
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* Bruh..."
"* You a new hire?"
"* If I were you, I'd turn back# now."
"* I've been workin' this job for# twelve years and I've about had# enough."
"* I'm probably the only monster# that does their job 'round here."
"* If you need work, go talk to# the Foreman on the third level."
"* Not sure you'll get far with# him, though."
"* Thanks for the G, kid."
"* (He's too wrapped up in his# work to speak with you.)"
"* Haven't seen you around the# mines, friend!"
"* Welcome to the greatest place# in the Underground!"
"* I love it here!"
"* Everyone is so nice and works# hard; we're a real family!"
"* I like these mines so much that# I never leave!"
"* Everyone tells me to go home# but I find the cold, rocky# floor very comfortable!"
"* And no, they do not pay me for# overtime!"
"* (Whistling)"
"* Don't worry about returning my# pickaxe!"
"* I'll just mine with my hands!"
"* (Whistling)"
"* As a slime, I'm outraged."
"* As a slime, I'm overjoyed."
"* How-How-How am I gonna get to# my station now?"
"* The elevator door is jammed,# man! JAMMED!!!"
"* I'm calm!"
"* I'm calm, okay??"
"* ..."
"* That was a LIE I am FREAKING# OUT!!!"
"* You gotta help me!!"
"* Do you know where everyone# went???"
"* Feeling mad anxious right now."
"* Either my co-workers are# planning a surprise b-day party# for me or..."
"* ..."
"* No, it's fine. I'm fine!"
"* That would be silly! Heh..."
"* Wait, who are you?"
"* Please leave me to my corner# of worry."
"* As a slime, I'm busy."
"* Just tricked some chump into# doin' my job for me. "
"* Told 'em the Foreman wanted# him on minecart duty, ha! "
"* What's with that look? It was# only a prank."
"* 'Ay, why you starin'?"
"* I swear, it's all you kids do!"
"* Don'tcha have somewhere to# be? "
"* Hopscotch game or somethin'? "
"* Go on, get!"
"* Hey, just in time!"
"* I'm sure you noticed all this# mining mumbo jumbo lying around,# yea?"
"* Well, Corporate said we have to# solve puzzles as we work to# exercise the ol' noggin."
"* They even made the Foreman lock# the door until work's done."
"* Pretty unnecessary if you ask# me."
"* Seeing as I'm on my permanent# smoke break, could you solve it# for me?"
"* You look like a smart kid. Give# it a shot."
"* What do ya need?"
ch[1] = "Can you help me?"
"* You're not gonna solve the# puzzle by talking to me."
"* Kids these days are so# lazy, I swear."
"* Great job! I knew you could do# it, kid!"
"* Won't be another job until# tomorrow."
"* I can spend the rest of my# workday doing absolutely# nothing."
"* Oh wait, I already was."
"* You gotta wonder when ol'# ASGORE is gonna call off this# excavation."
"* Mining Co. has been in business# for decades!"
"* I lost all of my TNT..."
"* I have to tell the Foreman."
"* He'll fire me, I'm sure, but# it's my fault."
"* I would go tell him right now,# but I lost my hard hat as well."
"* I can't protect my dome from# the hazardous rocks outside."
"* Today isn't my day..."
"* I have a brother, you see."
"* I work at the Mines to provide# for us."
"* He doesn't have a job. Mostly# just gets into mischief."
"* But... he's happy, so I'm happy."
"* How will I be able to look him# in the face after I get fired?"
"* Today isn't my day..."
"* You... you found my hat!"
"* You are a kind soul!"
"* I don't have anything to give# you... but I am eternally# grateful."
"* (You got eternal gratitude!)"
"* I know I said I would go tell# the Foreman but..."
"* I'm pretty scared."
"* A few more minutes in my# uniform won't hurt."
"* Oh, hey."
"* I'm just uh, admiring the# view."
"* I was just on my way to talk# to the Foreman. Yep."
"* The boulders stopped falling a# while ago."
"* My teacher never taught me it# could rain rocks down here."
"* Weather... crazy stuff."
"* Well, I'm gonna go soon."
"* Hope my eternal gratitude# helped you!"
"* I just ADORE mining!!"
"* Mine mine mine mine mine mine# day and night!!"
"* Gonna find a whole buncha...# SPARKLY GEmS!!"
"* Do not doubt my work ethic for# one sEcond!!"
"* I work HARD and am nOT on thin# ice with the Foreman!!"
"* I am on the thickest ice of all# tIME!!"
"* Mining mining mining!!"
"* ..."
"* Okay, I can't handle this!!"
"* I'm on my fourteenth warning!!# FOURTEENTH!!"
"* I've heard rumors that the# Foreman has a \"sixteen strikes,# you're out\" policy!!"
"* Couldn't he lighten up a# little??"
"* HahA!! This is fun!!"
"* Can you believe I'm STILL# mining? "
"* I'm just THAT committed to my# job!! "
"* ... "
"* ...You think Angie heard that?"
"* I am confined to these brown# walls forever!!!!!"
"* This business is more# important than it may# seem."
"* It isn't easy for# monsters to find a job# these days."
"* For that reason, we# hire anyone who applies!"
"* All except for children.# I think that's illegal."
"* You have a good journey!"
"* Heard it could get# rocky!"
"* Haha! Good one, dear!"
"* I've been waiting to# say that."
"* That's my Angie!"
"* Hope you've had a good# time at Mining Co.!"
"* Oh, hello."
"* If you need a place to# hide out right now, you# can stay here."
"* Would hate a youngin# like you to get into# trouble."
"* I hope little Moray is# alright..."
"* Need to go to the Wild# East as soon as I can."
"* I take great pride in# these mines."
"* Been supervising them# for around thirty years!"
"* Here every single day."
"* I did take a week off# when my kiddo was born."
"* But was right back at# it when the time came."
"* Strangely, the progress# report for that week# was above average."
"* If you ever see my kid# out there,"
"* Tell 'em that their# old man misses 'em!"
"* I heard some rumblings# of danger back west."
"* Sent everyone home for# now."
"* Waiting to see if it# was a false alarm or# not."
"* Sure hope everything's# okay..."
"* Haven't had an# emergency like this# since the old cave in."
"* Abandoned a good# facility that day."
"* If you're leaving, stay# safe out there."
"* But I wouldn't# recommend roaming around# right now."
"* My job is to send all gemstones# we find on this floor down to# the sorting machine."
"* From there... I'm not quite# sure where they go."
"* That's the problem with this# place. You have to figure most# things out yourself."
"* It's an honest living, though!"
"* Oh, I know of a fun activity# for you on your visit!"
"* There's a fortune teller set up# in town."
"* I visit her every week to hear# about my potential future."
"* Give her some business if you# pass by the area, okay?"
"* My break is almost over, it# seems."
"* Oh well."
"* I gotta say, sorting through# the same gemstones every day is# getting old. "
"* I bet the Surface has a ton# we've never heard about! "
"* Ironic that the first thing I# wanna do when we're free is# explore more caves, haha!"
"* Welp, gotta get back to it!"
"* Hey, thanks for saving me back# there!"
"* Now I can stand in place at a# higher elevation."
"* Work is rad."
"* Oh, hey there, kid! "
"* Thought I'd make somethin' of# myself and get a real job. "
"* Despite playing a great# bandit, Star doesn't actually# pay anyone in town. "
"* Well, he lets the shopkeepers# have most of their revenue but# that's about it. "
"* Oh well, it was pretty fun# while it lasted."
"* One day, you're gonna be in my# situation."
"* Forced to let go of childlike# fantasy and tossed into# adulthood."
"* Hey, it sucks but everyone's# gotta go through it."
"* One thing though..."
"* Don't totally let go of your# adventurous side."
"* Some adults become far too# cynical because they forget the# good times."
"* I should know, it's my first# day here and I'm already hating# my life!"
"* Hang in there, Clover! "
"* You're gonna do great things!"
"* I got put on minecart duty a# few minutes ago."
"* Sure, you already completed# today's job but tomorrow's# coming!"
"* First I get tied down to# tracks, now I gotta operate# tracks!"
"* This wasn't what I meant by# wanting to get my life back on# track!!!"
"* You're gonna show up tomorrow# to do this for me, right?"
"* We're best buds... right?"
"* Sorry, can't talk anymore.# I've got everything to# overthink."
"* Hello, visitor."
"* Did you venture through the# whole mine?"
"* What a journey."
"* For your troubles, I'll let you# in on a little secret."
"* You see, we aren't mining for# gemstones at all."
"* Those things are everywhere;# practically worthless."
"* We're actually mining for# minerals like this one in front# of me."
"* They're used for building# materials around the# Underground, you see."
"* They're also... very..."
"* You saw nothing."
"* I'm famished."
"* I'm famished. "
"* 'Boutta yomp on some rocks!"
"* I hope they don't dock pay for# eating the workplace..."
"* I wish those miners would've# told me about the boulder# problem."
"* I coulda charged right through# 'em, breaking into a million# bits!"
"* Uh-breaking THEM into a# million bits. Not me. Ahem."
"* I've learned a lot from being# a clean boy."
"* Mostly how absolutely# disgusting the Dunes are."
"* I mean, everything's covered# in sand!"
"* Whoever built that giant fan# needs to build a giant vacuum."
"* You're lucky that bandana# you're we3aring isn't red."
"* We'd probably have issues,# haha!"
"* Never forget to sparkle out# there!"
"* Hello, sir!"
"* I'm guessing you're the# boss of this# mine."
"* Well, not for much# longer."
"* Oh? Why's that?"
"* I'm preparing for# retirement!"
"* It'll be sad to leave# this place behind but I# feel it's time."
"* Hey, that's not all# bad! I WISH I could# retire."
"* Yeah, it'll be nice.# Just gotta find someone# to replace me."
"* I have a few# ideas. "
"* Well, good luck with# everything!"
"* Thank you!"
"* Finally figured out how# to turn these machines# off."
"* Me and North Star need# to have a chat."
"* I figured out where# those boulders were# coming from. "
"* Turns out North Star# set the machines up for# \"Feisty Missions.\" "
"* Had a friendly chat# with him about it all. "
"* He immediately# apologized so... I# forgave him. "
"* How could I say no to# his overwhelming charm? "
"* I'm only monster."
"* Things were already# running well earlier but# now they're even better! "
"* Glad my legacy in this# place will be nothing# but positive memories!"
"* As my old man used to# say: mine on, kid! "
"* ... "
"* Okay, he uh... he never# said that. I said that.# Just now."
"* Have you met my sisters?# They're kinda annoying."
"* Pedla's like, WAY too happy# all the time."
"* Just be normal and fake your# happiness, like me!"
"* And Violetta? I'm not sure."
"* I think all she needs is to# find love or something."
"* Like, get out there, girl!"
"* I got work to do so I'll see# ya."
"* Remember to eat your veggies,# stay hydrated, and say \"howdy\"# more often."
"* That's very important."
"* Sigh..."
"* This playground used to be fun."
"* Ever since my playmate stopped# showing up, it's become boring."
"* I wonder where they went?"
"* Thanks for sitting with me."
"* I hope we can be friends."
"* I better get going soon."
"* My papa's probably wondering# where I am."
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* Why hello! Hope you're having# a glorious day!"
"* I'd give you a flower but# those are in low supply around# here."
"* I hope a friendly smile# suffices!"
"* Honestly, the Dunes are not# the best place for my sisters# and I."
"* But I feel an obligation to be# here. You know, to help grow# the ecosystem."
"* One day, we'll return this# place to its former glory!# Mmhm!"
"* I've heard rumors about an# abandoned greenhouse FILLED# with flowers."
"* Not sure how or why such a# thing would exist but I really# wanna see it!"
"* Remember to give flowers lots# of love and attention!"
"* They are alive and can teach# you many things!"
"* (This monster is too busy# quenching their thirst to# speak.)"
"* (With eye-catching water like# that, who could resist?)"
"* Hello, darling! How are you# doin' today?"
"* It's a lovely day, ain't it?"
"* Is it always this hot n' humid,# ya think?"
"* I just moved here from Snowdin,# so I'm not sure yet."
"* But a local like you would know,# right?"
"* I got a question for ya# actually:"
"* Do you develop some sorta# spectrum of hot 'round here?"
"* See, like, not just hot but# blazin' hot versus swelterin'# hot-"
"* Ya know what, you look busy.# We'll talk, later or somethin'."
"* I'd call today blisterin' hot I# think."
"* Or is that too unoriginal,# maybe something more# interestin' like..."
"* Picklen' hot!"
"* That makes no sense actually,# so maybe not, then."
"* I'll have to think about this# some more."
"* Wait, do you know my nephew?"
"* Adorable, wears pink gloves...."
"* You look just like this nice# little buddy boo who he talked# about comin' 'round."
"* So, tell me, how is my little# wubby dubby doin'?"
"* He never writes me anymore!"
"* Says it's too embarrassing or# whatnot!"
"* I'm not that embarrassing of an# aunt, ya know!"
"* I'm not as embarrassing as my# sister, I'll tell ya that!"
"* She just goes on and on, \"My# little snooky bear! Have you# seen him! So precious!\""
"* Makes me sick! Failed aunt-ing# 101 if ya ask me!"
"* I just like to talk about my# little snoodlekins sometimes,# is that so bad?"
"* I'm sorry, what were we talkin'# about, sweety?"
"* Something going on at the old# Ketsukane residence?"
"* I've noticed an unusual number# of monsters visiting."
"* Guess there's never a bad time# to pay your respects. "
"* Brilliant minds, the# Ketsukane's."
"* Have you seen our little# sapling south of here?"
"* Well, perhaps I shouldn't call# it \"little\" anymore."
"* Its rate of growth has been# unprecedented."
"* My latest botanical methods# seem to be working better than# expected."
"* The Meadow is sure to return# in the coming years. I truly# believe it."
"* Patience is a virtue."
"* You will get what you put in# but it may take time."
"* Remember that."
"* (We need to stay# focused.)"
"* (Let's not bother the# townsfolk with our# problems.)"
"* Hey, where are you off to,# mate?"
"* Any space for a plus one?"
"* Just joking around of course!# Heh..."
"* I just... I think it would be# NEAT if I could like..."
"* Join your party or...# something."
"* But I know you're busy and all# - so am I!"
"* Things pile up, right? Life..."
"* 'Course,"
"* Your \"busy\" involves adventure# and the discovery of wonderful# treasures."
"* My \"busy\" is more like making# sure I don't miss my alimony# payments."
"* But nah it's cool... it's# cool..."
"* No need to stick around# worrying about me!"
"* You can tell me all about your# grand journey later."
"* Maybe you could write a book# about it? And I would like, be# your editor?"
"* I don't know, just thinking# out loud, heh..."
"* Pinch-Pinch~ hehe."
"* Beware of my pincers,# traveler!"
"* I do not have any treasure# hidden within my shell."
"* Why do monsters keep asking me# that?"
"* We are not caged within these# fences, traveler."
"* It is a choice."
"* It is nice to live in a# familiar place with the pack."
"* It is also nice to be fed and# taken pictures of."
"* Hey, dude."
"* I know you'll say no, but I'm# selling free hugs."
"* Darn it, you already read my# sign, didn't you?"
"* I hate myself."
"* No, don't bother asking."
"* I'm closing shop, okay?"
"* This was a dumb idea."
"* Even if you did hug me, which# would be sick, I'd probably# kill you."
"* Not intentionally, of course.# That'd be a crime, and I hate# crime."
"* Oh great. You might be a# criminal and now you definitely# won't hug me."
"* Just walk away. It would be# better for both of us."
"* You still want a hug?"
"* Bro, you need to learn when to# let go."
"* If you won't leave me alone,# the hugs are no longer free."
"* In fact, they are very# expensive hugs."
"* Whatever amount of money you# own? They're like, triple that."
"* I'm honestly not sorry."
"* Okay, I KINDA still want a hug# but I'm in this way too deep."
"* Ignore my existence, please."
"* (We need to stay# focused.)"
"* (Let's not bother others# with our problems.)"
"* I am very sorry but we are out# of stock!"
"* I'll make sure to bake a fresh# batch as soon as I can!"
"* Sorry! I'm not home!"
"* Ooooh! Oh, hey! Clover!"
"* Remember how I told you# I apprehended a human# last week?"
"* Thaaat's her!"
"* ?"
"* ????????????"
"* You STILL think I'm... your# captain DID explain to you I'm# not a human, right?"
"* Please tell me she did."
"* Oh! I'm so sorry! I just# thought you-"
"* No, no, I'm sorry, I just...# get it often."
"* You MAY OR MAY NOT be the first# that apprehended me repeatedly,# though." (unused)
"* Kinda put me on edge." (unused)
"* It's totally fine!"
"* You wouldn't believe# how many grumpy# monsters I deal with."
"* N-not that you're a# grumpy monster!"
"* I'm sure you're very# nice!"
"* Ahem. Anyway..."
"* What's your name?"
ch[1] = "It's Clover"
"* Huh? No, not you, silly,# her!"
"* I.... Actually, how about# \"Red?\""
"* That's what your colleagues# have kept calling me every time# I get falsely apprehended."
"* To be honest..."
"* I hoped that eventually I'd be# \"caught\" enough that you'd all# recognize me and it'd stop."
"* It might just be wiser to JOIN# the Guard at this point..."
"* Join?"
"* That would be fantastic!"
"* I'd be glad to show you# the ropes of my job!"
"* You could even help me# build puzzles!"
"* That might be a code# violation now that I# think about it..."
"* Aaahh, it's fine!"
"* What?"
"* It can't be THAT easy to get in,# right?"
"* I mean, they let me# join."
"* We'll figure it out!"
"* Me and Clover have some# important business to# attend to."
"* But I should be free# next week!"
"* You can find me doing# my duty around Snowdin# any day."
"* Oh."
"* You're serious."
"* Ah, ahahaha, I mean, haha,# s-sure?"
"* S-sounds like a plan!!"
"* See you then!!"
"* See ya!"
"* (Red stares awkwardly.)"
"* (She isn't prepared for a# second conversation.)"
"* Hopefully Martlet didn't give# you too much trouble!"
"* Not that she would."
"* If you want a Guard to mistake# you for a human, she's# definitely the best one."
"* ...Wait, did you get arrested# on PURPOSE to try and make new# friends?"
"* ...."
"* ..................."
"* ...You might be onto something,# buster."
"* (Red is in deep thought.)"
"* WHOA!"
"* Whoa whoa WHOA!"
"* How many times are you gonna# bring me in? I TOLD you I'm not# a—"
"* Oh, you're... not a member# of the guard."
"* Gah! I'm really really sorry!"
"* I've been mistaken for a human# a few too many times."
"* Some of 'em even recognize me# now. Maybe I should get to know# them better..."
"* You kinda look like the same# might've happened to you."
"* Dressing the way a human# wouldn't is a good start,"
"* but a lot of folks down here# don't know the nuances of# ~human fashion~."
"* Maybe put on like, two or three# more hats."
"* Put hats on your feet too.# Nobody will bother you then."
"* So, do you just walk up to# people repeatedly and expect# them to talk to you?"
"* ...Does it work?"
"* ...Should I try it?"
"* Gotta beat this heat."
"* I'm losin' it."
"* Mirrages, man..."
"* Can't trust your eyes out# here."
"* Stay away from precarious# paths."
"* You'll just turn up back where# you started, for real."
"* Gotta beat this heat."
"* (We need to stay# focused.)"
"* (Let's not bother the# townsfolk with our# problems.)"
"* Visiting from the Wild East,# are you?"
"* I must say, I haven't seen your# face around these parts."
"* Welcome to my abode, young one!"
"* As you may notice, I have a# knack for the preservation of# life."
"* Grass is very rare here."
"* For any to grow, there must be# a source of water close by or# amongst the ground."
"* I try my best to keep my own# little patch happy."
"* It's one of my many hobbies!"
"* The Dunes didn't used to be# like this."
"* Rivers, trees, and plenty of# grass painted the area; lush# and beautiful."
"* This was years ago, of course.# The memories often escape me."
"* It's hard to blame anyone for# the loss of those things."
"* Poor miners had no idea such a# large stone could kill an# ecosystem."
"* No one did. It was a new# discovery at the time."
"* I suppose it was nature's will."
"* I began a small project south# of here."
"* Planted a sapling in an empty# shelter."
"* The townsfolk and I watch over# it, giving it water every day."
"* If we're lucky, it will grow# into something wonderful. A# glimpse of days gone by."
"* Enjoy the rest of your visit,# \"partner\"!"
"* Hello, traveler!"
"* Would you be interested in# having your fortune told?"
"* Only 5G per fortune!"
"* Now, you may be thinking that# price is a little low."
"* What quality fortune from an# experienced fortune teller# costs 5G?"
"* Well, your suspicions would be# correct!"
"* See, I'm a fortune teller in# training, so I'm selling tiny# fortunes!"
"* Practice, you see."
"* So, can I interest you in a# bite-sized fortune?"
"* Tiny fortunes, still only 5G!"
"* Would you like one?"
"* Oh, I am sorry but I cannot# give anymore fortunes now."
"* As part of my training, I can# only see the future four times# a day."
"* You may come back tomorrow!"
"* Is it tomorrow already?"
"* I am never sure."
"* It is hard to tell when you# cannot see the sun go down."
"* I do not think it is tomorrow# yet, so I will assume it is not."
"* Have you given up your life# of being a wrangler to# experience MODERNISM?"
"* I highly suggest doing so,# it is the most prestigious# life one could choose."
"* Chic architecture, light# switches, latte machines...# it's all here."
"* Once you indulge, you# can't stop!"
"* Why do I choose to live in# the Dunes and not somewhere# modern like Hotland?"
"* Because I wanna feel# important."
"* If I walk around using tech# in front of monsters who# don't, I'm the cool one."
"* I'm probably the most# secure monster around."
"* I need to invest in a nice# suit to really sell my# status."
"* Gotta say, there's something# incredibly unsettling about# not wearing clothes."
"* I would sell you something,# but I'm on strike. The owner# needs to better themself."
"* That's me. I'm the owner."
"* Run along now. I don't see# myself improving anytime soon."
"* Yo, what do ya want? I'm in# the middle of a gaming sesh."
"* Oh, you're a kid like me! I# bet you're good at these# machines."
"* Have you tried out Mew Mew# Love Blaster? It's addicting!"
"* I suck at it though."
"* I hear there's a final boss# but I've never seen anyone# reach it."
"* Bet you could totally kick its# butt!"
"* If you're around the area and# need monsters to hang with,"
"* My friend group are the# coolest kids around."
"* The head count has been down# lately... but it's still a fun# time!"
"* Yo, sorry if I'm hogging this# game."
"* I'm determined to unlock a# secret character I saw on# Undernet."
"* So far I haven't had any luck,# but it's gotta be real! I saw# the screenshot!"
"* Can't talk. Gaming."
"* I remember this game working# more efficiently in the past."
"* The air pressure seems to have# been tampered with or something."
"* Considering this table doubles# as the AC, that ain't good news."
"* This is the only place that# keeps up on modern trends# in the Dunes."
"* How do monsters live without# good ol' electricity?"
"* Especially those Wild East# folk!"
"* That life ain't for me."
"* By the way, I've heard talks# of reforesting the Dunes# lately."
"* I don't know how but# I'm rootin' for it!"
"* Yep..."
"* ..."
"* That's correct..."
"* ..."
"* No, not that I know of."
"* ..."
"* Sir, what are you suggesting?"
"* ..."
"* Are you sure?"
"* ..."
"* No, I'm not arguing, it's# just..."
"* ..."
"* Affirmative."
"* Over and out."
"* Please stand clear of this# machine while we're operating."
"* In fact, I'mma need you to# stand clear of the whole# arcade."
"* It's best you don't question# it, alright?"
"* Sir, it's me again."
"* We have a problem."
"* ..."
"* Yeah. "
"* There's a kid jeopardizing the# operation."
"* Brown hat. Yellow bandana."
"* ..."
"* Yep, that's the one."
"* ..."
"* Do I have a distraction? "
"* No, why would I?"
"* What do kids like?"
"* ..."
"* Video games!?"
"* You do know what I'm trying to# get them away from right?"
"* ..."
"* Their parents?"
"* Yeah, I think kids like their# parents..."
"* ..."
"* What?"
"* But sir!"
"* ..."
"* ...Affirmative."
"* Over and out."
"* (Not again!)"
"* Um, hey kiddo!"
"* Why don't you go to the# playground?"
"* Yeah!"
"* Go on and get some exercise!"
"* These arcade games will# only..."
"* Will only..."
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* I've got a job to do."
"* O-Oh... Hello."
"* Please don't mind me."
"* I was only tending to this# little fella."
"* You wanna talk more?"
"* Uh... h-how about that# weather?"
"* Sure is hot today... like...# always."
"* Do you like, um... air?"
"* I do... I breathe it all the# time."
"* ...Uh, I'm very sorry."
"* I'm just not in a talking mood# right now."
"* M-Maybe later...?"
"* Sorry buddy, this path is# blocked."
"* I ain't movin' no matter what# anyone does to provoke me."
"* You wouldn't understand. "
"* Girlboss behavior."
"* Hey, lil fella... There ain't# nothin' to see here."
"* Last I checked, anyway."
"* Maybe one day there will be a# great treasure lyin' beyond my# hot bod."
"* But as of right now, there is# only a hot bod. "
"* Mine."
"* Stone-bathin' is a delicate# process."
"* The more you make me flap my# lips the more uneven my tan# will be."
"* At this rate I'm gonna be a# whole-ass gradient."
"* Yeah. Uh-huh. Cool. Keep# disturbin' me. Love it."
"(They're asleep...)"
"* (We need to stay# focused.)"
"* (Let's not bother others# with our problems.)"
"* Gidde up, partner!"
"* This town has plenty to# see!"
"* ..."
"* (Everyone is wrapped up in# conversation.)"
"* (Quite the popular spot!)"
"* Gragbh... Blaffm.....# Clfmph...... "
"* (Howdy human!)"
"* Fribb... Jiblem..... "
"* Hick..."
"* Blpshm......"
"* (Give me a drink, bartender!)"
"* North Star is the coolest!"
"* One time, a construction team# was demolishing a building in# New Home."
"* But uh oh! An infant was in# the way of the building as it# came CRASHING down!"
"* Suddenly, North Star appeared# and wound his lasso up!"
"* He wrangled that skyscraper# without breaking a sweat! Yee# haw! Yee haw!"
"* For saving its life, the# building gave North Star ONE# MILLION G!"
"* True story! True story!"
"* Me and North Star are a lot# alike, don'tcha think?"
"* The golden complexions, the# hats, the owning of two legs."
"* I would roleplay as his son if# only he'd let me!"
"* North Star's four friends are# OKAY but who cares about# sidekicks?"
"* I mean, unless I was his# sidekick. I would care about# that A LOT!"
"* I'll come right out and say# it: Yes, I am a finger."
"* I came free with the last# shipment of bottles."
"* ...What else do you want me to# say?"
"* Stop poking around in my# business."
"* (Several monsters are enjoying# a nice, fair game of# poker.)"
"* ...How do I keep losing?"
"* (Things are heating up! It# could be anyone's# game!)"
"* Shucks, I might have to take# out a loan if I wanna keep this# up!"
"* (Looks like we have a# winner!)"
"* Well played and well payed,# boys!"
"* (You sense cannibalistic# intent.)"
"* The saloon isn't always this# crowded."
"* It's Happy Hour, you see? Half# price drinks!"
"* But you don't know that so# they'll continue to sell you# full price drinks."
"* Whatever you do, do NOT come# here during Crappy Hour!"
"* The drinks are TWICE as# expensive and Dina throws a# punch at whoever orders one!"
"* Upside is you get a coupon for# 10% off your clinic visit at# the end."
"* I would love to stick around# for your stay but I got a# cactus to hug."
"* ...What's with the look?"
"* So I have a boyfriend. Get# over it???"
"* (Watch your step! A posse of# Micro Froggits are camping# out.)"
"* (The Micro Froggits are# arguing over the political# strife of the Underground.)"
"* (A mini-bar fight ensues!)"
"* (The head of the party calms# the rest down, reminding them# of their strong brotherhood.)"
"* (The Micro Froggits hug it# out, settling their# differences...)"
"* (...Because at the end of the# day, they're all just tiny# frogs in a great big world.)"
"* (This town IS big enough for# the six of them.)"
"* (Too big.)"
"* What an introduction, right?"
"* Hope ya didn't have any stage# fright!"
"* Stages can be scary! All...# wooden, occasionally making# faces at you..."
"* I'm from out of town like# yourself."
"* Got some folks I'm close to# back west."
"* I really gotta get 'em over# here soon! They'd love the# atmosphere!"
"* Good luck out there, human!"
"* The products here are decent# but come on, mine are so much# better."
"* Never settle for the# mass-produced stuff!"
"* Can't say that too loudly or# the bartender will hit me, haha."
"* You know, I probably shouldn't# be here."
"* I really should be saving my# G's every chance I get."
"* Debt is an aggressive thing!"
"* ..."
"* Ahh, I'm just yanking your# chain like always!"
"* You know ol' Mo!"
"* Hopefully our paths cross soon!"
"* I have ideas for some bangin'# new products!"
"* Let me feel sorry for myself,# please."
"* I will not let it go."
"* So you're the new kid , eh?"
"* I've heard the townsfolk raving# about you and all."
"* Not to burst your bubble,# but I could totally go toe# to toe with you."
"* I know for a fact I could win# an arm wrestle with you right# now, no training."
"* If I wanted, I could snap all# thirteen of my fingers and get# the deputy position."
"* If that upsets you, I'm not# sorry."
"* Heh, yeah. I wouldn't cross me# if I were me."
"* You see me sitting at this bar?"
"* Yeah. It's because I'm a cool# adult, unlike you."
"* I can do cool adult things like# cry and also weep."
"* Am I being mean? No. It's just# the hard truth."
"* If you're only talking to# me to hear my silky smooth# voice, give it up."
"* I won't let you in on my# secrets."
"* Blembino. Remember the name."
"* Hello!"
"* Aren't you a bit young# to be hanging around# here?"
"* Not to judge or# anything."
"* I'm in town visiting my# little Moray."
"* My lovely wife, Angie,# is running the mines# while I'm away."
"* Not sure how efficient# my boys will be without# me there, though."
"* Ahh, it's a risk worth# taking."
"* Angie often frets about# Moray living down here."
"* I've heard these Wild# East fellas are real# serious about everything."
"* Moray originally touted# it as being a human-like# town."
"* Said it was for \"role# play\", whatever that is."
"* Seems like it's shifted# into something very# different nowadays."
"* I guess if my kiddo's# happy, I can't complain# too much."
"* The mines are always# open to visitors if you# call ahead of time!"
"* I'd like to see you back# there soon!"
"* 'Ey, would ya' look at that! If# it ain't our fresh recruit."
"* How's it goin' kid, you givin'# the shufflers a good name out# 'ere?"
"* Ya' know, it's tough being a# world renowned gang leader."
"* I gotta run 'round the# Underground every now 'n then."
"* Make sure we're being properly# represented, ya' know?"
"* Ya' ain't gettin' respect like# us by lazin' around, kid."
"* 'Ey kid. 'Ave you seen a# certain associate 'round?"
"* A fancy lil' fella. Wears a# nice suit 'n a stubby hat. "
"* We've got some matters to# discuss with 'em."
"* This town 'ere's pretty nice.# Though, I'm not fond of# the local gang."
"* They think they're the hot# stuff but they've got nothin'# on The Shufflers!"
"* North Star is the worst! Hate# that guy."
"* ...Right?"
"* Heh, I don't ACTUALLY think# North Star sucks."
"* I just say whatever's popular# in hopes to rise in the Wild# East ranks."
"* I uh... I kinda need North# Star to return asap."
"* Who else am I supposed to# blindly follow in life? My dad?"
"* Sure, if I wanna grill meat# and browse sketchy Undernet# pages all day."
"* Clover!! Hiya!"
"* Just dropping by?"
"* Yeah..."
"* Sucks you aren't# actually joining the# squad."
"* With two small bodies,# we could steal SO much# sh-"
"* Uh... "
"* ...I should probably# stop saying the quiet# part out loud, heh!"
"* I keep trying to sneak# a drink from Dina but# she won't let me!"
"* It's not fair, being# the ONLY member who# can't touch the stuff."
"* Oh, wait, am I being a# bad influence?"
"* Right, uhhhh..."
"* Vegetables! Education!# The stock market!# OoooOOOooo!!"
"* While I'm sad you're# leaving us, I know# you'll do great things."
"* Give 'em heck, Clover!"
"* Hey, kid."
"* Glad you decided to# come back."
"* The last time we saw# each other wasn't too# pretty, heh."
"* Uh, what I'm gettin' at# is..."
"* Sorry for all those# hurtful things I said."
"* My temper gets the best# of me sometimes..."
"* Trying to work on it."
"* Doesn't Moray sound# great?"
"* I tried to learn the# guitar once but my# fingers were too large."
"* Just one covered all# six strings."
"* Still, I do enjoy the# instrument. "
"* Maybe someone could# build a guitar big# enough for me?"
"* One day, kid. One day."
"* Ya know... I guess you# do make a pretty good# deputy. "
"* Good luck, wherever you# go next."
"* Oh. It's you."
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* ...What?"
"* I'm trying to listen to# my friend perform, if# you don't mind."
"* This song is one of my# favorites but..."
"* I don't know how much# longer Moray will be# playing it."
"* Not gonna spend its# length chatting, sorry."
"* I don't wanna talk,# alright?"
"* Just because you showed# up and solved a# problem..."
"* You think I should# magically grow as a# monster?"
"* Break out of my shell# and \"complete my arc?\""
"* Nah..."
"* Growth is for main# characters like Star."
"* I might be as 2D as my# cards but hey, that's# fine by me."
"* ..."
"* Clover? You're back?"
"* Um..."
"* I appreciate you# thinking of us but..."
"* You should go."
"* Sorry, I don't mean to# be rude. It's just a# personal situation."
"* I've found a road to# contentment in this# group..."
"* I don't want to be# given false hope and# slip back into..."
"* ..."
"* Nevermind."
"* Not sure if you# received it, but I sent# you a letter."
"* Maybe you being here is# a response to my request# but..."
"* Please leave us be."
"* ..."
"* DEPUTY!!!"
"* Howdy!"
"* I am ever so delighted# that you returned."
"* ...Makes my parting# letter a bit awkward but# hey, s'all good!"
"* Don't ya have important# places to be?"
"* I mean, I'm flattered# you wanted to see me# but..."
"* I already said goodbye!"
"* Now I gotta go through# the feisty five stages# of grief AGAIN!"
"* Now that I think about# it..."
"* ...The trail up ahead# must be pretty scary."
"* Feel free to relax for# a bit before you go!"
"* Moray's playin' a# lovely set tonight."
"* They have been on this# particular tune for a# while though..."
"* Wish nothin' but the# absolute best for ya,# partner!"
"* Yeehaw!"
"* . . ."
"* I ain't gonna make you a drink# if that's what you want."
"* I know what you did..."
"* Naive fool... I tried to warn# him."
"* And Ceroba... She lost to you?# You must be feelin' real lucky."
"* . . ."
"* I have nothin' but hatred# runnin' through me, but I know# I wouldn't stand a chance."
"* So here I am, cooped up while# everyone else..."
"* . . ."
"* If you aren't going to kill# me, let me mourn my family in# peace."
"* Star might've only been a# target to you but..."
"* He was more of a hero than# you'll ever be."
"* Now..."
"* Get out of my saloon."
"* . . ."
"* ..."
"* Hey, kid."
"* Sorry for bein' so# forceful earlier. "
"* I'm just doin' what Star# thinks is best."
"* This whole thing snuck# up on us, that's for# sure."
"* I'm optimistic about it!"
"* Not to brag but I'm# basically Star's# right-hand man."
"* I do all the heavy# liftin' 'round here."
"* Star just asks nicely# and off I go."
"* Ain't that a cool# relationship?"
"* I'm sure you'll have a# good time here."
"* Lookin' forward to the# trainin'!"
"* This town is quite the# spectacle, is it not?"
"* Ah ha! I would bury myself in# its sand if I could, yep yep!"
"* Have you met my cousin over by# the Oasis?"
"* What a sad sight, boo hoo."
"* What he needs is a visit to the# Wild East, he does!"
"* Lifts the spirit right up, oh# yes!"
"* That other fellow near the# well? Oh ho! I do not know them."
"* Lying around in this heat will# dry you out, I say!"
"* I hope you have a# wonderfully-happy-go time here!"
"* Ah ha! Oh yes! I'm sure you# will!"
"* Hiya!"
"* Swell job sitting on# that stool!"
"* I have a feelin' you'll# be the talk of the town!"
"* We're gonna have so much# fun training together!"
"* Hehe..."
"* Anyway, see ya later!"
"* Why are ya lookin' at me# that way?"
"* I was just being# friendly! Honest!"
"* It's nice to accept# someone's kind words and# leave it at that."
"* I sure am lookin'# forward to training with# you, hehe!"
"* What's up?"
"* ..."
"* Umm... About Martlet."
"* I totally get why you'd# be upset but I can# explain... I think."
"* See, if she IS a Royal# Guard, that would cause# problems."
"* She threatened to report# Star to King ASGORE!"
"* One thing leads to# another and the Wild# East is in flames!"
"* Well... maybe."
"* I'm sure ASGORE would# understand but there are# others..."
"* The head of the Royal# Guard, particularly."
"* Hopefully you didn't# have a run-in with her."
"* I mean, I've never met# her. I've just heard we# look alike."
"* Don't worry!"
"* It's super fun here, I# promise!"
"* Hey."
"* I don't know if you're# aware of this but..."
"* There's a fun card game# set up in the stable."
"* My friend runs it while# I oversee the... profits."
"* You should try it out."
"* To answer the pressing# question:"
"* No, I won't take my# bandana off."
"* I enjoy being# mysterious... and# fashionable."
"* I'd rather be left# alone."
"* Missions here can be# real tiring."
"* That's why we have a# designated nap time!"
"* It's a good way to# recharge for future# servings of justice!"
"* Now that I think about# it, nap time should be# after this next mission."
"* Hope you join us!"
"* What?"
"* I don't search through# my friends' belongings# while they nap."
"* Why would you suggest# such a thing? I have# SOME restraint!"
"* Oh... You didn't say# anything."
"* ..."
"* This conversation didn't# happen, got that?"
"* Naps naps naps!"
"* Gotta love 'em!"
"* Stick 'em up, partner! This is# a robbery!"
"* (You got 20G)"
"* Darn! I always get that part# wrong!"
"* Let me try again."
"* Stick 'em up, partner! This is# another robbery!"
"* ..."
"* (You got 5G)"
"* At least it's less than before?"
"* I can't risk another robbery."
"* My wallet is hurtin'!"
"* I think a \"thank you\" is# in order."
"* You just received some# high-tier gifts. For# free, no less."
"* I do have an eye for# that sort of thing."
"* Don't get the impression# that I'm opening up or# anything."
"* It takes a long time for# me to become \"buddy# buddy\" with someone."
"* ..."
"* Hey! Go away before I'm caug-"
"* I mean, I was released by# Star... Yeah."
"* No problems here."
"* Shh... I'm not here."
"* You never saw me."
"* I'm not up to anything, I# swear!"
"* Can't a monster appreciate a# fence in peace?"
"* Leave me be! I'm clearly busy!"
"* What's up- I mean howdy, human."
"* Don't tell North Star about# this, but I have a secret."
"* When everyone is busy or# sleeping, I sneak out."
"* I go down the Cafe Dune to...# GAME."
"* The arcade is totally rad, you# dig?"
"* I'm a gamer at heart but a# cowboy at skin."
"* I even struggle to keep my# accent on."
"* You should try being a gamer,# human."
"* Maybe you could top my Mew Mew# score?"
"* I heard one of the arcade# machines used to be named \"Luck# Man.\""
"* They changed it because...# Well I'm sure you know why. "
"* Monsters kept scribbling the# word \"bad\" in front of \"luck# man\"!!!"
"* Do you think they'll ever# invent another videogame?"
"* Kind of a missed opportunity to# only make three."
"* I love this place!"
"* It has a great sense of# community, there's not much# like it anywhere else!"
"* There's a new friend to make# every time I go outside!"
"* Never too many friends for ol'# Cooper!"
"* I tried hanging around the# Mines, but that place confuses# me."
"* Everywhere I step there's# another puzzle blocking my way!"
"* I don't get it, what's the# point?"
"* There aren't many turtle# monsters like me around here."
"* There's this one in Snowdin,# but he's way too popular to# ever talk to me..."
"* Maybe someday we can be# friends!"
"* 'Ay, it's you again!"
"* Nice to see a face around 'ere# that's seen places other than# this desert, heh heh."
"* I live 'round these parts, but# it's not always like... this..."
"* The Wild East is changin';# something's in the air."
"* North Star and his gang are# doin' their best I suppose."
"* Speakin' of North Star, he's# got you roped into his crew,# huh."
"* Don't be too intimidated,# they're all a bunch of softies# at heart!"
"* Maybe not that Ed guy though...# Something tells me not to cross# him, heh heh..."
"* I'm thinkin' of taking a trip# to Waterfall."
"* You should stop by that place# if ya get the chance!"
"* Prettier than here, fer'sure."
"* You must be that new kid in the# paper, eh?"
"* Trust me, the Wild East ain't# always this... active..."
"* North Star must just be excited# to add another member to his# posse!"
"* If you plan on leavin' here,# don't expect it to be easy."
"* When North Star gets his mind# set on something, he sees it# though."
"* So embrace yer position. I'm# sure only good things can come# from it!"
"* I'm gonna head out of town,# don't get into too much trouble,# heh heh."
"* Yo, exciting news."
"* I just built myself a new# computer and guess what?"
"* You can play GAMES on it!"
"* Sorry North Star but I'm never# leaving my room again!!!"
"* There's these videos on# Undernet of monsters playing# Love Blaster."
"* I'll tell ya what, they're# playing it all wrong!"
"* You're supposed to GRAB the# powerups, not avoid them!!"
"* Also, Mew mew doesn't \"shoot# bullets\", she spreads joy"
"* It's so obvious they haven't# studied the deep lore like I# have."
"* You should come over# sometime."
"* We could play a co-op game!"
(the following two interactions are unused)
"* Yo, exciting news."
"* I just built myself a new# computer and guess what?"
"* You can play GAMES on it!"
"* Isn't that awesome???"
"* Why don't you look excited?"
"* ...Alright then, sorry I# brought it up."
"* Forget about the game stuff."
"* I'm more of a single-player# type anyway."
"* Howdy, Deputy!"
"* You are the deputy, right?"
"* I heard the squad got real# peeved off after learning# that."
"* Nyahaha! Don't worry, I# believe in you!"
"* Nyahaha!"
(the following two interactions are unused)
"* Howdy, Deputy. "
"* I'm real worried! Worried# sick! "
"* No one can find the Sheriff!# Nyo one at all! "
"* He's gonna return soon, right?# He's gotta!"
"* Nyohoho."
"* Good luck with the new job! Ah# ha!!"
(the following two interactions are unused)
"* Why if it isn't the Deputy! "
"* Do you think the Feisty Five# will ever get back together! "
"* I hope-hope-hope they do! "
"* It isn't any fun being apart,# no ho!"
"* You're Star's right-hand man,# correct? "
"* If you see him, tell him we# all miss his leadership! "
"* That we do!"
"* Hey Clover."
"* Sorry we kinda ruined# your fun. "
"* It really wasn't your# fault, you were just# strung along. "
"* Anyway... I feel bad# about the whole thing. "
"* Need to talk to Star# about it as soon as# possible."
"* The others needed a# little more time."
"* I might've... snuck# away while they were# occupied."
"* It's what I do best!# Heh heh..."
"* I won't blame you if# you wanna ditch this# town."
"* Hope you had a decent# time, though!"
"* Ya know... before# everything."
"* (He's in a deep slumber.)"
"* (They're fast asleep.)"
"* (He's taking a nap.)"
"* (She's probably asleep.)"
"* (Probably.)"
"* Hm?"
"* Oh, it's you."
"* Sorry, I was just# looking at Star's# videotapes."
"* Mostly human-made# westerns that found# their way here."
"* That and the classic# \"Aerobics 4 Five.\" That# one gets used often."
"* Man, these really take# me back."
"* I remember the day Star# ran from Waterfall with# these in his arms."
"* He was ecstatic. I# recall it being strange# to see him act that way."
"* He must've watched them# all forward and backward,# fifty times over."
"* When Kanako came around,# he'd watch them with her# just as mu...."
"* ..."
"* Uh-yeah. They're good# movies. That's what I'm# getting at."
"* I um... I have a habit# of drowning in nostalgia# from time to time."
"* I apologize. It's super# cheesy, I'm sure."
"* It just... helps. To# remember the good times."
"* It helps."
"* Get out of my hair# before you die of# melodrama, will you?" (unused)
"* I'm fine, trust me."
"* You need to focus on# passing your training. "
"* You should get going.# You don't wanna miss# your next mission."
"* Your overcharge needs to# deplete before I can do another# procedure!"
"* H-hewwo."
"* I'm hewe fow da fwee wowypops."
"* Aftuh I checked myself in, da# Dowc said he wan out of# wowypops yestewday."
"* Bummuh..."
"* At least I hawve dis fwuffy bed# to cheew me up."
"* You know whawt's bettuh than# wowypops? Hot chowcolate pops."
"* A nice mownstuh named Mo gave# me one one day."
"* Mownstuhs wike him desewve a# big huwg."
"* I wuwnder how wong it'll take# da Dowc to reawize I'm not sick?"
"* Ugh. This place has like no# hygiene standards, yup."
"* I don't think these sheets have# ever been washed at all, yup."
"* Not to mention the food, it's# barely passable, yup."
"* You could find stuff more fresh# in the dump, yup."
"* ..."
"* Huh? Sick? Nuh-uh, I'm just# here to complain, yup."
"* Not to be rude, but I'd like# some privacy, yup."
"* Some monsters these days have# no manners, yup yup."
(the following interaction is unused)
"* Haha... I'm a bed bug. Get it?# Cause I'm in bed."
"* I can see you holding back a# smile, hah..."
"* Hold on, I need to think of# more material."
"* In fact I'm getting... a# little...."
"* ZzzzzzzZZZZ"
"* You're probably thinking I hurt# myself when I fell over..."
"* Nope. I'm here cause I can't# get this darn costume off."
"* Sorry kid, if you want an# autograph now is really not the# best time."
"* Leave me alone. I've had# ENOUGH of this town."
"* I swear, no one here really# gets me. "
"* No, they don't UNDERSTAND the# level I'm at."
"* I can stare at someone and# they'll feel true fear."
"* Well... not everyone..."
"* \"If you think you're so tough,# why don't you prove it\" he# said."
"* Alright yeah, maybe I# misjudged how strong a left# hook to the cheek could be."
"* Yeah, maybe I should've taken# on someone smaller, but it's# all part of my plan."
"* I wasn't even using all my# power... "
"* Big red guy... and his dumb,# stupid, little hat..."
"* Trust me, if i had landed the# first hit things would've ended# MUCH differently."
"* He got lucky..."
"* Go away."
"* That \"sheriff\" North# Star? Was it?"
"* What a jerk!"
"* I tried to fight for# you, I really did."
"* His hooligans were too# strong and tossed me in# here."
"* Knowing that, I don't# think force will do much# good."
"* There's gotta be a# level-headed monster# around here."
"* One that knows this is# unjust and will free me."
"* When that time comes# I'll... I'll..."
"* Who am I kidding? I# couldn't press charges# or ANYTHING!"
"* I talk big but we're# cornered."
"* ASGORE or another guard# finding out about you# would be the end."
"* Sigh..."
"* Well, North Star seems# pretty enthusiastic# about all of this."
"* Maybe by playing along,# you can gain his favor# and set me free!"
"* I don't know... just# play it cool for now. "
"* I'll be here... "
"* Ugh. What a day."
"* We'll make it through# this, Clover. I know it!"
"* It's so boring in here."
"* Could they at least give# me something to do?"
"* All I have is# brainstorming puzzle# ideas in my head."
"* I recently had an idea# for a third molten rock# puzzle, so that's fun!"
"* ...Okay, it isn't fun."
"* What is interesting is# the noise I heard a# little while ago."
"* I heard a loud SNAP! -# Which awoke me from a# nap."
"* Before I realized what# had happened, the other# prisoner was gone."
"* I tried to talk to them# when I first arrived but# got no answers."
"* So now not only am I in# jail, I have no cellmate# to talk to."
"* All in all, this day is# going fantastic for me."
"* (By the way, I'm aware# of this \"Moray\"# character.)"
"* (So far they seem nice,# so I'm gonna roll with# it.)"
"* Ahem! No thanks, Clover,# I have food!"
"* ..."
"* Give me enough time and# I'll think of a fourth# molten rock puzzle!"
"* At this rate, half of# Snowdin will be molten# rock puzzles!"
"* I've been wondering how# this situation will# affect my job."
"* Oh, that's right! I# still have my handbook!"
"* Let's see here..."
"* \"In case of injury,# illness, imprisonment,# loss of this handbook..."
"* Or another misfortune# rendering you unable to# perform your duties..."
"* Please report to the# leader of the Royal# Guard immediately."
"* Failure to do so...\""
"* ..."
"* Oh..."
"* Let's just say the# book wasn't very# helpful."
"* On the bright side,"
"* I now have some# not-so-light reading# material!"
"* Gotta get cracking!"
"* Keep at it, Clover,# cause I'm not going# anywhere."
"* I managed to doze off# for a moment earlier."
"* I had a dream I was back# at my Snowdin post! "
"* ...Dozing off."
"* Don't get me wrong, I'm# not a lazy bird!"
"* Being a Royal Guard is# no easy task!"
"* Calibrating puzzles,# writing status reports,# guarding outposts..."
"* Getting yelled at by an# old lady for ruining the# Snowdin bridge..."
"* Whoops, I'm trailing off# again."
"* I really need to get out# soon, at this rate I'll# start talking to myself."
"* ..."
"* More than usual, anyway."
"* You've gotta hurry# Clover, please!"
"* At this rate, I'm gonna# have to start eating# moss off the walls!"
"* I kinda... Overheard# what happened# outside..."
"* Ugh. I know I shouldn't# feel this way but..."
"* Maybe you should go# after the sheriff,# Clover."
"* I know he did some mean# stuff, but he's out# there all alone now."
"* You've gained his trust# so maybe you could sort# out the situation?"
"* ..."
"* And uh... We still# need him to let me out# of here... of course..."
"* You can do this Clover!"
"* If you could convince# this bird-brain, you can# get through to him!"
"* You gotta get me outta here,# kid!"
"* I have a family! Hopes! Dreams!# TV programs I've missed!"
"* I didn't do nothin' bad, I# swear!"
"* North Star will pay for this..."
"* Ah-I mean I bought a drink for# him the other day."
"* He needs to pay me back... Yeah."
"* I wonder where I could buy a# train..."
"* What? I'm just talkin' to# myself. Ignore me."
"* Oh, hey."
"* I'm in here to give# Martlet some food,# that's all."
"* ...It isn't meal time# but I thought she would# enjoy something."
"* So... you don't need to# worry about her."
"* I'll make sure she's# treated as well as one# in jail can be."
"* This is for the best."
"* Look on the bright side!"
"* Things are about to ramp# up!"
"* Soon, you'll be one of# us. How exciting!"
"* I was locked up for usin' my# cell phone in the saloon. "
"* Dina said it was against Wild# East policy. "
"* Fair enough, but North Star# has a freakin' TV in his# house!!!"
"* Oh, the gun? They let me keep# it. "
"* It's only a model after all...# mmhmm..."
"* How often do you think they# clean these cells? "
"* This one has a few too many# feathers lyin' around for my# likin'. "
"* And the wall... There's a# patch of moss with a bite out# of it. "
"* Weird..."
"* Don't worry about me. "
"* I'm gonna sell my bank account# for bail. "
"* Wish me luck!"
"* Neigh!! Neigh!!!"
"* Neigh I say!"
"* For I am a horse, each and# every day!"
"* I crunch upon carrots and munch# upon hay,"
"* But a shy horse I am, so please# go away!"
"* Sorry, I only had time to write# one jingle."
"* It took me all night."
"* Maybe I'll think of another# soon."
"* ..."
"* That last line wasn't a joke,# by the way."
"* Being a horse is my only form# of true expression."
"* NeeeiGH!!!!"
"* Howdy..."
"* You got any of that..."
"* Any of that good catnip?"
"* I've been dying to try some..."
"* Nyahaha! You were almost# tricked!"
"* I coulda caught'cha and turned# you in to the Feisty Five!"
"* Nyahaha! Be more careful,# partner!"
"* The fact you didn't fall for my# trap is pretty neato."
"* Maybe you'll fit in 'round here# better than I thought."
"* Unless you're a bandit in# disguise???"
"* Nyahaha! I'm only joshin',# partner!"
"* Ain't no place like the Wild# East, I'll tell ya that!"
"* It's kinda irritatin'# the last mission was# postponed."
"* It ain't like Star to# overlook the dress# conditions."
"* I guess we can chalk it# up to him havin' his# plate full."
"* I am surprised he# got'cha such fancy# upgrades."
"* We didn't get that kinda# stuff when we first# joined."
"* No more shoppin' sprees,# Clover!"
"* Next mission is sure to# put you to the test!"
"* I have to say, it's fun# watching the five's# missions."
"* Can't say the same for# rooming with them."
"* All six of us sleep in# one room."
"* Any annoyance you can# think of? It happens."
"* Snoring, sleep talking,# teeth grinding... it's# pretty exhausting."
"* I can't complain much,# though. It's a free# place to stay."
"* You see, in the past, I# haven't lived here."
"* I have... well, had a# place near Oasis Valley."
"* I suppose I outgrew it...# moved here a few weeks# back."
"* Star and I have been# friends since childhood,# so there's no rent."
"* It's nice..."
"* About leaving:"
"* Once you pass your# training, you'll be# free to roam wherever."
"* It'll be tough when I# have to tell Star about# your departure."
"* He's taken a real liking# to you. Shame you'll be# gone so soon..."
"* The sooner you do your# missions, the sooner# you're on your way."
"* H-hey kid. Sorry about the# whole train thing earlier."
"* I love playing the villain,# but I never considered how# the others felt."
"* Maybe in the end, that's# what makes me the real# villain."
"* I wanna move on once this all# blows over."
"* You know, get a honest job and# move to a more... conventional# place."
"* Vengeful Virgil redemption arc,# here we go!"
"* Sorry, can't talk long. I'm# preparing for harvest."
"* (Must be one of those Wild# East folk.)"
"* Huh? No, I didn't say# anything."
"* Have you been to Snowdin?"
"* I've heard rumors of our crops# being cultivated around those# parts."
"* I'm thinking of opening up an# investigation soon."
"* I'm not bored or anything,# just wanna protect the# business."
"* Don't you have role-playing to# do or something?"
"* Shootouts? Inconveniencing# pedestrians? That's all bro# does after all."
"* He's always up to something;# having fun while I'm stuck with# the farm work..."
"* Ugh."
"* Go on. I have work to do."
"* Welcome to Sunnyside Farm!"
"* It ain't much but we call it# home!"
"* My name's Solomon."
"* You must be from Starlo's# town, eh?"
"* I have mixed feelin's about it# all, if I'm bein' honest."
"* The boy rarely talks to us,# it's a shame."
"* He probably thinks we hate his# life choices but that just# ain't true."
"* It's because of him that our# farm stayed in business durin'# the ol' drought."
"* His little town attracted# monsters to this area after# most moved away."
"* I believe that deep down,# savin' the farm was his true# motivation, I do."
"* I think it's real flatterin',# the accent Starlo puts on fer# his character."
"* He almost sounds like his ol'# man, he does."
"* In reality, my boys both got# Crestina's voice, lucky fellas."
"* Before they were born, she# would always sing so# purtty-like."
"* I never hear it no more,# though."
"* Guess she lacks the confidence# now. Ain't that sad?"
"* The crops are lookin' mighty# fine if I do say so."
"* I would give ya some but they# ain't quite ready to eat."
"* If ye're around Oasis Valley# this weekend, stop by the# farmers market!"
"* Oh, hello little one!"
"* Are you a friend of my son's?"
"* He's always making new# friends, I can't keep up."
"* In any case, make yourself at# home!"
"* I do hope Starlo grows out of# this state eventually."
"* He needs to find himself a# wife and settle down."
"* If only he won Ceroba's heart# back then..."
"* I think he was too shy to take# initiative, poor boy."
"* When she got engaged to# Chujin, he didn't set foot# outside for days."
"* I eventually had to tell him# to move on. It was very# difficult."
"* Sigh... heartbreak is always# tragic."
"* I better start thinking about# dinner..."
"* I wonder if Gilbert and Angie# are busy?"
"* Hmm... I'm sure they're free.# After all, there's never a bad# time for a BBQ!"
"* Leave us alone will you?"
"* This is a family matter."
"* Sorry kid, I ain't got time to# chat right now..."
"* My poor boy... where did you# go?"
"* This cave is a little# claustrophobic for my# taste."
"* Get out there and see# what we're really# dealing with!"
"* I get that you may# wanna wait for your# friend,"
"* But she's long# gone."
"* She got you into this# situation."
"* But you're# gonna have to get# yourself out."
"* No more waiting around."
"* Go get 'em, Clover!"
"* This area seems...# different."
"* Let's hope there aren't# as many distractions# along the way."
"* I get that you might# wanna rest after the# wild ride back there..."
"* But we have no time to# waste!"
"* I get that you might# wanna rest after the# wild ride back there..."
"* But we have no time to# waste!"
"* I'll be waiting for ya# up ahead when you# decide to head out."
"* Howdy!"
"* Strange sight, huh?"
"* Who knew something# could actually grow# here?"
"* Anyway, great job so# far!"
"* This place is much more# treacherous than# Snowdin!"
"* Keep it up, Clover!"
"* Let's get moving!"
"* I'm gonna catch fire if# I stay out too long!"
"* Golly, the emblems on# these miner uniforms are# very interesting."
"* Guess I'm the boss# 'round here!"
"* Jokes aside, you got# some smarts!"
"* Fixed that elevator# with ease."
"* Proud of ya!"
"* I wonder what the goal# of this mine is? "
"* Whatever it is, no one# seems to know what# they're doing, haha."
"* Keep on, buddy!"
"* Howdy!"
"* This cave sure is# ginormous!"
"* I hope this rail leads# to an exit cause it's# getting stuffy in here."
"* Enjoy the ride, pal!"
"* Come on, just hop in# the cart!"
"* You've been through# much worse."
"* Gee, what a view."
"* Even though we aren't# very close to the# Castle..."
"* It feels like we've# accomplished so much as# a team."
"* Wasn't that long ago# that I was teachin' you# how to dodge attacks."
"* A lot can happen in a# short time."
"* As nice as this is, we# do have places to be."
"* Let's keep a move on,# Clover!"
"* Howdy!"
"* Looks like we're back# on solid ground!"
"* That mine sure was a# detour!"
"* What a buncha slackers!"
"* Anyway, let's keep up# the pace, buddy!"
"* It isn't exactly# flattering to live in a# sandbox, by the way."
"* Let's get going before# the local kids think# I'm some new toy!"
"* What's the holdup, pal?"
"* Howdy!"
"* Gee, seems like my# greeting has found its# home."
"* Like the hat? It's a# disguise."
"* This area is pretty# populated so I picked# this up to be safe!"
"* You being separated# from Martlet is pretty# lucky but..."
"* I hope this Star guy# doesn't hold you here# for long."
"* I may have to# intervene if he does!"
"* I wasn't lying about# being close to an exit# earlier."
"* I just didn't expect...# all of this."
"* On the bright side..."
"* You may be able to# obtain some gear# upgrades here."
"* This roadblock isn't# totally pointless,# haha."
"* Howdy!"
"* Howdy!"
"* ..."
"* Okay, my patience is# only so strong, Clover."
"* I hope you're not# planning to actually# stay here."
"* These bozos are below# you."
"* I highly suggest that# you make a run for it# when the time's right."
"* Try not to let yourself# get distracted from the# real mission."
"* Gidde up, \"partner\"!"
"* Howdy!"
"* I was afraid things# would escalate."
"* Nothing you're not# fully used to by now!"
"* This is probably a good# time to get outta here."
"* It's all gone way too# far, dont'cha think?"
"* Whatever happens, I# wish ya luck, Clover!"
"* Let's put this place# behind us, pal!"
"* Howdy!"
"* I was hoping Starlo ran# to his parents or# somethin'."
"* Looks like you'll have# to confront him."
"* Do what you do best!# I'm always rootin' for# ya!"
"* We're almost outta# here!"
"* Let's knock this Starlo# drama out!"
"* Howdy! "
"* You're becoming a pro# at this, buddy! "
"* At this rate, you'll be# able to confront ASGORE# himself!"
"* Let's put this place# behind us, pal!"
"* Always a treat to see# your gunslinging skills!"
"* Let's get you saved!"
"* Golly, monsters 'round# here sure have it out# for you!"
"* How could they keep# attacking a poor human# so willingly? "
"* We can't have that! Not# at all!"
"* I don't see many more# enemies roaming about."
"* Once you encounter the# rest, show 'em who's# boss!"
"* You are... whoa, haha.# Talented, for sure!"
"* You laid waste to this# wasteland!"
"* This place definitely# wasn't big enough for# the both of you!"
"* Keep on movin', buddy!"
"* We're getting ever so# closer to your REAL# target!"
"* ..."
"Heals 15HP"
"Heals 25HP"
"Heals 35HP"
"Heals 50HP"
"* (You took 80G from# the shelf.)"
"* (There's nothing# left.)"
"* Howdy howdy, human!# Take a gander at my# wares.#* Hard-hittin' stuff is# off limits!"
"Here's the#menu!"
"Your funds'r#insufficient,#kid."
"Quit carryin'#so much."
"Not interested#I take it."
"Heals 15HP#Straight from#the tap!" (unused)
"Heals 15HP#"
"Heals ???#No way."
"Heals ???#"
"Heals 18HP#It's family#friendly!"
"Heals 18HP"
"Heals 30HP#A lil'#baby burger!"
"Heals 30HP"
"* This is a bar, not a marketplace."
"* Try Blackjack down the road# if you wanna barter."
"* I already told ya to ask# Blackjack about sellin'."
"* (You took 100G# from behind the# bar.)"
"* (There's no G# left to take.)"
"What do ya#wanna know?"
"This Town"
"* Oh this little place? It's# pretty fun 'round here."
"* I heard it was established some# years back when the Dunes gained# its name if you get me."
"* I should be polished on its# history but Star don't talk# 'bout those days."
"* I was lookin' for a friendly# environment to share my brewin'# skills, so here I am."
"* There ain't terribly much to do# in this town but that only makes# it more close-knit."
"* Every day has been pretty# predictable until you showed up.# "
"* I'm eager to see what Star's# plannin'."
"Your snakes"
"* Haha, I get this question a# lot."
"* These fellas are my pets. Real# reptiles, not monsters."
"* Their names are Ann, Sammy,# and Bert."
"* The Underground still houses# some critters from the Surface# like birds and insects."
"* I found these west of here,# hidin' in a crevasse of sorts."
"* Some monsters think keepin'# pets is strange but I think it's# cute."
"* They give me someone to talk to# when business is slow."
"Can I leave?"
"* You can at any time. Won't hurt# my feelin's."
"* Oh... I see. Star's tryin' to# keep you here since it's a big# deal and all."
"* That ain't right if you're# wantin' to go."
"* I try not to infringe on# sheriff business but I'll ask# him 'bout it soon."
"* I'm sure he means well by it!"
"North Star"
"* What a character! Our big and# courageous sheriff."
"* I get a feelin' he ain't as# tough as he likes to play up."
"* But then again, maybe he's just# clumsy."
"* His whole posse is a hoot. They# frequently host parties here."
"* He definitely knows the right# kind of monsters to surround# himself with."
"* Not to mention Ceroba, his# childhood friend. I get a kick# out of her and Star's antics."
"* When she brings her daughter into# town, it's basically two against# one, haha!"
"* Now that I think about it, it's# been a while since I saw the# rascal."
"* We really need to get the whole# gang together again!"
"* It's probably not the best# time to chat. Real worried# 'bout everythin' goin' on right# now."
"Feisty Five"
"* Was all the drama settled? It# was real rough out there.#"
"* The Five are like siblin's, ya# know? Every now and then a spat# rears its head.#"
"* 'Course, most of the time it's# somethin' like Mooch stealing# Ed's hat or Star forgettin' to# turn off his \"mission machines\"# out in the Dunes.#"
"* This was uh... This was a step# above.#"
"* It ain't my business but I'm# sure it'll all smooth over in# time... 'least I hope.#"
"* Family, right?"
"* Ceroba's little troublemaker.# Real cute kid.#"
"* She likes to hang 'round us# and the Five when her mom's in# town.#"
"* Looks dang intimidatin' in a# cowboy hat too, that's for# sure. Little older and she# would fit right into our# group!#"
"* Though I don't think Ceroba# would allow it seein' as we# might not be the best# influence, haha.#"
"* Anyway, I been meanin' to ask# Ceroba where Kanako's been.# School field trip maybe? She# does like to travel 'round the# Underground.#"
"* Though I wouldn't think she'd# be allowed too far ever# since...#"
"* Ah, well, I could tell stories# for hours but that's the gist# of it, heh..."
"* Heard fears of Royal's bargin'# into town? Your presence did# cause a stir. Only natural.#"
"* The government takes human# business seriously. Very# seriously...#"
"* I'm sure you've been hunted# and attacked a hundred times by# now. Happens every once in a# while when a human falls down# here.#"
"* Man, if I didn't have a# business to upkeep I'd let# whoever's wronged you have it!"
"Government (NEW)"
"* Hey, if you're worried the# town's gonna be ransacked, I# wouldn't be.#"
"* Royal's don't come 'round here# often. I don't think they much# care what we do.#"
"* To my knowledge, last time any# representative showed up was to# post a flier on the news board.# A notice for some kinda new# healthcare program.#"
"* Ol' Fluffybuns and his posse# aren't exactly the most active# group. #"
"* Other than chasin' the odd# human, I don't think they have# anything else to spend their# time on. #"
"* It seems monsterkind has# peaked in a way, so I reckon# everyone should just come out# here and spend their G on a# slice of the Surface! Haha."
"* Oh, Ceroba's partner? Um,# well, kind of a heavy subject...#"
"* He never really came 'round# this town back in the day.# Didn't like what it stood for.# Not that the tension was# one-sided.#"
"* Whether it was politics or an# unburied hatchet, Star didn't# speak highly of the fella# neither.#"
"* There was one time though...#"
"* It was after hours - no one# here but me. BAM! Front doors# swing open and in walks# Chujin.#"
"* He was breathin' heavy, worn# 'n rugged... Unusual for a# cleancut monster of science.#"
"* I didn't think he drank but# nevertheless, he sat down and# ordered a cold one. #"
"* I asked if somethin' was the# matter but all he said was, \"I# believe I've seen a ghost.\""
"* Weird, huh? Like... a monster?# Couldn't be what he meant,# right? Who knows...#"
"* Shoot, I've said too much# haven't I?#"
"* All in all, I wouldn't bring# him up 'round Star or Ceroba.# There's a lotta feelin's there,# ya know..."
"Chujin (NEW)"
"* Sorry but I need to be more# careful of what beans I spill."
"* It ain't becomin' to spread# gossip while a widow's still in# mourning."
"* Sorry, can't chit chat right# now."
"* I wanna savor this reunion as# much as possible, bless their# hearts."
"* Have fun out there!"
"* Greetings!#* Take a gander! Just# don't touch anything."
"Interested#in anything?"
"I thank#you!"
"I need#the proper#sum."
"You have#your hands#full."
"Change your#mind?"
"Heals ???#It may be#edible."
"Heals ???"
"Ammo: 3AT#Finely#crafted!"
"Ammo: 3AT"
"Acce: 8DF#Made from#leather!"
"Acce: 8DF"
"You're too#young."
"* (There's a safe with# the door left open.)"
"* (It's empty.)"
"* Nothing to take."
"Ask away!"
"The Feisty Five"
"* I was hoping you wouldn't ask# about them..."
"* Sigh..."
"* Young hooligans are all they# are."
"* Hooligans I'm forced to put up# with to keep my business afloat."
"* They have no respect for the# fine arms I produce, always# waving them around like they're# some child's toy!"
"* However, I have learned how to# benefit off their behavior."
"* I'm the only monster around# that provides such quality# weapons, so whenever they push# me, I push back and threaten to# close shop."
"* They always crumble and end up# paying far more than the weapon# they want is worth."
"* A little money is worth a few# headaches, haha!"
"Your Wares"
"* Ah yes, my gallery of babies!"
"* Uh... That sounded strange...# Ahem!"
"* These beauties are all crafted# from the highest quality# materials!"
"* I forge them myself in my# personal gunsmithing room!"
"* Not only do I make them with# care, but I also care FOR them."
"* I start my mornings by# polishing the whole stock until# I see my reflection in them!"
"* I also know how to handle these# bad boys. I'm a way better shot# than North Star, that's for# sure."
"* I... I saw a bandit in my# rafters."
"* The Wild East gets many# visitors each day."
"* There's something about the# aura here that some monsters# can't get enough of."
"* Now, don't worry. I'm not# selling ultra-deadly weapons to# any passerby with enough G."
"* I make sure my wares are tame# enough to not be lethal. I# myself am not one for violence!"
"* Well... used enough times# consecutively, they COULD be# lethal. But then again, a ballet# shoe could also be lethal used# enough times."
"* Look, don't question my# morality too much! I am not# prepared to speak about it!"
"* I heard about this town some# years back."
"* I had mastered my smithing# capabilities and was looking to# open up shop."
"* As it turns out, there was an# empty building here so I thought# \"why not?\" Seemed like quite the# perfect town for such a shop."
"* Do I regret settling down here,# resulting in endless torment# from five demonic youngsters?# Every day."
"* But everyone else I've met is# quite pleasant, so it balances# out."
"* What occured in the square? "
"* North Star just walked by my# shop while staring at the# ground."
"* It isn't a trouble of mine# but... maybe you should check in# on him? "
"* If you think it's important# that is. Ahem."
"Your Age"
"* How old am I? How old do I# look?#"
"* Believe it or not, I was born# with gray hair. Got it from my# father.#"
"* But yes... I am what they call# a \"senior citizen.\" Which only# means I am much wiser than you# youngsters!#"
"* Because I've been around, I do# have some interesting history# if you would like to hear it."
"Your History (NEW)"
"* I was born during the war.# Mere weeks before our# Underground imprisonment.#"
"* My father was a soldier in# King ASGORE's army. And a# soldier was all he ever# became.#"
"* When my mother got the word# that monsterkind had to# withdraw, she refused to leave.# Insisted on searching for my# father instead.#"
"* ...Despite pleas from# officers, there was no changing# her mind. #"
"* I was promptly given to a# nanny and raised in this very# mountain.#"
"* But so goes life in such# circumstances. Not everyone# gets it easy.#"
"* I will say, these kids out# here... While they can be# bothersome, they are lucky.#"
"* The Underground isn't ideal# but from the ripples I grew up# feeling, it is much better than# the strife of days past.#"
"* I'm thankful for that."
"The Four"
"* North Star's posse are friends# of his from highschool, I# believe.#"
"* There, they started a club to# talk about movies and dress up# to go on imaginary adventures.# Almost like a permanent Pumpkin# Day.#"
"* Some think that they're a# little old to be doing such# things but it's pretty# harmless.#"
"* ...What am I saying? It isn't# harmless! They harm me almost# every day!#"
"* Did you know that Ace and# Mooch installed a speaker# system throughout the town? #"
"* They use it to play little# jingles and this dreadful song# that loops over and over! It# even changes arrangements in# certain buildings!#"
"* Every morning at seven they# wake me up with an eagle# screech!#"
"* I've tried telling Ace that# it's SUPPOSED to be a rooster# crow but he always says# \"Roosters and crows can't get# together like that.\"#"
"* They COULD if it was true# LOVE!!!#"
"* (Pant... pant...)#"
"* ...#"
"* ...What were we speaking# about?"
"* Humans, huh?#"
"* Well, I'm afraid there's no# sugar-coating it. Humans such# as yourself are widely# disdained in the Underground.#"
"* It's popular to root for their# annihilation, even.#"
"* So much loss... So much grief...# #"
"* The wicked actions of# humankind are forever etched in# our history, only to subside# once King ASGORE obtains seven# of their SOULs and judgment is# brought upon the Surface.#"
"* Then you wonder, \"How can a# town like the Wild East exist# in such a society?\" Well it# isn't without its controversy.#"
"* Most are indifferent,# preferring not to acknowledge# it.#"
"* But some make their opinions# very clear, stating that the# town's making light of a# serious situation, or even that# we're traitors to monsterkind# itself.#"
"* Rather harsh, right?#"
"* I believe everyone who# participates is just fascinated# with the Surface world. Whether# it be historical, or plain old# escapism.#"
"* There's nothing wrong with# finding an appreciation for# such things, the way I see it."
"Your Opinion (NEW)"
"* My opinion on humans? Hmm...# "
"* I've spent most of my life# disliking humans outright.# Justifiably so.# "
"* But... as I've aged, I've# pondered over my bitterness.# "
"* Thought that perhaps, this# feud is more nuanced than it# first appears?# "
"* But even with all my years, I# still haven't reached the other# side, if I ever will.#"
"* I do know that I dislike the# nature that drove humankind to# do what they did. #"
"* The violence, the# selfishness...#"
"* But that nature can reside in# anyone.#"
"* At the end of the day, it's# about an individual's# character, you see. #"
"* Whether or not they carry# civility and respect within# their SOUL.#"
"* So far, I see those traits in# you, so I've given you a pass.#"
"* And anyway, it would be# foolish of me to eliminate a# potential patron when they have# money to spend, haha!"
"* My life's dedication!#"
"* I work with steel, iron, and# even a little silver and gold# when I'm feeling fancy.#"
"* Mining Co. is still uncovering# many such materials so I buy it# from them at the beginning of# each month.#"
"* Creating practical and# beautiful items from rubble is# endearing. I learned everything# I know from a job in New Home# where I made armor for Royal# Guards.#"
"* The head smith who taught me -# rumor was that he helped King# ASGORE forge his mighty# trident.#"
"* Of course, naysayers tout that# it's made of pure magic but I# don't believe them!#"
"* You do know that ASGORE wields# a trident, correct? An absolute# masterwork it is!# "
"* His armor is wonderfully# crafted as well. I've heard# it's impenetrable!# "
"* Such a respectable monster# must look the part and he# spared no expense!"
"* I wish you good travels!"
"* We should probably get# going."
"* What a terrible# sight..."
"* Ava was such a beauty# and look at her now..."
"* A hundred smaller# beauties."
"* ..."
"* I should... "
"* No, nevermind. We don't# have time. Let's go."
"* Let's push ahead,# Clover."
"* (Hey, Clover. I know# this fella.)"
"* (He's set up shop# around Snowdin quite a# bit.)"
"* (Always seemed a little# shady if you ask me...# pun intended.)"
"* Looks like this is a# dead end, huh."
"* Bet you had a few# run-ins on your journey,# right? "
"* An area like this... I# wonder what kind of# battle music they had? "
"* Oh, right. You may not# know... "
"* There's this phenomenon# with monsters. "
"* When we focus while in# a battle, melodic# vibrations echo from us."
"* It's almost like it's# in our heads but... "
"* It's possible the# opponent hears it as# well. "
"* I always hear super# dramatic music when I# fight! "
"* It may not fit me to be# honest... but it's the# feeling I strive for! "
"* I wonder... "
"* Could humans find their# own melody if determined# enough? "
"* An interesting thought!"
"* With me around, you# shouldn't have to worry# about fights anymore! "
"* It isn't because they# don't like me... "
"* It's that monsters# typically don't attack# other monsters."
"* ‘Least I hope that's# the reason..."
"* I'm personable...# right? "
"* Let's just say \"yes\" to# avoid being anxious the# rest of today."
inside East Mines:
"* Oh my gosh! Look at all# the gemstones in the# walls!"
"* I might have to sneak a# few outta here."
"* Don't rat me out!"
"* We should probably find# a way to Hotland soon,# yeah?"
above East Mines:
"* What a breathtaking# view... "
"* Isn't it fascinating# how large the# Underground is? "
"* Feels almost too large# sometimes. "
"* I may seem audacious# but I'm a little uneasy# right now, heh. "
"* Bit of a homebody...# Like to stay where it's# familiar. "
"* Focus on my hobbies and# job, ya know... "
"* But I'm working on it! # "
"* Not doing great but# working on it!"
"* Just saying, last time# I stepped out and took a# risk... "
"* I ended up regretting# it SO MUCH you wouldn't# believe! "
"* But I guess it taught# me that growth is# possible. "
"* Good growth, bad# growth, don't know yet. # "
"* I'm still not even used# to normal adult# responsibilities! "
"* Cut me some slack,# waking up before noon# sucks!"
"* Guess I'm lucky my job# involves something I# like doing. "
"* I could be working here# at the Mines or even# worse... retail! "
"* Glass half full,# Clover. Glass half full."
"* Aww, the playground is# super cute!"
"* I should build one of# these back home for the# school!"
"* Phew, I'm getting# thirsty."
"* I typically bring a# canteen when I travel# but..."
"* ...I kinda left all of# my belongings at my# station."
"* Excuse me, sir? "
"* Shouldn't a gift shop# have, ya know, gifts?"
"* I do."
"* ...What?"
"* Not exactly digging the# vibe of this place. "
"* I'm ready to leave when# you are."
"* Can't say this is how I# thought my day would end# up. "
"* Meeting a human,# visiting a new place... "
"* Couple checks off the# bucket list for sure."
"* There's so much to see# in this town! "
"* I'm getting some strong# Honeydew Resort vibes. "
"* After I get tired of# keeping the peace every# day, I may move here. "
"* A mighty fine# retirement plan, yeah?"
"* I apologize for not# talking with the# residents more."
"* With my bird brain, who# knows what might slip# out!"
"* Hey... I think I know# who lives here."
"* Guess she doesn't want# visitors."
"* Makes sense, poor# thing."
"* Ooo! I bet I can tell# your fortune, Clover!"
"* Yeess... Hmm..."
"* I see you with a brand# new hat..."
"* One that just SCREAMS# \"I'm a human.\""
"* Kidding, by the way.# Your hat's plenty cool# as is!"
"* Look at that little# thing. "
"* Trying its best to grow# big and strong I bet!"
rm_dunes_35b (Café Dune)
"* Geez, I was hoping it'd# be cooler in here but# nope!"
rm_dunes_35 (unused)
"* I have no clue where# we're headed."
"* I'm so unfamiliar with# this place, it might as# well be the Surface."
"* Doing a great job of# helping you, I know."
"* The architecture here# is fascinating!"
"* Back home, almost# everything is made from# wood."
"* Maybe I should start# building with stone?"
"* Man, it is h-o-t HOT!# I'm starting to miss# Snowdin!"
"* You doin' okay in those# heavy clothes? I'd pass# out by now."
"* Hmm... there's gotta be# a way to Hotland# somewhere."
"* ..."
"* This is going to be# redundant, "
"* But I'm sorry for all# of my apologies. "
"* It feels like all I've# done since we met is# screw up. "
"* I'm thankful that# you're tough and aren't,# ya know, dead. "
"* But I shouldn't have# been so scatterbrained# in the first place. "
"* That changes here! "
"* Whatever awaits us,# I'll do my best to help!"
"* Trek on, Clover!"
"* I want you to know that# you can trust me."
"* Some monster's haven't# been incredibly# accommodating to you. "
"* Me included... "
"* But please don't let# those experiences warp# your perception of us! "
"* Especially the# potential backstabbing# we're dealing with now. "
"* Our history with# humanity is a harsh and# complicated one. "
"* Not everyone takes it# well."
"* ..."
"* Gosh..."
"* I don't know if I'm# ready for this."
"* Way to get yourself# into a mess, Martlet. "
"* Bang up job."
"* ..."
"* You doing alright? "
"* Sure look like you# are. "
"* I can only hope your# confidence rubs off on# me."
"* Just a smidge."
"* ..."
"* Until now, I haven't# done any real# investigations. "
"* Though, one time I did# have to look into a# Snowdin gang. "
"* I heard reports they# were harassing visitors# so I checked it out. "
"* I didn't find a gang# but a few cups did make# me play a game. "
"* They moved so fast it# made me dizzy! I# couldn't beat ‘em! "
"* They had a name... What# was it? \"The Scrufflers\"# or something like that. "
"* Wait... Gangs have# names! "
"* They were probably# friends with the other# gang! "
"* Gah-I should've pieced# it together sooner!"
"* Almost there..."
"* Here we go... "
"* No turning back..."
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* Talk about# extravagant! "
"* This must've taken# years to build... "
"* Well, if it were done# traditionally."
"* Maybe magic had# something to do with it?"
"* Guess we should choose# a direction."
"* East, west, up to you."
"* We'll find what we need# eventually."
"* ..."
"* Keep an eye out for# anything out of the# ordinary."
"* Anything seem off to# you yet?"
"* Yeah... me neither."
"* I'm a bit surprised# Kanako wanted this# room. "
"* It's pretty isolated# from everything else. "
"* Must have some of her# mother's independence,# huh?"
"* Keep on looking,# Clover."
"* This place is a little# eerie when no one's# around. "
"* Long, dim halls... dust# filling each beam of# light... "
"* Regular dust that is..."
"* Keep on looking,# Clover."
"* ..."
"* I don't see anything# concerning here. "
"* It's gotta be somewhere# else."
"* We gotta be getting# closer, right?"
"* Hopefully this place# doesn't stay abandoned# for too long."
"* It'd be a huge shame to# let it waste away."
"* Keep on looking,# Clover."
"* You still doing okay? "
"* I know this whole thing# is a lot to process... "
"* Actually, me pointing# that out doesn't help. "
"* I'm gonna stop talking."
"* ..."
"* What the..."
"* ..."
"* Wait! Another robot!?"
"* No way! We can't fight# this thing!"
"* What if Chujin built-"
"* You know what? We'll# talk later."
"* Let's find a peaceful# way around them."
"* I'll do my best to# provide defense for us."
"* Jandroid strolls up, whistling# a pitchy tune."
"* The robotic duo, Jandroid and# Goosic, are here!"
"* Rinse, repeated."
"* JANDROID -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* \"Hygiene\" is not in their# vocabulary."
"* Jandroid wrings out their# mop... over their head."
"* Jandroid tries to whistle to# the music."
"* Jandroid tosses garbage this# way and that."
"* Smells like poor choices."
"* Goosic's music is making# Jandroid extra energetic."
"* Metallic mania fills the air!"
"* Goosic amps up the tunes as# Jandroid lays down their mop!"
"* The duo's robotic voices grate# on your ears like rusty saw# blades."
"* The Jandroid's are trying to# harmonize."
"* Smells like a landfill."
"* The Jandroid's are mopping# each other's faces."
"* The Jandroid's sway to and# fro."
"* Jandroid finds you too# hygienic."
"* Jandroid will never forgive# you as long as you walk the# earth."
"* Goosic instantly forgets about# Jandroid."
"* The Jandroid begins mopping# the wreckage."
"* Jandroid doesn't seem to know# what they're doing anymore."
"* You hear metallic and# electrical noises as Jandroid# twitches."
"* You ask Jandroid what their# primary directive is."
"* You ask Jandroid how they're# still functioning."
"* You offer to give Jandroid# a scrub. They seem offended."
"* Cleaning Jandroid wouldn't# do any good at this point."
"* You look Jandroid over and# tell them they need a shower."
"* You look Jandroid over and# notice many missing screws."
"Gee, you're too#Clean! Let's#staIN thaT VEsT!!"
"Nothin' like the#smell of RuSted#meTal in the#Morning!!"
"I will NeVER take#out the TrASH!#YOU CAN'T MAKE#ME!!!"
"Scrub-a-dub-dub!#Sewage in the#tub!!!"
"Want a sip of#my Mop Water?#It's FReshly MaDe!! "
"Want a sip of#my Mop Water?#It's FReshly#MaDe!! "
"HA Heh!!#Bet I am DIRTIER#than YOU!!"
"It iS time#to Meet Our#Mops!!"
"*ToGther we#are Strong!!!"
"ToGther we#are Strong!!!"
"EW!!! Soap???? "
"No!!#You diSGuST ME!#Get away!!"
"HahA!!#Cool Trick!!"
"//Cleaaaaan - _"
"LLLet's#;-:_#Wassh up"
"To rid the#Underground of#SOAP!!!"
"To cle//a--I#mean help all#Germs conquer#the land!!"
"NO YOU!!"
"You are RUDE!#Take THIS!!"
"I can't beLIEVE#you Would propose#such a Thing!"
"Don't comE#ANY cLosER!!"
"YEAH yeAH!!#puMP IT UP!!!!" (unused)
"goNNA woRK so#MucH HARDER!!!" (unused)
"W//what#was_That? /(" (unused)
"St_amwrrks#Need_/ scruBbed#0" (unused)
"AaAAaoo/aa/.#Bzzt.’\"<<<" (unused)
"* Goosic has come to share some# sounds."
"* The robotic duo, Jandroid and# Goosic, are here!"
"* GOOSIC -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Music drives the mood."
"* Goosic slowly scratches a# record with its needle. The# sound is unbearable."
"* Goosic begins spinning in# circles."
"* Your eardrums do not appreciate# the current situation."
"* Goosic blasts battle music from# its beak."
"* Goosic does a little two-step# like it's nothing."
"* Goosic's music is making# Jandroid extra energetic."
"* Metallic mania fills the air!"
"* Goosic amps up the tunes as# Jandroid lays down their mop!"
"* The duo's robotic voices grate# on your ears like rusty saw# blades."
"* Goosic is lost in the music."
"* Goosic instantly forgets about# Jandroid."
"* Jandroid will never forgive# you as long as you walk the# earth."
"* Goosic struggles to keep# dancing."
"* Goosic's music bends in and out# of tune."
"* You try to enjoy the music but# can't keep up."
"* You close your eyes and tap# your foot to the music. Goosic# joins you."
"* You calm yourself in the midst# of the battle."
"* You move Goosic's needle to a# new, calmer record."
"* Goosic seems to be calming# down. Shouldn't change the song# now."
"* You try to move Goosic's needle# but it shocks you."
"* You plug your ears in hopes to# block the noise. Goosic just# turns it up."
"* You try not to get wrapped up# in the music."
"* You tune Goosic out."
"* Goosic is liking the new tune." (unused)
"This is#n-nice :)"
"Mhm,#yeah :)"
"HEY W-W-what#is... this ?"
"WAIT !#I... Oh ?"
"Okay, yeah !#I see you !" (unused)
"Oh, now THIS#is groovy !" (unused)
"Come o-on,#relax a#l-l-little ." (unused)
"N-No need to#be bashful,#buddy ." (unused)
"Don't k-kill#the mood :)" (unused)
"I like#th-this one :)" (unused)
"* Telly-Vis tunes in!"
"* TELLYVIS -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Can't live with or without# one another."
"* Telly-Vis are debating which# season of the news is superior."
"* Telly pushes Vis' mouth-flap# back and forth for amusement.# Vis isn't having it."
"* Vis reminds Telly what time his# favorite show airs but she only# makes fun of him."
"* The sound of TV static fills# your head."
"* Telly starts to sing an anime# opening. Vis begs her to stop."
"* You wonder where the mute# button is."
"* Telly-Vis hope you enjoyed the# program."
"* Telly is frantically flipping# channels."
"* Vis spits out a broken video# cassette."
"* You help Telly finagle her# antennas to find some# programming."
"* You attempt to touch Telly's# antennas again but she motions# you away."
"* You see if Telly's antennas# still function. They do not."
"* While this IS your favorite# channel, Telly-Vis don't look# amused."
"* Telly finds a show she thinks# you'll love."
"* Nothing on."
"* You begin to drift off to the# dismay of Telly.. "
"* You couldn't sleep if you# wanted to."
"Don't touch that#dial! Seriously,#I'll hurt you."
"I live life in#glorious standard#definition!#Nothing better!"
"Never take#advice from#Vis. He's#a mouthful!"
"Network TV? Yeah,#I do the work,#and they net#the profits!"
"Ugh, Telly's#entertainment#is so...#temporary."
"Word of advice,#please rewind#your tapes before#feeding me."
"Can someone#please shut#Ms. Tube-brain#up?"
"Just... end it#all."
"Seen it!"
"I hate#reruns!"
"They'll reboot#anything#nowadays!"
"Gimme something#new!"
"T/Time to;?#Go on coMmercial#break. ... ."
"What are you#staring at?"
"Nothing worth it,#that's for sure."
"There's nothing#on yet!"
"Because your#antennas are#crooked. Tapes#win again."
"Oh! Check#this out!"
"I'll admit,#this one#is good."
"Here comes the#best part!"
"Hard disagree."
"Am... Am I#boring you?"
"Hey, buddy!#I'm still here!"
"Don't remind#me."
"Just what#I needed!"
"Can you detach#me while you're#at it?"
"Whoa, hey!#I'm picking#something up!"
"They're good#where they are!"
"Can't say#the same."
"Hey, don't ruin#my electrical#flow!"
"She's been#trying to get#a signal#forever."
"R-ew///i#...n,d<" (unused)
"Th.i>s is- my#f-f-favorite shoOw/" (unused)
"/NeEd s[ome#Maint/enan-ce . ,," (unused)
"* Sousborg is ready to put your# culinary skills to the test!"
"* SOUSBORG -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* A recipe for disaster."
"* Sousborg pours onion powder on# his wounds."
"* Sousborg is leaking oil.# Vegetable oil."
"* Looks like you're on the# chopping block!"
"* Sousborg is juggling cleavers."
"* Sousborg cooks you some# spaghetti! ...without water."
"* Smells like... food? Nice!"
"* Sousborg preheats his next# attack."
"* Sousborg stares down a frozen# TV dinner with great malice."
"* Sousborg bows to your culinary# mastery!"
"* You tell Sousborg to take the# egg and crack it over a pan."
"* You accuse Sousborg of# undercooking his food."
"* You tell Sousborg to fill the# pan with water and turn up the# heat."
"* You tell Sousborg to heat the# stove until the egg begins to# sizzle."
"* You tell Sousborg to throw that# puppy into the oven!"
"* You tell Sousborg to wrap the# egg in plastic and let it chill# out."
"* You tell Sousborg to pet the# egg. He does. This accomplished# nothing."
"* You tell Sousborg to grab some# pepper and sprinkle it over the# egg."
"* You toss Sousborg's cooking# into the garbage."
"* You wash Sousborg's oil off of# your hands."
"If you can't#stand ze heat...#good!"
"A bit of zis...#a bit of zat..."
"C'est croquant,#c'est fondant..."
"Réjouis-toi!#I am only going#to bring you to a#light boil!"
"Longue vie au#roi, courte vie#à l'humain!"
"Your complexion...#un poulet cru.#Some food will#help!"
"D../inner _:wiLl#be <r-Ready .>#Soon."
"Sw/>.eet _or#SAVory? "
"Do you have what#it takes to be#among ze greats?"
"Tell me, how does#one cook zis#brittle spheroid?"
"Ah yes! Just a#light tap on ze#edge!"
"Underground?#Undercooked!#What ez ze issue?"
"What ez ze next#step, hm?"
"Only master chefs#know ze secret#to perfect-e-on!"
"Water? Pah!#I cannot touch such#a zing!"
"No! Ze egg ez#already out of#its casing!"
"Oui! Turn up#ze heat!"
"What ez going on#inside your tiny#head? Non!"
"We are not making#pie! Get it#togezer!"
"Almost zere!"
"Ze final step#ez...?"
"Ze meal ez not#even done and#you want#leftovers?"
"It accomplished#giving me joy...#but I cannot eat#joy!"
"Ze egg is not#alive! Well...#not anymore :/"
"Of course!#I must sow ze#seeds of flavour!"
"So you know ze#art of ze egg,#but what about#taste?"
"Bon Appétit!"
"Simply delicious!"
"Compliments to#ze chef!"
"Oh right, zat#ez me! Hahah!"
"But you, my#instructor!"
"You are one of#great talent!"
"Zank you for#guiding my#spatula!"
"* Guardener ensnares you!"
"* GUARDENER -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Traps offenders for easy# apprehension."
"* GUARDENER -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Should take her rage down a few# notches."
"* White spores swirl through the# air."
"* Guardener waters your cage."
"* Guardener slams her arms into# the floor in agitation."
"* A great hostility is# blossoming!"
"* Guardener looks down upon you,# twitching slightly."
"* Smells like lawnmower# clippings."
"* Guardener slams her arms into# the floor in agitation."
"* Vines weave in and out of the# ground all around you."
"* Guardener twitches at an# alarming rate. This can't be# good for her."
"* You're starting to think you've# had your fill of plants."
"* Guardener gives it all she's# got!"
"* Guardener cools down as steam# seeps from her arms."
"* You pick some flowers and offer# them. Guardener is too# distracted."
"* You plead with Guardener and it# seems to have an effect. Offense# level lowered!"
"* You try to convince Guardener# to stop fighting. Offense level# lowered! "
"* You tell Guardener that this is# a misunderstanding. Offense# level lowered! "
"* You ask Guardener to think# about what she's doing. Offense# level lowered!"
"* You use rational in hopes of# de-escalating the situation.# Offense level lowered!"
"* You criticize Guardener for# bugging out and attacking you.# This does not help anyone."
"* You wriggle within your# confines. The FIGHT vines# weakened!" (unused)
"* You wriggle within your# confines. The ITEM vines# weakened!" (unused)
"* You wriggle within your# confines. The MERCY vines# weakened!" (unused)
"* Ack!"
"* I'm stuck, Clover!"
"* We need to find a way# out of this! Fast!"
"you called#for help,#guardener?"
"what is#the offense#level, miss?"
"level 10!?"
"i mean, of#course!"
"we are#sorry,#offender."
"guardener#says you#deserve#termination."
"sooo... "
"* This is only getting# worse!"
"* Don't stop your efforts# to free us!"
"* Way to go!"
"* I'll do what I can to# help us escape for good!"
"no problem,#guardener."
"yeah, give#us a call#anytime."
"even just#to hang out#or smth."
"or not,#it's nbd."
"i'm here#for the#attack! "
"yoo #thanks"
"mind if i#attack a#little?"
"[GIVE_IN, #0_ALREADY// . .."
"YOU- Y0U / _I. .."
". . ."
"OH. "
"* I think that did the# trick!"
"* You're pretty clever in# intense situations."
"* I'm... impressed."
"BZstzZ;Z t_T#//98 .. -"
". . ."
". . ."
". . ."
". . ."
"Talk about lethal!"
"Maybe try getting your#\"offense level\" lower?"
"Who knew a robot could#be so cold-blooded?#Or... just cold. "
"Unless things get even#weirder. You never know."
"This bot may be tough,#but you're tougher!"
"Put it back where it#came from!"
"* Axis Model 014, ready to# attack!"
"* AXIS -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Today means the Surface."
"* The air thickens."
"* Death by metal & magic."
"* You feel the furnace's heat# waves engulf you."
"* Smells like an unfortunate BBQ."
"* Axis seems on edge."
"* Axis is flipping through the# Royal Guard guide book... in his# mind."
"* Axis is having trouble charging# up his next attack."
"* Axis blows into one of his# vents to clean some dust. You# don't know how."
"* Axis pinches the end of one of# his gloves and releases the air.# He finds it amusing."
"* Axis thinks this music is a bit# intense for his tastes."
"* Axis is staring at you blankly# until you do something."
"* Axis feels something..."
"* The feeling grows!"
"* You ready your trusty shield# for whatever awaits."
"* You tell Axis he's not great at# his job. If he could frown, he# would."
"* You criticize Axis' attack# strategy. Steam shoots out of# his hearing ducts."
"* You say something rude to Axis.# He \"HONESTLY DOES NOT APPRECIATE# IT.\""
"* You pull on your shirt# repeatedly in hopes to beat the# heat. Your effort fails."
"* (You ask Ceroba to present# your metallic creation.)"
"* (You commend Axis' vigilance.)"
"* (You tell Axis his steel frame# is unwavering.)"
"* (You tell Axis his energy# magic is the most impressive# you've seen.)"
"* AXIS ACTION MESSAGE 2" (unused)
"ZzzZZKKZ#DPPP-D_-A - _"
"\"ZzzZKKZ#DPPP-D_-A - _\"#IS NOT A WORD."
"BZZT_Zz#PRpP /"
"AZ_a_D?f#F . ."
"ZBsssZ t-t-D#? d"
"* Clover! I'm almost through!"
"* Whatever you're doing, it# seems to be working!"
"* Keep at it until he's out of# juice!"
"HA, I DO NOT#RUN ON \"juice.\""
"* ..."
"[screw] YOU#[screw] YOU#[screw] YOU#[screw] YOU#[screw] YOU-"
"GAH. "
"* And there we go!"
"* Good job holding your# own while I was# occupied."
"* Axis seems pretty# dazed, one more shock# should do him in!"
"* Let's end this!"
"ZzzzzBBZzzzz#AooaaaA- _- . ."
"* Of course!"
"* Hey Axis!"
"* How do you feel about# second dates?"
"* Uh oh!"
"* Holy..."
"THE...#C U R V E S"
"* OKAY that's enough!"
"* Clover, let's uh...# let's wrap this up."
"I... WHAT?"
"* (You do.)"
"BzZT-Z// z. ._ ."
". . . W-wW-"
"I S_EE . . ."
"CREaTOR. .. ?"
"CALLInG MR. Ch , . _"
"/CrEAt.. ,.."
"CAL-L , , i n g _"
"CRe. ..."
"Clearly Axis wasn't#built to last."
"You can take him out,#I'm sure of it!"
"This bot's done nothing#but bully you around!"
"Give him a taste of his#own metallic medicine!"
"Brush yourself off,#Clover!"
"It's time to put#the \"ax\" in Axis!"
"* Axis Model 014, ready to# defend."
"* AXIS -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat)
"* Can't hold out forever."
"* In your way."
"* Outlast his efforts."
"* One is all it will take. Keep# going."
"* Finish what you started."
"* They are responsible."
"* A road ahead."
"* . . ."
"* Axis has cooled off."
"* You pressure Axis' defense but# he stands firm."
"* You tell Axis that his time is# up."
"* He chooses not to respond." (unused)
"* You grip your sidearm with# enmity..."
"* Something stirs inside." (unused)
"* Axis geno flavor 9." (unused)
"BUT HeRE I AM.#TIRED AS [heck]."
"STILL_ GoiNG,. ."
"\"hey axis please#do another sick#attack.\""
"OK. .. ."
". . ."
"I THINK. ."
"IT is TIME#FOR A BrEAK..#. . ."
"AND AnYWAY, ,,"
"I H4D no_CHOICE."
"This piece of junk#did you in?"
"Heh, thought you were#better than that."
"You should've dealt#with this bot a#long time ago."
"But no, had to play#the big bad action#hero!"
"I can't help but feel#like this is karma,#heh."
"But I GUESS I should#still revive you..."
"* You notice Micro Froggit# attacking you!"
"* MICRO FROGGIT -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Often falls through the cracks."
"* Micro Froggit doesn't seem# convinced. You may have been# looking in the wrong direction."
"* Micro Froggit is shaking, but# you might just be straining# your eyes."
"* MACRO FROGGIT -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Big frog."
"* Frog."
"* Smells like frog."
"* Ribbit???"
"* Macro Froggit stomps around,# shaking the whole room."
"* Macro Froggit reigns!"
"* Macro Froggit towers above# all."
"* His greenness."
"* Your head is spinning."
"* Frog."
"* Frog?"
"* Frog!" (unused)
"* What the..." (unused)
"C R O A K ."
"M A C R O#R I B B I T ." (unused)
"M A C R O#C R O A K ."
"R I B B I T ."
"C R O A K ."
"R I B B I T#R I B B I T"
"B I G#C R O A K :D"
"W O B B L E#W O B B L E"
"M A C R O#K E R O"
". . .#(Macro ellipsis.)"
". . ."
"W O R R I E D#R I B B I T."
"M E G A C R O A K"
"T . . .#"
"T H E#F I N A L#. . .#"
"T H E#F I N A L#F R O G ."
"C O L L E C T I O N#T I M E ."
"* Remember, I'm in# charge."
"* Stay close by and we'll# reach our destination# soon."
"* Keep up, Clover."
"* We don't have all the# time in the world."
"* I see something. Follow# me."
"* Guess I should've# expected this."
"* In its prime, this was# the main power source of# the Underground."
"* That, obviously, was# many years ago."
"* Until we breathe life# back into this thing, we# can't progress."
"* There's some kinda# console here."
"* Maybe one of Chujin's# codes will work? Just# give me a second."
"* In the meantime, you# can... wait over in the# corner or something."
"* It's working!"
"* Wait... What have you# been up to?"
"* Oh..."
"* I... wasn't actually# doing anything this# whole time was I?"
"* Ugh, alright. You're# clearly more capable of# problem solving."
"* I suppose you should# lead the way from now# on."
"* Just head west from# here and we'll reach# Hotland eventually."
"* Howdy again!"
"* Golly, this area sure# is grim!"
"* Doesn't look like# anyone's been around for# years."
"* This machine looks# mighty important though!"
"* Snoop around and see# what you can find!"
"* Talk to you soon!"
"* Howdy!"
"* This area seems totally# abandoned."
"* Guess there's no more# need for fighting. Real# shame."
"* A generator, huh?"
"* There's probably some# way to turn it back on# around he"
"* Oh, come on! Again??"
"* Hate to rock your world# but bullets aren't the# answer to everything!"
"* Would it kill you to# think before shooting at# your problems?"
"* Hey, it's just a# pattern I've noticed# recently!"
"* You've already solved# tons of puzzles on our# journey."
"* I was only curious why# your patience has worn# so thin!"
"* Cool it, will ya?"
"* Heh, I'm afraid that# door is far too thick to# shoot down."
"* Looks like you'll have# to stick with my# original plan of"
"* ...What?"
"* Me?"
"* You've found yourself# some nerve, haven't you?"
"* ...Fine."
"* There. Your exit, my# king."
"* Did you forget my# warning when you started# down this road?"
"* I'm in control here."
"* That hasn't and won't# change, got it?"
"* The next time you pull# a stunt like this..."
"* ..."
"* Let's just keep moving."
"* Howdy!"
"* Another team-up? You're# wasting your time,# buddy."
"* So far, these monsters# have only brought you# misfortune."
"* I feel like following# that lady's orders won't# end any differently."
"* Especially with that# \"lab\" business..."
"* Just try your best to# move things along and# not get sidetracked."
"* Hopefully we can talk# soon. Good luck, Clover!"
"* The generator has started# working." (unused)
"* Hey Clover, come back here.# I think I figured it out."
"* Gee, wonder how that# came to be?"
"* I think I'm gonna start# praying for our safety."
"* Ya know, in case the# facility explodes while# we're knee deep in it."
"* What luck."
"* Turn the power on and# the whole facility goes# insane!"
"* Since you're now the# leader and all... "
"* How'bout you run ahead# and turn this steam off?"
"* I think I see a switch# over there so no# problem, right?"
"* Don't worry, I'll catch# up."
"* Where are you going?"
"* See? No sweat."
"* Wait! Who are you!?"
"* You just said that."
"* Okay... Well, I wasn't# expecting anyone to be# here."
"* If you let us through,# we'll be out of your# hair."
"* No, no! We're just# heading to Hotland."
"* We aren't malicious in# the slightest!"
"* It was us who woke up# this place. Isn't it# nice to have power?"
"* My husband, Chujin,# used to work here! I# have permission!"
"* Don't make me hurt you."
"* Huh?"
"* WAIT!"
"* WAIT. . ."
"* HM."
"* . . ."
"* . . .EXPIRED."
"* AH. . ."
"* t-zzz THReAT . .."
"* thReat L-LeVEL 99;99# 9999 99_9. ."
"* . . ."
"* I REMEMB3R NOW.. . .."
"* . . ."
"* THe 0THERS.. ."
"* Howdy!"
"* Glad I was able to catch# ya in time!"
"* What is this, the third# tumble you've survived# on your journey?"
"* For having the name# \"Clover\" you sure aren't# lucky!"
"* I'm only kiddin' around# of course."
"* I'd say you're more of# a machine than that bot# up there, haha!"
"* Gosh, I hoped we had a# straight shot to an exit# but... of course not."
"* If you meet that hunk# of metal again, try not# to get caught."
"* Or... ya know...# killed."
"* Although, dying WOULD# save more time now that# I think about it..."
"* I could just revive ya# on the spot!"
"* No amount of gruesome# deaths could stop ol'# Clover!"
"* Ain't that neato?"
"* WHAT. WHY."
"* BYE NOW."
"* Wow, he caught you.# Shocker."
"* What are you trying to# accomplish?"
"* Come on, stick to the# plan!"
"* You want to use this?"
ch[1] = "Positive"
"* Okay, we'll need three# more objects."
ch[2] = "Negative"
"* You think this'll work?"
ch[1] = "Certain"
"* Alright, two more and# we can make this thing."
ch[2] = "Uncertain"
"* Is this a good pick?"
ch[1] = "Definitely"
"* One more object should# do the trick."
ch[2] = "Definitely\nnot"
"* Is this your final# choice?"
ch[1] = "Yea"
"* Okay, let's build a# robot!"
ch[2] = "Nay"
"* Grab something else# then."
"{0} - Select/Place#{1} - Cancel selection#{2} - Rotate/Scale item"
"* Perfect! You made# nothing!"
"* At least put a LITTLE# effort into this."
"* That takes care of# that."
"* You're kinda creative# when push comes to# shove."
"* All due respect to# Chujin's work but this# might just fool Axis."
"* I'll hold onto it for# you."
"* Let's get outta here,# yeah?"
"* Can't say that was fun."
"* Let's be extra cautious# from now on, okay?"
(the following interaction is unused)
"* They're gone."
"* Sigh... This is so# confusing..."
"* I thought Axis said he# was the last of his# kind?"
"* Wait... he introduced# himself as \"Model 014\"."
"* There must have been 13# other guard-bot# prototypes."
"* Guess we're lucky only# one still functions,# huh."
"* Still, this thing# definitely wasn't a# guard-bot..."
"* We don't know how many# other robot types are# out there."
"* We'll figure it out in# due time, I'm sure."
"* Just... be extremely# careful."
"* Ugh, it's a dead end."
"* It looks like we're# gonna have to-"
"* The-The-The floor is lava,# travelers!"
"* I am sorry to say I failed the# game some time ago-bzzt. "
"* H-However-r, you do not have# to! I will ferry you across the# lake-bzzt!"
"* This bot doesn't seem# malicious. That's new."
"* I say we give it a go."
"* Thank you for your tr-trust!"
"* With my help, the floor will# not be lava, it will just be# floor-bzzt."
"* The-The-The floor is lava,# traveler!"
"* I am sorry to say I failed the# game some time ago-bzzt. "
"* H-However-r, you do not have# to! I will ferry you across the# lake-bzzt!"
"* Again?"
"* Well, best get on with# it."
"* Watch your step."
"* Where'd you go?"
"* It's like I blinked and# lost you."
"* Well, uh, don't do that# again."
"* I'll wait outside." (unused)
"* Clover? You okay?"
"* Did you faint or# something?"
"* Hey, we can take a# break soon, alright? "
"* (That was strange...)"
"* You h-ave reached your# destination-bzzt."
"* Thanks for the help."
"* Let's keep moving,# Clover."
"* If you need another# r-ride, I'll be# here......bzzt."
"* You h-ave reached your# destination-bzzt."
"* If you need another# r-ride, I'll be# here......bzzt."
"* Oh no! Run!"
"* HALT."
"* N0.. ."
"* OH, HEY."
"* WAIT."
"* WAIT, HOW."
"* (Better not approach# him.)"
"* Clover! The lockers!"
"* Follow me!"
"* HOW."
"* Huff... Huff..."
"* This guy means# business!"
"* My husband was one hell# of an engineer."
"* I just wonder why he# kept all this from me?"
"* He could've left me# some sort of off-switch,# right?"
"* ..."
"* THE ROBOT! I totally# forgot about our plan!"
"* Ugh, sorry. Next time# we see Axis, we'll try# it for sure."
"* HOW."
"* Looks like he's go- "
"* Axis, hold on a second!"
"* ONE."
"* I have a surprise for# you! A special one!"
"* I have for you, your# very own robot# companion!"
"* A sleek, top of the# line model!"
"* Aren't they beautiful?"
"* NO."
"* You're making them cry,# Axis!"
"* Come on, now!"
"* Well, it was worth a# shot."
"* Plan C it is!"
"* If you went with our# surprise, it wouldn't# have gotten messy."
"* Phew, I'm spent."
"* Next chair we see, I'm# taking a breather."
"* OH."
"* Howdy!"
"* I know I usually let you# handle imminent threats# but..."
"* ...You really looked# cornered back there!"
"* My friendliness pellets# sure come in handy in# tight spots!"
"* Anyway, you must be# totally out of breath# after that."
"* You should take it easy# for a while, pal!"
"* Grab a snack, hydrate,# won't bother me!"
"* Need to be in tip-top# shape for what's coming!"
"* ..."
"* Can I be real with you?"
"* I'm gonna be real with# you."
"* I get it. Stomping# around, full of anger,# boredom..."
"* Laying waste to# everything in your path# - we all have hobbies."
"* But, heh, come on..."
"* How is this forwarding# your cause?"
"* These aren't monsters."
"* As far as I'm concerned# they're barely even# conscious."
"* We don't have time for# this little joyride of# yours."
"* In my opinion, of# course!"
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* Fine, we can talk later# I guess."
"* Well, there we go."
"* Definitely what I need# after that madness."
"* ..."
"* I wonder what Starlo's# up to right now?"
"* Probably on some Feisty# Five quest with a smile# on his face."
"* I do envy him... to be# wrapped in optimism and# fantasy."
"* That's pretty rare# amongst monsters."
"* Most might act# cheerful, but life down# here..."
"* ...It's hopeless."
"* That's why they look to# the King for assurance."
"* They believe once he# gets seven SOULs and# breaks the barrier..."
"* ...he'll easily be able# to overthrow whatever# awaits on the Surface."
"* A rather foolish# outlook if you ask me."
"* Who knows how the humans# have prepared for# retaliation since then?"
"* But I digress... We# should handle our own# problems first."
"* I can't imagine what# Kanako's going through# right now..."
"* ..."
"* You haven't seen my# Kanako yet, have you?"
"* Here, take a look."
"* Look at that smile.# Definitely her father's."
"* ..."
"* Gifted like her father# too. She's a..."
"* ..."
"* ...She didn't deserve# this life."
"* I truly wish things# could be different..."
"* ...But, that's not what# \"fate\" had planned."
"* I apologize for my# vagueness."
"* I prefer to keep the# bad memories to myself."
"* Anyway, the Lab# shouldn't be horribly# far from here."
"* We WILL get to the# bottom of this, Clover."
"* In the meantime, you# can scout ahead. I'm# gonna rest a bit longer."
"* Don't stray too far! "
"* That's the direction# Axis went!"
"* Howdy!"
"* Boy am I glad that fox# lady let you roam free# for a bit."
"* Not being able to talk# to my pal has been# torture!"
"* Now, I know she roped# ya into some Lab detour# but..."
"* Come on... captive# monsters? Talk about a# conspiracy nut!"
"* I mean, it's like you# don't wanna follow my# advice!"
"* Remember your REAL# mission, Clover."
"* The five children you# set out to find in the# first place."
"* There's no need to# visit that dingy lab, ya# know?"
"* ASGORE's still out# there threatening human# lives!"
"* Keep your head in the# game."
"* This is our journey.# Not Ceroba's."
"* Hey, wait up!"
"* I think I'm ready to# get back into things."
"* Lead the way."
"* More steam. Fantastic."
"* One more time, Clover."
"* You got this."
"* Holy..."
"* What happened here?"
"* Hope this stuff is okay# to touch..."
"* What was that?"
"* I..."
"* AM..."
"* AWAKE."
"* Um, we apologize. Won't# happen again."
"* Hold on!"
"* I..."
"* AM..."
"* AWAKE."
"* ..."
"* Surely..."
"* There had to be some# other way..."
"* ..."
"* Let's just... keep# moving."
"* ST4Y pUT, OK?"
"* YoUR'E s-SAFE."
"* Two paths..."
"* Hold on..."
"* That symbol, I've seen# it on Chujin's work# uniform."
"* Lemme try one of his# codes..."
"* Nope."
"* Ugh."
"* Well, I only have one# left but I've already# used it. "
"* Here goes!"
"* Seriously? Same code as# the Dunes gate?"
"* With this kinda# security, no wonder Axis# is so vigilant."
"* After you."
"* Really? Another door?"
"* ..."
"* Let's look around. Has# to be a switch or a# panel somewhere."
"* Gooood morning Steamworks# employees!!!"
"* Hope you're ready for another# day of pa-ro-duc-tivity!!!"
"* Today we are boxing and# shipping goods out into the# Underground!!!"
"* Uh, hello?"
"* Are you sentient or a# pre-recording?"
"* Hello new hire!"
"* Yes, I am fully sentient!"
"* Trapped in this two-dimensional# rectangle for all eternity!!!"
"* Right..."
"* Can you unlock all the# doors in this factory?"
"* We're in a hurry."
"* Sorry but each morning we do a# little thing called:"
"* Complete a full shipment and# you'll be on your way!"
"* What kind of policy is# that???"
"* When there's a quota to meet,# ethics go out the window!!"
"* Haven't you worked a job# before???"
"* Of course but I don't# work here!"
"* So you're trespassing???"
"* In that case... "
"* Fine, we'll do the job!"
"* Clover, this bot might# have connections to# Axis."
"* Seems we gotta do what# it says to avoid# unwanted attention."
"* You can work this thing# right?"
"* Push the start button# and we'll get it over# with."
"* Put red items in red boxes and# blue in blue boxes!"
"* Three strikes and yoooou're# out!!!"
"* Your machine's broken."
"* The second conveyor# belt doesn't move."
"* No."
"* ...Yes?"
"* It's broke-"
"* No."
"* ..."
"* Screw this."
"* Clover, you box the# goods and I'll toss 'em# into the chute."
"* Teamwork, right? "
"* Something like that."
"* Let's give it a shot!"
"* Hey alright! Good work,# Clover!"
"* Onto whatever awaits us# next..."
"* Dammit!"
"* Better try again."
"* What the"
"* Fun!!!"
"* Hello again!!"
"* The shipment is almost# complete!!"
"* One final step and you may have# the passcode to exit!"
"* All you have to do is "
"* Sort each colored# package by tilting that# platform left or right."
"* Pretty obvious."
"* Look who paid attention# learning colors in preschool!"
"* Not by choice."
"* I'll take the# drop-chute up top, you# man the platform."
"* Good? Good."
"* Ready?"
"* Here goes nothing!"
"* Phew!"
"* Coming back down!"
"* Grrreeeat job everyone!!!"
"* You can't spell \"Steamworks\"# without \"teamwork\"!!"
"* Can't spell it without \"steak\"# either but that has absolutely# no bearing on this situation!"
"* Let's see how you did!!"
"* Calculating..."
"* Aw! You BARELY scraped by but# that's what performance reports# are for!"
"* Hey! It isn't our fault# this system is so# impractical!"
"* Why does it take two# giant steps to ship a# few packages?"
"* Why can't we sort the# colors when boxing them# in the first room??"
"* ..."
"* Beats me!"
"* You know, for being# built by such great# minds..."
"* The Steamworks are# awfully convoluted."
"* It takes a MASSIVE IQ to# understand the complexities of# the Steamworks."
"* Your brain probably isn't# advanced enough!"
"* Says the wall-mounted# GIF comprised of three# pixels."
"* You know what?"
"* You can take your little# \"passcode\" and "
"* ...Just give us the code."
"* Of course!"
"* The passcode is " + global.factory_code + "."
"* Got it?"
"* " + global.factory_code + "."
"* Yeah, thanks."
"* No, thank you, employees!"
"* Thank you for making the# Underground a little brighter!"
"* Dammit!"
"* Better try again."
"* \"Metalworks Emergency Escape# Plan (or MEEP):"
"* In case someone sets the room# on fire, do not use the# elevator."
"* Evacuate down to floor 01 or# use a passcode to access floor# 03.\""
"* Uh huh..."
"* They REALLY locked this# place up tight."
"* Well, if the code was# found nearby on the# first floor..."
"* Let's take a look# around."
"* No way..."
"* You seriously want to do# this again?"
"* YES."
"* Remember the explosion# that incapacited you?"
"* YES."
"* Look, at some point you# need to gi "
"* SHUSH."
"* [shoot]"
"* (Pst, Clover!# This way!)"
"* MY VISION..."
"* OH."
"* ..."
"* OH WELL."
"* (Okay..)"
"* (We need to stay out of# his view and keep# quiet.)"
"* (There's gotta "
"* Heeello again!!!"
"* What ever are you two doing he "
"* ..."
"* (As I was saying...)"
"* (There's gotta be a code# around here.)"
"* (Once you find it, head# for the exit.)"
"* Ugh..."
"* Gotta try again."
"* Okay! Let's head# upstairs before Axis- "
"* HELLO."
"* Axis!"
"* ...Juuust the bot I was# looking for!"
"* How are you doing these# days?"
"* I'm sorry to hear that."
"* Glad you got your full# speech ability back."
"* WAIT."
"* WAIT????"
"* No."
"* OH OKAY."
"* Can I ask you a question# involving the security# of the Steamworks?"
"* Why is it that some# doors require a passcode# to unlock..."
"* And others require a# Steamworks ID?"
"* Huh..."
"* . . ."
"* . . ."
"* COOL."
"* Workstations..."
"* Okay, well... Probably# another code to find."
"* You know the drill."
"* Must be the manager's# office."
"* Surely they had access# to all passcodes."
"* Let's check those file# cabinets."
"* ..."
"* Hold on, look here."
"* Performance reports for# all factory employees."
"* A... B..."
"* ..."
"* \"01/16/20XX..."
"* Mr. Chujin pitched his# blueprints for a \"guard bot\" of# sorts."
"* He called the project: AXIS.\""
"* \"03/19/20XX..."
"* Axis Model 01 was presented to# King ASGORE but was swiftly# rejected."
"* The poor thing couldn't stay# powered up for more than six# seconds.\""
"* \"05/10/20XX..."
"* Axis Model 04 backfired and# shot one of its gloves at the# King."
"* This is getting embarrassing.\""
"* \"07/23/20XX..."
"* Axis Model 07 refused to enter# the throne room."
"* ...ASGORE gave Chujin one more# shot after incessant pleading."
"* I know he's a smart engineer# but if the next showcase goes# south...\""
"* \"09/23/20XX..."
"* Well, this is it."
"* Model 08 booted up and seemed# to be stable for a moment."
"* That was until a malfunction# occurred and sparks began to# emit from the body."
"* In the chaos, one spark leaped# onto King ASGORE's flower bed."
"* ...A fire ignited but was# swiftly put out."
"* Please leave. Leave and do not# return."
"* I... I apologize deeply."
"* But as we are, us monsters# simply aren't ready to bypass# the barrier!"
"* You know this deep down... I# know you do. Axis IS the# solution you need!'"
"* The solution I need is a# reliable one. One that won't# set fire to our homes."
"* If this is about my..."
"* It isn't."
"* I thank you for your service to# society..."
"* ...But I'm afraid monsterkind's# freedom belongs in more capable# hands.'\""
"* \"Capable hands\" he# says."
"* Look at Axis now. The# TRUE realization of# Chujin's vision."
"* He far exceeds ANY model# Asgore ever saw!"
"* And you know who those# \"capable hands\" now# belong to? "
"* The scientist who has# Kanako."
"* Dr. Alphys."
"* ..."
"* A while back, she built# a robot too."
"* One so \"lifelike\" it# got her the position she# has now."
"* It must've been real# impressive!"
"* So impressive that# Asgore kicked the other# visionaries to the curb."
"* ..."
"* I understand now... Why# Chujin never shared this# with me..."
"* He must've been# absolutely gutted# hearing those words... "
"* ..."
"* Screw the Royals."
"* The politics, all the# red tape..."
"* This, Clover, this is# why the mission is so# important."
"* You can't trust these# close-minded gatekeepers# to do anything right."
"* Not for a second."
"* ..."
"* Let's go."
"* Heeello!!! I welcome you into# my body!!!"
"* Where ever would you like to# go??"
"* Top floor."
"* Did you say: \"Basement?\""
"* Get us to the roof! Out# of here! Whatever!"
"* I carry a negative opinion of# you."
"* Heading to: \"Out of here.\""
"* Ugh, sorry for all the# outbursts."
"* All of this is..."
"* It's a lot to process."
"* Bet you're pretty tired# of learning about me# so..."
"* ...What about you?"
"* You're not exactly a# talker so I don't know# much."
"* Why are you here in the# first place?"
"* Did you simply trip and# fall into the# Underground?"
"* I'm curious."
ch[1] = "The 5\nhumans..."
ch[2] = "Personal\nmission"
"* I see..."
"* You wanted to find out# what happened to those# kids."
"* ...A noble mission.# Takes guts."
"* I'm... assuming you# haven't found them yet,# though."
"* ..."
"* We have arrived at \"Out of# here.\""
"* Well uh... better get# moving."
"* Howdy!"
"* This sure is a pickle."
"* I'm not certain my# pellets would do any# good on this door."
"* Maybe there's a key# somewhere? Be creative,# pal!"
"* Hey! That's a real# piece of art you made# there!"
"* Give it a go!"
"* Wouldja look at that!# Worked like a charm."
"* I might have to# personally commission# you someday, haha!"
"* Howdy!"
"* What do we have here..."
"* Really? ANOTHER locked# door?"
"* How many unique doors# are installed in this# place?"
"* Talk about# inconsistent!"
"* Well, I don't see a# slot for your ID card..."
"* There's plenty of# science equipment lying# around."
"* Maybe we can drill# through with something? "
"* Start searching!"
"* ThIS D_OR iS SEALED SO.. ."
"* ALL oF US."
"* He's gone."
"* So what's the plan now?"
"* This door's beyond my# abilities so don't look# at me."
"* Already checked it."
"* The factory wing,# right?"
"* Yeah. Place has more# locks than a hair salon."
"* It's called \"humor.\"# Don't suppose you've# heard of it."
"* (Geez, and I thought I# was soulless.)"
"* Sigh..."
"* Okay let's see..."
"* Well, there's certainly# a lot of junk lying# around."
"* I know you're on a# strict \"shoot don't# think\" regiment but..."
"* For once, you're gonna# have to get creative."
"* Shocking. Distressing,# even. I know."
"* But I've seen you work# your brain before so... "
"* Give it a shot."
"* Gotta go!"
"* Well done, Clover! That# stuff might just melt# the lock!"
"* Make sure to be extra# careful handling it!"
"* . . ."
"* . . ."
"* Why?"
"* Greetings! Hello! How do you# do?"
"* I have a very special letter# just for you!"
"* Why so sudden, without a ring?"
"* Because priority mail is what# I bring!"
"* (You received mail!)"
"* Make sure to read it before I# flee!"
"* The one who sent it paid a# premium fee!"
"* Hope my speedy service helped# you out!"
"* The UGPS always delivers# without a doubt!"
"* Whoa..."
"* I'm guessing this is our# ticket out of here."
"* Just have to... uh..."
"* Why don't you take a# stab at it?"
"* Technology and I don't# exactly mix well."
"* I hope that worked."
"* It's unfortunate Axis# had to end up this way."
"* Maybe I should..."
"* No."
"* I wish Chujin's project# could thrive but a line# had to be drawn."
"* Can't dwell in the past# any longer."
"* Let's go."
"* Howdy!"
"* Looks like things are# heating up!"
"* Literally, that is."
"* Since you shut the bots# down, it should be an# easy stroll to the exit."
"* Good luck, Clover." (unused)
"* But just in case, I'd# like to give you a# little gift..."
"* From your best friend."
"* I think it's time you# try your hand at# wielding the pellets."
"* Sure, you could use# rubber, silver, nails,# whatever."
"* But these are# the real deal."
"* It's fully up to you# but I just wanted to let# you know..."
"* ...Our partnership# means a lot to me."
"* Good luck, Clover."
"* Hey!"
"* Who did that!?"
"* Clover! You can hear me, right?"
"* I'm gonna try to blast a hole# in this thing!"
"* It's gonna take a lot to break# through!"
"* And to think we were almost# free of this place..."
"* Um, just look around for a# switch or keypad!"
"* There's always one near doors."
"* What was that?"
"* Did I just hear Axis!?"
"* H-H-HUMA-N."
"* Hey Clover!"
"* I don't think we can outrun# this guy any longer!"
"* Please try to find a peaceful# way to outwit him!"
"* I'm sorry but I don't want# Chujin's creation smashed to# bits!"
"* WHAT."
"* UGH, [forget] THIS."
"* Glad we could finally# reach a level of# civility."
"* Whoa, slow down!"
"* Here..."
"* (Do you wanna know a# secret?)"
"* (They told me that they# like you but will only# go out if it's casual.)"
"* (Get to know them a# little first, you know?)"
"* (Ask what their name is# or something.)"
"* OKAY."
"* Alright, good! Give it a# shot!"
"* . . ."
"* Hey, remember what we# talked about!"
"* . . ."
"* What?"
"* Okay, then I'm happy for# you."
"* ..."
"* Well, not to rain on the# parade but Clover and I# have to go."
"* Hotland. Just a business# trip."
"* Thank you, Axis."
"* You have a good life."
"* Hm?"
"* I... "
"* Yeah... I'll tell him."
"* Don't worry about Axis."
"* We got to move."
"* ..."
"* About Hotland."
"* The truth is..."
"* I... "
"* I can't go."
"* You didn't destroy Axis# and I thank you but..."
"* Your SOUL..."
"* I was sure it was..."
"* ..."
"* Nevermind. There's no# explaining it."
"* I'm sorry..."
"* Goodbye, Clover."
"* Aaaand there it is!"
"* She was totally using# you, pal."
"* Hey, cheer up!"
"* Self-defense. That's# all it was."
"* ..."
"* You know what? This is# good, actually!"
"* You're finally free to# get back on track!"
"* No more third parties,# no more side quests."
"* Just you and me, buddy!# "
"* Just you and me."
"* Clover... You..."
"* How could you..."
"* This wasn't the plan!!"
"* Chujin poured his all# into Axis and you just-"
"* ..."
"* And now... your SOUL..."
"* It's..."
"* I was certain. I# thought you were pure..."
"* The mission... It's# over."
"* This is your fault."
"* I never want to see you# again."
"* Aaaand there it is!"
"* She was totally using# you, pal."
"* As soon as you act in# self-defense for once,# she freaks!"
"* But you know what? This# is good!"
"* You're finally free to# get back on track."
"* No more third parties,# no more side quests."
"* Just you and me, buddy!# "
"* Just you and me."
"* H-H-HUMA-N."
"* ..."
"* WHAT."
"* UGH, [forget] THIS."
"* I. .."
"* I wAS OnLY ABLE TO sAVE# A FEW buT..."
"* . . ."
"* BUT AS you CAN SEE, . ."
"* I H4VE DRaWN A \"WEAP0n\"# OF MY OWN_."
"* NoW.. . AS THE K1DS# SAY,"
"* CoULDN'T GET us ALL,# HUH?"
"* WeLL, ,,"
"* BUT I H4VE DRaWN A# \"WEAP0n\" OF MY OWN_."
"* SO. .."
"* . . ."
"* YOu.. . ARE LeTTING ME# GO?"
"* JuST SO YOU KNoW.. ."
"* Y0U STILL [freaking]# SUCK."
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* What... was that?"
"* Clover... what..."
"* Um, okay. No, this is# fine."
"* This can be very useful# against the Ki"
"* Wait, where are you# going?"
"* I'm still talking!"
"* I gotta say, that was# pretty entertaining!"
"* Glad we could bypass# Axis without destroying# him."
"* Turns out you're a# pretty damn good leader,# Clover!"
"* I don't know why I# doubted-"
"* ..."
"* Right."
"* ..."
"* I see our exit up ahead."
"* We're close."
"* We actually made it..."
"* Let's hope this elevator# works."
"* Next stop, the Lab."
"* And what are you planning to do# at the Lab?"
"* Starlo!? W-What are you# doing here!?"
"* The gang and I were# planning a return party# for you."
"* Thought it was a great# idea, especially for# Kanako."
"* That's... very kind of# you."
"* Yeah... Well, we went to# your old house to spruce# it up."
"* After all, this would be# the perfect time to move# back in."
"* Ed, what did you find# while cleaning?"
"* Uh... I was sweepin' the# floor and spotted# somethin'..."
"* An almost invisible# trapdoor. An entrance..."
"* Ceroba... what's# actually going on# here?"
"* What really happened to# Kanako?"
"* (N-No... Why...?)"
"* (This can't...)"
"* Quit mumbling to# yourself and speak up!"
"* Why did you need Clover?"
"* I don't want this to# escalate so tell the# truth!!"
"* I... "
"* I have to go."
"* Clover, come on!"
"* Ceroba!!!"
"* Ed! Take Clover back# home and keep watch!"
"* I'll chase after her!"
"* Right!"
"* (A rusty power generator.)"
"* (You're not sure if it still# works.)"
"* (The generator is working# overtime to provide power.)"
"* (It somehow broke.)"
"* (Best not to disturb the# pressure you've set.)"
"* (The valve won't budge.)"
"* (Best not to disturb the# pressure you've set.)"
"* (The valve won't budge.)"
"* (The door is jammed shut.)"
"* (Old machines.)"
"* (The door is jammed shut.)"
"* (Old machines.)"
"* (The door is jammed shut.)"
"* (Old machines.)"
"* (You find a stick of beef# jerky inside the machine.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got beef jerky!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (You decide not to trust the# mysterious washer food.)"
"* (There's food inside the# machine.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got beef jerky!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (It's empty now.)"
"* (The chute is clogged with# strange-looking plants.)"
"* (It's clogged.)"
"* (Climb to the top?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (The smell of the old,# unwashed clothes makes you feel# queasy.)"
"* (Discarded clothes.)"
"* (A pair of cargo jeans is# stuck to the table. It's been# there a while.)"
"* (A table.)"
"* (You peer inside the# chamber...) "
"* (It's far too dark to make# anything out.)"
"* (Locked.)"
"* ..."
"* (You peer inside the# chamber...) "
"* (It's far too dark to make# anything out.)"
"* (Locked.)"
"* The generator is already# running."
"* Excellence in Engineering# Award: Dr. Rutherford-Oscar"
"* Decency in Engineering Award:# Prof. Daniels"
"* Greatness in C--"
"* (You can't make out the# rest.)"
"* You Tried in Engineering# Award: Mr. Chujin Ketsukane"
"* He never told me# he won an award..."
"* I'm proud of him."
"* (Just some useless scrap.)"
"* (The vent has a few loose# screws.)"
"* (The vent has a few loose# screws.)"
"* (You finagle it open.)"
"* Hold on! That's far too# easy of an escape."
"* Don't be reckless,# we'll find another way# out."
"* (The door is locked.)"
"* (A poster of a smiling monster# with a slogan above them.) "
"* \"Tomorrow means the Surface!\""
"* (Some kind of propaganda.)"
"* Safety is priority! "
"* - Wear your Steamworks Safety# Goggles during work hours! "
"* - Always keep your Steamworks# ID with you! "
"* - Decontaminate yourself of# any biohazards before leaving# the premises! "
"* - But most of all, have fun :)"
"* (Something happened somewhere.)"
"* (Something already happened# somewhere.)"
"* (The topmost paper is a# handwritten letter.) "
"* To: King ASGORE. "
"* This project, while exciting,# will be quite the undertaking. "
"* We will need Mining Co. to# work overtime to provide the# necessary materials. "
"* Furthermore, a meeting was# conducted at the Factory. "
"* I'm happy to report that# everyone is on board! "
"* There already are many great# robot ideas floating about. "
"* Cooking, cleaning, recreation;# the motivation is through the# roof! "
"* Though... one engineer# suggested we take this further# with a \"protection bot.\" "
"* I am quite unsure about that# proposition but you have the# final say. "
"* In any case, we will see this# completed. "
"* - Prof. Z."
"* (The paper underneath reads:) "
"* Project: Metal & Magic: "
"* Effective immediately, cease# home utility production at the# Factory- "
"* (The rest of the page is# redacted.)"
"* (You find 60G in the trash can.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got 60G!)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Only trash left.)"
"* (A beautiful flower made of# solid gold.)"
"* (Unfortunately, it's stuck to# the pedestal.)"
"* (Something seems to have once# rested here...)"
"* (Nothing happened.)"
"* (You aren't sure what this# inscription means.)"
"* (You aren't sure what this# inscription means.)"
"* (A giant sealed door,# presumably keeping something# inside...)"
"* (You open the mysterious chest# as an epic melody slowly# crescendos in your head.)"
"* (You found a Golden Bandana!)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got the Golden Bandana!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (It's full of epic emptiness.)"
"* (A highly competitive game of# \"Chessers\" was played here.)"
"* (Scribbles and doodles of# surprising quality lie on the# table.)"
"* (You wish you could draw that# well...)"
"* (The mummified remains of an# abandoned pizza party.)"
"* (Not even you are brave enough# to try a slice.)"
"* (This security station would# be useful to track roaming# robots...)"
"* (...if there were any cameras# in the Steamworks.)"
"* (A portable coolant# dispenser.)"
"* (Handy.)"
"* (Trash can.)"
"* Break room rules:"
"* Do not work in the break# room."
"* Do not fix in the break room."
"* Have you seen my wife?"
"* (A few papers are scattered on# the table.)"
"* (Seems to be an unfinished# proposal for security camera# installations.)"
"* (Crawl through the vent?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* Don't stray too far! "
"* That's the direction# Axis went!"
"* (Step by step. One by one.)"
"* (A stepladder.)"
"* (Nothing of value resides in# this trash can.)"
"* (Nothing of value.)"
"* (An old bottle with no message# inside.)"
"* (The message is clear.)"
"* (Just some litter.)"
"* Watch it, Clover!"
"* We don't want to alert# any outsiders."
"* Especially workers# under Asgore like the# UGPS."
"* Your mail will have to# wait."
"* Watch it, Clover!"
"* We don't want to alert any# outsiders."
"* Especially workers under# Asgore like the UGPS."
"* Your mail will have to wait."
"* But nobody came."
"* (A dried up fountain lies# before you.) "
"* (It doesn't look remotely# operational anymore.)"
"* (A dried up fountain.)"
"* (Various types of plants sit# within several containers.) "
"* (The smell is... unnatural.)"
"* (Getting tired of plants.)"
"* (You peer into the box and find# a bucket of nails.) "
"* (Take them?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got Nails!)"
"* (Not enough inventory space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (You decide not to touch the# nails.)"
"* (Nothing of interest here.)"
"* (A bucket of nails. Could be# useful.)"
"* (Take them?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got nails.)"
"* (Not enough inventory space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Nothing of use left.)"
"* (A grown-over robot.) "
"* (They're much more silent than# you're used to.)"
"* (Already dead.)"
"* (A grown-over robot.)"
"* (Could use a good cleaning.)"
"* (Already dead.)"
"* (A grown-over robot.)"
"* (You can almost make out a face# on its screen.)"
"* (Already dead.)"
"* (A grown-over robot.)"
"* (You avoid touching some# exposed wires on their back.)"
"* (Already dead.)"
"* (A grown-over robot.)"
"* (Seems more forgotten than the# rest.)"
"* (Already dead.)"
"* (A grown-over robot.)"
"* (This one looks like it could# cut you.)"
"* (Already dead.)"
"* (A grown-over robot.)"
"* (You notice a small hat resting# on top of them.)"
"* (Already dead.)"
"* To: Science Division "
"* Employees have reported the# generator is showing more wear# than ever. "
"* The engineers predict the# machine won't last longer than# one year from now. "
"* I need you to speed up the# testing of alternate power# sources. "
"* The Underground depends on it."
"* - Head Office"
"* To: Head Office "
"* More tests are underway, both# biological and mechanical. "
"* We don't know which direction# will ultimately be best for# monsterkind yet. "
"* However, the chemistry lab did# have a breakthrough regarding a# white plant. "
"* I'll get back to you on that# once further testing has# commenced. "
"* - Science Division"
"* To: Head Office "
"* I think we've got it! "
"* The white plants have proven# able to generate electricity at# a fantastic rate! "
"* The only issues are that they# grow four times faster than# normal flora... "
"* ...and once their power is# drained, they wilt into a dark,# sticky substance. "
"* If this is greenlit, we will# need a new division to tend to# these plants. "
"* Otherwise, working conditions# will suffer greatly. "
"* - Science Division"
"* To: Science Division"
"* The plants should suffice as a# temporary solution. "
"* I've heard one of our top# scientists is working toward a# new compound. "
"* One made from special energy.# It could be the key we need. "
"* Much more time is necessary to# develop it properly, however. "
"* As for the proposed \"Greenhouse# Division\", I have an idea. "
"* Cheaper, more efficient, and# trustworthy. "
"* I'll send you some blueprints# shortly. Thank you for your# time and research. "
"* - Head Office"
"* (Rolled-up blueprints lie in# the box.) "
"* (You take a look.)"
"* (Some blueprints...)"
"* (You peer inside the box.)"
"* (Nothing of interest here.)"
"* (Nothing of use.)"
"* (You peer inside the box and# find some Grassy Fries.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got Grassy Fries!)"
"* (Not enough inventory space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Some food here.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got Grassy Fries.)"
"* (Not enough inventory space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Nothing of interest here.)"
"* (You peer inside the box and# find some Gravity Granola.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got Gravity Granola!)"
"* (Not enough inventory space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (You peer inside the box and# find some Gravity Granola.)"
"* (Some food here.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got Gravity Granola.)"
"* (Not enough inventory space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Nothing of interest here.)"
(the following interaction is unused)
"* (The door is locked.)"
"* (Locked.)"
"* (The ladder of success.)"
"* (A roboceptionist, frozen in# time.) "
"* (It holds an expression of# melancholy.)"
"* Wishing everyone a productive# final workday. "
"* Feel free to take pictures# with your creations, as they# must be left behind. "
"* As always, thank you for your# contributions to the# Steamworks."
"* (The waiting room chairs are# waiting for someone to wait on# them.)"
"* (Chairs.)"
"* (An empty elevator# shaft lies before you.)"
"* Well then..."
"* \"Convenience\" was never# in today's dictionary# anyway."
"* Gotta be a staircase# closeby."
"* (An empty elevator# shaft lies before you.)"
"* Tomorrow means the Surface!"
"* (Various cardboard cuboids lie# bunched-up in the corner.)"
"* (They're all empty.)"
"* (The belt looks as if it's# wanting to convey something.)"
"* (You knock on the steel# structure.)"
"* (It echoes with a deep# clanging.)"
"* (An unfortunate incident.)"
"* (A giant red machine, minding# its own business.)"
"* (The blue machine stares at# the red machine as if it holds# a grudge.)"
"* No response."
"* (You find a stick of beef# jerky in the trash can.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got beef jerky!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (It's empty.)"
"* Metalworks Emergency Escape# Plan (or MEEP): "
"* In case someone sets the room# on fire, do not use the# elevator. "
"* Evacuate down to floor 01 or# use a passcode to access floor# 03."
"* (The remnant of Ceroba's# wrath.)"
"* (60G sits abandoned in the# machine.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got 60 G!)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (The machine is now empty.)"
"* (A rusty machine, once used# for shaping gold ore into# coins.)"
"* (It doesn't seem functional.)"
"* (A large collection of# familiar stones.)"
"* (Unfortunately, nothing in the# pile catches your eye.)"
"* (An empty elevator# shaft lies before you.)"
"* (You figured out a# code?)"
"* (Hurry and give it a# try!)"
"* (Try something else!# Come on!)"
"* (An old PC sitting on two# desktops.)"
"* (The image on the screen gives# you a nostalgic feeling.)"
"* (The desk chair seems to be# growing a substance you'd# rather stay away from.)"
"* (A sheet of neatly typed# bullet points lies crumpled in# the trash.)"
"* (You stash it in your mail# bag.)"
"* (Nothing useful here.)"
"* (You are awestruck by the# absolute pipe pandamonium on# display.) "
"* (How DO they do it?)"
"* (The desk chair seems to be# growing a substance you'd# rather stay away from.)"
"* (The note on the powered off# PC reads:) "
"* The future is bright."
"* Hang in there!"
"* (Many sticky notes are posted# around the smashed-in PC.)"
"* We've replaced your computer# six times now. "
"* Please control your temper.# It's just Solitaire."
"* But definitely not for the# employee who's reading this. # "
"* You're doing a great job!"
"* (A dilapidated desk with# several ripped up notes strewn# about.) "
"* (Among the notes sits a piece# of paper with one thing written# on it:) "
"* How do I tell them?"
"* (Dusty filing cabinets filled# with employee records.)"
"* Today's elevator passcode:# " + global.factory_code_3 + ""
"* Richter B. Oni"
"* Engineering Certificate -# X/X/20XX"
"* (The door won't budge without# proper identification.)"
"* (Nothing you haven't seen# before.)"
"* (Nothing of value.)"
"* (The waiting room chairs are# waiting for someone to wait on# them.)"
"* (Chairs.)"
"* (The waiting room chairs are# waiting for someone to wait on# them.)"
"* (Chairs.)"
"* (The receptionist is# unreceptive.)"
"* (They seemed to be in the# middle of creating a new# Steamworks ID.)"
"* (Finish their work?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (You notice a sign in the# receptionist office.)"
"* Do not eat the writing# utensils! Not again..."
"* (You wonder what tragic event# warranted this sign.)"
"* (A familiar display.)" (unused)
"* (A pair of matching test tubes# for you and your significant# other.)"
"* (Empty test tubes.)"
"* (Unsurprisingly, this printer# is broken.)"
"* (A broken printer.)"
"* (You peer through the# microscope...)"
"* (You spot a cell experiencing# mitosis.) "
"* (All of the surrounding cells# cheer in support.)"
"* (A microscope.)"
"* (The drain of the sink is# clogged with science.)"
"* (A sink.)"
"* (Doing the dishes without# being told? Never!)"
"* (Unwashed dishes.)"
"* (If only you had a pack of# instant noodles.)"
"* (A cold stove.)"
"* (The plates are stuck# together.)"
"* (Unwashed dishes.)"
"* (A few sticky notes are pinned# to the cork board.) "
"* Will someone tell Dr. Fish to# stop using the lab to create# colored slime? "
"* I don't care if it makes funny# noises, it does not count as# work."
"* (A few sticky notes are pinned# to the cork board.) "
"* Todo: -Try new things -Fail# miserably -Quit my job."
"* (A few sticky notes are pinned# to the cork board.)"
"* (This one consists of all 31# trillion numbers of pi written# in crayon.)"
"* (A few sticky notes are pinned# to the cork board.)"
"* (This one points to the note# with the pi numbers.) "
"* What a showoff."
"* Check it: pi x infinity. "
"* Owned B)"
"* (A cork board with several# unimportant notes on it.)"
"* (It's the famous blue juice.)"
"* (Nothing good.)"
"* (You peer through the# microscope...)"
"* (Just a normal-sized Froggit.)"
"* (A microscope.)"
"* (You spot a note on the# machine.) "
"* Radiator out of order due to# releasing lethal radiation for# several weeks. "
"* If you die within the next# year, please do not sue."
"* (An old machine.)"
"* (Foul scents seep out from the# test tubes.)"
"* (Test tubes.)"
"* (You would like some Cake but# you'd rather not alert Axis.)"
"* (Risk it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (Not enough space.)"
"* (...Phew.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Better safe than sorry.)"
"* (It's empty now.)"
"* (A cake in its cage.)"
"* (There's no saving this sink.)"
"* (A sink.)"
"* (It's one of those things. You# know.)"
"* (...)"
"* (The doors to the storage# cabinet are locked.)"
"* (Locked.)"
"* (It's one of those things. You# know.)"
"* (...)"
"* (You notice wall cracks peeking# out from behind the cabinet.) "
"* (Move it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (A presence is cowering behind# the storage cabinet.) "
"* (But it won't budge.)"
"* (You open the storage cabinet# and find some Dihydrogen# Monoxide.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got Dihydrogen Monoxide!)"
"* (Not enough inventory space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Could be expired.)"
"* (There's some water inside.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got water.)"
"* (Not enough inventory space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Nothing inside but# oddly-shaped glass.)"
"* (Some sort of experiment# involving carefully measured# liquids.)"
"* (Science stuff.)"
"* (A collection of knick-knacks# from around the Steamworks.)"
"* (Two tubes chillin'.)"
"* (Test tubes.)"
"* (You peer through the# microscope only to find out# it's a telescope in disguise.)"
"* (No constellations or planets# can be seen. How# disappointing.)"
"* (A microscope.)"
"* (The drawers are filled with# old tools and other oddities.)"
"* (Nothing but junk inside.)"
"* (Always wash your hands before# handling life-threatening# chemicals!)"
"* (A dry sink.)"
"* (You sense great tension# between these two tubes.)"
"* (Test tubes.)"
"* (You peer through the# microscope...)"
"* (Just a buncha cells being# cellular.)"
"* (A microscope.)"
"* (You reach into the trash# can...) "
"* (You pull out a crumpled up# essay titled \"Mixin' It Up!\") "
"* (It's typed in size 13 font to# better reach the minimum page# requirement... of 1.) "
"* (You stash the essay in your# mail bag.)"
"* (A page of rambly writings# wastes away in the can.)"
"* (You take it.)"
"* (Nothing useful here.)"
"* Today's assignment: Compound# mixing!"
"* The head office said we have# free use over the Compound# Computer for today. "
"* They also said the machine# exploding and killing us all is# a risk they're willing to take."
"* So grab anything you can and# toss it in! "
"* Have fun!"
"ERROR: Power low"
"...\nWaiting for correct\ncompounds to complete\nmixture . . ."
"Reading. . ."
"\nVerdict: "
"ERROR: Power low"
"Reading. . ."
"\nVerdict: "
"Acception Message"
"Rejection Message"
"* The third most famous Italian# duo."
"* Good for bringing that 'dog# from a 7 to a 10."
"* Best kept in a liquid or solid# state of matter."
"* Makes your voice sound funny."
"* Discovered by the prestigious# Dr. Rutherford Oscar himself.# Or so he claims."
"* The \"Au\" means that perhaps in# an alternate universe, you own# some."
"* Useful for cleaning pools of# water. Even hot pools on# mountaintops."
"* The element of surprise."
". . . How did you even get# this?"
"* The lightest and most# prevalent element in the# universe."
"* What all robots will be made# out of when they overtake the# world."
"* Believed to be but a myth# until recently."
"* The deadliest mixture of them# all."
"* An essential part of any# balanced breakfast."
(the following interaction is unused)
"* The element of disappointment."
"* (Nothing useful here.)"
"Status:\nCompound 1: " + status_1 + "\nCompound 2: " + status_2
". . .Booting process."
"\nBoot complete.\nMixing initialized."
"Mixing process\ncomplete. Enjoy your\ndeadly acid :)"
". . ."
"\nITEMs ready\nApproach terminal"
"Your ITEM is ready"
"* (Take the acid?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (Obtained ACID!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* It doesn't seem appetizing."
"* (A complex lock mechanism# blocks your exit.)"
"* (What could open it up?)"
"* (A roadblock.)"
"* (You can't think of a way to# make this work.)"
"* (You use the ACID to ACID# away at the DOOR.)"
"* (The door melted away.)" (unused)
"* (You peer through the# microscope...)"
"* (You discover a pocket# dimension buried in the# microverse.)"
"* (Yet another microscope.)"
"* I am trying to grow energy# plants but I always end up with# these leafy things. "
"* They smell like honey and# won't stop making trumpet# noises! "
"* Why does this keep happening# to me?"
"* (The energy plant emits a# heavy glow.)"
"* (You fight the urge to taste# it.)"
"* (A white plant.)"
"* (The ship escaped.)"
"* (An empty bottle.)"
"* (The door won't budge.)"
"* (Locked.)"
"* Help wanted for Project:# Steam! "
"* Are you a monster with an# above average IQ? "
"* Probably not. But in case you# are, we NEED YOUR KNOWLEDGE! "
"* King ASGORE has called on the# greatest monster minds to help# develop society! "
"* Scientists, engineers,# mathematicians, janitors - you# name it! "
"* Sign up at the King's# settlement and make your way# southeast. "
"* You'll know you've arrived# when you see a metallic# construction site. "
"* The Steamworks: Tomorrow means# the Surface!"
"* (The door is already# open.)"
"* (Swipe your ID?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (The elevator is# unresponsive.)"
"* (A daunting array of screens# and buttons lie before you.)"
"* (You press one of the# buttons.)"
"* (You hear the whirring of# cooling fans inside the hot# console.) "
"* (Best leave it be.)"
"* (The computer was recently# used.)" (unused)
"* (A faint face is burned into# the machine's screen...)"
"* (...staring out into the dim# chasm of rock and steel.)"
"* (No business to conduct here.)"
"* (Take the Friendliness# Pellets?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got the Friendliness# Pellets!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (...)"
"* (Return to the laundry# room?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* Let's not venture off# the path."
"* I've had enough# Steamworks for today."
"* (Need to find an exit.)"
"* (Through those doors.)"
"* I need to concentrate# right now."
"* I think I'm getting# somewhere. Hold on."
"* Almost got it! Didn't# think this would# actually work!"
"* WHY?"
"* OH NO."
"* OH, I KNOW."
"* GENIUS. "
"* LMAO."
"* I know you're skilled# enough for this small# task."
"* Go on."
"* Find anything that looks# like a makeshift body# part."
"* I don't know, be# creative."
"* Hum-dee-dum!"
"* A few more days of scrubbing# and this inch of the bridge# will be spotless!!"
"* No offense, but you look like# you could use a cleaning!"
"* Golly gee! If I weren't on# duty, I'd help!"
"* What to do? What to do?"
"* Say... mosey on back to the# generator complex!"
"* You can toss yourself into one# of the washing# machines!!!"
"* (Note: You should not toss# yourself in a washing machine.)"
"* You want a sip of my mop# water???"
"* I know you do!!"
"* Drink up!! DriNk UP!!!"
"* Hum-dee-dum!"
"* (Take a ride?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* Tick-tock - tick-tock -# tick-tock..."
"* The current time is 6:26,# Monday morning!"
"* You may have noticed the# apple trees outside the# Steamworks are blooming."
"* That means Spring is upon us! "
"* This time of year, my creator# recommends a picnic by the# river just south of here!"
"* Why the puzzled look? Have we# not met before?"
"* I am the Grandfather Clock of# the Underground!"
"* It is my responsibility to# keep the standard time for all# monsters."
"* However, I cannot help but# feel there is a miscalculation# in my tick-tocking."
"* It is simply driving me mad!"
"* I do not sense the gears# turning within these walls."
"* Hm, yes, I believe the main# clock face outside has stalled!"
"* An engineer should arrive to# fix it soon."
"* Do not worry, I will continue# to keep the time!"
"* Tick-tock - tick-tock -# tick-tock..."
"* (Slurp slurrrrp)"
"* Ahhhh!"
"* Nothing like Steamworks# Boba-Soup (TM) to fuel the# engine!"
"* What? Don't act like you've# never heard of it."
"* Did you know that humans also# run on a liquid? It's called# \"blood.\""
"* Apparently it doesn't taste# any good, which is like, a# total shame."
"* I'd let you try this stuff but# it's total poison to# non-robots."
"* How do I know that? I don't."
"* I just wanna deter you from# draining my sweet sweet lake."
"* (Slurp slurrrp)"
"* Here's what I got. (30 G)"
"* I'm still open for business!"
"* Take a look! 30G an item!"
ch[1] = "Moss Salad"
ch[2] = "Grassy Fries"
ch[3] = "Flower Stew"
ch[4] = "Cancel"
ch[1] = "-SOLD OUT-"
ch[2] = "-SOLD OUT-"
ch[3] = "-SOLD OUT-"
"* (You got some " + ch[outcome] + "!)"
"* Appreciate it!"
"* You seem to be carryin' a lot,# buddy!"
"* Come back with a lighter load!"
"* Sorry, a monster's gotta make# a profit from their# investments."
"* Need that G."
"* What a popular item! I wish I# could sell you more, but I'm# fresh out."
"* You're... leavin'?"
"* My products are high-quality,# I swear!"
"* Come on, pal!"
"* Well... that's all I got."
"* You never were very interested# in my wares, huh?"
"* I guess I'm quite the lousy# salesman when push comes to# shove."
"* Thanks for ya time."
"* You cleared me out!"
"* Thanks for spending all that# G. Ya boy appreciates it!"
"* All in all, you've been a good# customer."
"* If ya ever need somethin', you# can always count on me for# quality!"
"* I ain't the down-to-earth type# but uh... Thanks..."
"* Ya know... for supportin' me so# much."
"* You emptied my inventory every# time we crossed paths."
"* I've been in a bit of# financial trouble to be# frank..."
"* But because of you, (and a# little luck), I might be able# to put that behind me."
"* Ya done good, kid. Catch ya# later!"
"* Mo, out!"
"* Go on."
"* Just scream if# something makes an# attempt on your life."
"* Uh ! Uh ! What a s-s-sound !"
"* You hearing this, human ?"
"* Odd, a bit short, but# endearing ."
"* Kinda like you !"
"* Life wouldn't be the same# without m-m-music !"
"* What's your favorite kind of# music, huh ?"
"* Our listeners would love to# kn-o-o-ow !"
"* Oh ! That's one of my# favorites t-t-too !"
"* Oh, yes, I forgot to mention# that we are L-I-V-E live right# now !"
"* We have a lovely audience# tonight !"
"* Say \"hi\", audience ! !"
"* . . ."
"* Must be a w-w-weak signal ? ?"
"* You're listening to G-G-GOOSIC# RADIO 108.1 - spinning 24/7 ! !"
"* do you know where guardener# went?"
"* i felt we really hit it off."
"* i'm thinking of calling her up# for work inquiries - aka asking# her out on a hot date."
"* i know bot love is forbidden# but that makes it ten times# more exciting."
"* and besides, they can't smite# the smitten."
"* not as long as i'm strapped."
"* i see you carry a sidearm# yourself."
"* a sixshooter, right? reliable,# stylish, i like it."
"* make sure to be responsible# with it."
"* it's \"safety first\" in the# steamworks after all."
"* i gotta start thinking of what# to wear on my date."
"* saw a fella in a nice vest and# hat earlier."
"* maybe i could get some advice# from him.
"* bot fact:"
"* \"bots all have a passion for# something. a programmed# fixation.\""
"* for example, i'm a huge fan of# arson."
"* bot fact:"
"* \"bots are not allowed to# swear. it is indecent and# rude.\""
"* alas, i am cursed to this# family friendly environment."
"* bot fact:"
"* \"bots are not allowed to# engage in romantic# relationships."
"* it would run the risk of# bypassing the sentience# suppression system.\""
"* ...what does \"romantic# relationships\" mean?"
"* why can't we interact with# friendly boats from the roman# empire?"
"* i only memorized three bot# facts."
"* anything i say now would only# be bot fiction."
"* oh hey. no hard feelings about# the fight earlier."
"* like sure, we kinda broke the# first law of robotics but tbh,# we live in a lawless land. "
"* anarchy reigns in this# metallic hellscape."
"* the three of us are the last# Lil Bots around."
"* only became that way an hour# ago."
"* one of our models rallied# seven others to high dive into# the burning lake."
"* why? beats me."
"* apparently the stuff tastes# good but the calories can't be# good for you."
"* it's also, like, 300 degrees# celsius."
"* sorry i'm out of dialogue."
"* How goes it, lil fella?"
"* Sorry, but we're on a station# break at the moment."
"* What's broadcasting in the# meantime?"
"* Why my face of course!"
"* Ugh, this break can't end soon# enough!"
"* When can I play a movie I# like?"
"* Your movies go against the# very nature of television!"
"* Gratuitous violence... heavy# cursing... a secret third# thing..."
"* Third thing?"
"* Oh you mean"
"* Nuh-uh-uh! Off limits!!"
"* We can only host mild cursing# with censored/and or cartoon# violence."
"* TV-14 at worst!"
"* Yeeeah, but that's not gonna# stop anybody, now is it?"
"* We hope we've entertained you,# fella!"
"* Television is a wonderful# invention!"
"* It's even better when you sit# inches from the screen with# your eyes WIDE open!"
"* What? No! Don't do that, kid.# Don't listen to her."
"* Yes! Destroy your eyesight!!"
="* Your lenses should thicken# with every exam!!!"
"* You can't just say these kinds# of things to kids!"
"* (Shut your flap, Vis! I'm# running an optometrist ad!)"
"* That doesn't make it better!!!"
"* We'll be back after these# messages!"
"* Man, I hope not."
"* I appreciate your eagerness to# help but this job is done!"
"* Don't you worry, there is# plenty more to do elsewhere! "
"* We reside in an industrial# buffet of endless labor!!!"
"* Remember, the passcode is# " + global.factory_code + "."
gml_Object_obj_sousborg_overworld_Step_0: (unused)
"* Ah, bonjour! Mon apprenti!"
"* Welcome back to ze kitchen!"
"* Thanks to your infinite# wisdom, I have kept myself# busy!"
"* Oui! Nossing but frying eggs# for ze past ‘our!"
"* I am gifting free samples so# have a taste if you like!"
"* Have you seen ze flora# everywhere?"
"* Ces plantes blanches..."
"* Well! Zeir taste iz just# lovely!"
"* I ground some up into a new# spice to use on zi eggs!"
"* But, for some reason, zi eggs# did not like it."
"* Zey melted in my pan when the# spice touched zem!"
"* Quelle tragédie! Amour# interdit!"
"* You are ze first monstre I# have spoken to in a while!"
"* I do miss conversing with# ozers, espessially my creator!"
"* We have a lot in common. Our# physique, voice, culinary# skills - zey all match!"
"* I was confused why we were zi# only ones in ze Steamworks like# zis..."
"* He said zat many monstres come# from ze outside world. Ze# Surface!"
"* And on ze Surface are many# different types of beings from# different places!"
"* When all monstres migrated to# zis mountain, some of zem# hailed from zose places!"
"* And so, zeir wonderful# traditions and cultures have# spread around down here!"
"* What a beautiful sing!"
"* I asked my creator where his# family was from."
"* He told me about a land far# away with millions like me!"
"* But I simply cannot believe# such a sing!"
"* Millions of culinary bots# living togezer?"
"* Impossible!"
"* Zere would not be enough# frying pans to go around!"
"* I better get back to ze stove!"
"* Until we cook again! "
"* Au revoir!"
"* This facility used to be the# epicenter for innovation back# in the day."
"* In my prime I was a chemist.# A pretty good one too."
"* That is... until they let# everyone go."
"* Said there were too many cooks# in the kitchen, wanted to focus# in."
"* Couldn't let my passion go that# easily so I hid away when they# locked up. "
"* Now I have the freedom to# experiment whenever and however# I please."
"* Though... no one is around to# witness my efforts."
"* Personally, I blame the# shutdown on the robotics# project, unruly things."
"* I thought I was rid of their# antics until an hour or so ago."
"* The facility powered up and# they all began to roam like# zombies back from the dead."
"* I hid here in the meantime.# Those heaps of metal are mighty# unpredictable."
"* I'm guessing it was you, right?# The one who turned the# generator back on?"
"* I must thank you, it isn't# ideal to live in the dark."
"* Many times I have attempted the# journey but the obstacles are# far too numerous."
"* No need to worry, though. Life# has been just fine."
"* Aside from the reserves left# behind, those white plants are# quite edible."
"* Couldn't run out of food if I# wanted to."
"* On your way out, feel free to# use any equipment you like."
"* While I prefer working alone..."
"* ...I can't deny that science# is best accomplished as a# collaborative effort."
"* I'm going to wait here until# the robots disperse but I wish# you luck on your travels!"
"* What a day, what a day."
"* It seems those wily bots have# finally calmed themselves."
"* Thank goodness too, my hideout# was getting awfully cramped!"
"* Since the power was turned on,# all of the equipment functions# again!"
"* That means I'm free to conduct# experiments without# limitations!"
"* It has been some time since I# operated that computer over# there."
"* I had forgotten that they# programmed a game into the# mixing process."
"* Was that really necessary?"
"* My ancient eyes can barely# keep up!"
"* I apologize for cutting our# talk short but there is so much# to do now."
"* You'll just have to wait until# after the tests."
"* Howdy!"
"* You seem to be# progressing well!"
"* Not that I expected# anything else."
"* Let's get out there and# see what this place has# to offer!"
"* You think anyone still# lives here?"
"* Eh, if they do, you can# handle it!"
"* Let's get a move on,# buddy!"
"* Let's get'cha saved!"
"* Howdy!"
"* So it's truly just you# and me in this place,# huh?"
"* Bit of an anticlimax# after everything we've# been through."
"* I'm thankful though, the# Dunes were draining!"
"* Time's a-ticking,# Clover!"
"* Howdy!"
"* Glad to see you out and# about! "
"* Axis' brain must be# rusted through. "
"* Didn't take much to# escape his \"trap.\" "
"* I have a feeling you# haven't seen the last of# him, though."
"* The lake ahead looks# mighty treacherous!"
"* Let's take a look at# what we're dealing with,# pal!"
"* Howdy!"
"* Look at you sailing# across a blazing lake# with ease!"
"* These robots aren't# useless after all!"
"* You know, it's kinda# funny..."
"* This bot looks like it# could kick the bucket# any day..."
"* ...Yet it glided across# the lava no problem."
"* Sure can't say the same# for Martlet's \"sturdy\"# raft, haha!"
"* Further into this# facility we go!"
"* Howdy! "
"* Not a fan of this area's# bleak vibe, honestly."
"* I got my fill of this# kinda stuff with the# Ruins."
"* Guess I'm not freezing# or choking on sand so..."
"* ...It's certainly been# worse, haha!"
"* We better get moving# before this place# collapses! "
"* It's definitely seen# better days!"
"* Howdy!"
"* What IS all this stuff?"
"* It certainly isn't# natural."
"* I mean, if anyone knows# flowers, it's me."
"* Bleh!"
"* This can't be good for# my roots."
"* Feel like I'm being# poisoned the longer we# sit here."
"* Could you hurry it up?"
"* Let's get outta here,# pal!"
"* Howdy!"
"* Golly, that bot sure was# a handful!"
"* Not to mention a total# rip-off. "
"* Flowers and vines are my# shtick!"
"* Well, I suppose it goes# to show..."
"* ...that mechanical# imitations can't beat# the real deal! "
"* I will say, that thing# honestly felt more# threatening than Axis."
"* I'm not trying to tell# you what to do but just# for consideration..."
"* ...Why don't you... ya# know, \"deal with\" Axis# next time you meet?"
"* I'm sure it would be# easy. Just a thought!"
"* I suppose it's time to# get a move on!"
"* Howdy! "
"* Who knew the Steamworks# were so dense! "
"* Like, where are we now? "
"* I see test tubes...# microscopes..."
"* Almost reminds me of... "
"* Eh, I don't know.# Science isn't my forte."
"* Whatever you do, don't# drink anything you see# here."
"* All of this liquid has# been lying out for years,# molding."
"* ...Not that you've ever# been shy of eating# discarded garbage."
"* Let's see what lies# ahead, buddy!"
"* Howdy!"
"* Just when I thought Axis# couldn't get any more# clumsy. "
"* Glad he's gone! "
"* It's down to us yet# again, the unwavering# duo!"
"* We do work well as a# team, don'tcha think?"
"* Flowey \"the brains\" and# Clover \"the brawn!\""
"* Not saying you aren't# smart of course, haha."
"* Watching you solve# puzzles has been a# treat!"
"* What's up with this# place and botany? "
"* Are plants and robots# all these scientists# care about?"
"* I mean, I AM a plant# but you don't hear me# talking about it 24/7."
"* We're almost out of this# facility, I can feel it! "
"* Don't slow down now!"
"* Whatever lies ahead, I'm# sure you'll make the# right decisions. "
"* Go get 'em!"
"* Howdy!"
"* Can you smell that?# Magma and steel!"
"* Newer... steel. Point# is, we're almost outta# here, pal! "
"* This journey is about to# pay off big time thanks# to you!"
"* See you up ahead!"
"* ASGORE is so close!"
"* Let's get a move on,# Clover!"
"* Are we gonna talk about# what you just did?"
"* I've seriously had it# with this behavior."
"* I aid you for so long# yet I have to deal with# your angst?"
"* Ever heard of \"don't# bite the hand that feeds# you?\""
"* But, oh, \"it's okay to# bite Flowey because he# doesn't have hands.\""
"* Well I used to!"
"* ..."
"* I um..."
"* Heh..."
"* ..."
"* I made a promise to# help you all the way to# the Castle."
"* So... I will."
"* Just had to make my# grievances known, ya# know?"
"* A little respect goes a# long way."
"* ..."
"* These undead piles of# junk aren't very# threatening."
"* Not really worth the# trouble."
"* Still at it, huh?"
"* Sorry but I'm runnin'# low on witty comments at# this point."
"* ...What? You want me to# keep inflating your ego?"
"* This was novel back in# like, Snowdin, but now?"
"* I don't know... Aren't# you bored?"
"* ..."
"* Right."
"* Wow! I am constantly# astonished by your# abilities!"
"* The skill it must've# taken to shoot a bunch# of tin cans!"
"* Just, inspiring!"
"* ..."
"* Okay."
"* We've had our fun in# this place but# seriously..."
"* This was a big waste of# time. For both of us."
"* Don't you agree?"
"* You proved you could# best ASGORE a long time# ago."
"* All of this... It's# excessive, ya know?"
"* So let's just stroll on# up to the Castle now."
"* No more unnecessary# battles. "
"* Save your energy for# the fight that matters,# okay?"
"* Trust me on this,# buddy."
"* Vendy Model 01 - System boot..."
"* Scanning customer..."
"* Unauthorized child# detected. Go away."
"Go away."
"Curse my#programming." (unused)
"You are broke.#lol."
"You can't#carry any#more. Too#bad."
"Thank you#for backing#out."
"Heals 30HP#This will#kill you."
"Heals 20HP#Unfiltered.#Dirt. Bad."
"Heals 13HP#Tastes like#plastic."
"Acce: 9DF#Will blind#you."
"* Oh yes! I will gladly dispense# your garbage! Hand it over!"
"* Please stop."
"* Why why# why why-"
"Your attitude"
"* Code line 327: \"If a customer is# determined 'unauthorized', treat# them with utmost disrespect so# they will not buy up the# company's snacks.\""
"* My disrespectful state was# initiated when I scanned your# dull face."
"* Bring a Steamworks employee ID# next time to experience# \"Hospitable Mode.\""
"* Until then, you may still# purchase items, but I will tear# apart your self-esteem while# you do so..."
"* ..."
"* Loser."
"The Steamworks"
"* What about it?"
"* The Steamworks are only the# finest in monster science and# engineering, no big deal or# anything."
"* Structures built from the# toughest steel and the greatest# minds, sure to stand the test# of several millennia!"
"* Searching for a more advanced# facility would be like searching# for the corner of a circle."
"* With quality machines such as# myself at every turn, lives are# improved every day!"
"* The Steamworks: Tomorrow means# the Surface!"
"* ...I am not a propaganda machine.# My creator made sure I specify# that."
"* Searching for \"Axis\" in the# database..."
"* Axis - Latest Model: 014, is a# robot built to act as a Royal# Guard."
"* Production goal: Create an army# of Axis guard-bots to protect# monsterkind from humanity."
"* Production status...# Discontinued."
"* That is all of the information# I have on this robot."
"* If I were to be helpful, which I# will not be, I would tell you to# ask an engineer in the Factory# Wing for more information."
"* Where is the Factory Wing?# I cannot tell you.# You are unauthorized. "
"* Not that I trust you to find it# on your own since you are,# in fact, an idiot."
"* My snacks are up to the# HIGHEST Steamworks standards."
"* I ensure the employees'# designated meal times are as# enjoyable as possible."
"* Because of my popularity, I often# run out of inventory to which# my creator restocks every Monday# at 8:00."
"* That reminds me... My last boot# up - yesterday - was a Sunday.# Dr. R.O. should be stopping by# any minute now. I simply cannot# wait."
"* But none of that is your# business, now is it?"
"* Yes, bye, thanks for nothing."
"* Vendy Model 01 - System boot..."
"* Scanning customer..."
"* Steamworks Chemist present :]"
"* How may I be of# service?"
"Choose an#item!"
"* You do not have enough money# :["
"You do not#have enough#space :["
"Changed your#mind?"
"Heals 30HP#Crunchy#sustenance!"
"Heals 20HP#Also called#\"water.\""
"Heals 13HP#Perfectly#salted!"
"Acce: 9DF#Important!!!"
"* Unfortunately, I cannot# receive any of your items, only# dispense my own."
"* I am terribly sorry!"
"* Yes?"
"* Every robot has a creator! It# is a law of the land after all."
"* Mine is Dr. Rutherford Oscar!"
"* Prestigious engineer, chemist,# botanist, architect, doctor,# dentist, archeologist,# geologist, zoologist, chef,"
"* ...tailor, musician, athlete,# forklift operator, pilot,# writer..."
"* ...salesman, mailsman, snailsman,# beekeeper, birdkeeper, veteran,# veterinarian, electrician,# beautician, magician, war# criminal, banker, pranker,# fish-tanker, and...#"
"* ...3% shareholder in the# government. "
"* What a guy!" (unused)
"The Steamworks"
"* You know what they say:# Steamworks makes the dream# work!"
"* This is the place to BE for# progress!"
"* Each profession has its own# division, and I am not one for# math! "
"* Ha ha, I am only kidding of# course! All robots are forced# to love math!"
"* The Factory Wing is where home# appliances are created for# monsterkind to enjoy.#"
"* From refrigerators to washing# machines, the assembly line# makes it easy for monsters to# take it easy!#"
"* And do not forget the second# floor which specializes in# smelting materials mined around# the Underground into the# currency known as G.#"
"* It's what makes the economy# run as adequately as it does!"
"* From the Chemistry Wing to the# Greenhouse, there is a job for# everyone!"
"* The Steamworks: Tomorrow means# the Surface!"
"* I apologize, customer. My# hospitable code is preventing# me from releasing any# classified information on my# colleagues.#"
"* Though we appear as# individuals, us robots are# quite the hivemind. All# controlled by a station to the# west of my current location.#"
"* Axis, however, is a bit of an# exception. The 'black sheep' of# the robotics project to put it# lightly.#"
"* Can you imagine acting outside# a governing fist that only# gives you one purpose and no# hope of freedom? Could NOT be# me!#"
"* But if you care to know more,# he does love to talk about# himself so I would ask him :]"
"* Ah snacks... My purpose :]#"
"* I highly suggest you purchase# some! They are made with all# natural ingredient substitutes!"
"* Thank you for using the Vendy# service!"
"* Vendy Model 01 - System boot..."
"* Scanning customer..."
"* !"
"* Attempting shut down!"
"* ..."
"Heals 30HP#_"
"Heals 20HP#_"
"Heals 13HP#_"
"Acce: 9DF#Stop..."
"* ..."
"* You better not be# thinking about going# back to the Dunes."
"* You might've loved the# Wild East for all I know# but we gotta focus."
"* Some other time, okay?"
"* Hm, I wonder what these# monitors' purpose was?"
"* To greet workers on# their way in?"
"* I wouldn't know 'cause# this is my first time# here."
"* This place had a strict# \"no visitors policy\" if# you can believe it."
"* Oh hey..."
"* This is the area where# I was in charge for# three seconds."
"* You're lucky I didn't# let all that power go to# my head."
"* We better hurry. Who# knows how long this# thing can hold up?"
"* Surely they replaced it# for a reason."
rm_steamworks_04b, rm_steamworks_04c
"* Is this what you messed# with to fix the# generator?"
"* Surprised this# old-fashioned tech still# functions."
"* Doesn't look like# there's anything# important here."
"* Did you hear all those# distant, metallic creaks# when we entered?"
"* I mean, is it even safe# to walk in here?"
"* The last thing our day# needs is the floor# giving way unexpectedly."
"* Ew..."
"* These washers would# make clothes dirtier by# the looks of them."
"* When did you clean# yours last?"
ch[1] = "I fell in a puddle"
"* Eh, close enough."
"* I'm not sure this is# the right way..."
"* Nice vaguely ominous# machinery they got# there."
"* Couldn't they have# installed some lights?"
"* Not even expensive# lights."
"* Dangling a few Gyftmas# strands would go a long# way."
"* Spice things up, you# know? Festive too."
"* This pink goop is# really putting off heat!"
"* It must be some sort of# coolant but..."
"* Why would they fill up# so much space with# coolant?"
"* I mean..."
"* The machinery certainly# isn't freezing any time# soon now, so..."
"* ...Job well done?"
rm_steamworks_07 (unused)
"* Let's move."
"* Wish there weren't so# many broken walkways..."
"* Bet this place was far# easier to navigate# before."
"* Hokay, we are really# high up..."
"* Ahem, I mean..."
"* ...What?"
"* God-what's with that# look?"
"* I am not scared of# heights of all things.# Grow up."
"* ..."
"* What strange plants..."
"* I didn't expect# beautiful greenery but# white?"
"* Probably went overboard# with the chemical# experiments."
"* As a monster, they're# most likely safe but for# all we know..."
"* may already have# a plethora of poisons in# your system."
"* I would suggest# limiting your breathing# from now on."
"* Not enough that you die# but you know, be frugal# about it."
"* It sure is unsettling# in here..."
"* Let's get out of here."
"* So Axis is completely# artificial intelligence?" (unused)
"* Well... artificial at# least."
"* Still, unemotional as# he may be..."
"* ...The fact he so# closely resembles life# is impressive."
"* Standing around won't# get us to Hotland." (unused)
"* Come on."
"* Keep a move on, Clover."
"* Bridges and rotting# infrastructure don't# exactly mesh well."
"* Stay alert."
"* Man, this place is# huge."
"* I think the government# ought to repurpose all# this abandoned acreage."
"* I've heard that New# Home is becoming# overpopulated."
"* Throw up some suburbs# here or something, that# would solve it."
"* ...Maybe drain the lake# of deadly liquid first,# though."
"* New Home..."
"* Boy could Chujin rant# about that place."
"* It's a long story."
"* Politics, creatives# being creatives... You# know."
"* Let's keep up the# progress, yeah?"
"* This facility is just# full of characters, huh?"
"* At least they aren't# ALL trying to kill us."
"* I've thought of going# back to turn the power# off but..."
"* ...not only would that# lock us out again,"
"* would shut down# any helpful bots like# our friend outside."
"* All we can do is suck# it up and push ahead."
"* ..."
"* I've heard of# piggybacking on others# to get ahead but..."
"* ...Yeah, this is weird."
"* Navigating all this# junk is a bit of a maze,# huh?"
"* Even unintentionally,# monsters can't help but# leave puzzles behind."
"* ..."
"* Clover, you trust this# guy?"
"* He's selling you flora# he scraped off the# walls."
"* ...You don't care, do# you?"
"* ...Right. "
"* I do not understand# humans."
"* Looks like this way's a# dead end."
"* Heading west might be# best."
"* Huh. Accidental rhyme."
"* Nice."
"* I won't fight if you# wanna ride the ferry-bot# more but..."
"* ...I can't say I# enjoyed myself on it."
"* You know... inches away# from burning alive in# glow stick juice."
"* While Axis is a# problem..."
"* I am glad Chujin was# able to succeed in# engineering."
"* I have no doubt he# inherited the craft from# his father."
"* Problem was, his father# didn't exactly approve# of \"innovation.\""
"* Asgore's big expansion# and the establishment of# this facility..."
"* Let's just say a rift# grew between families."
"* However, Chujin was# different. "
"* Saw the benefits of# progress, even if it# caused friction."
"* Still, he never# discarded his lineage# and how much it meant."
"* The best of both# worlds, hm?"
"* Hey, um..."
"* Don't you have folks? "
"* You know, on the# Surface."
"* They'd be pretty# worried by now, right?"
"* I mean, I am in a# similar boat so..."
"* ..."
"* Too personal? Sorry."
"* Just thinking out loud."
"* ..."
"* When I'm older, I think# I'll write a memoir."
"* Name a chapter: 'The# Time a Pissed Off Robot# Tried to Kill Me.'"
"* It'll recount our great# escape that happened# here,"
"* Reveal my genius locker# trick,"
"* And advise the reader# to be in-shape before# pissing off robots."
"* Seriously, I canceled# my gym membership last# year."
"* Lots of regret."
"* Better get going before# someone or something# finds us."
"* I feel things may only# grow more complicated# from here."
"* Keep your head high,# Clover."
"* Question..."
"* Have you slept at all# since you arrived?"
"* If not, I don't know# how you keep up the# energy."
"* I've had more nights# without sleep than with# lately."
"* Takes a real toll."
"* The reason isn't as# much the company as it# is the bed."
"* ...Kanako used a# similar one."
"* Good times..."
"* You know, she would# refuse to sleep until I# tucked her in."
"* After reluctantly# bending to her# demands..."
"* ...I'd kiss her# forehead and say \"Love# you lots.\""
"* She'd challenge me with# a cheeky \"How much?\""
"* Then I'd reply..."
"* \"My love for you could# shatter the barrier just# on its own!\""
"* \"That's not true!\"# she'd say with the# cutest grin."
"* And we'd keep going..."
"* Back and forth until# her eyelids grew too# heavy to continue."
"* ..."
"* Believe it or not, that# same exchange happened# every night."
"* Every night until there# wasn't anyone left to# tuck in."
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* I appreciate them# putting handrails here."
"* Sure, we're suspended# over a bottomless pit# but hey..."
"* Making baby steps# towards basic safety# measures."
"* Geez... the# Steamworks..."
"* It's all so... pitiful# in this state."
"* Abandoned potential# hurts."
"* ..."
"* At my old home, Chujin# planted a garden."
"* It was a work of# compassion. Beautiful."
"* Almost like a# reflection of his own# SOUL."
"* ..."
"* When his health began# to deteriorate... so did# the garden."
"* \"The Meadow\" became# \"the Dunes.\""
"* Seeing a discarded# place like this..."
"* It's familiar."
"* We can care so much for# something but# eventually..."
"* all comes to an# end."
"* That's why we must# forge our own path while# we can."
"* Cause trust me..."
"* Once the guise of good# times is over... "
"* Life is cruel."
"* ..."
"* I can feel the Lab# getting closer."
"* Come on."
"* We can't let these bots# deter us."
"* I wish we could help# them but it's far too# late."
"* I mean, they aren't# even real..."
"* Yeah... They're only# some mix of metal and# magic."
"* So... it's alright."
"* I bet your faith in me# is dwindling with every# new obstacle."
"* I'm just as annoyed as# you, trust me."
"* This journey should've# been a cakewalk like I# said."
"* Even still, it's likely# the best path to Hotland# we could've picked."
"* Places like Waterfall# are heavily patrolled."
"* Guess there's also a# patrol here but..."
"* Between Axis and# Undyne, I'll take my# chances."
"* Doesn't seem like these# bots want to leave the# Steamworks either."
"* We won't be followed."
"* Keep it up for a little# longer, okay?"
"* So this is the building# Chujin worked at..."
"* Hell of a commute."
"* He was always a# traveler, though."
"* Back when we first met,# I lived in the# mountains."
"* My mother had sent me# down to Oasis Valley for# some crops."
"* On the way back, I had# to cross a rather large# ditch."
"* While on the bridge, I# accidentally rolled my# ankle and fell in."
"* I couldn't climb out no# matter how hard I tried.# "
"* Even worse, the# expensive crops were# ruined."
"* Felt like I was there# for hours before I heard# a jingling sound."
"* A hiker approached the# bridge holding a walking# stick with a bell on it."
"* He noticed me lying in# my humble ditch so I# smiled and said: \"Hey.\""
"* With a kind look, he# replied: \"You look# awful.\""
"* I was hooked."
"* He then hopped down and# tore a strip of his red# robe to wrap my ankle."
"* And... Well, I could go# on but... yeah."
"* That's just who he was.# Caring. Even to a fault."
"* The truth is..."
"* I don't think I'll ever# be able to move on."
"* You know, find someone# else and try to be happy# again."
"* I don't think anyone# like him is out there."
ch[1] = "Starlo?"
"* !"
"* You're..."
"* You're serious?"
"* Well..."
"* Perhaps at one point in# my life I considered it."
"* You know, back when I# was a naive kid, kinda# like you."
ch[1] = "Ah." (unused)
"* Hey, it's science. Your# brain is still# developing."
"* ...I hope."
"* But honestly..."
"* I wanted to grow up# and... Star wouldn't# follow."
"* In the end, I think# that was okay."
"* Just look how happy he# is versus where I ended# up."
"* He clearly chose the# better path, heh..."
"* ..."
"* Not the greatest# working conditions from# what I can see."
"* I know the job paid# well, though."
"* Of course after Chujin# left, we needed a new# source of income."
"* I picked up a part-time# shift at Cafe Dune to# help us raise Kanako."
"* The job was alright but# my boss was... "
"* ...Let's just say# there's currently a# strike going on there."
"* We probably should've# held onto Chujin's# earnings but..."
"* He had this dream of# building a big house for# our family."
"* Followed through with# it too. Turned out# beautifully."
"* At first I thought the# size was a bit overkill# but..."
"* Well..."
"* I think he was# insinuating a bigger# family."
"* ..."
"* ... "
"* Ugh, the air in this# place is heavy."
"* Smells like motor oil# on burnt toast."
"* I wasn't exactly# expecting it to smell# like roses but... bleh!"
"* ... "
"* Feels like we might be# delving into some# classified info up here."
"* They sure abandoned a# lot."
"* There's no point in# wallowing in what I read# here."
"* Chujin was a monster of# secrets, I already knew# that..."
"* I just wish he was more# transparent with his# struggles."
"* I could've helped him# through it. I# would've..."
"* Maybe all this... My# situation... It wouldn't# be this way if I did."
"* If I didn't assume# everything was fine and# truly paid attention I-"
"* ..."
"* I know... I just said I# wouldn't wallow."
"* Live in the present and# plan for the future. "
"* That's what Chujin# always did, so that's# what I must do."
"* Come on, we have a# mission."
"* This whole adventure# has had its share of# twists and turns."
"* If I knew what I was# getting myself into back# in that Saloon..."
"* I'd probably still do# it. Dangerous stuff like# this is kinda fun."
"* Keep moving, Clover."
"* The Steamworks slogan,# \"Tomorrow Means the# Surface.\""
"* When do you think that# \"tomorrow\" will come?"
"* It's been \"today\" my# entire life."
"* We need to head through# that furnace over there# to reach the exit."
"* Just bring some water# with you if you're# afraid of the heat."
"* Don't worry about me,# I'm a Dunes resident."
(the following interactions are unused)
"* Was the only purpose of# this furnace to dispose# of garbage?"
"* Why would they make it# mandatory to walk# through?"
"* If you entered from# Hotland..."
"* The first thing you# would smell is burning# trash."
"* \"Welcome to the# Steamworks! It sucks# here!\""
"* This is way too hot,# even for me."
"* Let's leave please."
(the following interactions ARE used)
"* ..."
"* The moment we've waited# for is almost here."
"* Just a few steps away."
"* No turning back."
"* CEROBA -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* A legacy not to be forgotten."
"* Ceroba tries to ignore the# condition of her friends."
"* Ceroba wipes sweat from her# brow."
"* A chilling breeze envelops the# area."
"* Ceroba stares into your SOUL# with regret."
"* The battle continues."
"* You try to talk to Ceroba but# her attention is impenetrable."
"* You take a breath.#* The world seems to slow, but# only for a moment."
"* You look up at Ceroba, enraged# by what she's done."
"* Absolute devotion."
"* A mother's love."
"* Your SOUL pulses with great# power."
"* You hold onto your hopes...#* Defense temporarily increased!"
"* You refuse to back down...#* Gained " + string(heal_amount) + "HP!"
"* You think of those you love# most...#* Speed temporarily increased!"
"* Ceroba's focus grows stronger." (unused)
"* The echoes of Ceroba's magic# ring out." (unused)
"* Let justice be done."
"* Petals rain from the heavens."
"* Ceroba gazes down upon the# Underground."
"* Mayhem has been unleashed."
"* Ceroba is shaken by the# memory."
"* Ceroba radiates with anger."
"* You prepare yourself for# whatever comes next."
"* A crack has formed on Ceroba's# mask."
"* Ceroba is shaken by the# memory."
"* Ceroba's emotions wane, but# she stays resolute."
"* The end is near."
"* A desperate chaos unfolds all# around you."
"Why won't you#die!?"
"If I don't#succeed, it's#over!"
"Just die!!!"
"DIE!!!!!" (unused)
". . ."
"So it's come to#this."
"My last resort."
"For Chujin..."
"For Kanako..."
"For the future#of Monsterkind!!!"
"* What would you like to# wear tomorrow, honey?"
"* Solomon and Crestina# are paying a visit, and# bringing food too."
"* I'll help you up and we# can all enjoy a picnic# on the front porch."
"* How's that sound?"
"* Ceroba."
"* ...Yes?"
"* I don't..."
"* ..."
"* Heh."
"* This is all so pitiful."
"* Hey... don't say that."
"* We don't need to have# anyone over."
"* It could just be us."
"* A picnic sounds lovely."
"* I want you and Kanako# to have one, surrounded# by your closest friends."
"* What are you saying?"
"* I..."
"* Gosh..."
"* You know..."
"* I never was afraid of# it all my life but now# that it's so close..."
"* No..."
"* Shut up. Stop it."
"* Say it like it is or# don't say anything."
"* I can't do this. Not# now."
"* I'm sorry."
"* There's something I# must tell you."
"* My work... We never# talked about it much,# did we?"
"* We didn't."
"* When I built this# house, I installed a# basement."
"* What...? "
"* The entrance is under# the kotatsu. Always has# been."
"* There, I worked towards# a project."
"* Something much bigger# than myself. Bigger than# all of us."
"* I don't understand..."
"* I recorded a message# for you."
"* When I'm gone, I would# like you to view it."
"* Will you do that for# me?"
"* ..."
"* I will."
"* I promise you, I will."
"* ..."
"* I haven't seen tears# from you since we met at# the crossing."
"* I save them for the# moments that matter."
"* I'm glad..."
"* Because this moment# matters a lot to me."
"What was that?"
"Were you in my#head just now?"
"You have NO#right!"
"Our little girl... Kanako... She# needs to live a happy life,# unaffected by my endeavors."
" That is my final wish."
"* Kanako!?"
"* What are you doing down# here!?"
"* Is... Is it true?"
"* ...What?"
"* Am I... different?"
"* Kanako I..."
"* Daddy said he would've# lived a long time if I# wasn't here."
"* He would still... be..."
"* No, no!"
"* Your father loved you!"
"* And he didn't want to# put you in any danger."
"* You heard him!"
"* His dream... All these# books and papers... "
"* You've been trying to# finish it, haven't you?"
"* With my limited# abilities... yes."
"* But it doesn't involve# you."
"* I've been looking into# ways to create the serum# without a Boss Monster."
"* I'll... figure it out.# I have to."
"* But..."
"* I found this in the# trash."
"* ! "
"* You figured it out.# Last week."
"* I..."
"* \"Using the leftover# ex... extract from the# human's SOUL..."
"* I believe I have# removed any corruption# it held.\""
"* ...Negating the need# for someone pure of# heart. Yes."
"* So you did it!"
"* Daddy's wish could come# true, right?"
"* We could make him# smile! Make him proud of# us!"
"* But..."
"* He didn't want you to# be a part of this. And I# agree."
"* Let me do it!"
"* I want to make things# right. Be useful for# once."
"* And I trust you to keep# me safe!"
"* I... I do believe that# the refined method would# work."
"* I just..."
"* Please..."
"* You promised you would# make his dream come# true."
"* I did."
"* ..."
"* Very well."
"* But I'll make it quick."
"* I'll ensure your safety# throughout the# procedure, alright?"
"* Mm-hmm!"
"* We'll be the heroes of# the Underground!"
"* All thanks to you and# daddy!"
"* Heroes, huh?"
"* That has a nice ring to# it."
"* Okay, wait here."
"* You will need to stand# very still for this."
"* Close your eyes and I# will begin the# fusion-extraction."
"* You may feel a pinch or# two but it'll all be# over before you know it."
"* Understood?"
"* Understood!"
"* You truly believe in# this, don't you?"
"* Yeah."
"* Love you lots."
"* Love you more."
"* NO!!!"
"* No no no no no no-"
"* Why didn't it work!?"
"* Kanako, wake up."
"* Wake up right now!"
"* Mommy's here, come on! "
"* Hey!"
"* What..."
" What have I done?"
"So you know#the truth now."
"Are you#satisfied?"
"Do you find joy#in making me#relive my darkest#memories?"
"I never claimed#to be a saint."
"I'm drowning in a#sea of mistakes#like anyone else."
"But instead of#sinking..."
"I'm chasing the#one ray of#sunlight peeking#through the#surface."
"I tried letting#go, moving on..."
"But I guess deep#down, I'm too#stubborn to live#like that."
"This is my fate."
"This is how it#must be."
"My love..."
"My child..."
"All... gone."
"Why wouldn't you#just..."
"I swore I had#the key."
"Saving monsterkind#from their demise..."
"Carrying on his#legacy..."
"It was worth the#risk to me."
"But now..."
"Now my life is#over."
"For nothing.#For no one."
"I have done#unforgivable things."
"I let my husband#work himself to#death..."
"I put my precious#little girl through#hell..."
"Oh god."
"All for a chance to#make a difference."
"A chance."
"I don't think I#can bear this weight#any longer."
"You won this#battle."
"Do what needs to#be done."
"Thank you."
"Sorry to keep you#waiting but..."
"I'm here now."
"...What are you#waiting for?"
"Please, give me#this."
"Why are you#like this?"
"Always taking#the high road."
"Aren't you angry?#Aren't you just?"
"Pull the trigger#already!"
"Pull it..."
"You don't#understand."
"This is irreversible!#Everyone knows what#I've become!"
"Living... after what#I've done..."
"Ceroba... "
"You didn't come all#this way to die here!"
"Let's finish this thing!"
"You're gonna let this#backstabber win?"
"Not on my watch!"
"We're so close#to our goal!"
"Don't mess it up!"
"You need to keep your#guard up at all times!"
"Don't buy into Ceroba's#sob stories!"
"You can't give up#now, Clover!"
"It's time to take#Ceroba down for good!"
" Rest well, young one."
" I am sorry."
"* Your best friend!"
"* one two three four five six# seven Seven sSevVen 7sEv=en sVmn# 0sE7n SevvevvVvvvvVVVVV"
"* smells like Aa;1rW4,je2FpA,,."
"* r3537 7ry 4641n r3537 7ry 4641n# r3537 7ry 4641n r3537 7ry 4641n# r3537"
"* FILE 01 - [REDACTED]"
"* missing."
"* howdy! i'm flowey! flowey the# flower! hmmm you look confused!# toriel ought have taught you h"
"* clover is giving fighting a try"
"* clover suddenly feels like# taking a nap"
"* clover would like to cry but# they have no eyes"
"* Recovered 30% of your HP!"
"Now, remember what#I taught you!"
"Dodge the bullets!"
"* Clover?"
"* Where did you go, buddy?"
"* Get b a c k h e r e "
"* h-hello?"
"* where am i?"
"* mom? dad? "
"* anybody!"
"* help me... "
"* please... help me..."
"* no..."
"* nothing..."
"* useless..."
"* all of it..."
"* ???????"
"* ?"
"* ha!"
"* h-hello?"
"* could this be it?"
"* hahahahaha!!!"
"* it must be!"
"* yes, it has to be."
"* it must be!"
"* it must be."
"* what have i done."
"* ...Clover?"
"* Clover!!! It is you!"
"* I can't believe it!"
"* Come here!"
"* I was so scared! "
"* This place..."
"* It's Snowdin right? Sure looks# like it."
"* I haven't the slightest clue# what's going on here."
"* The last thing I remember was# us talking on that rooftop..."
"* Oh yeah! We were going to my# house!"
"* I don't quite know where it is# from here but we'll search# together!"
"* I'm so happy I found you!"
"* So happy I found you."
"* I found you."
"* I F O U N D Y O U . "
"* (Get on?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* H O W D Y ."
"* Have fun with your friend back# there?"
"* Hahahahaha!!!"
"* Thought you slipped away for a# second didn't ya?"
"* You are quite a vigilant one..."
"* Bet you could've outlasted# ASGORE if you bothered to reach# him."
"* Even though your choices in# this timeline are useless to me# now..."
"* I didn't outright HATE our time# together. Not all of it."
"* Two lost souls deciding who# lives or dies..."
"* Most of the time you were# insufferable but when you gave# in..."
"* ...Gave in to your true violent# urges. That was the best part."
"* That's when I knew you had it# in you to fight the King."
"* But that was so long ago, haha.# Just look at you now!"
"* Barely recognizable!"
"* You know, some say yellow is# the color of justice."
"* Close, but that's not the word# I would choose..."
"* Yellow is the color of# judgment."
"* Consequence..."
"* You would know, wouldn't you?"
"* ..."
"* Ahhh, you're right."
"* Who cares about all that?"
"* Life's all about the thrill!# How fun your experiences are!"
"* Our time here has been way# better than any interaction out# there!"
"* And I'm not looking for it to# end any time soon!"
"* Of course, it can't last# forever."
"* After I overtake your SOUL,# I'll kill ASGORE."
"* I'll absorb all those poor# children you couldn't save!"
"* Then and only then, I will# become GOD."
"* But for now... this is only the# beginning. "
"* So please, resist."
"* Let's entertain each other a# while longer."
"* After all, in this world..."
"{0} - Shoot"
"{0} - Autofire"
"{0} - Dash"
"* Hey."
"* Hey!"
"* Just give up!"
"* Y o u . . ."
"* ..."
"* Useless..."
"* Even now..."
"* All of it."
"* Heh, I can't believe I thought# this run might be it."
"* It's no wonder we make a good# team."
"* You're a lot like me in a way."
"* Too stubborn to lie down and# accept your situation."
"* Too... determined."
"* You're so annoying."
"* ..."
"* I thought this would be fun,# and I suppose it was..."
"* ...For a moment."
"* But I'm over it now."
"* ..."
"* I don't think either of us feel# like fighting for all eternity# so..."
"* I'll cut you a deal."
"* I'm going to reset. Back to# when you first arrived."
"* Of course, you probably won't# remember this."
"* We can be \"pals\" all over# again. Reunited."
"* If we end up in the same spot,# I may try this again."
"* But..."
"* If you can remember anything# from right now..."
"* Try to make different decisions# next time."
"* There's a better timeline out# there for both of us."
"* Not that I care about you, this# outcome just sucks."
"* It was all in my mind!"
"* No one could see it, it wasn't# threatening lives..."
"* Doesn't come close to what I'm# TRULY aiming for."
"* When I reach that goal, you'll# be there to witness it."
"* A spectacle like the world's# never seen!"
"* So... When we meet again in# that dingy room..."
"* You're gonna help me get what I# want."
"* Like it or not, I decide your# fate now."
"* Haha! If only I could see your# reaction to all this!"
"* Oh, who am I kidding?"
"* Your face would only look like# it always did!"
"* Hahahahaha!!!"
"* Alright, alright, I'll let you# go."
"* I do need a little time to# practice my intro monologue,# though."
"* Feel free to pace yourself# before the big fall!"
"* See ya later, Clover!"
"* Hey."
"* Hey!"
"* Come on!"
"* Idiot!"
"* . . . . . ."
"* ..."
"* Heh."
"* Here we are again."
"* Wasn't as terrifying or flashy# as it was the first time, huh?"
"* Cut me some slack! My# imagination is only so vast!"
"* Forget it. I might as well be# talking to a wall."
"* You don't retain your memory# after resets."
"* That's why I have to explain# the same things every time."
"* Place the same savepoints,# make the same comments..."
"* \"Golly, this place sure is# ____!\" "
"* \"Keep up the good work,# buddy!\""
"* \"Remember your mission!\""
"* Over and over and over and# over..."
"* But I notice things each run."
"* You solve puzzles faster."
"* You defeat monsters faster."
"* You navigate the Underground# like you have a map."
"* All that, yet I know your# memory is wiped clean."
"* I can't explain it..."
"* ..."
"* Maybe at some point it will# all culminate."
"* You will finally lead me to# what I need."
"* Until then, I'll reset."
"* And reset and reset and reset# and reset and reset and reset# and reset and"
"* Hey."
"* Hey!"
"* Come on!"
"* Please!"
"* . . . . . ."
"* ..."
"* What is this?"
"* Why do we keep ending up here?"
"* Every time you make certain# choices, it's the rooftop."
"* Martlet always convinces you# to go with her."
"* Am I supposed to just... let# that happen?"
"* No... I've seen you surrender# and adapt before."
"* It doesn't lead anywhere."
"* So, what? Is this it? Is this# the way it has to be?"
"* When I first steered you into# the Dark Ruins..."
"* I could've sworn I was onto# something."
"* But it feels like your life -# your fate - is locked in."
"* As if there's a specific way# it MUST play out."
"* If that's true... what does# that fate lead to? Ultimately?"
"* ...Maybe you're not the one I# need?"
"* Maybe you're only a stepping# stone? A... precursor."
"* \"They come. They leave. They# die.\""
"* That's what she always said."
"* ..."
"* There will be another. "
"* And this \"helpful\" act... It's# not working. "
"* I need to embrace who I really# am as soon as I'm rid of you. "
"* For now, however, I have to# keep it up. "
"* I know what it's like to be at# rock bottom without hope. "
"* This... while incredibly# frustrating... "
"* This act has gotten me the# closest I've ever been to my# goal. "
"* It's the first time I've felt# like I've made true progress. "
"* Sure I could try rigging a new# puzzle... "
"* Drag you into another# alternate path... "
"* But even I don't have the# patience for that. "
"* I know deep down that my plan# WILL work out. "
"* What I don't know is whether# that plan involves you in the# end. "
"* ...Alive, that is. "
"* But I've blabbered on enough. "
"* It's time for me to fake a# smile through another# excruciating journey. "
"* Don't mess it up again."
"* ..."
"* And here we go."
"* Uh-huh..."
"* I really hate you, you know that?"
"* . . . . . ."
"* Great."
"* Heh."
"* Talk about a \"dead end.\""
"* ..."
"* That's not funny."
"* None of this is."
"* I shouldn't be here. Not# again."
"* I mean, come on..."
"* Don't I have anything better# to do?"
"* Hey."
"* Hey!"
"* Come on!"
"* ..."
"* ......"
"* . . . . . ."
"* ..."
"* You know? It's strange."
"* Something's off here."
"* We're alone in my mind right# now."
"* It's clear that we're alone,# right?"
"* Then why I can't shake it..."
"* In moments like this where all# is quiet... that's when I feel# it."
"* Only since you showed up has# it been this way."
"* ..."
"* I have to reset again."
"* I have to reset until I find# the right path."
"* Until you make the right# choices."
"* Until it..."
"Not wasting any#time, huh?"
"You know..."
"My whole life..."
"My whole life,#I was taught#that humans are#the enemy."
"The truth stared right#at me but I chose#to look away."
"I tried to see the#good - I wanted to#believe it wasn't#true."
"But you... "
"Any ounce of \"good\"#you ever had is#six feet under."
"I don't care if your#motivation was#\"noble.\""
"I don't care if it#was only your twisted#idea of fun."
"Nothing can justify#your sins."
"I ran... "
"Twice I could've done#something different.#Tried harder."
"...Prevented so many#deaths."
"But I knew that#chance was slim."
"I'm far too limited#in my current state."
"But now..."
"This is my#responsibility alone."
"You should've finished#me when you had the#chance."
"*Pant pant*"
"Clover... "
"Your terror..."
"Ends NOW!!!"
"* The zenith of Monsterkind."
"* MARTLET -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* A worthy opponent."
"* The enemy gazes onward."
"* The enemy tries to persist."
"* The enemy prepares to attack."
"* The enemy's defense can be# destroyed."
"* The enemy grows weaker."
"* The enemy can't last forever."
"* The enemy will know justice."
"* A moment of remembrance is# taken..."
"* The bloodshed ends here." (unused)
"* A moment of remembrance is# taken..."
"* The mission is almost# complete." (unused)
"* A moment of remembrance is# taken..."
"* They will be avenged." (unused)
"* One cup of joe for the# Boss - extra# caffeinated!"
"* Is that my title now?"
"* It's not like I pay you# to help me."
"* Oh?"
"* See these drinks?"
"* Martlet..."
"* You really should pay# that tab soon. The list# is gettin' long!"
"* ..."
"* Oh, I meant to tell# you..."
"* We'll probably have to# cut back on our hangouts# soon."
"* Hm?"
"* I uh... I finally gave# in to peer pressure# and..."
"* ...Got a job."
"* Really?"
"* What good news!"
"* Heh, I don't see it# that way..."
"* Well, you can't# freeload forever."
"* I knoooow, I know!"
"* What's the job?"
"* Well I wanted a job# where I could build# things so..."
"* I signed up for the# Royal Guard."
"* The..."
"* ..."
"* Martlet."
"* What?"
"* I don't..."
"* ..."
"* There's gotta be a# better job out there."
"* What's wrong with the# Royal Guard?"
"* Besides building# puzzles, all they do is# sit around all day."
"* Practically tailor made# for me!"
"* It isn't that simple."
"* ..."
"* On rare occasions,# Guards have to do their# job."
"* Their REAL job."
"* You're talking about# humans, right?"
"* I'm aware."
"* But come on..."
"* It's gotta be like, a# 0.1% chance that I run# into a human!"
"* And even if I did, I'm# a good people-person. "
"* Escorting them through# the Underground wouldn't# be a problem."
"* Humans are dangerous!"
"* Whoa..."
"* They cannot be trusted# and certainly not# \"escorted.\""
"* Sorry, but you should# not put yourself in# harm's way."
"* What do you mean?"
"* Surely they can't ALL# be bad... right?"
"* Have you heard of the# Snowdin attack?"
"* Yeah..."
"* Well... I witnessed it."
"* One of the bleakest# days of my life."
"* And veterans of the# war... their stories... "
"* It had to be ten times# worse."
"* ..."
"* Humans are merciless."
"* Incapable of decency in# any form."
"* Believe me."
"* ..."
"* If it makes you feel# better..."
"* I'm not posted anywhere# near the hot spots."
"* Well, it is a \"hot\"# spot but..."
"* It's just Lab duty."
"* Guarding the Royal# Scientist's almighty# fortress?"
"* Yeah, that's all."
"* ...#"
"* Why don't we just call# it a day?"
"* Yeah..."
"* Probably for the# best..."
"* Where are you off to in such a# hurry?"
"* O-Oh, me?"
"* Umm..."
"* I'm still waiting on# the new security budget# so in the meantime..."
"* ...I decided to move# the lab cameras to# Waterfall."
"* Waterfall?"
"* A-AND Snowdin!"
"* Yeah! So... "
"* Keep watch while the# lab surveillance is# down, okay?"
"* Aye aye!"
"* ..."
"* Deep breaths, Martlet."
"* Deep breaths..."
"* Humans are dangerous# and cannot be trusted."
"* Humans are dangerous..."
"* Humans are dangerous..."
"What do you think#you're doing?"
"Searching for a#reason to hate me?"
"You didn't need a#reason when killing#the others..."
"I bet you feel r-real#accomplished right#now."
"But the only thing#you managed to#accomplish..."
" pissing me#off even more."
"There's only one#way this ends."
"And right now, I#feel invigorated."
"Good luck."
"* Fallen down."
"* MARTLET -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Fallen down."
"* Endtimes."
"* Closure."
"* Home."
"* Freedom."
"* Righteousness."
"* Finality."
"* Vindication."
"* An end in sight. "
"* Nothing else matters." (unused)
"* You refuse to back down..." "* Gained " + string(heal_amount) + "HP!"
"I'm doing#j-just fine!"
"You, however..."
"You seem to be#s-struggling, heh."
"Sorry, but I#won't let up!"
"W-What's going#on?"
"The s-serum,#it..."
"N-No! I can#handle it!"
"I have to keep#going!!"
"Why is it wearing#off!?"
"Y O U . . ."
"Y O U C A N ' T#W I N ."
"Y O U C A N ' T#. . ."
". . ."
"H-How many#more ?"
"How many until you#are satisfied ?"
"We only t-took#five ."
"You've taken#dozens ."
"You aren't just#. . ."
"All you are is a#self-serving maniac."
". . ."
"I hope you"
"H E L P M E . . ."
". . ."
"This is JUST#great."
"Do you know how#much attention this#will bring on us!?"
"The entire Underground#is going to put up#its defenses!"
"I'm sure the Castle is#on full lockdown#thanks to your#recklessness!"
"No... This won't do."
"You're gonna make this#right, got that?"
"You may have a \"shiny#new ability\" but that#doesn't change a#thing!"
"Go to the Castle and#smash its walls down!#Tear it apart!!"
"Do whatever it takes#to get me my SOULs!!!"
"Hey now..."
"I meant \"your SOULs.\"#You know that!"
"You idiot! What do#you think you're#doing?"
"Looks like this is#another dead end."
"What is this?"
"What's going on!?"
"You little-!"
"You're going to put a#knife in MY back!?"
"I'm the only reason#you ever made it out#of the Ruins!"
"Your best friend!#Your only friend!"
"Well you know what?#I've never been above#betrayals either!"
". . ."
"Ha ha..."
"Every second that#passes when I'm with#you is more miserable#than the last."
"And it's always been#that way."
"The only time I#enjoyed myself was when#I got to watch you#die."
"Hundreds of deaths.#Endlessly gruesome.#Endlessly satisfying."
"When I look at you..."
"I don't see a \"brave#hero\" or whatever you#pretend to be."
"All I see are those#beloved#memories. "
"Replaying over, and#over, and over, and#over..."
"And you want to#know the best part?"
"Even if you kill#me, I know how#this ends."
"There's never been#any escaping it."
"That Castle may as#well be a coffin#because you're already#dead."
"Ha ha!#You hear that???"
"HA HA HA!!!"
"* YOU WON!#* You earned " + string(global.enemy_exp) + " XP and " + string(global.enemy_gold) + " gold." "#* Your LOVE increased."
"* You made it! Great!"
"* What a view..."
"* That large facility in# front of us is the# CORE..."
"* ...The main source of# power for the# Underground."
"* Behind that is New# Home. The capital city."
"* I asked around and was# told Ceroba and Starlo# headed there."
"* Guess she ran the# opposite way of the Lab# to juke her pursuer?"
"* The two couldn't have# gotten far, I'm positive# we'll find them!"
"* We'll..."
"* Whew, it's all setting# in now."
"* This is like... super# intimidating, right? Not# just me?"
"* ..."
"* I don't know when I'll# get another chance so# I'll say it now:"
"* You are a kind soul.# One of the best I've# met."
"* Left and right you've# been beaten and bruised,# but you stay vigilant."
"* You defuse situations# and mend# relationships..."
"* ...A far cry from what# I was taught growing up."
"* Royal Guards are told# ad nauseum that humans# are the enemy."
"* I only ever heard# stories of war and our# Underground imprisonment."
"* But you're different."
"* If you could change my# mind on humans, I know# you can ASGORE's!"
"* After we diffuse the# Ceroba situation,"
"* We'll march right up to# that Castle, you and me!"
"* And then... Well,# you'll be on your way."
"* But don't worry about# me! "
"* When Monsterkind is# freed, we'll meet again# on the Surface!"
"* By then, you might be# all grown up. Wouldn't# that be funny?"
"* Heh..."
"* ..."
"* Point is, I'm glad you# hopped on my raft."
"* ..."
"* Okay... We need to get# moving."
"* That way. West New# Home."
"* The elevator downstairs# should take us straight# there."
"* After that... I'm not# sure."
"* I'd call for backup in# a scenario like this but# we're on our own. "
"* Outlaws."
"* So, \"partner in crime,\"# you ready?"
"* Let's stop Ceroba!"
"* After you."
"* (I see them!)"
"* (This way!)"
"* (Ceroba looks# distressed...)"
"* (I'm sure we can# negotiate her down from# this but...)"
"* (Worst comes to worst,# we might have to# retreat.)"
"* (Tactically, of# course.)"
"* (Let's listen in...) "
"* Just leave me to my own# devices, Star!"
"* Ceroba, I don't know# what you're saying!"
"* Please calm down..."
"* I must go to the Lab!"
"* It's where Kanako is# being kept!"
"* I have to get there by# any means necessary!"
"* I'm not sure that's a# good idea..."
"* Don't get in my way."
"* Or what? You'll kill# me?"
"* I'll... "
"* Hey!"
"* Clover and I - we# watched the tapes. "
"* You need to let this# go!"
"* If not..."
"* Why are you here,# Clover!? "
"* You're supposed to be# back home!"
"* No, thank you for# finding me. Makes things# easier. "
"* If I were you two, I'd# leave Clover here and# forget about this."
"* It might not make sense# to you, but it's for the# best."
"* Cut the self-righteous# act, will you?"
"* Just... stop it."
"* We can turn this# around, Ceroba."
"* You said it yourself# that Kanako is alive!"
"* Let's just find her and# go back to our normal,# happy life."
"* \"Happy life\"...# That's rich."
"* I... lied about Kanako,# Star. I had to."
"* ...What?"
"* Falling down is# practically a death# sentence."
"* Unless a miracle takes# place at the lab,# there's no... "
"* ...There's no hope for# her."
"* You..."
"* I-I'm trying to make# the best of what I can,# okay!?"
"* This is all I know to# do at this point!"
"* Kanako... "
"* Kanako is a Boss# Monster. "
"* She is the key to# finishing Chujin's work!"
"* This is his legacy! His# plan for the future! "
"* Monsterkind's only hope# for survival!"
"* Don't you speak for# him!"
"* You've seen the tapes,# right?"
"* Do you honestly think# this is what he wanted?"
"* Kanako wasn't supposed# to be a factor in this!"
"* If he were here, the# Chujin I knew woul-"
"* The Chujin you knew... "
"* You knew nothing of# him."
"* No, Martlet's right."
"* We might've had some# differing views but..."
"* ...Chujin was kind. To# everyone."
"* And I know you are as# well!"
"* It's just that right# now, I..."
"* I don't understand you."
"* When I fought Clover I# was \"reckless.\""
"* But when YOU want their# SOUL, it's \"for the# best\"?"
"* Not only Clover's...# but the SOUL of your own"
"* Shut up!"
"* You think I don't know# how far gone I am!?"
"* And where's this high# horse coming from???"
"* Sounds to me like we're# in this pit together."
"* Ceroba, please..."
"* Just... get out of here# and let me finish what I# started. "
"* Y-You can't have# Clover!"
"* We are going to ASGORE# and that's that!"
"* Don't you dare."
"* Martlet, grab Clover!# I'll keep Ceroba at bay!"
"* Go, now!"
"* Son of a!"
"* Clover... "
"* I... "
"* I'm sorry for what I've# done."
"* I almost wish you never# showed up in the Wild# East."
"* Maybe then I could've# continued to bury my# sorrows in the Saloon."
"* But now... I must# follow through with my# mission."
"* I've somehow grown to# respect the hell out of# you but... "
"* At the end of the# day... you're naive."
"* There is so much you# don't understand about# monsters."
"* What, did you think# you'd jump down here and# find them?"
"* Five humans, living out# their lives, unharmed..."
"* That isn't how it# works."
"* I'm guessing you# discovered that truth,# right? Then what?"
"* Was your and Martlet's# plan to storm Asgore's# Castle for revenge?"
"* Or was it simply to# plead for a free ticket# back to the Surface?"
"* He only needs two more# SOULS to shatter the# barrier."
"* Wouldn't hesitate for a# SECOND to make that one."
"* But... who am I to# criticize how he carries# out business?"
"* Here I am about to do# the very same thing..."
"* I am a hypocrite. A# liar. Sure."
"* But at least I... "
"* ...with Chujin's# guidance, can save# countless monster lives."
"* These two couldn't# understand that. And# Asgore..."
"* Asgore is a coward."
"* Didn't believe in my# husband at all."
"* He thinks problems will# just disappear if he# closes the curtains."
"* I long for freedom as# much as anyone but he..."
"* He doesn't consider# what will happen once he# gets his SOULS."
"* Everyone else too."
"* They all believe victory# will come easy but the# humans I've heard of?"
"* They are powerful.# Ruthless."
"* As soon as we try to# leave..."
"* ...They will stuff us# RIGHT back into this# hellhole."
"* They want our misery to# fester until we give up# and die out."
"* ..."
"* I am no better than# Asgore on a scale of# morality, I'm sure of it."
"* But what I am, is# proactive."
"* Monsterkind is worth# protecting, so I will# see that it is done. "
"* Truthfully..."
"* I have nothing left in# life, so I've made peace# with throwing it away."
"* ..."
"* You'll fight back, but# you can't forever."
"* Goodbye."
"* You... beat me up# pretty b-badly, huh?"
"* S-Star I..."
"* Don't sweat it too# much..."
"* I reckon I deserved it# for the Wild East# fiasco."
"* ..."
"* Heck of a hit though."
"* I didn't know you had# that in you."
"* I'm... I'm so sorry."
"* Wh..."
"* Where am I...?"
"* Clover! We gotta get# out of here!"
"* No."
"* It's finished."
"* Clover... "
"* Clover won."
"* Y'all had a fight? And# the deputy won?"
"* (My lessons worked...)"
"* Wait, how much did I# miss?"
"* I..."
"* I don't know what to# do."
"* Apologize, make# excuses, nothing would# change reality."
"* I've dug a hole far too# deep to climb out of."
"* And for nothing..."
"* Hey..."
"* Where was I a few hours# ago?"
"* In this same situation."
"* My judgment was clouded# and I screwed up."
"* But you forgave me. The# four others did as well."
"* We've both made poor# choices, no# sugar-coating that..."
"* But there is hope. At# least... I believe there# is."
"* I... can't begin to# grasp what you've gone# through..."
"* But this was an# absolutely horrible way# of dealing with it."
"* ..."
"* You can't change what# has happened, you're# right."
"* But you can control how# you live from now on."
"* Your actions will mean# everything."
"* But..."
"* Chujin. His legacy. His# wish."
"* It will never be# fulfilled."
"* Chujin might not have# been the perfect monster# I thought he was..."
"* But even his darkest# secrets came from a# caring place."
"* And that right there...# is his legacy."
"* It isn't found in a# serum to \"save the# world.\""
"* Everyone he helped,# everything he crafted..."
"* That's what matters."
"* Martlet's right."
"* He made life down here# bearable for so many."
"* And for that, he has my# respect."
"* I... never thought# about it like that."
"* What the hell was I# thinking?"
"* I was so# tunnel-visioned. So# lost..."
"* We can work through# this."
"* We're here for you."
"* Now..."
"* You should take some# time to heal. Recoup."
"* But... Kanako's# wellbeing is still a# valid concern."
"* I have connections to# the Royal Scientist# so..."
"* I'll begin an# investigation. Try my# best to help."
"* I don't know what to# say..."
"* Thank you, Martlet."
"* Clover."
"* I owe an apology to# you, most of all."
"* Our time in the# Steamworks and what I# said... It wasn't fake."
"* It did allow me to# briefly forget my# troubles and have fun."
"* But my reasoning for# being there..."
"* I can't begin to "
"* W-Why?"
"* I mean..."
"* ...Thank you."
"* I'm gonna cry."
"* I... can't believe it's# come to this but..."
"* Clover, I think your# journey is at its end."
"* ASGORE and the barrier# await us."
"* No! Already???"
"* As sad as it is, Clover# needs to go home."
"* That won't work."
"* What?"
"* Sure, we know Clover# for who they are but# Asgore..."
"* He won't see Clover as# we do. And he doesn't# care to learn."
"* But this is a unique# situation!"
"* The King has always# been kind and# understanding!"
"* Yeah, Clover wouldn't# hurt anyone!"
"* You think that's ever# mattered in the past?"
"* ..."
"* The truth stings, but# it is what it is."
"* ..."
"* So, what?"
"* Should I take Clover# back to Snowdin?"
"* Hide out for the rest# of our lives?"
"* Yeah, why couldn't# Clover stay with us?"
"* I mean, it's plausible# but won't the Royal# Guard be on the hunt?"
"* After so many# encounters Clover just# disappears?"
"* It wouldn't be the# first time."
"* Ohh yeah! They would# probably think the same# thing happened again!"
"* ..."
"* But... What about the# others?"
"* You know, the next# humans."
"* Clover gets to live# happily but they have to# die?"
"* Oh."
"* ...We don't know their# hearts."
"* Maybe they"
"* What? Deserve it?"
"* Have you learned# anything?"
"* I'm just weighing our# options!"
"* We're backed into a# corner here, alright?"
"* Hey, calm down, guys."
"* You know I really# thought tonight's fiasco# was enough!"
"* We all talked it# through and things were# going well."
"* But you immediately# suggest giving the# future children up to"
"* I didn't mean it like# that! Get off my case!"
"* I'm sorry but I don't# think you exactly have# room to talk right now." (unused)
"* Come on you two! Cut it# out!" (unused)
"You probably want to go home dontcha?"
"Humanity already won by trapping us#down here, yet they keep twisting#the knife."
"This cannot continue any longer!"
"You must have#places to go,#correct?"
"The Castle...#The barrier."
"I did everything#in my power to#entertain..."
" monsters#wouldn't have to#worry about being#stuck down here."
"Anyway, we'll bypass the Royal Guard#and plead your case to ASGORE!"
"Remember your REAL mission, Clover."
"Asgore only needs#two more SOULS to#shatter the barrier."
"What a world it#would be if I had#two whole friends."
"Most might act cheerful,#but life down here..."
"...It's hopeless."
"...The five children#you set out to find#in the first place."
"Despite its ups and#downs, our little#adventure was a blast."
"ASGORE's still out there#threatening human lives!"
"Keep your head in the game!"
"Turns out you're a pretty#damn good leader, Clover!"
"Come on, Clover!"
"You are a kind soul.#One of the best I've met."
"* Clover!"
"* Clover, what are you doing!?"
"* Hey, uh..."
"* Clover? What's going# on?"
"* You're scaring us here."
ch[1] = "It's time"
"* Wh-What does that mean?"
ch[1] = "It's time to go"
"* No... "
"* No no no no no-we'll# think of a plan!"
"* We have options!"
"* Y-Yeah, don't do# something you'll regret!"
"* If it's Snowdin you# don't like, you can live# with me."
"* My house has the space.# A-And the posse loves# you!"
"* Please, you gotta# listen to us, Clover!"
"* You deserve better."
"* You're..."
"* You're serious."
"* ..."
"* ...I understand."
"* Ceroba..."
"* This whole time, what# have we been doing?"
"* Dragging Clover around...# pulling at a leash."
"* Selfish."
"* ..."
"* Clover came here by# their own volition."
"* ...They deserve to# leave by it too."
"* But you don't want this# outcome, right?"
"* Surely..."
"* If there was another# way..."
"* But let's face it.# There isn't."
"* I believe Clover# realized that a long# time ago."
"* ..."
"* I don't know what to# say..."
"* As much as I want to# stop you..."
"* I see it. In your eyes."
"* This is about our# freedom... isn't it?"
"* ..."
"* Clover."
"* You are the bravest,# most selfless human I've# met."
"* Of course, I've only# met one..."
"* But if I ever meet# another, I hope they're# just like you."
"* I'd promote you to# sheriff 'cause lord# knows you've earned it,"
"* But you aren't sheriff# material. "
"* You're much more."
"* I... already made my# feelings known in# Hotland."
"* So..."
"* Psst."
"* ..."
"* This means more to us# than you know."
"* To everyone."
"* ..."
"* ..."
"* Well... "
"* I understand if you two# don't want to be here# for..."
"* You know."
"* Do you have what you# need?"
"* I do."
"* Guess the suns getting# low."
"* I'll... see you around,# partner."
"* ..."
"* You got a receipt for# that?"
"* Thanks, kid."
"* Goodbye, Clover."
"* You've changed my life.# Truly."
"* Heh..."
"* How will I know you're# a human now, huh?"
"* This means a lot."
"* I'm sorry the world is# like this..."
"* But people like you# make it better."
"* Thank you."
"* We'll... "
"* We'll be outside."
"* You've gained my# respect."
"* I mean it."
"* Do you..."
"* ...want me to stay?"
ch[1] = "..."
ch[1] = "Go on"
ch[1] = "I'll... be okay"
"* ..."
"* Very well."
"* This won't be# forgotten."
"* Goodbye, Clover."
" So, this is it?"
" All that work just to become# another cog in the machine?"
" Heh, you've grown so# predictable!"
" I could undo all of this right# now but... Maybe you've earned# your rest."
" After all, there's always# another."
" ..."
" Can't say it's been fun so...# I suppose this is where we part# ways."
" Oh, who am I kidding?"
" Until we meet again... friend."
"* No use in backtracking."
"* We need to look ahead."
"* I think the throne room# is the other way."
"* Let's go back."
"* Wait."
"* Before we enter, I just# wanna say..."
"* Thanks for today."
"* For putting up with me."
"* I guess..."
"* In the big picture of# my life, you're only# gonna be a blip."
"* But oftentimes..."
"* Those \"blips\" make the# biggest impacts, you# know?"
"* Oh, what am I saying?"
"* I'll see you again once# monsterkind is free,# remember?"
"* Wherever you are when# that time comes,"
"* I will search you out!# Guaranteed!"
"* Well..."
"* Guess it's time."
"* Just follow my lead."
"* Dum dee dum..."
"* Um... Excuse me?"
"* King?"
"* Oh?"
"* A visitor? At this# hour?"
"* H-Hello Mr. King, sir."
"* It is an honor to be "
"* No need to be so# formal."
"* You can just call me# \"Asgore\" if you like."
"* Right!"
"* Asgore, King, sir."
"* I am Martlet of the# Royal Guard Snowdin# Division."
"* Ah yes! One of our# courageous guards."
"* Thank you for your# service to the# Underground!"
"* What brings you to the# Castle so late?"
"* W-Well..."
"* This human brings me to# the Castle."
"* Their name is# Clover."
"* Clover..."
"* What a lovely name..."
"* I apologize for the# lack of notice!"
"* I know this may be a# shock but..."
"* Were you, by chance,# not given a Royal Guard# handbook?"
"* A handbook?"
"* Sure, I was given a# handbook."
"* Not sure I'm following."
"* Ah..."
"* Hmm... "
"* So you are familiar# with the protocol..."
"* Yet... here you are."
"* I know how it looks."
"* But you see..."
"* Clover is not a bad# person."
"* I-In fact, they are one# of the kindest souls# around!"
"* So many have attacked# them with ill intent... "
"* But Clover is peaceful."
"* ...As much as one can# be in such situations."
"* What I'm trying to say# is... "
"* Clover believes in# what's best for others.# Even monsters."
"* And... "
"* They need to go home.# Back to the# Surface."
"* Back to the Surface..."
"* ..."
"* If only such a thing# were so easy."
"* But you of all monsters# must know the reality."
"* Clover is different!"
"* This is different!"
"* No..."
"* Regrettably..."
"* The one thing these# encounters never are is# \"different.\""
"* Not in the end."
"* Wh... What are you# saying?"
"* You aren't going to# kill Clover are you!?"
"* . . ."
"* If that is the result# of our battle..."
"* It must be."
"* NO!!"
"* You can't do that!!"
"* Clover!"
"* Plead your case! Come# on!!"
"* What are you doing??"
"* Say something!"
ch[1] = "..."
ch[2] = "You\nshould go"
"* Clover..."
"* You're..."
"* You can't..."
"* The human has spoken."
"* I am sorry."
"* N-No..."
"* This isn't how this..."
"* L-Let's go back."
"* Back to Snowdin."
"* You can live w-with me."
"* Like nothing ever# happened..."
ch[1] = "..."
"* I..."
"* I......"
"* . . ."
"* Hm."
"* You are a decisive one."
"* . . ."
"* Then you know what we# must do."
"* Please... follow me# into the next room."
"* Through this door."
"* . . ."
"* This is the barrier."
"* This is what keeps us trapped# underground."
"* . . ."
"* I feel it is important# I show you something."
"* How tense..."
"* . . ."
"* The feeling you are# experiencing at this# moment."
"* I know it well."
"* The world can be a# cruel place."
"* It takes and gives as# it chooses."
"* But..."
"* I suppose I have talked# long enough."
"* . . ."
"* I will make this quick."
"* No need to worry."
"* Hey, pal."
"* Heh, what are you doing# in this cramped alley?"
"* I think we both know# this isn't the way to# the Castle."
"* You do know that, right?# "
"* Yeah, so let's turn# around and get on with# the plan."
"* Clover, come on."
"* Is this about that# letter you received in# the Steamworks?"
"* It's gotta be a trap. "
"* You're seriously gonna# fall for something so# obvious?"
"* That bird never got you# anywhere."
"* You know who did? Me!# Your best friend!"
"* How many times have I# saved your life? Huh?"
"* All Martlet's done is# put it in danger!"
"* Alright, fine!"
"* If this is what you# think is worth your time# then I... trust you."
"* What else would a friend# do, after all?"
"* Just don't say I didn't# warn you..."
"* Ah, you got my message!# Great!"
"* What a view..."
"* That large facility in# front of us is the# CORE..."
"* ...The main source of# power for the# Underground."
"* Behind that is New Home.# The capital city."
"* ...King ASGORE's Castle."
"* Look, I haven't been# 100% honest with you..."
"* My whole life, I was# taught that humans are# the enemy."
"* But you... you never# really came across as# such. "
"* Though..."
"* During our journey, I# did sense a faint,# alarming aura in you."
"* I had this backup plan# in case you started a# rampage but..."
"* never did."
"* Phew... that feels# liberating."
"* I'm so sorry for keeping# that from you. You're a# good kid."
"* Even so, there's another# problem..."
"* I don't think ASGORE# would agree."
"* You see, he needs seven# human SOULs to destroy# the barrier."
"* So far he's collected# five and he might try# for another..."
"* Now that we're this# close..."
"* I'm afraid there isn't a# peaceful way of# confronting him."
"* I'm sorry."
"* ..."
"* I know this isn't the# path you intended but..."
"* Let's... put all this# behind us."
"* You can come stay with# me. Live out a happy,# violence-free childhood!"
"* I'll teach you# craftsmanship..."
"* And you can teach me# marksmanship!"
"* You don't deserve to die# this young."
"* ..."
"* What do you say?"
ch[1] = "Sounds good"
ch[2] = "...Okay"
"* Really???"
"* Wow! We are going to# have so much fun!"
"* I promise this is the# best outcome for both of# us."
"* Well, \"roommate,\" let's# go to Snowdin!"
" W-What is this?"
" Clover...?"
" W-Why would you..."
"* Ah, you got my message."
"* ..."
"* That large facility in# front of us is the# CORE..."
"* ...The main source of# power for the# Underground."
"* Behind that is New Home.# The capital city."
"* ...King ASGORE's# Castle."
"* Look, I haven't been# 100% honest with you..."
"* My whole life, I was# taught that humans are# the enemy."
"* And I'll admit, you're# not shy about defending# yourself."
"* During our journey, I# sensed an alarming aura# in you."
"* I had this backup plan# in case you started a# rampage but..."
"* ...thankfully, you# never did."
"* Phew... that feels# liberating."
"* I'm sorry for keeping# that from you but you# know how things are..."
"* Even so, there's# another problem..."
"* ASGORE needs seven# human SOULs to destroy# the barrier."
"* So far he's collected# five and I fear he'd try# for another..."
"* You might fight back# and well..."
"* ..."
"* I know this isn't the# path you intended but..."
"* Let's... put all this# behind us. End the# conflict."
"* You can come stay with# me. Live out a happy,# violence-free childhood."
"* You don't deserve to# die this young."
"* ..."
"* What do you say?"
ch[1] = "Wouldn't\nhurt"
ch[2] = "...Okay"
"* Thanks a bunch, Clover!"
"* ..."
"* Hey, smile a little!# This is a new beginning!"
"* C'mon, \"roommate\",# let's go to Snowdin!"
" W-What is this?"
" Clover...?"
" W-Why would you..."
"* Oops! Got to her first!"
"* Though I must say..."
"* The whole “false sense# of security” bit? Very# clever."
"* ..."
"* No way..."
"* Don't tell me you were# ACTUALLY trying to turn# this around."
"* After what you did to# all those poor monsters?"
"* Hahahaha!!!"
"* That's just too funny!"
"* I don't care how# mind-numbingly# sympathetic she was..."
"* There is no ticket to# redemption for your# actions."
"* ...Oh, right!"
"* Surprise! I betrayed# you!"
"* Real sorry, but hey,# thanks for abandoning# your rampage!"
"* You were gettin' pretty# strong for a second# there."
"* I'm not usually the# worrying type but whew!"
"* Dodged a bullet! Haha!"
"File 1 Loaded"
"* Whoa! Make that two!"
"* Trigger-happy are we?"
"* I think you forgot# who's in charge here."
"* We had a nice run,# didn't we?"
"* Too bad I won't# miss it."
"* You see, I've been# watching you for a# while."
"* Gosh, what run is it?# Gotta be in the hundreds."
"* I've almost lost count!# Haha..."
"* Ah! Hello!"
"* Are you all right?"
"* You must be wondering# what is going on..."
"* I am TORIEL, caretaker# of the RUINS."
"* I let you carry on# your merry way so# many times."
"* Go on, press the# switch on the left."
"* You do know which# way left is, do# you not?"
"* Press the switch that# I labelled for you."
"Please press this switch# too.# -Toriel" (unused)
"* Oh no, my child! That# is the wrong switch. "
"* I have labelled the one# you need to flip."
(the following interaction is unused)
"* Splendid!"
"* I am proud of you,# little one."
"* Go ahead and# push the rock!"
"* You are learning# so much, my child!"
"* I watched the same# childish behavior play# out over..."
"* And over..."
"* And over."
"* Sure, small decisions# here and there would# vary but..."
"* The journey would always# end with you ignorantly# living with Toriel."
"* I had to interfere."
"* At first, my efforts# seemed to work."
"* Tensions rose and you# left the Ruins."
"* But then, other# issues crept up..."
"* No matter how many# times you journeyed on..."
"* You always died."
"* I had to steer you# off the path of failure# as early as possible."
"* So I tampered with# a little switch and..."
"* Well, the rest# is history!"
"* ..."
"* Oh come on! You're still here?"
"* I thought at least my story# might bore you so much that# you'd give in!"
"* You really wanna do this the# hard way? "
"* Haha, alright then!"
"* Let's have a little fun before# I absorb your SOUL for good!"
"* ..."
"* So you found me..."
"* Pretty easy when# there's so few left."
"* . . ."
"* The Underground is full# of beauty."
"* Friends... Families..."
"* Hopes... Dreams..."
"* Or at least... it was."
"* . . ."
"* Though valiantly they# fought..."
"* Nobody could stop you,# could they?"
"* I had hoped this day# wouldn't come."
"* Retaliation was# inevitable but..."
"* I believed we could# handle it as we always# have."
"* My dear friends... "
"* I am sorry."
"* I know why you are here# but... I'm afraid it's# too late."
"* Your goal is out of# reach."
"* Monsterkind's plight is# not something I take# pride in..."
"* But it is a conflict# not of our making."
"* ..."
"* One thing is certain,# however."
"* Your violence has# ensured this war never# to end."
"* Many more, of both our# kinds, will perish# because of this day."
"* Such is the path you# chose."
"* But..."
"* Even if you chose# differently..."
"* The unfortunate truth# of the matter is..."
"* Your fate was sealed# the moment you entered# my kingdom."
"* We will rebuild."
"* And with the help of# your SOUL, we will be# free."
"* Goodbye."
"* !"
"* (You can't see past the large,# blackout curtains inside.)"
"* (Can't see in.)"
"* (It's locked. Music producers# only.)"
"* (Locked.)"
"* (A mighty roadblock stands in# the way.)"
"* (This is the wrong way.)"
"* (An enemy is nearby.)"
"* (No loose ends.)"
"* (The east bush.)"
"* (A bush.)"
"* (The west bush.)"
"* (A bush.)"
"* (Just a regular wall... right?)"
"* (A strange wall.)"
"* (There's an inscription on the# fountain.)"
"* Hopes and Dreams "
"* Built 201X "
"* (You hear a faint melody# coming from the statue.)"
"* (A memorial.)"
"* (A potted plant.)"
"* (Another plant.)"
"* CORE currently under# maintenance. "
"* Please do not climb over the# velvet rope."
"* (The elevator is in use.)"
"* (This is the wrong way.)"
"* (You notice a ranking sheet on# the board.) "
"* Winners of the \"Actually Magma# Smoothie Challenge\": "
"* - Pyrope (Fastest time.) "
"* - Grillby (Calm and# collected.)"
"* - Cinderhead (Struggled but# finished strong.)"
"* - Heats... something (We# forgot who this was.)"
"* - Starlo (Was only trying to# impress someone.)"
"* - Fuku Fire (Most enthusiasm) "
"* - Know Cone (Transported to a# hospital. We might be in legal# trouble.)"
"* (Useless information.)"
"* (Your destination.)"
"* (The others' resting place.)"
"* (A planted pot.)"
"* (Another plant.)"
"* (You notice a schedule of# upcoming acts on the board.) "
"* (The name \"Mettaton\" appears# many, many times.)"
"* (Useless information.)"
"* (The ruler of the# Underground.)"
"* (It's him.)"
"* (A potted plant.)"
"* (Another plant.)"
"* You hear sounds coming from the# plant."
"* (...What?)"
"* (No response.)"
"* (Not of interest.)"
"* Yes, hello? "
"* Is that Mail Whale with my# package? "
"* Skip the rhyming and leave it# at the door, please."
"* (No response.)"
"* Who's there? "
"* I'm in the middle of robbing# this nice apartment. "
"* Come back when I've escaped."
"* (No response.)"
"* I know, I know, I'm being# evicted. "
"* Slide the notice under the# door and I'll add it to the# scrapbook."
"* (No response.)"
"* Caution: Slippery when wet! "
"* Caution: Slippery when dry! "
"* This section of tiling lacks# friction and we do not know how# to fix it!"
"* (A sign.)"
"* (You resist the odd temptation# to taste the mop water.)"
"* (A hazard.)"
"* (The warm glow of a bustling# lobby.)"
"* (No one's inside.)"
"* (...No response.)"
"* (The swimming pool of# champions.)"
"* (A dumpster.)"
"* (Nothing but recalled gift# shop products.)"
"* (Nothing useful.)"
"* (You find a discarded Hot Dog# in the trash can.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got a Hot Dog!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (You're more of a cat person.)"
"* (Nothing useful.)"
"* (There's some food here.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got a Hot Dog!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Just your average garbage.)"
"* (Nothing but eviction# notices.)"
"* (Nothing useful.)"
"* Garbage day: Monday "
"* If you can't reach the Dump,# throw all trash bags off the# cliff south of here. "
"* The lava below should do the# job."
"* (There's a note on the door.) "
"* Stranger, please stop eating# the cat food I leave out."
"* It's for a stray who's stuck# in here with us, not for# monsters."
"* Thank you."
"* (You discover some Monster# Candy in the trash can.# It's butterscotch flavored.) "
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got Monster Candy!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (If only it was cinnamon...)"
"* (Nothing but chewed up# silverware.)"
"* (There's some food here.)"
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got Monster Candy!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (Nothing useful.)"
"* (The end lies beyond.)"
"* (Let justice be done.)"
"* (Who knows what might happen# from this point forward.)"
"* (Continue?)"
ch[1] = "Turn back"
ch[2] = "Continue"
"* New Home is north of# here."
"* We need to head that# way."
"* (A map of your current# location sits above the# bench.) "
"* (The Underground is so much# larger than you imagined...)"
"* (A sturdy park bench.)"
"* (You spot a discarded bag of# Popato Chisps under the# bench.) "
"* (Take it?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
"* (You got Popato Chisps!)"
"* (Not enough space.)"
ch[2] = "No"
"* (A sturdy park bench.)"
"* (Despite a lack of visible# construction, the cones# obstruct your path.)"
"* Hmm... "
"* It is rather late isn't# it?"
"* Narrows down the# locations they could've# gone at least."
"* (Nothing of use here.)"
"* (Not of interest.)"
"* Oh no! I'm closed! "
"* Come back bright and early for# a scoop of Nice Cream!"
"* (Despite a lack of visible# construction, the cones# obstruct your path.)"
"* I think this elevator# goes to the Castle."
"* Probably the last place# Ceroba would run to."
"* Let's keep searching# this area for now."
"* No use in backtracking."
"* We need to look ahead."
"* (There he is.)"
"* Throne Room"
"* (The other way.)"
"* (Not of interest.)"
"* (...)"
"* Bro, I came to the club to let# loose and boogie, not wait in# line!"
"* \"It's crab hour!\" is what they# keep telling me. \"It's crab# hour!\""
"* Who says I'm NOT a crab? Like,# they sure are putting me in a# crabby mood!"
"* That, and I haven't trimmed my# fingernails in months."
"* I could pinch someone so hard# with these puppies."
"* The moment crab hour ends is# the moment I seize the floor and# get DOWN."
"* You can quote me on that, bro."
"* I'm not sure I meet the# requirements to set foot in the# club."
"* My age isn't the problem, it's# that I never got my Dancer's# License."
"* I'm tired of putting in effort# for entertainment."
"* When will someone come along# that spoon-feeds fun to me?"
"* That will be the day."
"* Guess it won't hurt to wait in# line a little longer."
"* Come on, I GOTTA be on the# guest list!"
"* Everybody knows my name!"
"* Any time now the bouncer's# memory of me will come rushing# back."
"* Surprised it's taking this# long."
"* If all else fails, I'll just# dance out here. No one could# stop me."
"* Oi, if ya want in the club,# you're gonna 'avta wait in line!"
"* That is, unless you're on the# VIP guest list. "
"* I doubt it but it wouldn't 'urt# to check."
"* ..."
"* Wouldja look at that! I got a# lad 'ere that looks just like# you!"
"* Go on, then!"
"* Got a lotta impatient monsters# who show up 'ere."
"* Surely by now they would know# not to come durin' crab hour!"
"* The crabs are Mr. Bailador's# understudies."
"* \"The Sentinels of Sound\" 'e# calls 'em."
"* Not sure where he rounded the# fellas up but the guy gets# around."
"* I try not to dabble in their# business, I'm just 'ere for the# paycheck."
"* You 'ave fun in there!"
"* Oi, club's closed."
"* Mr. Bailador isn't answering# 'is phone."
"* Sure 'e's always travlin' but# it ain't like him to miss crab# hour."
"* Ah well, the understudies just# left to go searchin' for 'im."
"* Wild night this is..."
"* Didja not 'ear me the first# time?"
"* Ain't no dancin' happenin'# tonight."
"* Do it somewhere else if ya# must."
"* 'Ope I'm still gettin' paid# for this..."
"* Ah, it is you!"
"* Welcome to my club!"
"* I am glad I remembered to put# you on the guest list!"
"* Now, join us in a dance, will# you?"
"* Oh right, I forgot you are not# big on dancing."
"* More of a Sentinel of Silence,# right?"
"* Funny history I have with those# folk."
"* We all used to live on the top# floor of UG Apartments north of# here."
"* Our side of the hall wanted to# be bold! High energy!"
"* While the other preferred the# deafening sound of silence."
"* We feuded over the SVL for# weeks! The Standard Volume# Level, that is."
"* Long story short, we all were# kicked out, haha!"
"* Gone our separate ways now,# free to chase any comfort we# choose."
"* I sometimes wonder what that# bat got up to? Probably lives# in some Snowdin cave."
"* If I were you, I would let# loose and dance with us!"
"* One never knows when they dance# their last!"
"* Hehe!"
"* Moves so hot, my worries are# melting away!"
"* Hehe!"
"* Gettin' down! Gettin down!"
"* HE HE !"
"* Hehe!"
"* I freaking suck at dancing!"
"* Hey!"
"* You caught me chillin' by my# brand new house."
"* That's right! Just bought this# sucker!"
"* I've been down in the dumps# lately so I thought it was time# to move on."
"* Do something nice for myself,# ya know?"
"* I highly recommend doing# something nice for yourself# every now and then."
"* It's therapeutic!"
"* Can't let anyone inside yet,# got a crew doing renovations."
"* They're installing the latest# music production equipment.# Fancy stuff."
"* Let's just say you're gonna# start hearing my hot beats# everywhere!"
"* Whatever your struggle, just# hold tight. Life gets better!"
"* Eh eh eh, no can do."
"* Citizens aren't allowed past# this point."
"* We're currently under heavy# spider construction as you can# see."
"* Ain't set to finish until 20XX# or so."
"* You think building a spider# home is simple?"
"* Spin a web here, spin a web# there, voila, right?"
"* Wrong."
"* It takes muscle. Eight biceps# on every worker."
"* Of course, biceps aren't# typically part of the leg but# my team operates above rules."
"* Gonna need you to move along.# Your presence is intimidating# everyone here."
"* You know that UGPS station# right outside?"
"* I hear it's going to be# removed soon. All of them, in# fact."
"* You might think it's because# letters are going out of style# but nah."
"* The company is just switching# up their business model."
"* Direct delivery to citizens'# mailboxes from now on!"
"* Convenient, but kinda# bittersweet. I enjoyed my daily# walks to the ol' station."
"* At least this means everyone# keeps their jobs. That's good# news!"
"* While the new mail system is# nice, the King's kinda given up# on improving society."
"* I respect what's been# accomplished but most monsters# act like we've peaked."
"* Not true, there's always more# that could be done in my# opinion!"
"* We could use better public# transportation for example.# Like a train!"
"* Or better yet, a subway train!"
"* ...Wait, wouldn't all trains# be considered subway trains# here? "
"* I wonder if I could get a job# as a mailmonster?"
"* Sure I can't fly but I placed# fourth on my highschool track# team!"
"* (We need to stay# focused.)"
"* (Let's not bother# others with our# problems.)"
"* I'm usually a chill dude but# today has not been my day. Let# me tell you:"
"* First, the attendant needs my# name so she can save me a room."
"* \"Mr. Cursor,\" I reply. She# steps back and goes \"Like some# kind of warlock?\""
"* I say \"What? Warlock?\" with# visible confusion."
"* \"I like to roll that ten-sided# die as much as the next guy but# no, I'm Mr. CURSOR.\""
"* Turns out, she thought I said# \"Curser\" like I was gonna hex# the joint!"
"* Really didn't need her input# on my iconic name but whatever.# "
"* So then, I walk over to the# elevator to head back to New# Home."
"* It's busy, so I wait, and I# wait, and I wait, and LITERALLY# THREE HOURS PASS!"
"* Next thing I know, the# elevator opens but OOPS!!"
"* Mr. Cursor has a tendency to# timeout and fall asleep every# five minutes!! "
"* And now I'm stuck here and# don't know WHEN I'LL EVER GET# TO"
"* GO HOME!!!"
"* Sorry about that... I have to# slow down and take a breather# when things get heated."
"* What was I talking about?"
"* Ugh, my memory sucks."
"* Yo, I monitored the situation# further and it just clicked# with me!"
"* What if I tried to ram my way# into the elevator by force?"
"* Like just charge straight into# the doors!"
"* Eh, well... on second thought,# if I tried that I might slip a# disk..."
"* You think this place has free# Wi-Fi? I'm uh, pretty bored."
"* (We need to stay# focused.)"
"* (Let's not bother# others with our# problems.)"
"* Oh! Hold on a second!"
"* I think I recognize you..."
"* Yeah, it's the hat!"
"* A blue, feathered monster came# in here and asked if I would# tell you to go to the roof."
"* She wanted to \"meet you on the# roof\" is what she said exactly."
"* All I ask is please do not do# anything illegal on the# premises."
"* If you don't mind, the complex# is quite busy today."
"* I need to attend to other# guests."
"* Oh, hey!"
"* The elevator to New Home seems# to be free at the moment."
"* I'd use this opportunity to# chase after the two friends you# were looking for."
"* That's the plan. Thank# you."
"* And please tell them not to be# so reckless in my# establishment."
"* Stresses out the residents."
"* If you don't mind, the complex# is quite busy today."
"* I need to attend to other# guests."
"* Blub blub..."
"* I apologize but we're all out# of reservations tonight."
"* A large party of ghosts are# here and the kitchen doesn't# know how to make ghost food."
"* Please come back in a few# days. Please..."
"* (We need to stay# focused.)"
"* (Let's not bother# others with our# problems.)"
"* What's up?"
"* You enjoying the tune we're# currently bangin' out?"
"* Hope you are 'cause it's the# only one we're playing tonight."
"* No requests this time, sorry# kid."
"* You might be confused why our# instruments sound different# from the usual."
"* Just the sound system this# place provides. Different mix.# Out of our hands."
"* Still a vibe, though."
"* Good luck on the rest of your# journey, human."
"* You've come a long way."
"* (We need to stay# focused.)"
"* (Let's not bother# others with our# problems.)"
"* I'm starting to think my date# stood me up."
"* I've been waiting here for# three hours."
"* The date is tomorrow night but# would it hurt to show up a# little early?"
"* The silverware is getting# cold..."
"* Who am I kidding?"
"* My date is so cute, way out of# my league."
"* Why would anyone show up twenty# hours early for someone like# me?"
"* Sigh..."
"* I'm just not cut out for love."
"* (We need to stay# focused.)"
"* (Let's not bother# others with our# problems.)"
"* This has got to be the best# restaurant in the Underground.# Seriously."
"* You can't beat the food, the# service, the atmosphere..."
"* Something has always puzzled# me though..."
"* ...Where is the kitchen?"
"* I must confess, there is ONE# thing about this place that# gets me down."
"* The music."
"* Like, this band is FINE. A# little too \"new wave\" for my# taste."
"* I miss the acts of my youth."
"* There was this lounge singer# they'd host... "
"* Bea-u-ti-ful!"
"* I mean, wowza!! MEEE-OWW!!!"
"* sorry."
"* My food should be out any# minute. Can't wait!"
"* (We need to stay# focused.)"
"* (Let's not bother# others with our# problems.)"
"* Ah, rain. Beautiful droplets# from the sky."
"* What produces rain? Is it# magic? I wonder."
"* Grandma always said that rain# is a manifestation of the# Underground's heartache."
"* \"When monsters travel to# Waterfall to wish their worries# away..."
"* ...Those feelings are sucked up# into the air and poured out# across the land."
"* From old sorrow comes new life# in the soil below.\""
"* If that's the case, some sad# monster must've stood in this# corner for a long time."
"* As I mentioned, Waterfall is# the best place to go to# experience rain."
"* Unfortunately, getting there# from Hotland isn't easy right# now."
"* Have you noticed that? All of# the roadblocks scattered about?"
"* It's like they don't want# anyone venturing off a specific# path or something."
"* If you're carrying any \"rain\"# don't be shy about releasing it# into the air."
"* Holding onto sadness weighs you# down."
"* (We need to stay# focused.)"
"* (Let's not bother# others with our# problems.)"
"* (Currently on break, admiring# a hard day's work.)"
"* Now Charles, I know you've had# a long day but..."
"* If the dishes in the sink# aren't done, we can't eat# dinner!"
"* Don't even think about heating# up a TV dinner instead."
"* Those do not have the# nutrition my hubby needs to get# big and strong!"
"* Oh my! We've been quarreling# so long, it's way past dinner# time now!"
"* I suppose we'll have to invent# a fourth meal of the day."
"* Schminner!"
"* Oh I love the sound of that# already! Schminner time!"
"* I ought to go into# entrepreneurship, don't you# think Charles?"
"* I'll invent many useful# things, like a new attitude for# you!"
"* Can't a guy catch a break?"
"* They put me in doc review all# afternoon! "
"* I can barely move my fingers,# let alone lather them in your# weird soap!"
"* What's up with that anyway?# What's wrong with soap from the# store?"
"* I can't even pronounce half# the ingredients on that bottle# by the sink!"
"* \"Eu... Eu-ca...\" "
"* Nope I can't do it, I just# can't."
"* Are we even at the right# station?"
"* Darn it all, I think we took# the wrong elevator!"
"* See what happens when I'm# stressed?"
"* I knew we should've moved to# Hotland! Should've trusted my# gut!"
"* This wouldn't have happened# with their respectable elevator# system!"
"* Yeah yeah, I know there's a# map over there!"
"* But I'm too angry to improve# our situation!"
"* Quite the turn of# events, huh?"
"* Well good thing I'm on# the winning side, haha!"
"* I bet you'll handle# Ceroba like it's# nothing!"
"* Best be heading to# Hotland!"
"* Who knows how long ya# got?"
"* You know that elevator# at the end of the# Steamworks?"
"* I believe it's your# ticket!"
"* Let's deal with that# backstabber already!"
"* What? Confused?"
"* Or do ya think keeping# a death tally is morbid?"
"* Knowing what could've# been keeps you humble!"
"* Grateful for everyone# who helped you get where# you are!"
"* At least that's my# \"flowosophy.\""
"* We got places to be,# pal!"
"* Chop chop!"
"* Well."
"* Word sure gets around."
"* This is what'cha get# when you toss out# “subtlety.”"
"* Waging war without a# care for# repercussions..."
"* I tried to warn you but# it's too late now."
"* Sigh..."
"* Play it cool from here# on out, will you?"
"* We need to reach the# Castle."
"* The King awaits..."
"* ..."
"* (Nothing but the echoes of# your efforts linger.)"
"* (You are filled with a sense# of justice.)"
"* Welcome to Bits &# Bites!#* < Buy something,# will ya? >"
"Take a look!"
"< Money.#We need#it. >"
"< You're#carryin'#WAY too#much!>"
"Heals 15HP" " #< Highly#addictive! >"
"Heals 15HP"
"Heals 30HP#A taste fit#for a king!"
"Heals 30HP"
"Heals 50HP"
" #< Made with#extra flour ;) >"
"Acce: 10DF#Represent the#Underground!."
"Acce: 10DF"
"* Sell an item to us? Buttons,# what do you think? #* < No deal! No can do! Not in a# hundred years! >#"
"* Hmm, hundred and one? #* < By that time you'll be dead# and I'll be runnin' the shop by# myself! >#"
"* Hey that's pretty dark,# Buttons! #* < We live in a frickin' cave,# it's always dark! >"
"* Hahahaha!"
"#* < Heheheheh! >"
"* (You took 500G# from the register.)"
"* (There's nothing# left.)"
"What's on#your mind?"
"* Mr. Fluffybuns is the shining# beacon of our nation!"
"* One of the main reasons we're# so close to breaking the# barrier and moving back up to# the Surface. #* < Yeah, he's great at stickin'# it to the humans! >"
"* Hey now! ASGORE carries a huge# weight on his shoulders, you# know. Having to deal with all# the unpleasantries that come# with harvesting human SOULs# isn't a fun job."
"* Handles it like a champ,# though!"
"* I wouldn't choose anyone# else to lead us into a# brighter future!#* < Geez, if you like him so much,# why don't you marry the guy? >"
"* Oh you know I would if I# could!"
"* < It's a stretch of land which# happens to be hot. Done. Area# explained. >#"
"* Ahh, you're doing a disservice# to the rich history Hotland has# to offer!#* < It's got rich history# alright. Cost a fortune to# build the place! Heheh. >#"
"* But for good reason! There are# many impressive landmarks here# like the Lab, the Spider House,# UG Apartments, elevators one# through seven, conveyor belts...#"
"** < It's a stretch of land which# happens to be hot. >"
"* Yep."
"Hotland (NEW)"
"* The Lab is located a good# distance away from here on# Level 1. It's where the# brilliant Dr. Alphys conducts# important work for the King!#"
"* < I have a theory that some of# the weird food in the# Underground stem from# experiments gone awry in that# building. >#"
"* Oh yeah? Like what?#* < Ever heard of a thing called# \"Instant Noodles?\" It's a# frickin' square that turns into# edible worms when put in water! >"
"* < Science gone wrong! Poison!# Has to be! >"
"* I've heard it's delicious.# Have you tried it?#* < 'Course I have. I ain't# afraid of death. >#"
"* Haha, sometimes I wish you# were!#"
"* Anyway, reaching the Lab has# been a pain lately. Loootta# traffic. Almost like# something's in the air...# something new.#"
"* < Ya think? Not much has# changed 'round here in ages.# Trust me, I've lived through it# all. >#"
" You have? Buttons... how old# are you?#* < I've seen war, Bits. >#"
"* ...#"
"* ...Huh."
"The Sock"
"* < WHOA! >"
"* Excuse me, patron but Buttons# doesn't appreciate that word.# It's not considered very nice# where he comes from.#"
"* < Take your FILTHY mouth to# the Dump where it belongs or# I'll shut you up right here and# now you expressionless infant! >#"
"* Now Buttons, we talked about# this. Finish the phrase: \"We# don't...#* < ...punch who hath punched\" I# know, I know! >#"
"* We're working on Buttons'# anger management. It's a slow# process but I think he'll get# it sooner or later."
"* < I don't see what's so wrong# with unleashing rage upon my# enemies, I honestly don't. >#"
"* It's simple: Being kind to# others leads to more profits in# the shop.#* < ...Maybe I could try a# LITTLE harder, you're right. >"
"* Oh, um, heh...# "
"* That's a rather sensitive# subject, I don't really kno-#* < Toriel DIVORCED the King!# Hilarious! >#"
"* Buttons! The disrespect!#* < If the man's not right, the# man's not right. >"
"* Oh, you're such a handful!#"
"* ...Am I right? Get it?#* < Stop speaking. >"
"* Sorry."
"Toriel? (NEW)"
"* Honestly, I don't know much# about the former Queen. Her# whereabouts, how she's doing...# All a mystery.#"
"* Of course, it isn't any of my# business anyway so I haven't# properly looked into it.#* < I've seen your stash of# gossip magazines. Don't lie to# the customer. >#"
"* I-I mean, one gets curious of# course! That's all, really!#* < Hey I love readin' 'em as# much as you do! Stuff is spicy!# >#"
"* Right??? To be a Flier on the# wall during the-"
"* ...The um...#* < ... >#"
"* Yeah... I do wish Toriel the# best. I'm sure she's made a# fine life for herself."
"* (Hey, Clover, I don't# think these... two can# help us. We need to be# going.)"
"* Help? Help with what?#* < We can be handy. Whatcha# hidin'? >"
"* Oh, it's nothing! My# um... kiddo here wanted# to look at your shop."
"* < That's your kid? When uh...# when do the they get their# feathers? >"
"* Late bloomer. You know# how it is."
"* Oh do we ever!#* < Bits didn't get his mouth# until age nine. >"
"* It's true!"
"* Well uh, it was nice to# meet you but we have# places to be. Isn't that# right, child of mine?"
"* (Finish up your# business, please.)"
"* (We really don't have# time to chat. Maybe# later, okay?)"
"* Thanks for your time!#* < Don't let the door hit ya on# the way out! >"
"* Let's keep going,# Clover!"
"* There's no more time to# waste!"
"* We got this!"
"* Sorry if the meet# location was hard to# find."
"* Needed a private# vantage point."
"* I also forgot that not# everyone can fly..."
"* This is a busy place so# we should keep to# ourselves."
"* No need to raise# suspicion."
"* It's a normal day in# the Underground. Yep."
"* ...Let's just hope it# ends normally too."
"* Need to take that# elevator to New Home."
"* ...If it isn't# occupied, that is."
"* Here we are... the big# city."
"* Now that I think about# it..."
"* I'm not sure a human# has ever walked these# streets."
"* Who's to say, though?"
"* Not a whole lot is# known about those# previous treks."
"* Huh..."
"* I expected a lot more# citizens."
"* Little eerie when no# one's around."
"* ..."
"* So this is the# Castle..."
"* Never been inside# before."
"* Nerve-wracking stuff."
"* ... "
"* ..."
"* For once, I'm at a loss# for words."
"* This is it, Clover."
"* A few more steps and# you're free."
"* ..."
"* Maybe we shouldn't be# in this room...
"* Welcome back!"
"* What are you doing back# here? The exit's the# other way, silly!"
"* Let's get going."
"* You have a watch? If you don't,# that's fine!"
"* Cause you know what time it is?# Mail time! Mail time! "
"* (You received mail!)"
"* I truly hope you like your# mail!"
"* As for me, I must set sail!"
"* Hello again, friend! Do you# have mail to claim?"
"* Let's take a look. You don't!# What a shame."
"* If you want to check again,# just ring the bell!"
"* Until we meet again; I bid you# farewell!"
"* We have arrived without a# scratch!"
"* The journey was fun but it's# time to dispatch!"
"* Just ring the bell for any# further assistance!"
"* The UGPS will be there with# little resistance!"
"* But nobody came."
"* But nobody came."
"* Escaped..."
"* YOU WON!#* You earned 0 XP and " + string(global.enemy_gold) + " gold."
"* YOU WON!#* You earned " + string(global.enemy_exp) + " XP and " + string(global.enemy_gold) + " gold."
"* YOU WON!#* You earned " + string(global.enemy_exp) + " XP and " + string(global.enemy_gold) + " gold." + "#* Your LOVE increased."
"* YOU WON!#* You earned " + string(global.enemy_exp) + " XP and " + string(global.enemy_gold) + " gold."
"* YOU WON!#* You earned " + (string(global.enemy_exp + global.enemy_exp_2)) + " XP and " + (string(global.enemy_gold + global.enemy_gold_2)) + " gold."
"* YOU WON!#* You earned " + (string(global.enemy_exp + global.enemy_exp_2 + global.enemy_exp_3)) + " XP and " + (string(global.enemy_gold + global.enemy_gold_2 + global.enemy_gold_3)) + " gold."
"#* Your LOVE increased."
"* YOU WON!#* You earned 0 XP and 0 gold."
"You can't reach ASGORE#if you're dead!"
"Don't fool around!"
"You're supposed to#DODGE the attacks!"
"Remember what I#taught'cha?"
"I didn't offer my#help just to see#you die!"
"Let's get moving!"
"How careless..."
"Well, there's always#next time!"
"Yikes, that looked#painful!"
"Brush yourself off and#get back at 'em!"
"Dying sucks, right?#Right."
"So try not to do#it again."
"* You have a mission,#remember?"
"* Don't mess it up."
"* These attackers can't#get their way."
"* Try again."
"I didn't offer my#help just to see#you die!"
"Let's get moving."
"You can't reach ASGORE#if you're dead."
"Don't fool around."
"You sure you're cut#out for this?"
"Come on."
"* Aaannd there goes#your SOUL!"
"* Dodge the attacks next#time, will you?"
"Buy it for#" + string(global.shop_gold_requirement[buy_shop_screen_number]) + "G ?"
"Take it."
"* But nobody came."
"Project Lead:"
"Narrative Design:"
"Pippy V."
"Pippy V."
"Concept Art:"
"Additional Concepts:"
"Grey Duovis"
"Room & Level Design:"
"Additional Spritework:"
"Vegard Jensen"
"'Red' Design:"
"'Cooper' Design:"
"'Flower Girls' Design:"
"Additional Music:"
"Scott Joplin"
"Sound Design:"
"Voice of Mew Mew:"
"Evan Smith"
"Sr. Pelo"
"Coal Bones"
"Trent Noah"
"Special Thanks:"
"Jillian Brodsky"
"Anissa Hustins"
"Commissioner Tadpole"
"Team Switched"
"Hobo Nate"
"Game Jolt"
"And you!"
"Not Special - No Thanks:"
"The Shufflers"
"Based on the world of UNDERTALE,\ncreated by"
"Toby Fox & Temmie Chang"
"Thank you for playing!"
"* ..."
"* I've been thinking# about that day."
"* A lot."
"* Time is a funny thing,# you know?"
"* I guess in the big# picture of my life, you# were only a blip."
"* But oftentimes, those# \"blips\" make the biggest# impacts."
"* ..."
"* The King offered me a# promotion."
"* A guard post in New# Home."
"* But after experiencing# the worst the job had to# offer..."
"* I declined. "
"* Not only that, I put in# my two weeks, heh."
"* I... felt that there# are much better causes# to pour myself into."
"* Anyways..."
"* Sorry that I'm putting# you on one of my rafts# again."
"* Might not be the most# appropriate sendoff# after that last ride..."
"* But it's the best# tribute I could think# of."
"* It's nice."
"* It is."
"* Thanks for doing this."
"* Felt good to craft# something with meaning# again."
"* You got your gift?"
"* Yeah, here you go."
"* Oh, I almost forgot."
"* There's someone I# invited who was a friend# of Clover's."
"* A friend?"
"* H-Hello?"
"* Is this the right place?"
"* Oh, hello."
"* Howdy."
"* Sorry if I'm# intruding..."
"* My name is Dalv and I# um..."
"* I was living in the# Ruins when Clover first# entered the Underground."
"* So you were the first# to meet ‘em?"
"* One of the first, I# suppose..."
"* A-Anyway, when we met,# I acted foolish and... "
"* ...attacked Clover."
"* I think we all did at# one point..."
"* I promise it didn't# last long, though!"
"* And I held back a# little. Um..."
"* Where was I going with# this?"
"* Clover helped you out# of your situation."
"* Yes."
"* All in all, Clover was# very kind to me."
"* That checks out."
"* It's nice to meet you,# Dalv."
"* Thanks for coming."
"* Of course."
"* Well..."
"* No more stalling."
"* Everyone ready?"
"* I believe so."
"* Oh, wait a second."
"* I want to place one# more thing."
"* Safety glasses?"
"* I want Clover to stay# safe on their journey."
"* Can't forget 'em,# right?"
"* No, you can't."
"* There you go..."
"* ..."
"* Goodbye, friend."
"* Thanks for all you've# done."
"* See you around, kid."
"* ..."
"* Take care, Clover."
"* Somebody calls for help..."
" * You answer the call."
"Here we are again. Of#course."
"There's gotta be SOME#way to get what I need."
"Clover's competent...#enough, but still..."
"Nothing ever works out#when it comes to them."
"I could reset and try#my luck again..."
"I could accept this#outcome and wait."
"The King is only one#SOUL away now."
"It might be a good idea#to piggyback off the#next human instead."
"Who knows how long#that will take and#even worse,"
"If the next human would#have the will to do what#Clover couldn't."
"Decisions decisions..."
"Let me think..."
"Can't say I didn't see#that coming."
"Still, my hopes were#high."
"There's gotta be SOME#way to get what I need."
"Clover's competent...#enough, but still..."
"Nothing ever works out#when it comes to them."
"I could reset and try#my luck again..."
"I could accept what#I've been given and#wait."
"The King is only one#SOUL away now."
"It might be a good idea#to piggyback off the#next human instead."
"Who knows how long that#will take and even#worse,"
"If the next human would#be skilled enough to do#what Clover couldn't."
"I need some time to#think it over."
"This isn't the end."
"* \"Lemonade\" - Heals 7 HP#* (Doesn't smell too appetizing.)"
"* \"Candy Corn\" - Restores 9 HP#* (Your teeth hurt just looking# at it.)"
"* \"Corn Dog\" - Restores 12 HP#* (A genuine Corn Dog with# soft, fluffy ears.)"
"* \"Sponge Cake\" - Heals 14 HP"
"* (A delicious sponge that doesn't# scratch AND has 2x the# absorption!)"
"* \"Hot Pop\" - Heals 14 HP#* (Piping hot chocolate, frozen,# then reheated.)"
"* \"Lukewarm Pop\" - Heals 8 HP#* (Piping hot chocolate cooled to# lukewarm status.)"
"* \"Cold Pop\" - Heals 12 HP#* (Piping hot chocolate, cooled# cold.)"
"*\"Hndw Coffee\" - Heals 14 HP#* (It would take true bravery to# drink something this hot!)"
"* \"Hndw Pancake\" - Heals 16 HP #* (An off-the-griddle pancake with# honey-syrup.)"
"* \"G.B. Bear\" - Heals 20 HP#* (A cookie made to look like# someone's face.)"
"* (What a creative and original# idea!)"
"* \"Trail Mix\" - Heals 13 HP\""
"* (Everything but the raisins# has been picked out.)"
"* \"Packing Peanuts\" - Heals 10 HP"
"* (Ideal for preventing damage or# destruction of fragile stomach# contents.)"
"* \"Ice Tea\" - Heals 20 HP\"#* (A glass of warm sweet tea.)"
"* (A label with a sketch of Mo# grinning is glued to the side.)"
" \"Green Tea\" - Heals 21 HP\"#* (Ice tea but dyed green. +1 HP# for style.)"
" \"Sea Tea\" - Heals 10 HP\"#* (Glowing tea that'll jolt# your system.)"
"* (A label reading \"The real# deal!\" is stuck on the glass.)"
" \"Fruitcake\" - Heals 25 HP\"#* (Somewhat dried fruitcake with# a few gemstones inside.)"
" \"Spider Donut\" - Heals 12 HP\"#* (A donut made with Spider# Cider in the batter.)"
" \"Icewater\" - Heals 15 HP#* (The prequel to ice tea.)"
" \"Oasis Latte\" - Heals 25 HP#* (Coffee but fancier.)"
" \"Cnm. Cookie\" - Heals 35 HP#* (One of the baked good# greats..)"
" \"Floral Cupcake\" - Heals 50 HP\""
"* (A beautiful pastry, crowned# with a golden flower made of# icing.)"
"* \"Adult Soda\" - Heals ??? HP#* (A transparent liquid# with no smell.)"
" \"Root Beer\" - Heals 18 HP\"#* (It's family friendly!)"
" \"Feisty Slider\" - Heals 30 HP\""
"* (A small burger with big# flavor! Just 30G at the# Saloon!)"
"* (...Says an ad printed on its# wrapper.)"
" \"Gunpowder\" - Heals ??? HP\"#* (The forbidden spice.)"
" \"Moss Salad\" - Heals 17 HP\"#* (Looks like it could be from# another world...) "
" \"Grassy Fries\" - Heals 14 HP\"#* (A pile of thin strings with a# layer of fuzz overtop.)"
" \"Flower Stew\" - Heals 20 HP\"#* (A cup of aromatic broth with# a floral garnish.)"
" \"Gravity Granola\" - Heals 30 HP\"#* (\"The taste is out of this# world!\" ...Uh huh.) "
" \"H2O\" - Heals 20 HP\"#* (Chemically inclined liquid.)"
" \"Popato Chisps\" - Heals 13HP\"#* (Regular old popato chisps.)"
" \"Beef Jerky\" - Heals 16 HP\"#* (A convenience store# delicacy.)"
" \"Cake\" - Heals 30 HP\"#* (A lemon cake with cherries on# top.)"
" \"Monster Candy+\" - Heals 15 HP\"#* (A tasty treat with# twice-enriched Sugar Flavor.)"
" \"C-B Strudel\" - Heals 30 HP\"#* (Made from fresh cinnamon and# butterscotch.)"
" \"Hot Dog\" - Heals 20 HP\"#* (A food representative of your# go-to insult.)"
" \"Monster Candy\" - Heals 10 HP\""
"* (The sweet smell of# butterscotch wafts from the# wrapper.)"
" \"Corn Chowder\" - Heals 15 HP\"#* (Weeks-old leftovers from# Ceroba's fridge.)"
"* (Makes you invulnerable# for a pear of hits.)"
"* \"G. Coffee\" - (Halves the# weight of your soul, giving you# a speed boost for three turns.)"
"* (Half delicious beverage, half# transition metal.)"
"* (Just smells like# coffee, though.)"
"* \"G. Cactus\" - (Heals 15 HP# for 3 turns. The first# bite hurts for 5 HP.)"
"* (The forbidden snack.)"
"* \"Rubber Ammo\" - Weapon AT 0#* (Small, safe, non-toxic# rubber pellets.)"
"* \"Pebbles\" - Weapon AT 3#* (Like rocks, but smaller.#* Good makeshift ammo.)
"* \"Ice Ammo\" - Weapon AT 6#* (Very conveniently shaped ice# cubes.)"
"* (They don't seem to be melting# either.)"
"* (How thoughtful of them!)"
"* \"Coffee Ammo\" - Weapon AT 4"
"* (There's no way you could eat# them, but they might still be# of use.)"
"* \"Flint Ammo\" - Weapon AT 9#* (A dusty, black rock.# Might be useful for combat.)"
"* \"Glass Ammo\" - Weapon AT 5#* (Literal shards of glass.# Yep.)"
"* (Restores 2 HP after every# attack.)"
"* \"Silver Ammo\" - Weapon AT 3#* (A pack of reflective pellets.)"
"* (They'd fit nicely in# a six-shooter.)"
"* (A perfect shot deals# extra damage.)"
"* \"Nails\" - Weapon AT 10#* (Small, pointed pieces of# steel.)"
"* (Could be quite effective if# fired at a high velocity.)"
"* \"F. Pellets\" - Weapon AT 11#* (A token of the bond between# you and Your Best Friend.)"
"* \"Patch\" Armor DF 0#* (It's not strong but it's#trustworthy.)"
"* \"Feather\" - Armor DF 2#* (An old, forgotten feather.#* It needs a good preening.)"
"* \"Honeydew Pin\" - Armor DF 4#* (A pin advertising the Honeydew# Resort in Snowdin.)"
"* \"Band Merch Pin\" - Armor DF 5#* (A pin commemorating a concert# you didn't go to..)"
"* \"Silver Scarf\" - Armor DF 6#* (A glistening scarf, woven# with love and care.)"
"* (Restores 2 HP after every# turn.)"
"* \"Steel Buckle\" - Armor DF 7#* (A shiny belt buckle made of# fine materials.)"
"* \"Safety Jacket\" - Armor DF 6"
"* (A small jacket that protects# its wearer from the world's# dangers.)"
"* \"Fancy Holster\" - Armor DF 8#* (A leather weapon-holder,# perfect for duels at noon.)"
"* \"Safety Goggles\" - Armor DF 9#* (Paramount to all Steamworks# employees.)"
"* \"Delta Rune Patch\" - Armor DF 10#* (The Kingdom of Monsters'# official insignia.)"
"* \"G. Bandana\" - Armor DF 12#* (The most stunning piece of# fabric you've ever seen.)"
"* (The grim reminder of# your mission. Justice# is needed.)"
"* (An old, soggy mitten. It's too# wet to keep anything warm.)"
"* (It's a hand-drawn map.)"
"* (It seems more colorful than the# real Snowdin.)"
"* (A bundle of damp matches.)"
"* (Looks like there are just# enough dry ones to start a nice# fire.)"
"* (A once sizzling Honeydew# Coffee.)"
"* (It's cooled down a lot.)"
"* (It was probably left sitting# in the snow a while.)"
"* (A sturdy pickaxe.)"
"* (A broken but dazzling# necklace.)"
"* (Can't be worn but could be# worth something.)"
"* (An extremely dangerous# compound. Handle with caution.)"
"* (...)"
"* Info message"
"* \"Super Ammo\" - Weapon AT 15#* (Regular toy gun ammo sold# at your favorite convenience store.)"
"* (Boasts a \"Premium\" sticker on# the top of the packaging.)"
"* \"Golden Scarf\" - Armor DF 25#* (It's emitting a violently# golden shine.)"
"* (You drink the " + string(item_slot) + ".)"
"* (It's very sour.)"
"* (You eat the " + string(item_slot) + ".)"
"* (You now know why it was# discarded.)"
"* (You scarf down the " + string(item_slot) + ".)"
"* (You can't help but feel bad# for doing it.)"
"* (You lick the frosting off of# the sponge.)"
"* (Your mouth feels squeaky# clean!)"
"* (You eat the Hot Chocolate Pop.)"
"* (It has the distinct flavor of# something that was once hot.)"
"* (You eat the Lukewarm Chocolate# Pop.)"
"* (It has the distinct flavor of# something that was once hot# then left to sit for too long.)"
"* (It isn't great.)"
"* (You eat the Cold Chocolate Pop.)"
"* (It has the distinct flavor only# possessed by truly cold things.)"
"* (You brave the hot Honeydew# Coffee.)"
"* (You can feel your taste buds# burning off.)"
"* (You eat the pancake.)"
"* (The syrup is very sweet!)"
"* (You eat the cookie.)"
"* (It feels like it is watching# you eat it.)"
"* (You down the bag of Trail Mix.)"
"* (All you taste are dried# grapes.)"
"* (You eat the Packing Peanuts.)"
"* (Aside from the taste, texture,# and potential health risk,# they're not that bad.)"
"* (You drink the glass of tea.# It's very watered down.)"
"* (You drink the Green Tea.# Tastes toxic.)"
"* (You drink the Sea Tea. Your# SOUL speed increases!)"
"* (You scarf down the Fruitcake.# The Swealterstones burn your# throat!)"
"* (Don't worry, spider didn't.)"
"* (You drink the Icewater.# Definitely has a taste but you# can't describe it.)"
"* (You drink the Latte...)"
"* (You eat the cookie...)"
"* (You enjoy the Floral# Cupcake.)"
"* (What a rich flavor!)"
"* (You down the Root Beer. The# carbonation tingles!)"
"* (You eat the Feisty Slider.# Much like the team, its flavor# is... ambitious.)"
"* (You take a sip out of# the adult soda.)"
"* (...)"
"* (Tastes like water.)"
"* (You put the gunpowder in your# mouth and nearly choke to# death.) "
"* (...HP fully restored.)"
"* (You brace yourself and eat# the Moss Salad.)"
"* (The texture can only be# described as \"insolation# esque.\")"
"* (You plug your nose and down# the Grassy Fries.)"
"* (Is this what life has really# come to?)"
"* (You make sure Flowey isn't# watching before trying it.)"
"* (Mmm... chunky...)"
"* (You snack on the Gravity# Granola.)"
"* (You can really taste all 9.8# meters!)"
"* (You drink the H2O. Kinda# tastes like window cleaner...)"
"* (You eat the Popato Chisps.# The crunch is deafening.)"
"* (You scarf down the Beef# Jerky.)"
"* (What a classic flavor.)"
"* (You enjoy several slices of# cake.)"
"* (Delicious!)"
"* (You pop the Monster Candy+ in# your mouth.)"
"* (The overwhelming sweetness is# at war with your taste buds.)"
"* (You savor the C-B Strudel.)"
"* (The taste is strangely# familiar...)"
"* (You scarf down the 'dog.)# (Mmm, hits the spot!)"
"* (You eat the Monster Candy.)"
"* (The taste is faintly# familiar...)"
"* (You nervously drink the Corn# Chowder.)"
"* (...Could've been worse.)"
"* (You eat the Golden Pear.)"
"* (The immense flavor hugs your# tastebuds.)"
"* (Overall... Not bad.)"
"* (You chug the Half N' Half# Golden Coffee.)"
"* (It tastes like... regular# coffee.)"
"* (You take a huge bite out# of the cactus.)"
"* (...)"
"* (It bites back.)"
"* (You recovered " + string(item_use_hold.item_number) + " HP!)"
"* (Your HP was maxed out.)"
"* (You gained " + string(item_use_hold.item_number) + " PP!)"
"* (You gained " + string(item_use_hold.item_number) + " SP!)"
"* You will heal for " + string(item_use_hold.item_number) + " turns!"
"* (Your RP was maxed out.)"
"* (You load the rubber ammo into# your weapon.)"
"* (You load the pebbles into your# gun.)"
"* (It feels a little heavier# now.)"
"* (You load the Ice Pellet Ammo.)"
"* (Your gun is now cold to the# touch.)"
"* (You load the Coffee Beans.)"
"* (Your gun now smells# delightful.)"
"* (You load the Flint# into your gun.)"
"* (Might start some fire# with this one!)"
"* (You cautiously load the Glass# into your gun.)"
"* (Phew! No cuts!)"
"* (You load the Silver Ammo# into your gun.)"
"* (The pellets shimmer# in the light.)"
"* (You load the Nails# into your gun.)"
"* (You load the Friendliness# Pellets into your gun.)"
"* (You are unable to sew the# Patch back on your hat.)"
"* (You stick the " + string(item_slot) + " into# your hat.)"
"* (It gives you a proud feeling.)"
"* (You pin the " + string(item_slot) + "# to your hat.)"
"* (You pin the Merch Pin to your# hat.)"
"* (You wrap the Silver Scarf# around your neck.)"
"* (So cozy!)"
"* (You attach the Steel Buckle# to your belt.)"
"* (Your pants feel sturdier than# ever!)"
"* (You don the stunning# highlighter yellow jacket.)"
"* (You're all ready to take care# of business!)"
"* (You proudly equip the Fancy# Holster.)"
"* (You're ready for anything# now!)"
"* (You wrap the Safety Goggles# around your hat.)"
"* (It looks like it has eyes# now.)"
"* (You attach the Patch to your# vest and begin to feel# something.)"
"* (The unwavering hopes and# dreams of Monsterkind.)"
"* (With a shimmer, you tie the# Golden Bandana around your# neck.)"
"* (You feel like you can take on# anything now.)"
"You equip the " + item_slot + "."
"* (You cannot use this item.)"
"* (You can't think of a use for# this.)"
"* (You can't think of a possible# use for it.)"
"* (Its accuracy seems# compromised.)"
"* (You aren't sure how to use# it.)"
"* (You aren't sure how to start a# fire with these safely.)"
"* (They'd probably work in an# emergency.)"
"* (Better not drink it.)"
"* (You could get hotter coffee# elsewhere.)"
"* (Your PP was maxed out.)" (unused)
"* (Your SP was maxed out.)" (unused)
"* (You scarf down the " + string(item_slot) + ".)" (unused)
"* (You equipped the " + string(item_slot) + ".)" (unused)
"* (You load the Super Ammo.)"
"* (Your gun now feels lighter# than your conscience.)"
"* (You put the Golden Scarf on.#* Your tremendous taste for fashion# makes monsters go easy on you.)" (unused)
"* (You drink the Lemonade.)"
"* (It's very sour.)"
"* (You eat the Candy Corn.)"
"* (You now know why it was# discarded.)"
"* (You scarf down the Corn Dog.)"
"* (You can't help but feel bad# for doing it.)"
"* (You lick the frosting off of# the sponge.)"
"* (Your mouth feels squeaky# clean!)"
"* (You eat the Hot Chocolate Pop.)"
"* (It has the distinct flavor of# something that was once hot.)"
"* (You eat the Lukewarm Chocolate# Pop.)"
"* (It has the distinct flavor of# something that was once hot# then left to sit for too long.)"
"* (It isn't great.)"
"* (You eat the Cold Chocolate Pop.)"
"* (It has the distinct flavor only# possessed by truly cold things.)"
"* (You brave the hot Honeydew# Coffee.)"
"* (You can feel your taste buds# burning off.)"
"* (You eat the pancake.)"
"* (The syrup is very sweet!)"
"* (You eat the cookie.)"
"* (It feels like it is watching# you eat it.)"
"* (You down the bag of Trail Mix.)"
"* (All you taste are dried# grapes.)"
"* (You eat the Packing Peanuts.)"
"* (Aside from the taste, texture,# and potential health risk,# they're not that bad.)"
"* (You drink the glass of tea.# It's very watered down.)"
"* (You drink the Green Tea.# Tastes toxic.)"
"* (You drink the Sea Tea. Your# SOUL speed increases!)"
"* (You scarf down the Fruitcake.# The Swealterstones burn your# throat!)"
"* (Don't worry, spider didn't.)"
"* (You drink the Icewater.# Definitely has a taste but you# can't describe it.)"
"* * (You drink the Latte...)"
"* (You eat the cookie...)"
"* (You enjoy the Floral# Cupcake.)"
"* (What a rich flavor!)"
"* (You down the Root Beer. The# carbonation tingles!)"
"* (You eat the Feisty Slider.# Much like the team, its flavor# is... ambitious.)"
"* (You take a sip out of# the adult soda.)"
"* (...)"
"* (Tastes like water.)"
"* (You put the gunpowder in your# mouth and nearly choke to# death.) "
"* (You brace yourself and eat# the Moss Salad.)"
"* (The texture can only be# described as \"insolation# esque.\")"
"* (You plug your nose and down# the Grassy Fries.)"
"* (Is this what life has really# come to?)"
"* (You make sure Flowey isn't# watching before trying it.)"
"* (Mmm... chunky...)"
"* (You snack on the Gravity# Granola.)"
"* (You can really taste all 9.8# meters!)"
"* (You drink the H2O. Kinda# tastes like window cleaner...)"
"* (You eat the Popato Chisps.# The crunch is deafening.)"
"* (You scarf down the Beef# Jerky.)"
"* (What a classic flavor.)"
"* (You enjoy several slices of# cake.)"
"* (Delicious!)"
"* (You pop the Monster Candy+ in# your mouth.)"
"* (The overwhelming sweetness is# at war with your taste buds.)"
"* (You savor the C-B Strudel.)"
"* (The taste is strangely# familiar...)"
"* (You scarf down the 'dog.)"
"* (Mmm, hits the spot!)"
"* (You eat the Monster Candy.)"
"* (The taste is faintly# familiar...)"
"* (You nervously drink the Corn# Chowder.)"
"* (...Could've been worse.)"
"* (You eat the Golden Pear.)"
"* (The immense flavor hugs your# tastebuds.)"
"* ( Overall... Not bad.)"
"* (You chug the Half N' Half# Golden Coffee.)"
"* (It tastes like... regular# coffee.)"
"* (You take a huge bite out# of the cactus.)"
"* (...)"
"* (It bites back.)"
"* Healed " + string(heal_value) + " HP!"
"* HP maxed out."
"* You gained " + string(pp_value) + " PP!"
"* PP maxed out."
"* You gained " + string(sp_value) + " SP!"
"* You will heal for " + string(rp_value) + "# turns!"
"* (You equipped the# " + string(item) + ".)"
"* (You load the rubber ammo into# your weapon.)"
"* (You load the pebbles into your# gun.)"
"* (It feels a little heavier# now.)"
"* (You load the Ice Pellet Ammo.)"
"* (Your gun is now cold to the# touch.)"
"* (You load the Coffee Beans.)"
"* (Your gun now smells delightful.)"
"* (You load the Flint# into your gun.)"
"* (Might start some fire# with this one!)"
"* (You cautiously load the Glass# into your gun.)"
"* (Phew! No cuts!)"
"* (You load the Silver Ammo# into your gun.)"
"* (The pellets shimmer# in the light.)"
"* (You load the Nails# into your gun.)"
"* (You load the Friendliness# Pellets into your gun.)"
"* (You are unable to sew the# Patch back on your hat.)"
"* (You stick the feather into# your hat.)"
"* (It gives you a proud feeling.)"
"* (You pin the Honeydew pin# to your hat.)"
"* (You pin the Merch Pin to your# hat.)"
"* (You wrap the Silver Scarf# around your neck.)"
"* (So cozy!)"
"* (You attach the Steel Buckle# to your belt.)"
"* (Your pants feel sturdier than# ever!)"
"* (You don the stunning# highlighter yellow jacket.)"
"* (You're all ready to take care# of business!)"
"* (You proudly equip the Fancy# Holster.)"
"* (You're ready for anything# now!)"
"* (You wrap the Safety Goggles# around your hat.)"
"* (It looks like it has eyes# now.)"
"* (You attach the Patch to your# vest and begin to feel# something.)"
"* (The unwavering hopes and# dreams of Monsterkind.)"
"* (With a shimmer, you tie the# Golden Bandana around your# neck.)"
"* (You feel like you can take on# anything now.)"
"* (You cannot use this item.)"
"* (You can't think of a use for# this.)"
"* (You can't think of a possible# use for it.)"
"* (It's accuracy seems# compromised.)"
"* (You aren't sure how to use# it.)"
"* (You aren't sure how to safely# start a fire with these.)"
"* (They'd probably work in an# emergency.)"
"* Better not drink it."
"* (You could get hotter coffee# elsewhere.)"
"* SP maxed out." (unused)
"* RP maxed out." (unused)
"* (You equipped the " + string(item) + ".)" (unused)
"* (You load the Super Ammo.)"
"* (Your gun now feels lighter# than your conscience.)"
"* (You put the Golden Scarf on.#* Your tremendous taste for fashion# makes monsters go easy on you.)" (unused)
"* (Are you sure you want to# drink the acid?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"LV " + string(global.player_level)
"HP " + string(global.current_hp_self) + "/" + string(global.max_hp_self)
"G " + string(global.player_gold)
"LV " + string(global.player_level)
"HP " + string(global.current_hp_self) + " / " + string(global.max_hp_self)
"AT " + string(global.player_attack) + "(" + string(global.player_weapon_modifier_attack) + ")"
"DF " + string(global.player_defense) + "(" + (string(global.player_armor_modifier_defense + global.player_armor_defense)) + ")"
"EXP " + string(global.player_exp)
"NEXT " + string(level_up_treshhold)
"WEAPON: " + global.player_weapon
"ARMOR: " + global.player_armor
"AMMO: " + drawn_ammo
"ACCE: " + global.player_armor_modifier
"GOLD: " + string(global.player_gold)
"LV " + string(global.player_level)
string_minutes + ":" + string_seconds
"Save1", "rmName", "Room Name"
"* Are you sure you want to# drop the " + other.current_item + "?"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* You cannot drop the# " + other.current_item + "."
"#Come new friend,#right here to our space!#Whether you roam#or stay in one place!#We hope you have friends#with fun letters to send,#and always a smile on your face!#Here's to more mail#without any stress!#Hope to see you again!##The UGPS"
"#Greetings, my savior and fond#acquaintance. I would like to#extend further gratitude for#your assistance.If it weren't#for you, my papillae would#surely be permanently attached#to that pole.##Thanks to you, I made#it home in time for#supper. I must say , Mother#really outdid herself this#time! The food was#exquisite! Many thanks!#Sincerely yours,##-Slurpy#"
"#If you're reading this, it#means you had the pleasure of#meeting me.##I'll make this snappy.#You're not gonna believe#it. I'm selling a new,#premium product for HALF OFF.##I know what you're saying,#\"I would gladly pay full price#for your products.\"I appreciate#that, I really do. But this#ain't the time for high#prices.##Just find my stand and#I'll give ya the juicy#details.##Huh? Where is my stand?#I don't even know myself.#Should probably go find that.##Good luck!#-Mo"
"#To our latest Shufflers recruit:#Toast here. There's someone out#in the wild that we forgot to#warn ya about. This scruffy#fella with a blue hat. Don't#interact with him or support#his endeavors. I won't tell ya#why cause this letter reads way#cooler as a mystery.##**Now, I'll let Swig finish this.#He gets upset when he misses#out on writing letters.#####Yeah, upset.##-Swig"
"#Greetings, Clover! Life has#been a treat since we last saw#each other. I packed up all of#my belongings and set out for#Snowdin.##I recently found a nice#place to settle down. I think#you'll like it! Oh! And all of#the neighbors moved out with#me.I'm not too sure where each#one went, but I know they are#doing well.##I'm also taking art lessons#from Penilla now. She gave#me the cold truth and said#my art needed lots of#improvement. It stung at first,#but then I remembered that you#should always aim to improve#yourself.##Ah. Look at me rambling#again. I hope the mail#service doesn't charge#extra for that.##It was nice to talk to you#again! Even if it is over#written text. Please visit me#in the future! Life is#getting a lot better,###-Dalv"
"#Howdy, Clover!#It's yer favorite sheriff,#North Star, with an#important update!##I did some soul searchin'#while staring directly at#the shiny stone on top#of the Mines.##After recovering from temporary#blindness, I shamefully#approached my posse.##Well, I spare ya the#gruesome details (me cryin')#but in the end, they#forgave me.##So the Feisty Five are#back! Now twice as sensitive#to everyone’s feelin's!##When we returned to town,#Ceroba and Dina had set#up a party in the Saloon#- which was great##I really wish you were#still here, but I SUPPOSE#you deserve yer freedom ;)##Anyway, it’s all good,#so don't mosey 'round#worryin' 'bout me or#nothin'.##I do have the tendency#to occupy around 60% of#someone's brain after they#meet me...#But I reckon it's time#to let go.####Happy trails!#- North \"Starlo\" Star##"
"MIXIN' IT UP - By Dr. Rob##Entering the field of#chemistry can be tough. Maybe#you never went to college.#Maybe you find it hard#to grasp complex equations.#Maybe you were kicked out of#your highschool science class#for \"developing poison during#school hours.\"##We're all different, but we#all share one similarity: magic.#It's easy to rely on magic in the#in the day to day, but have you#ever wondered what it would be#like to live... without it?##What would we do if we couldn't#light a fireplace with a snap#of our fingers? Spawn weapons#out of thin air? Use wings to#soar above the trees? Sleep?##That's where science comes in!#Nature's magic. Elements, or#\"compounds\" make up most of the#Underground as we know it.#When you combine two or more#compounds you can create amazing#things. For example, by taking#the compound \"Oxygen\" and#SMASHING it together with two#\"Hydrogen\" compounds, you get# \"Dihydrogen Oxide,\" also known#as \"water\" (catchy name, right?)###Here, you try:#Let's say you want to melt through#a high-security safe to become#rich... hypothetically. The#solution you would need is#called \"Hydrochloric Acid\"#which involves the two#compounds _____ and _____.#Fill in the blanks to#empty the banks :)#######D- Unfocused and rushed.#Why did you write a#worksheet problem in#a reflective essay?"
"The Helper-Bot Guidelines:##1.#Every manufactured bot must have#a practical function installed.#A purpose for being:#(Cooking, cleaning,#agriculture, etc).##2.#Bots should have tiers of#emotion to better integrate#into society.#Coding a personality into#each one is recommended.#It makes them more#personable/easy to be around.##3.#All bots are to have a strong#connection with living things: #(Their creators, average monsters,#other bots, etc).#If deprived of this, some may#become easily agitated#and restless.#Others may be unphased.#Depends on the model.##4.#If a bot acts out of line or#malfunctions, they are to be#shut down. Typically, a hard#reset will do the trick.#Termination is a last resort.#If a shutdown isn't possible,#they can be coaxed back to#their normal state.##5.#Absolutely NO bots are allowed#outside the Steamworks at#this time. Until King#ASGORE is ready to begin mass#production, this project is#classified.##6.Most of all, have fun :)####"
"To: Clover#(who's hopefully alive)##Meet me on the roof of#UG Apartments as soon#as you can.##There's something on#my mind.###- Martlet of the Royal Guard#(Snowdin Division)#####"
"#Hello again, dear comrade!#I hope this letter finds#you in the very picture#of health.##I heard word that you#were venturing near the#vicinity of Hotland.##Being that the resting#temperature in that region#is so high, I have#included one premium#Snowdin snow sphere.##I hope it keeps you#at an ideal temperature#throughout your journey.##Next time you are in#Snowdin, feel free to#drop in.##Mother will surely prepare#you a palatable meal.###Sincerely yours,#-Slurpy###(The letter and envelope#are very wet.)#"
"#1001001 100000 1000100#1001111 100000 1001110#1001111 1010100 100000#1001011 1001110 1001111#1010111 100000 1001000#1001111 1010111 100000#1010100 1001111 100000#1010011 1000101 1001110#1000100 100000 1001100#1000101 1010100 1010100#1000101 1010010 1010011#101110 100000 1001000#1000101 1001100 1010000#100000 1001101 1000101#101110##- Axis"
"#Hey.##We don't know each other#very well but ever since#you left the Wild East,#I've been pacing around in#my head about your journey#and everything surrounding it.##Wherever you are, I fear#your situation will grow#dangerous. Far more than#it already has.##By now, I assume you've#heard about the King. Well,#each fallen human who has#encountered him in the past#hasn't survived. As skilled#as you are, I don't#believe you would either.#I understand why you would#want to confront him#(believe me, I have my#reservations as well),#but perhaps it isn't the#wisest path forward?##I don't know what you#should do, nor am I#going to act like I#currently have any#influence over your#destination, but your#original plan - avenging the#humans, escaping the Underground,#whatever it may be...#It's impossible.##I'm sorry. A warning is#the best I can do.####- Ceroba"
"#Hey, Clover. Something's up.##I made up with the posse#as planned. All was going#well, but then I began#worrying about you and#Ceroba. That's when I got#the idea to break into#Ceroba's old house and spruce#it up to celebrate her#and Kanako's eventual return.#Well, when Ed was sweeping#around, he found some kinda#secret room. Seems like it#belonged to Chujin. We didn't#have time to dig into#its content but all I#know is it worried us both.##You may be in danger.##Then again, maybe not.#Just... come back to#the Wild East for now.#I can only hope this#letter reaches you in time.####- Starlo"
"Dear citizens of the Underground:#We are calling for fallen down#monsters to be sent to Hotland for#important scientific research.###Should you choose to participate,#your loved ones will be#treated with utmost respect,#their condition heavily#monitored, and you regularly#notified of their status.###This is a chance for tragedy to#be turned into opportunity. For#monsterkind to finally see the#light of the Surface thanks to#its citizens' invaluable bravery#and sacrifice.##For your consideration,##Royal Science Division#####"
"#Hey, you! Are you wanting to# help society? Don't know where# to start? Well here's the: Top# Ten Reasons to Join the Royal# Guard!##10 - Awesome training courses!#9 - A shiny badge!#8 - Your own area to guard!#7 - A leather-bound protocol#guidebook!#6 - Free space! Insert your#own here!#5 - A weapon of your choice!#4 - Bragging rights!#3 - Free health insurance!#2 - Being more intimidating#than before!#1 - Your own battle-ready#uniform!!#So what are you waiting for?#Sign up today!####Disclaimer: The Royal Guard is a#serious job with life-threatening#possibilities. This list was#created for promotional purposes #only. The Royal Guard is not#liable for any promises#made in this list.# "
"#Have you ever found yourself#stranded in the desert, wishing#you had an air-conditioned room#to relax in? Well look no#further than Cafe Dune! The#most modern facility in the#Dunes! Try our premium lattes#or game it up in our#state-of-the-art arcade! It's#all right here at Cafe Dune!##Located in Oasis Valley - See# you soon!"
"#The ultimate question:What are#the ideal proportions for#lemonade? It is a mystery that#has boggled all manner of#monsters since Surface days of#yore. It has bested generations#of royal scientists and yet has#remained elusive... Until#now! Behold! The perfect#ratio!##22% water#22% sugar#41% lemon juice#?????????????##Want to find out that last#ingredient? Well why not#subscribe to It's A Lemon#Monthly! Have the perfect#lemonade recipe delivered to#your door: Every. Single.#Month. What are you waiting for?#Only 18,300g for a three year#subscription!##Order now, now,# NOW!"
"#hi..........##please visit blook acres#in waterfall, if you want.....##we have snails..... #they're neat........##......bye."
"#If you're a foxy monster#looking for love, look no#further than yours truly! I'm an#elite athlete with more G than#I know what to do with. My IQ is#so large, I could shatter the#barrier just by staring at#it. Regrets? My only regret in#life is that I don't own a#dumbbell heavier than 150kg.##I could go on for eons,#but enough about me.#Write your number here and send#this letter back if you want#your world changed!##__________"
"#Hello.#This is the Royal Treasury#notifying you that you#definitely owe us 700G. Monsters#must pay taxes to King ASGORE#as of right now. I hear you#getting all flustered but I#assure you that I am correct.#Now, insert the G into the#envelope and return this letter#or......Or else you get a life#sentence without a trial. Yup.## "
"#The monster life can be#stressful, we all know that.#Wouldn’t you like to have a#taste of Surface life? Well#here in the Wild East, we#pride ourselves on being#the most authentic experience#you'll find in the Underground!##Located east of Oasis Valley# - Stop on by, partner!# "
"#Hello Underground friend, and#thank you for taking the#time out of your busy schedule#to read this message.##We here at the Society for#Monster Health (SMH) are reaching#out for support in our noble#mission of putting an end to#unsolicited spam mail.##This unwanted clutter is an extra#stress and possible danger to#the mental state of monsters#everywhere, in addition to#putting needless physical strain#on our poor mail monsters.##Please join the fight against#this wasteful spam mail by#signing up for our petition#today!"
"#Looking for a job?#Here at Mining Co. we#hire just about anyone#who applies!##Criminal past? Doesn't matter.#Criminal future? Doesn't matter!##We want everyone to feel#secure in our cave away#from home! So what are#you waiting for? Apply#today and help society!###(Disclaimer: Not liable for#any work-related accidents#that may or may not occur.)## "
"#Hello, appreciated guest!##We greatly enjoyed your company#at The Honeydew Resort (Snowdin#Establishment)! You can always#count on us for quality time#with the whole family! From our#relaxing hot spring, to our#live music, there's a little#something for everyone!##We hope to see you again,#anonymous citizen of the#Underground!##-The Honeydew Family"
"* Are you sure you want to# drop the mail?"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* You cannot drop the# " + other.current_mail + "."
"Well... That was#something."
"You're a lot#stronger than I#gave you credit#for!"
"Those monsters never#stood a chance#against your skill."
"What's with that#face?"
"Don't even think#about killing me#too."
"Remember, I'm the#one keeping you#alive."
"Your life is#in my hands."
"Don't worry, I#won't judge you#for your actions."
"Friends don't judge#each other, right?"
"I have your#back and you've#got mine."
"So let's get#out of here,#okay pal?"
"* I read something in a book once."
"* It said, \"If life comes at you# too fast, press X and take it# slow.\""
"* Whatever that means."
"* You know, I read something else# in that same book."
"* It said, \"Eat food to stay# strong and healthy!\""
"* That one is plain obvious."
"* Wanna know another excerpt from# that book?"
"* It said, \"Please stop talking# to me, I've exhausted my book# quotes.\""
"* A very wise book, indeed."
"* Please leave me alone."
"Okay, what is going on?!"
"I mean, don't get me wrong, being attacked hurts!"
"And you had a good#thing going there with#the not hurting#me thing, but..."
"I just can't follow#your logic!"
"Like, did I have a bad#first impression on#you?"
"Did I mess something#up? Did I say#something wrong here?"
"If I did, I'm sorry,#but violence really#isn't the answer#to your problems,#you know."
"It's important to be#able to talk through#our issues with words."
"Don't call in the#cavalry for the small#stuff."
"Okay, wait, I'm really#confused!"
"First of all: Ow! Why?#Why do you keep#hitting me?!"
"I mean, yes, I am#attacking you, but-OW!"
"At least be consistent#please!"
"Like, if you attack me#a bunch and then it's#your turn again..."
"Well, then I expect#you to attack,#and I can ready#myself, you know?"
"But when you keep#going back and forth#like this..."
"You're giving me#whiplash!"
"Plus, I don't know#how to feel right#now!"
"You attacked me, so#I should have no#qualms with#apprehending you!"
"...but then you#stopped attacking me,#so I thought:"
"\"Hey, maybe you#overreacted, Martlet!\""
"\"Being a human isn't#such a serious crime!\""
"\"Maybe just let the#kid off with a#warning this time!\""
"\"If you catch them#being human again,#that's when you#arrest them!\""
"But then you hit me#again, and now#everything is all#muddled!"
"And now all I#know is OWWW it#hurt."
"* (It's an empty swing.)"
"* (Hop on?)"
ch[1] = "Yes"
ch[2] = "No"
"* Pinch-Pinch~ hehe."
"* Beware of my pincers,# traveler!"
"* I do not have any treasure# hidden within my shell."
"* Why do monsters keep asking me# that?"
"* We are not caged within these# fences, traveler."
"* It is a choice."
"* It is nice to live in a# familiar place with the pack."
"* It is also nice to be fed and# taken pictures of."
"* (Your reflection sparkles and# distorts in the pool of water.)"
"* (You notice a high-tech# filtration system keeping it# drinkable.)"
"* I figured out where# those boulders were# coming from. "
"* Turns out North Star# set the machines up for# \"Feisty Missions.\" "
"* Had a friendly chat# with him about it all. "
"* He immediately# apologized so... I# forgave him. "
"* How could I say no to# his overwhelming charm? "
"* I'm only monster."
"* I figured out where# those boulders were# coming from. "
"* Turns out North Star# set the machines up for# \"Feisty Missions.\" "
"* Had a friendly chat# with him about it all. "
"* He immediately# apologized so... I# forgave him. "
"* How could I say no to# his overwhelming charm? "
"* I'm only monster."
"* As my old man used to# say: mine on, kid! "
"* ... "
"* Okay, he uh... he never# said that. I said that.# Just now."
"* Ah..."
"* Guess I had this coming."
"* If only I wore my safety#goggles, heh..."
"* ..."
"* I..."
"* I can't lie..."
"* I'm not ready..."
"* ..."
"* Let my parents know..."
"* ...I'll be away for a while."
"* See you around, kid."
"* You want to use this?"
ch[1] = "Positive"
"* Okay, we'll need three# more objects."
ch[2] = "Negative"
"* Grab something else# then."
"* You think this'll work?"
ch[1] = "Certain"
"* Alright, two more and# we can make this thing."
ch[2] = "Uncertain"
"* We don't have time to waste."
"* Is this a good pick?"
ch[1] = "Definitely"
"* One more object should# do the trick."
ch[2] = "Definitely\nnot"
"* Make up your mind."
"* Is this your final# choice?"
ch[1] = "Yea"
"* Okay, let's build a# robot!"
ch[2] = "Nay"
"* Hurry it up then."
"* (The vent has a few loose# screws.)"
"* (The vent has a few loose# screws.)"
"* (You finagle it open.)"
"* What luck."
"* Turn the power on and# the whole facility goes# insane!"
"* Since you're now the# leader and all... "
"* How'bout you run ahead# and turn this steam off?"
"* I think I see a switch# over there so no# problem, right?"
"* Don't worry, I'll catch# up."
"* See? No sweat."
"* ThIS D_OR iS SEALED SO.. ."
"* ALL oF US."
"* He's gone."
"* So what's the plan now?"
"* This door's beyond my# abilities so don't look# at me."
"* Already checked it."
"* The factory wing,# right?"
"* Yeah. Place has more# locks than a hair salon."
"* Okay let's see..."
"* Well, there's certainly# a lot of junk lying# around."
"* I know you're on a# strict \"shoot don't# think\" regiment but..."
"* For once, you're gonna# have to get creative."
"* Shocking. Distressing,# even. I know."
"* But I've seen you work# your brain before so... "
"* Get to it!"
"* . . ."
"* Ah, you got my message!# Great!"
"* What a view..."
"* That large facility in# front of us is the# CORE..."
"* ...The main source of# power for the# Underground."
"* Behind that is New Home.# The capital city."
"* ...King ASGORE's Castle."
"* Look, I haven't been# 100% honest with you..."
"* My whole life, I was# taught that humans are# the enemy."
"* But you... you never# really came across as# such. "
"* Though..."
"* During our journey, I# did sense a faint,# alarming aura in you."
"* I had this backup plan# in case you started a# rampage but..."
"* never did."
"* Phew... that feels# liberating."
"* I'm so sorry for keeping# that from you. You're a# good kid."
"* Even so, there's another# problem..."
"* I don't think ASGORE# would agree."
"* You see, he needs seven# human SOULs to destroy# the barrier."
"* So far he's collected# five and he might try# for another..."
"* Now that we're this# close..."
"* I'm afraid there isn't a# peaceful way of# confronting him."
"* I'm sorry."
"* ..."
"* I know this isn't the# path you intended but..."
"* Let's... put all this# behind us."
"* You can come stay with# me. Live out a happy,# violence-free childhood!"
"* I'll teach you# craftsmanship..."
"* And you can teach me# marksmanship!"
"* You don't deserve to die# this young."
"* ..."
"* What do you say?"
ch[1] = "Sounds good"
ch[2] = "...Okay"
"* Really???"
"* Wow! We are going to# have so much fun!"
"* I promise this is the# best outcome for both of# us."
"* Well, \"roommate,\" let's# go to Snowdin!"
" W-What is this?"
" Clover...?"
" W-Why would you..."
"* h-hello?"
"* where am i?"
"* (...)"
"Heals " + string(item_value) + " HP#* (Doesn't smell too appetizing.)"
"Heals " + string(item_value) + " HP#* (Your teeth hurt just looking# at it.)"
"Heals " + string(item_value) + " HP#* * (A genuine Corn Dog with# soft, fluffy ears.)"
"Heals " + string(item_value) + " HP#* (A delicious sponge that doesn't# scratch.)"
"* (Has 2x the absorption!)"
"Heals " + string(item_value) + " HP#* (Piping hot chocolate, frozen,# then reheated.)"
"Heals " + string(item_value) + " HP#* (Piping hot chocolate cooled to# lukewarm status.)"
"Heals " + string(item_value) + " HP#* (Piping hot chocolate, cooled# cold.)"
"Heals " + string(item_value) + " HP#* (It would take true bravery to# drink something this hot!)"
"Heals " + string(item_value) + " HP#* (An off-the-griddle pancake with# honey-syrup.)"
"Heals " + string(item_value) + " HP#* (A cookie made to look like# someone's face.)"
"* (What a creative and original# idea!)"
"* \"Trail Mix\" - Heals 13 HP\""
"* (Everything but the raisins# has been picked out. Heals 13# HP.)"
"Heals " + string(item_value) + " HP"
"* (Ideal for preventing damage or# destruction of fragile stomach# contents.)"
"* \"Ice Tea\" - Heals 20 HP\"#* (A glass of warm sweet tea.)"
"* (A label with a sketch of Mo# grinning is glued to the side.)"
" \"Green Tea\" - Heals 21 HP\"#* (Ice tea but dyed green. +1 HP# for style.)"
" \"Sea Tea\" - Heals 10 HP\"#* (Glowing tea that'll jolt your system.)"
"* (A label reading \"The real# deal!\" is stuck on the glass.)"
" \"Fruitcake\" - Heals 25 HP\"#* (Somewhat dried fruitcake with# a few gemstones inside.)"
" \"Spider Donut\" - Heals 12 HP\"#* (A donut made with Spider# Cider in the batter.)"
" \"Icewater\" - Heals 15 HP#* (The prequel to ice tea.)"
" \"Oasis Latte\" - Heals 25 HP#* (Coffee but fancier.)"
" \"Cnm. Cookie\" - Heals 35 HP#* (One of the baked good# greats..)"
" \"Floral Cupcake\" - Heals ?? HP"
" \"Root Beer\" - Heals 25 HP\"#* (It's family friendly!)"
" \"Gunpowder\" - Heals ??? HP\"#* (The forbidden spice.)"
"Grants " + string(item_value) + " PP#* (Makes you invulnerable# for a pear of hits.)"
"Grants " + string(item_value) + " SP"
"* (Halves the weight of your soul, giving you a speed boost for three enemy attacks.)"
"* (Half delicious beverage, half# transition metal.)"
"* (Just smells like# coffee, though.)"
"Heals 15 HP for 3 turns"
"The first bite hurts for 5 HP."
"* (The forbidden snack.)"
"Heals " + string(item_value) + " HP#* (A little burnt on one side, but# looks yummy anyway.)"
"Armor DF " + string(item_value) + "#* (No description.)"
"Ammo AT " + string(item_value) + "#* (Small, safe, non-toxic# rubber pellets.)"
"Ammo AT " + string(item_value) + "#* (Like rocks, but smaller.#* Good makeshift ammo.)"
"Ammo AT " + string(item_value) + "#* (Very conveniently shaped ice# cubes.)"
"* (They don't seem to be melting# either.)"
"* (How thoughtful of them!)"
"Ammo AT " + string(item_value)
"* (There's no way you could eat# them, but they might still be# of use.)"
"Ammo AT " + string(item_value) + "#* (A dusty, black rock.# Might be useful for combat.)"
"Ammo AT " + string(item_value) + "#* (Literal shards of glass.# Yep.)"
"Ammo AT " + string(item_value) + "#* (A pack of reflective pellets.)"
"* (They'd fit nicely in# a six-shooter.)"
"* (A perfect shot deals# triple the damage.)"
"* \"Super Ammo\" - Weapon AT 15#* (Regular toy gun ammo sold# at your favorite convenience store.)"
"* (Boasts a \"Premium\" sticker on# the top of the packaging.)"
"Weapon AT " + string(item_value) + "#* (No description.)"
"Weapon AT " + string(item_value) + "#* (No description.)"
"Accessory DF " + string(item_value) + "#* (A loosely sewn on patch.)"
"* (It's not strong but it's trustworthy.)"
"Accessory DF " + string(item_value) + "#* (An old, forgotten feather.)"
"* (It needs a good preening.)"
"Accessory DF " + string(item_value) + "#* (A pin advertising the Honeydew# Resort in Snowdin.)"
"Accessory DF " + string(item_value) + "#* (A pin commemorating a concert# you didn't go to.)"
"* (A belt buckle made of steel.)"
"Accessory DF " + string(item_value) + "#* (A leather weapon-holder,# perfect for duels at noon.)"
"* \"Golden Scarf\" - Armor DF 25#* (It's emitting a violently# golden shine.)"
"* (The grim reminder of your# mission. Justice is needed.)"
"* (An old, soggy mitten. It's too# wet to keep anything warm.)"
"* (It's a hand-drawn map.)"
"* (It seems more colorful than the# real Snowdin.)"
"* (Some of them are wet.)"
"* (Looks like there are just# enough dry ones to start a nice# fire.)"
"* (A once sizzling Honeydew# Coffee.)"
"* (It's cooled down a lot.)"
"* (It was probably left sitting in# the snow a while.)"
"* (A sturdy pickaxe.)"
"* (An extremely dangerous# compound. Handle with caution.)"
"* What now? His SOUL# gauge is pulsing..."
"* You have any ideas?"
"* You eat the " + string(item_slot)
"#* Your HP was maxed out."
"* You eat the " + string(item_slot)
"#* Your HP was maxed out."
"* This object can handle any flavor text."
"* Hello. This is MARTLET."
"* Just kidding, I'm TESTLET.#* I'm here to show you# how I can walk around."
"* Watch and learn, kiddo!"
"* I bet you can't walk# like that, scrub."
"* Testlet, out!"
"* This is really bad."
"* I'm a fake test Starlo."
"* But I won't leave# it this way!"
"* (It doesn't have to be this way.)"
"* A"
"* I'm really sorry about# the pops Starlo."
"* When I see them...# It's like a demon takes# over."
"* Look at it from# my point of view."
"* You're looking forward# to some pops after a# long hard work day..."
"* Only to come home# just to see..."
"* Just to see..."
"* Argh!"
"* I need time..."
"* Loool worth it."
"* Those pops were# delicious."
"* What are YOU looking# at?!"
"* Hey, you gonna buy# an item or what?"
"* Hey, you gonna buy# an item or what?"
"* Uhh... so how did you get here, anyway?"
"* Give me a break, buddy!#* You honestly think I'm gonna buy# your rotton food and twigs you# found off of the ground?!"
"* What do I look like?#* A conventional NPC who will just# buy any random junk you come# across?"
"* You gotta give me more credit# than that!#* You'll have better luck looking# elsewhere."
"* Look, if you are in need of some# money, why not build a fangame,# set up a Gamejolt or page, and hope for donations?"
"* I wonder if it's even legal to# accept donations from fangames..."
"* Alright, catch you on the flip# side!#* Peace out!"
"* Craniex steps toward the class,# ready to give another boring# lecture."
"* Ms. Mettaton strikes!"
"* Ms. Mettaton EX makes her grand# debut!"
"* It seems talking to Craniex# makes him more friendly towards# you."
"* Craniex doesn't seem too fond# of your insults."
"* Craniex seems to be getting# tired of your jokes."
"* It seems that Ms. Mettaton is# getting bored of you."
"* Smells like freshly opened# textbooks!"
"* Ms. Mettaton."
"* When will this semester end?!"
"* Like, totally!"
"* You are nervous about the next# midterm."
"* Glitz and glamour."
"* So much information overload!"
"* You know what I'm saying?!"
"* Craniex is sparing you."
"* Ms. Mettaton is totally sparing you!"
"* CRANIEX -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Gifted logically, stubborn# emotionally."
"* MS. METTATON -- ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* Her speed renders her# invulnerable to attack."
"* MS. METTATON EX ATK " + string(enemy_attack_stat) + " DEF " + string(enemy_defense_stat) + "#* The ultimate, yet imperfect,# killer robot!"
"And after I thought#you were the perfect#student..."
"You turn around and#trick me."
"You may not have#failed class..."
"...but you've failed#at life."
"I thought that the#pen was mightier#than the sword..."
"Like, totally not#cool!"
"Now Alphys will never#appreciate me..."
"Heals 10 HP#* Has a distinct,# non-licorice flavor."
"Heals 15 HP#* Fried dough traditionally served with a mallet."
"Weapon AT 0#* Its bark is worse than# its bite."
"Heals 10 HP#* It has already been used several times."
"Heals 1 HP#* Here is a recipe to make this at home: 1. Find a rock"
"Heals 8 HP#* A small pumpkin cooked like onion rings."
"Heals 12 HP#* A donut made with Spider Cider in the batter."
"Heals 5 HP#* Even eating it raw, the tears just won't come."
"Heals 16 HP#* If eaten, it will never pass to the other side."
"Heals 24 HP#* Made with whole spiders, not just the juice."
"All HP#* Butterscotch-cinnamon pie, one slice."
"Armor DF 3#* If you're cuter, monsters won't hit you as hard."
"Weapon AT 3#* Made of plastic. A rarity nowadays."
"Weapon AT 5#* A worn pink leather glove. For five-fingered folk."
"Armor DF 7#* It has seen some wear. It has abs drawn on it."
"Heals 45 HP#* Please take this to the ends of the earth."
"Heals 15 HP#* Instead of a joke, the wrapper says something nice."
"Heals 28 HP#* Made by young pups."
"Heals 11 HP#* It's a two-pronged popsicle, so you can eat it twice."
"Heals 11 HP#* It's a SINGLE-pronged popsicle. Wait, that's just normal..."
"Heals 22 HP#* A cinnamon roll in the shape of a bunny."
"Heals 2 HP#* It's just torn up pieces of colored construction paper."
"Heals 34 HP#* A psychologically damaged spinach egg pie."
"Armor DF 10#* Finally, a protective piece of armor."
"Wpn AT 7#* These used shoes make you feel incredibly dangerous."
"Battle Item#* Use to make punching attacks stronger in one battle. Use outside of battle to look at the card."
"Dog A little white dog. It's fast"
"Heals ?? HP#* Recovers HP. (Hit Poodles.)"
"Dog Item Shiny trail left behind by a dog."
"Dog Item Dog-shaped husk shed from a dog's carapace."
"Dog Item Dirty dishes left unwashed by a dog."
"Dog Item Glowing crystals secreted by a dog."
"Dog Item Jigsaw puzzle left unfinished by a dog."
"Dog Item Web spun by a dog to ensnare prey."
"Heals 21 HP#* For feeding a pet astronaut."
"Heals HP#* Comes with everything you need for a quick meal!"
"Heals 18 HP#* An aquatic fruit that resembles a crustacean."
"Heals 20 HP#* The \"meat\" is made of something# called a \"water sausage.\""
"Heals 21 HP#* Like a hot dog, but with little cat ears on the end."
"Heals 27 HP#* A hamburger made of edible glitter and sequins."
"Heals 10 HP#* Made from glowing marshwater. Increases SPEED for one battle."
"Heals 14 HP#* A sweet treat made of sparkling stars."
"Heals 40 HP#* Sandwich shaped like a sword. Increases ATTACK when eaten."
"Armor DF 6#* Glasses marred with wear. Increases INV by 9. (After you get hurt by an attack, you stay invulnerable for longer.)"
"Weapon AT 2#* Contains illegible scrawls. Increases INV by 6. (After you get hurt by an attack, you stay invulnerable for longer.)"
"Armor DF 11#* Heals 1 HP every other turn."
"Weapon AT 10#* Damage is rather consistent. Consumable items heal 4 more HP."
"Armor DF 12#* This battle-worn hat makes you want to grow a beard. It also raises ATTACK by 5."
"Weapon AT 12#* An antique revolver. It has no ammo. Must be used precisely, or damage will be low."
"Armor DF 15#* It says \"Best Friends Forever.\""
"Weapon AT 15#* Perfect for cutting plants and vines."
"Weapon AT 99#* Here we are!"
"Armor DF 99#* You can feel it beating."
"Hurts 1 HP#* ?????"
"Heals 12 HP#* The goal of \"Determination.\""
"Unique Letter written for Dr. Alphys."
"Unique It has DON'T DROP IT written on it."
"Heals 13 HP#* Regular old popato chisps."
"Heals 17 HP#* Food that was probably once thrown away."
"Unique It is too bent to fit on your keychain."
"Heals 60 HP#* Huge steak in the shape of Mettaton's face. (You don't feel like it's made of real meat...)"
"Heals 65 HP#* This wonderful spell will stop a dog from casting magic."
"Heals Some HP#* An acquired taste."
"Armor DF 20#* The things you can do with a college education! Raises ATTACK when worn. Recovers HP every other turn. INV up slightly."