Welcome to ceruleanwarbler2's game secrets, glitches, and theories blog!
A low-poly model of birds drinking from a birdbath

hey this is cerulean i’ll be using this as a dump for all the unused undertale yellow dialogue i’m aware of

i’ll probably add most this to the wiki eventually i’m just making sure it’s all good beforehand

update 18/9/24

hi heres new stuff i found

talking to the robot receptionist on a geno route is supposed to give this dialogue:

* (A familiar display.)

instead, interacting with the receptionist gives: nothing!

oh and this :O

  • * ...
  • * ...
  • * ...
  • * Bruh...

Stuff from here:

In the room immediately after meeting Axis, Ceroba's talk dialogue is bugged, leading to two lines being unused. This is due to a "Break" being placed in the wrong spot, resulting in code from the next room being pulled.

  • Intended dialogue: So Axis is completely artificial intelligence? Well... artificial at least.
  • Actual dialogue: Keep a move on, Clover. Well... artificial at least.

The second Talk also mistakenly has the code from the next section copied into it, resulting in the bug occurring twice.

  • Intended dialogue: Standing around won't get us to Hotland. Come on.
  • Actual dialogue: Keep a move on, Clover. Come on.

Some unused older version of rooms left in the game's code still have "talk" dialogues implemented for them. Seemingly, when the rooms were replaced, these lines were not applied to newer rooms, leaving them unused.

  • Martlet in rm_dunes_35, an old unused placement of Café Dune: I have no clue where we're headed. I'm so unfamiliar with this place, it might as well be the Surface. Doing a great job of helping you, I know.
  • Ceroba in rm_steamworks_07, an old version of the first steam vent dodging room: Let's move.

ACT descriptions in battle only display one box of text, but several battles are programmed with multiple. As a result, these second lines for various ACTs go unused in-game.

  • Spin, Starlo battle: * You spin your six-shooter several times to intimidate Starlo. * He instead seems impressed.
  • Glare while trapped, Starlo battle: * You narrow your eyes and everything becomes letterboxed. * Starlo doesn't know how this is possible.
  • Glare while freed, Starlo battle: * You shoot a nasty look at  Starlo… * He gives a worried face before forcefully glaring back.
  • Stare, El Bailador Genocide battle: * You stare at the enemy with irritation. * He tries to act like he doesn't notice.
  • Taunt, Axis Genocide battle: * You tell Axis that his time is up. * He chooses not to respond.
  • Toughen, Axis Genocide battle: * You grip your sidearm with enmity… * Something stirs inside.
  • Remind, Zenith Martlet phase 1 (A random one is picked): * A moment of remembrance is taken… * The bloodshed ends here.
  • * A moment of remembrance is taken… * The mission is almost
  • * A moment of remembrance is taken… * They will be avenged.
  • Focus, Zenith Martlet phase 2: * An end in sight. * Nothing else matters.

After Clover picks Needle in a battle with Goosic, it almost always uses its neutral quotes when speaking. The exception is when the Ignore ACT is picked in a duo battle with Jandroid, as Goosic uses its pre-Needle quotes there. However, Goosic is meant to have more dialogue in response to ACTs after Clover picks Needle. This dialogue is never used.

  • Goosic, Vibe: Okay, yeah ! I see you ! / Oh, now THIS is groovy !
  • Goosic, Ignore: Come o-on, relax a l-l-little . / N-No need to be bashful, buddy .
  • Goosic, Needle: Don't k-kill the mood :) / I like th-this one :)

now for stuff not on there

Vendy’s purchase item without Steamworks ID uses the dialogue from with Steamworks ID here

  • Intended dialogue: Curse my programming.
  • Actual dialogue: Item dispensed!

vendy’s “Creator” talk option has the last line cut off here

  • Intended dialogue: * ...salesman, mailsman, snailsman, beekeeper, birdkeeper, veteran, veterinarian, electrician, beautician, magician, war criminal, banker, pranker, fish-tanker, and… * ...3% shareholder in the government. * What a guy!
  • Actual dialogue: * ...salesman, mailsman, snailsman, beekeeper, birdkeeper, veteran, veterinarian, electrician, beautician, magician, war criminal, banker, pranker, fish-tanker, and… * ...3% shareholder in the government.

ceroba’s curse continues

  • Intended dialogue: * Get out of my hair before you die of melodrama, will you? * I'm fine, trust me. * You need to focus on passing your training.
  • Actual dialogue: * You should get going. You don't wanna miss your next mission. * I'm fine, trust me. * You need to focus on passing your training.

“Boy it’s weird how the second hardest fight in the game barely has any flavor text” WROOOOONG! IT’S JUST BROKEN

one two three

unused ceroba vengeance flavor text:

  • * No mercy.
  • * The echoes of Ceroba's magic ring out.
  • * Ceroba's focus grows stronger.
  • * The atmosphere chills with ire. (specifically, this is both neutral and encounter text)

and this guy’s here too i gues…………

  • * Starlo digs his spurs into the sand, standing strong.
  • tied: * A gust of sand momentarily blinds you.
  • freed: * You hear Starlo talking to himself under his breath.
  • tied: * You hear nothing but gunshots, whip cracks, and a mighty acoustic guitar.
  • freed: * You begin to sweat under the immense heat."

putting this one here

else if ((battle_enemy_name == "macro froggit")) {

message[0] = "* You notice Micro Froggit#  attacking you!"

         if ((global.turns_passed > 0))

             message[0] = "* What the..."

also this

case 0:

    draw_enabled = 0

    message[0] = "C R O A K ."

    message[1] = "M A C R O#R I B B I T ."

    message_end = 1

    skippable = 0


i guess macro froggit is supposed to have a croak and a ribbit instead of just a croak at his first dialogue thing 

and-and this

case 9:

     message[0] = "Just die!!!"

     message_end = 0


case 10:

     audio_play_sound(snd_ceroba_yell, 1, false)

     scr_screenshake_battle(8, 2)

     message[0] = "DIE!!!!!"

     message_end = 0


this part of the fight always felt weird to me so it makes sense she’s supposed to yell “DIE!!!!!” …somewhere? is it obvious yet i dont know how to read this

guardener has 3 unused action flavor texts, one and two and three. guardener fight if it was just kind of lame

  • * You wriggle within your confines. The FIGHT vines weakened!
  • * You wriggle within your confines. The ITEM vines weakened!"
  • * You wriggle within your confines. The MERCY vines weakened!

GOOSIC. GOOSIC. GOD FART IT GOOSIC. i already put the six unused quotes on the wiki but there’s somehow more. 

It has two neutral quotes after selecting Needle: "This is n-nice :)" and "Mhm, yeah :)". Only the first will appear in a solo battle, but both appear in a duo battle with Jandroid. because of course.

Selecting Needle twice in a solo battle will show the flavor text "Goosic seems to be calming down. Shouldn't move the song now.", but selecting it twice in a duo battle will just show the flavor text "You move Goosic's needle to a new, calmer record.", the same text from selecting it once.

  • doesn’t say this. * Goosic is liking the new tune.

oh and i was WRONG it’s NOT JUST GOOSIC!! it’s its best buddy too. jandroid doesn’t use any of this text they just use their neutral low hp text. source

  • question low hp, intended: W//what was_That? /(
  • clean low hp, intended: St_amwrrks Need_/ scruBbed 0
  • analyze low hp, intended: AaAAaoo/aa/.#Bzzt.’\"<<<

they also dont use this duo gooosic dialogue

  • goNNA woRK so MucH HARDER!!!
  • YEAH yeAH!! puMP IT UP!!!!

after apologizing 3 times to snowdin vengeance martlet, the fight automatically ends. this dialogue is meant to be used after a fourth apology, which is impossible.

Martlet: "I understand. No need to keep apologizing."

martlet's journal code has a bunch of quotation marks, some of which are formatted improperly so they dont show up.

quotations marks that don't apppear:

  • My mom says I “need a job” but more importantly, I need a hobby.

  • He said he has a daughter named “Kanako.”

  • “The world, as it is, is a dark place” he said. “A place unfit for a kid.”

quotation marks that DO appear:

  • I think this "tinkering" thing is for me.

  • Sounds boring, but I'm working toward carving a buncha them... ...to build one of those "wooden tower" games.

16/9/24 i dont feel like formatting but this also happens at flowey's aborted genocide "killed martlet" dialogue. it is supposed to say "* The whole “false sense of security” bit? Very clever." but the quotes inside dont appear

finally, my FAVORITE unused text is this

  • * Axis geno flavor 9.